What do you think about interracial couples?

March 1, 2007 12:24pm CST
Nowadays interracial couples are becoming each more common. Despite that many people still get shocked when they see or just need to deal with them. What do you think about the subject? Is it normal to you or it is a challenge dealing with this situation? How would you react if it was with somebody from your family?
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2 responses
• Indonesia
1 Mar 07
2 of my sisters marrying foreigners (not Indonesian), and some of my cousins as well. So it's nothing new about mixed couples in my family. I think it depends from one person to another. All my inlaws, I can't see them really like foreigners because they are just like every kind of people. Only the skin is different, or the eyes are different colors, etc.
@kaplya (1578)
• India
1 Mar 07
people who get shocked seeing an interracial couple really have a very closed mind. i don't see it as abnormal instead in my opinion such marriages should be encouraged as they help over come those prejudices which people usually form about the other communities and thus reduces social-discrimination. i don't think that i m going to mind if someone in my family does the same. what's the importance of these things? they doesn't matter at all in my opinion and a wise person would never make decisions upon such miner things like skin color or different features. after all we all r human and that's the reason enough to get close to somebody or to love sombody.