NBC Dateline--To Catch a Predator--Did/Do you watch it?

@mzbubblie (3839)
United States
February 28, 2007 7:03pm CST
Did anyone catch the episode of Dateline on NBC, To catch a predator? The second part comes on again March 6 if anyone interested 8:00pm. :) It amazes me how there are so many people are online preying on kids. I've watched a few episodes, maybe 8 or 9 so far and you would think people would be catching on by now, but they don't.. Last night episode was shot in Flagler Beach a small resident in Central Florida...Some of these people were traveling over 3 hours to meet up with the decoy... One part that really stood out was these 2 guys that came in the house, One of the guys instantly recognized Hansen (the reporter for dateline) the other guy didn't...At one point the guy says to the other one, "we're are in so much trouble, once we leave here because after he finishing talking to us, we're going to get arrested"..that was priceless..and yes they both did get arrested... Then some of these people are married, with children, wives pregnant or successful in their lives to have this nasty little secret of being a online predator...sad very sad.. If you watched it last night, what are your thoughts? Do you think you will watch the show if you never heard of it when it comes on again? Lastly, what are your thoughts about these people would prey online on young children? Please share your thoughts..
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6 responses
• Canada
1 Mar 07
I have heard of this show, but don't watch it. It makes me angry that some of these people are out there preying on young kids. It's sick. Like you say, you'd think they would be catching on by now. I've heard that some of these people have been caught on this show two or even three times! Like what the hell? Didn't they learn from last time? Are they really so sure they're not going to get caught out by the same people again??
@mzbubblie (3839)
• United States
2 Mar 07
Just Like i said in a previous response, if america was like some countries where they get castrated, I bet there would be less crime as predators..It is very sickening... Thank you for responding
@greengal (4286)
• United States
1 Mar 07
My husband and I watch this show every week. We missed last night's show since we weren't home. I will watch the re-run hopefully. It is funny how so many come again and again inspite of being caught. On one show there was this guy who came back the second time and he realized only after a while..stupid guy! It is fun to see their reactions and the one you mentioned really had me laughing. Now I must see last night's episode..lol I feel bad for their wives and girlfriends, it's such a shame. I'm thankful atleast they are getting caught and are being punished.
@mzbubblie (3839)
• United States
2 Mar 07
Yes I agree too...It is funny but sad all at the same time. To wonder what these people really think....Keep testing the waters of some sick fantasy of being with a minor...I just don't get it
• United States
1 Mar 07
I didn't watch it last night but I have seen it before. It is just so disgusting to me. You would think these people would be catching on because they have shown this program lots of times. It amazes me how these people come in and they say oh I wasn't really going to do it. I was just going to teach them a lesson. That is bull!! I am glad though that they arrest them afterwards because something has to be done to stop these people.
@mzbubblie (3839)
• United States
1 Mar 07
yes and hopefully people that do these sorts of things realize it could happen at any given time and to stop doing these things online..Just sickening...
• United States
1 Mar 07
I did not get the chance to watch it last night, and I have not watched it in a while. But, I have watched it several times before, and it always amazes me how pathetic they really are. They are always under the impression that it is not Dateline, or that it might be, but they'll take that chance, and then, when they get there, they realize that their gut instinct was right, it was To Catch a predator, and they should have never came. However, I amazed at the different races and religions that show up. It is astonshing, because they are like you said, some are married, others are military men, others are very old, very young....every single type of male has been there. I am just amazed that there are so many bad predators. Furthermore, they just don't get the hint...
@mzbubblie (3839)
• United States
1 Mar 07
They don't get the hint and that's the sad thing. I can't even see the fact that some have kids and want to mess with young children like that...Or what if a predator was doing that to their kids, they would be UPSET. I hope this is a wake up call to some and the others I hope they get caught and locked up a long time
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@kims374 (300)
• United States
1 Mar 07
I did not see this episode, but I have seen some of the others; and it is absolutely disgusting what these guys do. How can they not think that they will be caught- and travelling so far away to do something like this- they all should be castrated. I don't know how anyone would prey on children like this. I hope they all spend the rest of their lives in jail; and get raped to see how it feels!
@mzbubblie (3839)
• United States
1 Mar 07
I know...It's really sad. That's what I thought, if they did what these other countries do castrate them instead of putting them in jail, the predator rape crimes would be wayyy lower, that's for sure.. thank you for responding
@daycarepal (1998)
• United States
1 Mar 07
I've watched it several times. It always amazes me how alot of the guys know about the show, they've watched it themselves, but yet they still do it! I just wanna say...hey buddy wake up!