Ridiculous Christian claims and comments
By Ravenladyj
@Ravenladyj (22902)
United States
March 1, 2007 9:52am CST
First and foremost I am NOT intending to insult anyone by posting this thread...nor am I disrespecting Christianity as a whole OR all Christians....My reason for this thread is due to the extremists, the fundies, the narrowminded naysayers and so on and by NO MEANS is it directed at ALL Christians....
*big sigh* Why is it that whenever someone such as myself, a strong minded, strong willed, proud woman etc, tries to explain that we were once on the Chrsitian path, yes we have read the bible, etc etc etc..certain Christians take it upon themselves to make rather rude and unchristian like comments such as "you have never known the Lord" or "you were never really a true Christian if you walk away from Jesus" or comments of that sort...First of all...is it just me or is that REALLY NOT a very Christian like attitude? and secondly...how could these ppl possibly know what we have or havent known, have or havent done/felt/experienced etc etc etc?? Realistically speaking it is IMPOSSIBLE so why do they make such ridiculous and might I add, insulting comments??
any thoughts on this?
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23 responses
@headhunter525 (3548)
• India
1 Mar 07
I am Christian myself, and I also don't appreciate many of the things that many Christians do which rather do not correspond to Christ's character. So whether it is saying to another person in a rather rude way or saying things like 'you will go to hell' I won't appreciate at all.
And your sharing your experience is not a disrespect to Christianity. I think that is a genuine case to share.
At the same time, I would appeal to you not to judge Christ on the basis of Christian's character or practice. My belief is that even though Christians are bad Christ is still good. I am a follower of Christ, not because I am good but because I am bad and I want to be Christlike in a conduct. And I am learning each day to be more like Christ.
Take care!
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@revdauphinee (5703)
• United States
1 Mar 07
I dont think they mean to be insulting it is just that we are so into Christ and the sacrifice he made for us that we find it almost impossible to understand your feelings I respect you for your honesty in stating the choice you made even if i feel your wrong however God did give us free choice and you obviously have made yours!
@ompower (65)
• India
3 Mar 07
Well said ! There are various views. Each one forms his image of God irrespective of the religion. Some will use it to kill people of other religions. I am sure no God, will ever ever permit this. There is only one God. We seek different paths that lead to him. Personally, I have no hesitation in praying to Krishna, Jesus or Allah, but not at the behest of anybody.
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@nuffsed (1271)
1 Mar 07
Ooooowww Raver.. I mean Raven lol You are scoring up a heap of god-anger if there is such a thing. They say a sinner who repents is assured a place in heaven. They don't say much about someone who gives up a place in heaven to go play at the devils gig!!
So the question is....are you having your fun whist you can, knowing that so long as you repent before you finally expire, you'll be up there with the girly gospel go-go's. Or are you a real devil woman hoping to expire and bump into me an the brazen bit ches from hell for a ho down?
Has your score gone down lately? You know they have ways of making you repent lol
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@Springlady (3986)
• United States
1 Mar 07
Once you give your life to Christ, you strive to keep from sinning. But, we can't do it on our own. We need Christ's help and He will help us to resist temptations. I know there are some sins that I had a hard time resisting before I knew the Lord the way I do now. Now, I have no desire to do those sins. I want to honor God.
Don't get me wrong, I still sin because I am a sinner. I still need forgiveness everyday and He gladly forgives.
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@lecanis (16647)
• Murfreesboro, Tennessee
1 Mar 07
Yup, these people are very annoying, and rude.
I don't hate Christians. I'm married to one, actually, so it would be hard to say that I am against the religion altogether. However, those types of Christians who make assumptions about your own history and religious beliefs really need to go read their Bibles better. Their Jesus never treated people with such disrespect.
For me, I have never considered myself Christian. I thought about it. I went to a church for a while (for entirely the wrong reason) and decided that I just couldn't ever change my beliefs. But a lot of people who are not Christian now HAVE been Christian in the past, and the fact that they turned away from that path doesn't invalidate the experiences they had while on it. To say it does so is absurd.
I actually tend to have the opposite problem as you, Raven. When I talk to people about my religion, they tend to assume that I was Christian and turned away from it. Therefore they treat me as if I need to "come back to the fold" and tell me God is sad that I "left his arms". At which point I have to try to explain to them that my Gods, who have been my Gods from the first moment I remember having a religious conciousness (4 years old) are the ones who would be betrayed, and I won't ever do that.
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@Springlady (3986)
• United States
1 Mar 07
Christians tell you about Christ out of love. Christ commanded us to go and spread the Gospel everywhere.
We (Christians) have this awesome joy that we want to share.
Have you ever experienced something or seen something wonderful that you want someone else to experience. It's like "Oh you have just got to see this!" You want them to experience the wonderful thing you have. It's basically the same with Christ. He has done AWESOME things in our lives that we just can't keep to ourselves. Jesus belongs to the whole world and He is to be shared. His love is to be shared. No one can make or force you to believe, but they pray that one day you will come to know Him as Lord and Savior and give you the awesome joy that we have.
I get really excited when I talk about the Lord because of what He has done in my life! I feel so good because I know He is very real and He has proven Himself over and over to me! Not one single Promise has He broken! Not one! I'm so filled with the love of Christ and it has to be shared.
God bless!

@Ravenladyj (22902)
• United States
1 Mar 07
OMG THOMAS!!! THAT WAS BRILLIANT!! LOL have you really had jesus though? is it good? omg this is too funny
"The Baby must dry several weeks before it is ready to be sold."
I read that and burst out laughing LOL
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@Springlady (3986)
• United States
1 Mar 07
Are you having problems Thomas? I pray you will be ok!
If you want true joy, Jesus is the only way.
God bless you.
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@retardedrugrat (4791)
• Canada
1 Mar 07
These people make me angry. No matter whether we follow Christianity or another religion, we're following God. I don't follow a religion, but I do consider myself a Spiritualist, and therefore, I'm following God in my own right.
I feel that if these people can't keep their opinions to themselves that they're making fools of themselves. It's not for them to make comments about other people and what they may or may not have done with their lives.
So much for living in peace.
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@whiteheather39 (24403)
• United States
2 Mar 07
Obviously you have come across one of the enemies of religion, any religion, they are fanatics who are convinced they have to save your soul because their belief is the only one and everyone else should believe in their God, by whichever name they call him, Jehovah, Allah, Buddah, Mohammed, etc., etc.
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@jenalyn (675)
• United States
1 Mar 07
I know exactly where you are coming from. I have been around those kind of people all of my life. As a matter of fact that is what turned me off to ever going to church or practicing a christian life. I just did not want anything to do with the judgemental people that claim they are christian. They were self righteous, and enjoyed being around to insult everyone. It makes me nauseous when I hear anyone on televsion say how much they love jesus after they were just insulting someone else on national tv. I always thought that it wasn't our job to judge, and we should accept people for who they are and not shun them for doing something wrong.
I could go on and on about this topic. I don't go to church or discuss my thoughts on religion with anyone anymore. I don't like organized religion, or self righteous judgemental groups of people. Even if they are not all like that, there is always some little clic in the church that ruins the while experience for me. I don't have any room for them in my life.
@mrsanderson (271)
• United States
1 Mar 07
I have never been the church going type. I tried after a crisis in my life for almost a year and I never felt that I belonged. I felt that even though the church accepted me and "loved" me that the members were still very judgemental. I dont really know what I believe. I guess I believe that there must be some sort of creator out there. Some of the over the top Christians really get to me. They say they know God, yet they judge and condem you. That is not very Christian like in my book. Even though I do not know who is out there listening I want to believe there is a higher power to watch over us. I pray for strength nearly everyday. I taught my kids a simple bedtime prayer and they choose people to bless each night. I think I will leave it to them to ask for more or decide on their own what or who they think God is or is about. It is ridiculous to shove religion down anyones throat. If you are soooo holy, you must believe that we will find the light eventually right? And shouldnt those holier than thou people be more worried about their unchristianlike attitudes? Arent they on a straight path to hell by judging and condeming others when it isnt their job to do so? Good question!
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@mrsanderson (271)
• United States
1 Mar 07
By the way, I like your disclaimer! Funny how people have to defend themselves prior to posting their discussions now as to avoid getting jumped on by people! Just goes to show how bad people have become!
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@cerium (689)
2 Mar 07
I really don't know why does it bother you. Remarks like this are even common within followers of the same religion. As long as there are differences in opinions, some people will keep on using these remarks. However, I really can't be sure about your situation. If you said somethink like (for instance) "Christianity preaches violent", or anything of this kind accusing Christianity of any shortages, then it's normal that people will respond in this way. People will always try to defend their beliefs (I bet you do this too), that's why I wouldn't take it personal.
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@monkeywriter (2004)
• United States
2 Mar 07
Actually I have heard this too as a Christian. Those who turn their backs on God NEVER really knew Him. Hum. I still dont know what to say to that one.
But dont base what you do and say on others thoughts. If you choose to come back to God, you will be welcomed back.
I am sure you truly were a Christian. I think those who say that dont read the bible right. But thats just ME personally.
Just recall this much. Chrisitans arent perfect, just forgive. God is the only one perfect here. Its human nature to mess stuff up. Take it as that and not a bad example of what Christ is like. :)
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@gemini_gal (179)
• China
2 Mar 07
I have met several narrow-minded christian. They do know a lot bout God and the Bible. But...unfortunately, since they thought they were the most religious people, they had a tendency to judge other people -based on the Bible-.
A friend of mine judged my when he saw me not paying attention in class. He said, 'you should be a good example..'. OKEH... who are you to judge me? I dont care about what you do, i dont tell you what to do. Why do you have to judge me when i do things that you dont like.
I appreciate that someone cares bout my life, but i cant accept the way im being judged too often by humans-i felt a bit offended-. God is the one to judge me.
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@ompower (65)
• India
1 Mar 07
Nobody has ever met God. Those who claim so are hallucinating. This kind of a response is used by all religions. You are supposed to be ignorant and you should feel duly guilty. Therefore ,you should follow whatever that x, y and z is telling you. But , I must add that they say it with great faith and belief in what they are saying. Anyway, the intentions are good, so forgive.
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@leavert65 (1018)
• Puerto Rico
12 Mar 07
It depends on how they say it. Some people are well intentioned put they don't know how to express what they want to say in a tactful manner. It also depends on how close the person is to you who's saying it.
@livewyre (2450)
2 Mar 07
I'm afraid Christianity like any other movement has it's enlightened folk and those who are a little ignorant.. God chooses the 'foolish' and sometimes that's all too obvious. Unfortunatley becoming a Christian doesn't make you automatically wise or gracious. On behalf of moderate Christians everywhere, I extend my apologies. Christians like anyone else like enjoy the fellowship of others like them and feel undermined or threatened by someone who chooses not to be part of the church having once been involved. You are right, no-one knows your heart, Jesus never spoke to anyone like that and neither should his followers. I hope you find what you're looking for (and I pray that it is Jesus that you seek, if not, you will make your own path and I wish you peace on your journey)
@mobyfriend (1017)
• Netherlands
2 Mar 07
I think you have discovered what is the difference between religion and faith. There is nothing wrong with that. Faith (even if you move away from your original religion) is a process of growth within yourself and nobody is entitled to make comments about your process.
And can I say something else? Because you are a strong woman they place that remarks because deep down they maybe insecure.
@Shebang (244)
• Philippines
2 Mar 07
I agree with your words and if I may add, everybody is not in the position to judge what we believe as long as you, we and they, have GOD and believe their GOD, that is the most important thing. It does not matter if your GOD and MY GOD are the same GOD we believe and that your faith and belief is higher or righteous than anybody else have regardless of religion. Besides are we here to condemn people who went astray with their beliefs and religion? Are we here to praise people who remains faithful despite of trials and predicaments in life. Are we here to say that he or she knows very well who the Lord is? Or are we here to say that he or she possess the very knowledge that God has, that he or she can say whose belief is right or wrong? The only thing infallible in this universe ladies and gentlemen is God. So let us not be judgemental in anyway with the faith, belief, and religion of our fellow.
@maanvar (48)
• India
2 Mar 07
I have a very stront comment on this. Some of you are still in the uncivilized world. Religions born where there was no religion. Christinity born in Jerusalem, Islam born in Mecca, Hind born in India and so on. It was a necessity of that time ann now we live in a global village, a very small world with NY and tokyo are reachable distance. Quarelling on religion is yet to be over, but some of us are still not feel ourselves as civilized and much more grown than the 19th century.