I'm sick of this. (friend issues)
@joey_matthews (8354)
February 28, 2007 9:22pm CST
I have a friend here on mylot.
I care about her quite a lot, although I just finished reading a discussion which she's tried to paint my wife as a bad person and "spreading untrue lies" etc.
The discussion didn't point out why my wife has had enough, it's quite childish and pointless. She's only using it to gain from it as this is the typical behaviour of her family.
I'm fed up with her and I'm no longer bothered what my brother thinks. He puts her first all the time anyway and she's nothing but an attention seeking child. My wife more caring than I am and what she done and said to trigger my wife's comments are called for. It's what my parents think, although they'll never say it and at times I hate her for how she ruins things in my family.
How do you deal friends like this?
Honestly I don't even believe she cares about anything other than herself as she doesn't need to call or speak about my wife here. I'm very saddened by the fact she has to act like this still as I thought she was growing up.
P.s My wife got pushed to posting a blog regarding what she thinks of vicky. I didn't agree with it, although what said was true. Uncalled for? well not really, you see this friend posted on my wife and i's site. she stole images from people and this nearly caught up with her and us. The person who reported her treated to sue my wife and I and vicky. (this was if i didn't handle it right) I tolded her out of it and this friend uses it for away to feel sorry for her self. no sorry! just lies and oh wait a forced "thank you". I'm just so mad right now.
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19 responses
@florenciascorner (381)
• United States
1 Mar 07
This sounds more serious than you should have myLot discussions handle. You need a family sit-down. Good luck.
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@hellsangelus (670)
• Oman
1 Mar 07
First of all she is definitely no friend of yours. I really dont understand such people. They can be so petty and so interested in everyone elses life because they dont have a life themselves. I knew someone like that. She was my boyfriend's best friend's fiance. She loved spreading all sorts of rubbish about me. It led to many fights between me and my boyfriend because unfortunately for a long time he wouldnt believe me. She was always really sweet to him so he had no idea what a two faced viper she was. Anyway in the end I just decided to ignore her. Its really hard because you want to strike back so badly but thats the only thing that really gets to them because then it looks like no matter what they do you just couldnt be bothered, and nothing hurts an attention seeker more than an absolute lack of attention. In the end ofcourse we found out that she was also spreading rumours about her fiance and his family so he kicked her out.
But dont let her ruin your relationship with your brother because then she wins. Although I couldnt stand that woman I used to encourage my boyfriend going out with his best friend, I didnt want their friendship to suffer. Maybe you'll can just go out for a drink or a game together, just the two of you. I really hope things work out. I just dont understand what such women get out of causing so much misery.
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@winterose (39887)
• Canada
1 Mar 07
ignore her and remember your wife comes first, even before you parents. She is the one you live with and the one you plan on sharing your whole live with. Don't stoop down to that woman's level and let your family know what a trouble maker she is and if it starts a rift in the family so be it but you will defend your wife even if it wasn't your wife, it is still the right thing to do.
@joey_matthews (8354)
1 Mar 07
Indeed I should carol.
Well I've already dropped to her level, Which I'm not happy about as all as this makes me appear like an attention seeker + actually the same as she did about my wife. Silly huh? d'oh =(
My family know what she's like. She ruins the way I feel, my father doesn't even like her and he takes her side everytime she does something. although my brother is the favourite and she's ruining how close we we're. I'm going to shut up now because i'm only hurting myself now, I'm sorry for being immature like her.
@Darkwing (21583)
1 Mar 07
I doubt anybody here, in Mylot, realised that your friend was talking about your wife, for one thing, so I wouldn't hang too much on it.
If, however, she's the same in real life, which it sounds as though she is, then you must tackle the situation within the family group. Either, you need to get her to sit down and listen to your peeves, or you must ask your brother to do something about it. It seems like an act of jealousy to me, and she really has no right to air things like this in public.
You need to sort it, and sort it soon, or it will surely come to blows. Brightest Blessings.
@joey_matthews (8354)
1 Mar 07
Well I doubt I'll have a brother in the morning, as her attitude as made me and him fight before. (not an actual fight)
I honestly don't see a point talking to her, she's probably blind like her family. which she moans about all the time and doesn't realize she just the same. although a nicer, kinder person at times.
Seriously, I've just acted as bad as her. Although those mylotters who replied to her discussion did make me see her another light. (far worse than anything she's done in the past) beats the copyright issue.
Sorry darkwing for acting immature like her. You're this needs sorting as she as my parents arguing about her, also my brothers and parents often don't on because of how she acts and she wonders why my wife doesn't like her. geez =(
Blows maybe. although the only person I see doing my nut is my mother. I hate this tension
@cassidy22 (2974)
• United States
1 Mar 07
Report all of her posts and get her kicked off mylot. But stop responding to her posts, and stop writing posts like this that continue to give her the attention she thinks she needs so badly.
@joey_matthews (8354)
1 Mar 07
Cassidy again your right.
I'm not going to bother to reply to her pointless discussion. I just did that because I'm very protective and instead of doing best, I acted as bad as her. (which I know)
As for reporting her, I'm not that nasty.
P.s I'm not going to mention her again. Although this is different person and not who I mentioned in my previous discussion. I know quite a lot of selfish so-called friends, I wish some of you guys was in my life. Thanks =(
@loralee (542)
• United States
1 Mar 07
Did you ever consider going on the jerry springer show? They definitely have your kind of drama.
@joey_matthews (8354)
2 Mar 07
I'm more of Ricki Lake fan.
Mind you having that I could swear blind judge judy's graced your present.
Even smurfs reply longer replies.
(No offence intended)
@jhartana (1084)
• Australia
1 Mar 07
You should not worry her too much. I understand that you care for her. You need think what comes first. Well your wife is your first priority. Well if your friend made your wife a bad name then you can say to her that you will no longer have contact with her. Let her be childish as she wanted to, and let her alone too. So please calm down and don't think of her anymore. You can go out have a walk to ease your stress. I hope you figure it out.
@Lindalinda (4111)
• Canada
1 Mar 07
Well, I am glad you had a chance to vent, I see you are very young (19) so I guess this stuff is still very important to you. But think about it - how would anyone in Mylot know somebody talked about your wife? There are 75059 Mylot users, 3114 from Great Britain. As far as slandering anybody on the internet is concerned, it is sad and immature. The good thing though is, usually the readers don't know who the maligned person is.
@tanya6 (333)
1 Mar 07
this sounds like a very childish argument to me, but i know how you feel i have a similar relationship with my partners brothers wife and she is called vicky lol.
i think you and your wife come across as the sensible ones here so dont worry about it try and stay calm if this vicky is as bad as you say then this is probably the response she is looking for so stop giving her any more attention.
i hope your wife realises that this woman is just trying to cause conflict and your wife just happens to be the one in the fireing line.
@ShadyGrove (996)
• United States
2 Mar 07
That is too bad. I would distance myself from her as best I could. Posting a statement on your websites/blogs regarding her behaviors and that you are in no way responsible for her actions would be a start.
If she continues to harrass you in real life /person,I would inform her that you are going to contact the authorities and then the very next time, do so.
She sounds like she could be a danger, and at the very least she is stealing your energy and positive attitude ~ relative or friend or not - it's time she go.
@Fluplup (555)
• United States
8 Mar 07
HI, I'm from california, been around this earth! I would change my profile so this person can't figure out who and where are you! Also, I will tell her.... let her have it, and end the friendship with her. How is wheater? anyhow!Always ask yourself, this is going to be a matter a year from today, I don't think so. You guys great, I like to be your friend, cheers!
@zynijh (44)
• Philippines
2 Mar 07
everybody has their own opinion...their perceptions for a particular thing...but sometimes people do not think what they say...they would just want to burst out what they think and feel not considering its consequences...i too is a very frank person...but i find it hard to tell if i know the matter would hurt a person...i am so hesitant to bring out the issue...but we shall also accept the reality that individuals differ from one another...not all matures act matured...sometimes reality hurts...if things are turned to be untrue there no much thing to worry about...stay calm...everybody knows what's true and real friends understand better...
@DharmeshP (88)
• India
1 Mar 07
What should we be remembered for?
Let us for a moment pause to reflect what it is that for which we would like to be remembered for by future generations. Will we be remembered for how many mosques our generation has added, will we be remembered for how many temples our generation has added or will we be remembered for how many gurudwaras our generation has added?
No, not at all. We will be remembered only if we give to our younger generation a prosperous and safe India, resulting out of economic prosperity coupled with civilisational heritage.
@soufianexas1 (141)
• Morocco
1 Mar 07
I have had this type of thing happen to me on another website
@jennybianca (12912)
• Australia
1 Mar 07
I have no idea what you are writing about here.
I think it best if you have nothing to do with this person.
@samtaylorskykierajen (7977)
• Canada
1 Mar 07
Try not to stress out about it too much . You know your wife is innocent and all your family and friends will know this also so try not to worry about what strangers might read or see , like you said this one is being very childish in her behaviour .
Talking about it as you are on here will help to release some of your anger lol . MyLot can do so many helpful things for us .
@charms88 (7538)
• Philippines
1 Mar 07
mylot certainly is a place where people can choose to be honest or pretend about what they're posting and replying. Mylot only respond to what discussions are being posted and we air out our opinions. You and your wife and the members within your family will be the one to know the real issues about this so called "sickly friend." Like most of what are saying here, you have to deal with this issues as soon as possible or it might blow up to nothing in the end. But you know yourself. You will be the only one who knows about the real thing. Don't let this thing bothered you too much. I know...I know...I might sound like its nothing and can be easily rememdied. But we don't like to waste our time with that kind of person, now do we? relax...man...enjoy!!!
@xabimaru (340)
• Malaysia
1 Mar 07
Owh, this really a mess problems here. You can't straight away confront the culprit as she's related. The situation is just like an enemy in your own troop, never know when the enemy going to strike at you.
It really like pulling a tread in plate full of flour. You want the tread (clear you problems) but don't want to mess the flour (another problems-your family).
She really just want attention from others. Maybe she went out of idea and the only possible way is to create a situation about your wife which she may think vulnerable to attack.
You can't just ignore this as it is giving bad names to your wife, you have to play the mental games with her and make her swallowed the bad things she said about your wife.
p/s: really hard to deal this kind of person (a talking bad relatives)
@retardedrugrat (4791)
• Canada
1 Mar 07
I think only people who know you and your wife well along with this other woman, would know that she was talking about your wife.
If she's the same in real life though, then you really should cut her out of your lives totally. You don't need that kind of hassle.
If you don't make a stand now, its only going to get worse, and ultimately it may have a detrimental effect on your marriage.