What's your favorite cereal?
By applsofgld
@applsofgld (2506)
United States
31 responses
@Modestah (11177)
• United States
2 Mar 07
Cheerios is a great old standby I always seem to fall back on, that and rice krispies. I like the new varieties they have given Cheerios, like with the dried berries or other fruits, but the family does not care for the fruit flavored cheerios (where the rings are colored like fruitloops) I recently got a great bargain on LIFE cereal with those little yogurt clusters (75cents a box!) so I bought 4 cases of them. I was able to donate a case to a boy's home and also to a family of 15. But that is still 2 cases for us so that is what we will be eating for the next ......however long. They are really good though, whole grain oat.
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@applsofgld (2506)
• United States
2 Mar 07
Wow, cereal of any kind especially a name brand for .75 a box. That is a bargain!! I saw the new fruity ring type cheerios, and my first impression was, fruit loops, so I haven't really wanted to try that one. I love fruit loops, and if I want those I'll just get fruit loops. But I even like the plain cheerieos or rice krispies with banana's added to them. Delicious! I haven't tried the Life cereal in awhile. I am getting hungry!!
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@sunshinelady (7609)
• United States
4 Mar 07
I like Kelloggs Special K. The one that has the red berries in it. I try to keep my weight at a even keel but that is not the only reason I eat Special K with red berries. I like the taste of it. The strawberries just set the flavor off and I especially like the fact that you don't have to put sugar in it. It just taste wonderful. I think the strawberries is what sweetens the cereal. I have at least one bowlful a day. It isn't always at breakfast either. Sometimes I eat it as a snack. I love, love, love that cereal!
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@alexdiazgranados (678)
• United States
18 Mar 07
I've tried that variety of Special K. Yes, it's good and needs little to no sugar, and the berries are nice.
I still prefer plain Special K, though.
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@applsofgld (2506)
• United States
4 Mar 07
I have seen this cereal at the grocery, but have not yet bought any of it. I think I will now that I know it tastes sweet without having to add more sugar. I love the idea of strawberries in it too. I try to only sweeten with Splenda if possible. I do have a sweet tooth. Thank you for letting me know this is a great cereal to eat as well.
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@sunshinelady (7609)
• United States
4 Mar 07
Your welcome, applsofgld-----that is my most favorite cereal and it is delicious. I know you will like it.
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@margieanneart (26423)
• United States
2 Mar 07
I like to eat any of the organic cereals that have all kinds of crunches an nuts. I try different ones all the time, no favorite yet. I also enjoy grits, for a hot cereal.
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@margieanneart (26423)
• United States
3 Mar 07
ya gotta be a southerner to enjoy them grits. :)
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@applsofgld (2506)
• United States
3 Mar 07
I don't know if mine are organic, but I do like the crunchy,nutty kinds as well. If I had fresh fruit I'd put that in my cereal too. I planted several blueberry bushes last year so I could do just that. I'm from the south, so grits are another favorite too.
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@crazynurse (7482)
• United States
3 Mar 07
My favorite cold cereal is raisin bran...especially the kind with extra raisins! Like you, I also love Frosted Cheerios! My favorite hot cereal is oatmeal. I love oatmeal with a handful of blueberries the best. Other things that I enjoy putting in my oatmeal are cinnamon, maple syrup, vanilla, bananas, strawberries, and a dash of chocolate syrup! (not all at the same time!)
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@applsofgld (2506)
• United States
4 Mar 07
Since I started this discussion this week, I have gone through almost an entire box of frosted cheerios! I haven't tried my oatmeal with anything extra yet, but it sounds so delicious with blueberries. Thank you for responding and giving me some helpful goodie advice for my oatmeal :)
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@maildumpster (3815)
• United States
3 Mar 07
This is a hard one for me. I love several different cereals and sometimes it is just a matter of my mood.
I love Special K, Honey Nut Cheerios, and Cream of Wheat.
Only one of those I can eat straight out of the box, is the Cheerios.
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@applsofgld (2506)
• United States
3 Mar 07
I am so glad to find someone else besides me that likes Cream of Wheat. My mom used to make that for me and my sister when we were little. I can't get any one else in my family, not even my hubby to eat it with me. I love it with some butter, sweetner and a little dab of milk. Oh and with buttered toast!! Yummy. I like Special K too, but haven't bought any in awhile, I may have to go to the store tomorrow, I'm about out of any cereal and all this talk about it has made me hungry :)
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@princess07031980 (5412)
• United States
9 Mar 07
I love cereal! All kinds of cereal. Here at our house we usually have no less than 5 boxes of cereal-and right now we have 8! I eat cereal every morning, and sometimes I eat it for snack when I get home from work too. A few of my very most favorites include Special K, Oatmeal Squares, Cocoa Krispies, Honey Nut Cheerios, Cream of Wheat, Captain Crunch Berries, and Crispix.
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@princess07031980 (5412)
• United States
9 Mar 07
I am not crazy about Raisin Nut Bran, but Raisin Bran Crunch is very good. (Another favorite there LOL) And yes I am a cereal freak for sure! You know it is very healthy for you-packed with vitamins, fiber and protein, and added milk makes a very rounded meal. That is why I can easliy eat it twice a day.
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@applsofgld (2506)
• United States
9 Mar 07
I think you like cereal as much as I do if not more :) I bought raisin nut bran last night for something different. I like it, but wish it had more of the crunch stuff that the others do. Thank you for sharing with me :)

@alexdiazgranados (678)
• United States
17 Mar 07
I'm a big (well, not literally big as far as weight goes!) cereal buff myself, and at 44, certainly no youngster either! I've tried and liked so many different cereals it's hard to choose just one.
Nevertheless, if push comes to shove, my fave is General Mills' Golden Grahams.
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@applsofgld (2506)
• United States
17 Mar 07
That is also my son in law's favorite cereal too! I have a whole box in the cupboard right now, they stayed last weekend with me and it was a request :) I'm 48 and I don't plan on ever being too old for cereal. I still like Tony the Tiger too.
@Bev1986 (1425)
• United States
17 Mar 07
My favorite cereal is rice chex. I love it with half of a banana, little bit of sugar and 2% milk. To me, it's the perfect breakfast because it's a little sweet, yet it gives you fruit and it fills me up. If I eat that for breakfast, I can make it until lunch without being hungry at all.
@applsofgld (2506)
• United States
17 Mar 07
This is a great, nutritious breakfast. I love this too, and with some buttered toast with it. It's not too sweet and the banana is so delicious, and a lower in fat cereal than most pre-sweetened.
@KrisNY (7590)
• United States
14 Mar 07
I too love cereal. its great for breakfast-- Quick.. and It's great for snacks! I often during the day at work munch on plain cereal (without milk).. My favorites are Golden Graham, Honeycombs, and raisin bran...
We always have lots of cereal at the house- I buy it when it's on sale!
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@applsofgld (2506)
• United States
14 Mar 07
I just bought Golden Grahams for my daughter and her husband when they were here last weekend. I had quit buying a lot of cereal a few years back because it had gotten so exspensive. But now I look for those coupons to help out. Plus now it's mostly just me eating the cereal so it's more affordable. Wow, I never realized how many of us are out there loving cereal just for snacks too. Thanks for sharing with me :)
@beaniegdi (1964)
2 Mar 07
I don't think you have to be a child to enjoy cereals, they are very tasty and quick to make. You can also use cereals to replace other meals during the day to help lose or control weight. They are low in fat but can be a bit high sometimes in sugar and salt. Having said that I love sugar puffs!
@applsofgld (2506)
• United States
2 Mar 07
When my daughter was still in college, one of her roommates went on this "cereal" diet. I had never thought of it before then, but the girl lost tons of weight. I love cereal, any time of the day or night. I haven't had sugar puffs in awhile. I may have to go to the grocery store again by the time this discussion ends :)
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@sunshinelady (7609)
• United States
4 Mar 07
hey beaniegdi-------I think I hit the minus instead of the plus on the rating by mistake. I think you're response is excellent and I apologize for the mistake. I wish mylot would give us the capability to change the ratings. I would right away. I just wanted to let you know it was a mistake.
@princess1011 (340)
2 Mar 07
My favourite at the moment is Weetabix with sugar and hot milk so that the Weetabix goes soft.
I also like Bran Flakes, Special K, Shreddies and Cornflakes but only with cold milk.
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@kris_02ph (564)
• Philippines
10 Mar 07
i love chocolates! my favorite is Koko Krunch. it's funny because i'm already 20 and still eating kids' stuff! i eat it with milk and sometimes just as snack. love it!
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@applsofgld (2506)
• United States
14 Mar 07
Hey don't think anything of it. I am 48 and I still love cereal. I also eat it with and without milk. I love it for snacking while on the computer too. LOL. Thanks for sharing with me.
@etcetera22 (115)
• United States
10 Mar 07
I like "grown up" cereal. You know...Corn Flakes, Cheerios, Kix, Shredded Wheat, Total, Honey Bunches of Oats, etc. I do have some kiddie favorites though: Captain Crunch (but I hate the way it scratches up the roof of my mouth..ick), Golden Grahams, Apple Jacks, and Corn Pops. I feel like I'm missing one though..ah well.
@applsofgld (2506)
• United States
14 Mar 07
Oh my, you know I had to laugh when you said that about Capt. Crunch scratching up the roof of the mouth. It does do that! I had forgotten. But it tastes sooo good that I still love it too. I like grown up cereal as well, but for snacking I love the kid's favorites too! Thanks for sharing with me.
@lenywp (1963)
• Australia
7 Mar 07
Wow, they make everything frosted now. Not in Australia yet, but I'm sure it's coming. So far, we have Frosties (frosted corn flakes) which are my favourite and always have been. Froot Loops aren't bad either, nor is Nutri Grain. I like all of those three.
@applsofgld (2506)
• United States
7 Mar 07
I have a sweet tooth also so that is why I tend to like pre-sweetened too. But I love the naturally sweetened like Raisin Bran as well, I also like the cereals with the crunchies and brans and honey flavorings. I have eaten more cereal lately than I have in a long time :)
@applsofgld (2506)
• United States
4 Mar 07
I never thought about putting anything like cereal in my pancake mix, but it does sound good. I guess it gives it more texture, pancakes sometimes make my tummy feel heavy after I eat them, but I still love 'em. I especially like blueberry pancakes. Cheerios are great plain or with bananas in them with milk.
@applsofgld (2506)
• United States
9 Mar 07
I have never heard of Nestle Chocapic, but I see you have a picture of it. Must be a new one. I too love chocolate. Thank you for sharing with me.
@babystar1 (4233)
• United States
8 Mar 07
My favorite cereal is Frosted Mini Wheats.I also like corn flakes and grape nuts.I take a baggie of frosted mini wheats to work with me for a snack. I also enjoy eating oatmeal with berries, or I cut up a banana in the oatmeal.
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@applsofgld (2506)
• United States
8 Mar 07
You sound like me, I like all kinds of cereals. Plus I love to put bananas in my cheerios and corn flakes too. Since starting this discussion I have gone out and bought several boxes of different cereals, so right now I am experimenting on several. I just love cereal.
@mari61960 (4893)
• United States
9 Mar 07
I love Special K with Red Berries. I add sliced bananas and blueberries when they are in season. I like the berry cherio's but theres never enough berries in it...lol For hot cereals my favorite is oatmeal. I also eat grits and cream of wheat.
@applsofgld (2506)
• United States
9 Mar 07
I haven't yet tried the Special K w/berries, I looked at it last night at the store though. I also haven't tried the berry Cheerio's either. I love berries though of all kinds so I will try them at some point. Thank you for sharing with me your favorites :)
@seamonkey (1976)
• Ireland
4 Mar 07
Currently I like Maple Pecan. I think it is a Lidl brand. I think it's a phase, and when I get sick of it I'll go back to Frosted Miniwheats.
@applsofgld (2506)
• United States
4 Mar 07
I love Maple Pecan flavor, but I've never heard of this cereal before. Do you have to go to a specialty store to find it? We have a grocery store locally that carries hard to find items. But I've never seen this one at Walmart. Thanks for the tip though, I will look for it and try it.