Do you read the Bible??
By lonnieN
@lonnieN (428)
United States
March 1, 2007 12:33pm CST
How much do you read the Bible?
Do you have a set time to read the Bible?
What do you read when you read the Bible?
How do you decide what to read?
Do you ever just read or is it always a part of a study?
Do you pray as you read the Bible?
Does reading the Bible help you grow closer to GOD?
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37 responses
@msqtech (15073)
• United States
1 Mar 07
I dont read it enough and I dont understand enough. I think though that god gives us Grace and compassion to use as we discover what needs learning from the bible. Becareful of which version you accept as truth because they seem to say different things to me when I read them.
@Shebang (244)
• Philippines
2 Mar 07
There is a version of the the Bible that is very reader-friendly. I don't know if its right, the new international version I guess.. I just can't get the exact name. Anyway, that version is very reader-friendly. You see, the Bible is like a story book. Only that, God is the story teller and many of his followers the characters. If you read the Bible, you'll be amazed how merciful God is. One thing I realize when I read the Bible was how merciful and consistent God is. That all throughout the covenant between God and humankind, it is we who always break it. If you don't know where to start, try reading psalms and proverbs, those are my favorite books in the Bible. You can learn a lot from it.
@NancyLobo (680)
• India
2 Mar 07
Earlier I used to read the bible randomly usually read the Psalms and the New Testament, this year I have decided to read the whole bible and started reading on January 1st, 2007 hoping to finish it by one year, I have one year Bible, it is a bible designed to be finished in one year, it is a combination of the old testament, new testament, book of proverbs and psalms everyday, With God's grace hope to finish it by one year, I feel nice reading it so many truth are revealed which I earlier did not know, I usually read it in the morning, Yes reading the bible draws you closer to God.
@winterose (39887)
• Canada
1 Mar 07
I read bible devotionals online, sent to me through the internet directly to my email box. I rarely have the time to read any material that is not online anymore. I cannot even find my bible, it was lost in my last move. I am so poor I never buy anything anymore. Everything I have somebody has given me.
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@maribea (2366)
• Italy
1 Mar 07
I don't read the Bible as much as I would or I should but I like reading it...I am used to opening it and reading the first page I met with..It is a sort of inspiration or just to keep the meaning of the moment...I like reading the Bible because it is like reading the letter God sent to us or it is just talking to GOd or listening to his voice..I like reading it also like a literary piece paying attention to the period it was written and enjoying the cultural differences among present and ancient times...I have my favourite piece and it is the part where Saint Paul talks about charity as the biggest form of love, that Old Greek called agapè
@garyeye (202)
• Philippines
2 Mar 07
1 Corinthians 13 says about what love is. It describes love in words that we know and can relate to it individually. It also says about what God is, just change love into God and you would know Him personally. We could also know about what God wants us to be, change love into your name. I hope I enlightened you on this. God bless!!!
@terilee79720 (3621)
• United States
1 Mar 07
I read scripture everyday Lonnie. I have made it a part of my life to begin each day with it. I believe it to be God's word, not only to me, but to everyone who will allow themselve to be open to it.
It's not a popular decision these days, but I have found through trial and error, living most of my life on my own choices that living according to the Bible is the easiest, safest, most logical way to conduct one's life.
I have read many different translations but the most impressive and in depth 'Bible' I have found is what some refer to as a Jewish Bible. Since we know Jesus was Jewish, it made sense to 'follow him' in His beliefs. The only way to do that was understand the Bible through a Jewish prospective.
It doesn't mean I'm Jewish. I wasn't born with that privledge.
I made the Bible and The Tenach a part of my daily study, or, walk with God. I pray each morning before I read/study that I receive wisdom and knowledge from what I read/study.
You ask if reading the Bible help me grow closer to God? For me, it certainly did. It's the most important thing I ever did in my entire life.
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@BunGirl (2638)
• United States
5 Mar 07
I do my Bible reading first thing in the morning before I even get out of bed. I usually start with a devotional book. Right now I'm working through "God's Word For Women" I read whatever verse it points me to, pray about it, and then chase whatever rabbit trails naturally follow. Often I'll use my concordance to find other verses on the same subject. I really think this has impacted my relationship with Christ a lot because every day I start out by focusing on Him and it sets the pace for the rest of my day. Also, I'm learning more and more about Him every day!
@villageanne (8553)
• United States
4 Mar 07
I love the scruptures, they bring peace to my soul when I am having a bad day or when I am just worried about something in my life. I dont begin at the beginning of a chapter and read it all the way through. I live to study and ponder the scriptures, I cross reference to find how the verses apply to me and my life. I want to find out what Heavenly Father has to say to me personally, I often put my name in the verse and it seems to help me apply the verses to me in my life. I know that the scriptures ae there for my benefit so I search them to help me live my life the way I am supposed to. I dont read for a specific amout of time. Some days, I start and read for hours while others, I may just read for a few minutes.
@d1i2d3o4 (7)
• Nigeria
2 Mar 07
The answer to the question is a big YES.The Bible keeps me on track with my God and as such we are supposed meditate on it every hour of the day.Personally, my best time to read the Bible is 10.00pm on daily basis.Iam an elder in my local church.I Accepted Christ many years ago and that has me in my christian life. Yes, I do pray when read the Bible.
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@Zelmarq (12607)
• Cebu City, Philippines
3 Mar 07
I make it a point to read the Bible everyday early in the morning. Its something that keeps me going thoughout the day. It keeps me inspired and fulfilled knowing His message for me everyday.
@garyeye (202)
• Philippines
2 Mar 07
I read the Bible often like almost everyday since I started having Bible studies. Perfect time to read the Bible is during early morning, but I read my Bible in the wee hours of the night that is before I sleep. There a study guide for the Bible so that I could have a well planned reflection and study of God's wonderful Word for us. But before that I pray for wisdom and understanding to Him who gives us everything and also at the end for in behalf of everyone. This in fact makes us to know God more.
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@arisantonio (7)
• Philippines
2 Mar 07
when i was in a teen years old, i always read the bible, specially in the afternoon before i go to bed.. i almost read the half of the book. i am enjoying reading it because i found some very intersting part and idea. maybe we should try to read the bible regularly.
@antonsven (1)
2 Mar 07
Reading the Bible does definately help you to get closer to God. it reveals the mind of God. However from my personal experience it will only make serious meaning to you if you have had a personal encounter with the Lord Jesus Christ.
@catbvq (364)
• Philippines
2 Mar 07
I believe that we should read the Bible cover to cover. It is not enough just to open it anywhere you came upon and just read a passage from that page. That is like gambling where you just draw a number. That is also like how you lead your live, by leaving it all to chance. Whereas if you live by the Bible, your life is rightfully directed.
The Bible should be interpreted word per word, as if you're conversing with God. As a true Christian it is our duty to God to read His WORD everyday and live by its rules and guidance. Before reading the Bible you should always pray to the Holy Spirit to guide you so that you will quickly discern God's message. When you are enlightened, pause to offer a Prayer of Thanksgiving. This may happen several times as you read the Bible, so that's how many times you will pray in one sitting. Or it may point out to your faults, so you should pause and ask for forgiveness and to be cleansed of your sins.
Always begin the day praying to Him and reading a chapter or two in the morning so that your whole day may be blessed and you will go through the day safely.
As Bible reading became part of your life, it is through this that God will be revealed to you and you will know Him and get closer to Him.
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@primecrimson (1388)
• Philippines
2 Mar 07
I used top read the Bible everyday before. I can finish about 1 to 3 chapters a day and lasted about a year or two. I finished reading the book once but Im still planning to continue reading it all over again someday.
Reading the Bible is like teaching yourself to be a better person everyday. It will make you a better person as long as you apply what you know from it.
@carmella (496)
• United States
2 Mar 07
I read my Bible every day. It is the very first thing I do each morning. I do not like to pick a verse here and there for my daily reading. I like to read the story so I read through each book beginning to end. Right now I am going through the New Testiment. I started at the beginning of the year, read through the 4 Gospels 3 times, and now I am almost through Romans. I want to understand the New Testiment fully and I have learned so much that I did not know before in the past two months that I have been going through the New Testiment. It is really awesome.
Sometimes I read the Bible a other times beside my morning study, and I do tend to Pray as I read, it helps me to be closer to God as I read and gain better understanding of what I am reading.
@rachelzwo (310)
• United States
2 Mar 07
I used to read it more than I do now, but for the last week I've been reading bible stories to my daughter as part of her bed time routine. She seems to like it, but I think it's more because she thinks the pages taste good. She's only 6 months old.
@agicteray (66)
• Philippines
2 Mar 07
Honestly.. I dont read the bible.. I have time for the bible when I was young but know i dont know what's happening to me. But im listening to Mr. Bo Sanchez preaching at He's really great and everyday I log I will always watch His everyday teaching. But im also praying before I sleep. I'm sorry I'm not that religous. I wish I can change myself little by little and become close to GOD. :(
@fkcplamencks (24)
• Philippines
2 Mar 07
I do read the Bible. I dont only think of it as a mere book or one that tells us of the history of those times. I believe the Bible is God's very word spoken to us.
2 Timothy 3:14-17 tells us that "All Scripture is God-breathed and is useful for teaching, rebuking, correcting, and training in righteousness, so that the man of God may be thoroughly equipped for every good work."
Just as our physical bodies have to eat food, God's Words are also the nourishment to our souls. I believe it is not merely the Bible scholars who have to study the Bible.
Hebrews 4:12 says, "For the word of God is living and active. Sharper than any double-edged sword, it penetrates even to dividing soul and spirit and joints and marrow; it judges the thoughts and attitudes of the heart."
I believe that if we desire peace on earth, everyone must start reading the Bible. ;)
@sjeannep (2)
• United States
2 Mar 07
Recently, I have read a lot of books about the bible and also about the Apocrapha--the books that were taken out at the Conference of Nicea. Some of the best ones are written by Elaine Pagels and Karen L. King. Both writers are very scholarly, both teach at Harvard's divinity school, but also seem devoted spiritually. The more I learn about the history of the bible, the more I feel I read it in the proper perspective. However when it comes right down to it, I love the stories and the language of the Bible--aside from the religious aspect, I love reading about Jonah, Job. Noah, Mary Magdalene, Thomas, Paul, and especially Jesus. Reading the bible really helps my faith to grow. Generally, I don't pray in conjunction with reading the bible, but I do think reading it helps me to grow closer to God.