Hypothetical situation #2

@Ravenladyj (22902)
United States
March 1, 2007 4:50am CST
This is actually a two parter of sorts..a question for men, then a question for the women....Here's the situation... You are a happily married/engaged/in a relationship heterosexual male...one night on your way to your car you get jumped by a couple of men, you are beaten and raped repeatedly...during the assault you get "hard"...While in the hospital the police show up (the staff has called them) to talk to you and you find out that you arent the first victim of these men..Also you CAN identify them....Here are your questions 1 - Would you officially report it with the police? 2 - would you be willing to testify? 3 - Would you be worried about your wife/fiance/gf finding out what happened to you? 4 - would you be worried she would find out you got 'aroused' while being raped? For the women... 1 - Would you feel differently about your man if you knew he'd been raped? 2 - would you feel differently or oddly about him knowing he got aroused while being raped? 3 - would you want him to testify?
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14 responses
@inked4life (4224)
• United States
1 Mar 07
Okay...I'll answer from the mans perspective. 1. yes, I would definitely report it. I would hate for that to happen to anyone else. 2. yes, I would testify 3. no, I wouldn't be worried and I would tell my wife what happened. 4. here is where I have the problem....I just don't think it's possible for someone to get aroused(male or female)while being gang-raped. I know it's a hypothetical question, but just really unlikely.
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@leese29 (340)
• United States
1 Mar 07
I agree with your number 4, I also don't think anyone could get aroused in that situation male or female. But to answer from the womens no I wouldn't feel any differently about my husband and i would be very understanding about what he went through as I would hope a man would be with his wife if she went through something like that.
• Italy
1 Mar 07
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@carlaabt (3504)
• United States
1 Mar 07
I would feel very bad for my husband if he got raped, but I wouldn't love him any less, or anything like that. It would be normal for him to be aroused because that's the body's way of dealing with it. I've heard that the body will naturally do that, for a man, or a woman, to make it less painful. And yes, I would want him to testify. I wouldn't want more men to go through it if my husband could help stop it.
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• United States
14 Jun 07
You do not naturally become aroused when you are being viciously attacked. You're scared crapless and wondering if you'll survive. It hurts and the only thing you can think of is how to make it stop.
@Ravenladyj (22902)
• United States
15 Jun 07
actually MEN CAN and usually do become naturally aroused no matter what they try to do to stop it or the situation..women on the other hand DON'T generally..
• India
2 Mar 07
well it wud be very embarassing for me if i meet eid this type of situation!!!but still i wud face the situation wid patience and answer the police and help them to catch the culpirit!!!
@humbleme (1004)
• India
2 Mar 07
I am a man and so I can tell about my point of view.If it would happen to me, at first ,I would like to know what my GF thinks and decides ,if she really loves me from her heart and is intelligent, she will stay beside me ,as she will be able to understand that it can happen with her as well.So I will definately report officially,tesify,if my GF is intelligent and I find her beside me and no necessary to think about 3 and 4. But if I find that my GF has lots of doubts and is stupid and not loves me really that she pretends in my good time, I will kick her out of my life,1.officially report with the police2.will try to cooperate totally to testify because my goal will be to stop those rapists and helping law punishing them who had previous history of the same nature of crime, and if I set them free, getting encouraged, they will again rape another person in future.
• United States
6 Mar 07
I know that I'm suppose to be all manly with my response but to be honest I think I'd want to kill myself if something like that happened to me. I don't think emotionally I'd be able to handle that. I mean God knows I'm a strong person but I truely believe that as strong as I am that would pretty much be the end of whatever it is that keeps me going. I know my wife would still love me and stand by me but I don't think I would be able to handle something like that happening to me. I don't see how women come out so strong from it. I have the greatest respect for those who have survived a rape attack. I really can't say that I'd be strong enough to be able to deal with it. That would probably be my breaking point. I really don't know how I would react. Its easy to say I'd do this or that but in reality I really don't know what I'd do or even if I'd be able to deal with the reality of it all.
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• China
2 Mar 07
Your hypothetical would have been better had you left out #4. Any heterosexual male finding himself in this situation would be fighting for his life. He would be laying on the ground battered and bruised and wondering if his attackers final act might be to kill him!! Last thing on his mind would be arousal. The guy that gets aroused wouldn't be a heterosexual. He would be of the same persuasion as his attackers and would probably thank them, give them his home phone number and cell number and tell them to "call soon". So, its a purely ladies question to explore their compassion for they man. But, that's just my opinion. The number of men who give serious answers to this situation will tell the story I suppose.
• United States
6 Mar 07
Arousal has nothing to do with whats going on. Its a physical response to stiumlation. Same reason why when guys go to get a prostate exam they sometimes end up spewing all over the place. Its a natural body reaction to stiulation. You can mentally fight it all you want but your body has its own reaction to things. Its been medically proven. To say that a man who gets aroused by being raped has to be gay is the most ignorant thing anyone could say and is probably one of the biggest reasons so many male rapes go unreported. How about do a little research and find out facts before you open your mouth and spew a bunch of crap.
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• Slovak Republic
2 Mar 07
i hope this wouldn't happen in real life but just for answering your questions here's my response... 1. would you feel differently about your man if you knew he'd been raped? -i really don't know but, i would probably be worried about him because of what happened... 2. would you feel differently or oddly about him knowing he got aroused while being raped? -maybe, but i don't know men really gets aroused easily even in the morning when they wake up they are hard, but i would only feel different if he can't perform it with me anymore. there might be something wrong and we have to talk about it. i don't want a bunch of gays ruining the life of the most important person in the world for me. 3. would you want him to testify? - yes, so this things would never happen again, and that other men will be warned to be careful. but if he doesn't want to because he feels ashamed, i won't force him to. at that situation many will also feel bad and depressed i will just be with him all the way.
@allg2006 (22)
• China
1 Mar 07
I will report it with the police.
@nuffsed (1271)
1 Mar 07
1,2,3,4, Yes,yes,no and yes. I would not allow embarrassment to overrule my desire for justice. I would hate to allow people like this to continue freely as the animals they are. I would not worry that my partner found out what had happened to me, I find the truth is the best armour. As for getting aroused during the assault, well, as long as it didn't cause a miscarriage of justice and allow the animals to get acquitted, then I would just accept that the body sometimes has a mind of it's own. I guess we all know that deep down.
• United States
2 Mar 07
Of course i'd report it to the police. Rape is a horrible crime, and anyone who commits it should definitely be punished... I'd testify too, because that would be needed for the criminals to get what they need... jail time... (and something up the butt from Bubba in jail... ;) ) I wouldn't really be worried about my gf/fiance/wife finding out because i would hope they would love me all the same, no matter what happens to me if i can't control it. And now, i wouldn't care about anyone finding out i was "aroused" it comes at random times sometimes...
@zhetto (163)
• Australia
2 Mar 07
I would officially report it for sure, but i would be doubtful if I would actually testify. I would never be worried about my partner finding out at all, but i would be a little uneasy about them finding out that i was "aroused" but would not worry me too much
• Canada
1 Mar 07
As a victim of rape myself I would feel absolutely terrible for my partner if he got raped. It wouldn't make me love him any less. I wouldn't feel oddly about him getting aroused whilst being raped. Different things excite us in different ways, and although he might not have known it till it happened, being taken by force might have that effect on him. As for him testifying, that's only a choice he could make and I would stand by him no matter his decision. I can share my experience of testifying in court with him and reassure him that it won't come back onto him - but the ultimate decision would rest with him and I'd respect that.
@Fikret (2)
• Italy
1 Mar 07
non saprei...
• Hong Kong
2 Mar 07
I would not fell odd knowing he got “aroused" from being raped. There are certain pahysical actions that can take place that have nothing to do with the emotions, but everyting to do with physical contact. yes,I am assuming here that he was not "turned on " by the events that took place. Would I want him to testify in court? Absolutely!I would do my best to encouragge him to do so, for the sake of knowing he did all he could do to get those monsters put away, and to help protect future possible victims.