Do You Believe In Karma?????

@cabergren (1181)
United States
March 2, 2007 7:26am CST
I believe that there is good karma and bad karma. I believe what you put out there is what you get back. Are you a spiritual person? What do you think about karma??
4 responses
@Riptide (2758)
• United States
4 Mar 07
I believe in karma and in what goes around comes around. I think that whatever we put out there will come back to us.Be it good or bad.
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@rainbow (6761)
3 Mar 07
I like to think that karma is real. I must be due a lot of good, I don't think I've even purposefully done anyone harm, although I have had lots of bad things happen to me. My mus philosohpy when we did good things that others did not appreciate was alway "you'll get your reward in heaven," or if someone dis something bad to us "what comes around goes around," shehad several little saying like that and I'm certain it is right. Everytime I see your chocolate cherries it makes my mouth water, lol.
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@sasklily (240)
• Canada
3 Mar 07
I'm not sure about this subject. I always thought that I put out good vibes but I sure got some bad ones back. It does make you wonder!
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@shebee28 (230)
• United States
2 Mar 07
I believe in Karma, Oprah had a show on the other day about a book and dvd called the secret i went out and bought the book, it really made sense. It kinda had to do with Karma. Well the law of attraction.