Do you mind...
By greengal
@greengal (4286)
United States
March 2, 2007 12:38pm CST
when other users refer to you by half your user name?
Some users really have a long username with lots of numbers or just an unusually long name. When they respond to my discussions or I do to theirs, and I need to address them, I prefer to cut it short, which I think makes it a little more personal. I have done it on many occasions and I was wondering if they mind when I do that (if you do, I apologise, let me know so I won't do it again)
I personally don't mind when I'm addressed as Green, GG, or just gal. But what I hate is when I'm referred to as "dude"...duh..for heavens sake I'm not one of those guys with a girly name!! lol
Well, do you mind if I or anybody else address you with anything else but with your full user name?
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65 responses
@charms88 (7538)
• Philippines
3 Mar 07
Of course not, greeny...LOL...I just invented a new name for you, hope you won't mind either. My name is kinda short. You can call me charms. 88 is just a number that I thought to add. No. 8 is a lucky number for us, chinese. I haven't encountered anybody responding to me by dude or anyhthing else. Maybe because my name is too girly. Happy posting, greeny...LOL!!
@ElusiveButterfly (45940)
• United States
2 Mar 07
I believe that I am one of those that call you GG. I too hate to be called dude. What the heck is that anyway? Not a problem for you to address me as EB.
@ausnikki (4054)
• Brisbane, Australia
3 Mar 07
I don't mind if I get Nikki or ausnikki.Nikki is my name after all.I often wonder if I should abbreviate someones username and if I would offend someone if I did so I usually only do it with people I know quite well.I also have a pet peeve with being called dude,I am not a dude!
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@foxyfire33 (10005)
• United States
3 Mar 07
I don't mind really. Mine gets shortened to foxy a lot of times. The only thing about that is that I got my user name from an old nickname...Fire. So when I originally started using it, it was strange to have it shortened to Foxy instead of Fire since I was used to answering to Fire. I've gotten used to it now and will answer to either.
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@sanjeev8302 (126)
• India
3 Mar 07
I will surely mind if anything uncryptic / cryptic is used to address me except my user name. I have kept my user name with lots of considerations so that it actually is glamorous. So why not it huh?
@weemam (13372)
2 Mar 07
Thanks for doing this discussion , I am always going to but forget , I am one of the people who do this a lot , I hope too that I don't offend anyone , On some of the sites I have been on people called me wee , I liked this fine as my name is we mam really my sons are all tall and I am under 5 ft so they call me the wee mam , I have had online friends visit me and called me wee for a time till they got used to my christian name , my hubby though this hilarious as he knows nothing of computers so please call me wee I wont mind in the least xx
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@wolfie34 (26770)
• United Kingdom
3 Mar 07
Only half a wolf? I wonder which half they'd be referring to LOL! You can't really shorten my user name, well unless you take the 34 out of it that is! I have even been called woofie! Least it's not as bad as spelling my real name Brain instead of Brian. Even as a bloke I hate being called dude or man! Hey man! Cringeworthy sorry! I like the personal touch and it makes me smile when people address me as Brian, because they know me and are intereted in me! I always try to be respectful to others, because I expect respect in return.
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@thinkingoutloud (6127)
• Canada
2 Mar 07
Oh I've gotten "dude" a few times... kind of made me laugh but it's not my favorite thing to be called :) Nope, doesn't bother me at all if someone shortens my user name. I appreciate any and all replies so call me what ya will in the process... that's fine with me LOL I generally don't shorten peoples' names but I do leave off any numbers at the end a lot of the time... it somehow feels a bit more personal without numbers attached :)
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@thinkingoutloud (6127)
• Canada
3 Mar 07
LOL! Shouldn't even be a consideration - but it's nice that you were so thoughtful ;)
Hey, as the Paul Simon song goes,
"...I can be your long lost pal
I can call you Betty
And Betty when you call me
You can call me Al"
@pebbles_cubbie (3789)
• United States
5 Mar 07
No I don't mind. People have called me pebbles or cubbie or P_C. That's ok with me as long as they are close to my user name. I usually don't type their username when responding. Since it is their discussion I'm responding to I feel I'm alreading addressing them. I've had many guys refer to me as bro. I don't like that. Since I'm not a guy.
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@sechsey (1831)
• Canada
3 Mar 07
I dont mind. Its either sechsey or Sech to some around here. Its fine as long as it isnt misspelled.:) Well, i dont mind that either since its only a username but real names i do mind.:P
And your right, besides that its easier it gets to be more personal when you comment on their post and say "hey greengal" rather than say "hey greengal1254874". Its like a robot's name.:)
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@anonymili (3138)
3 Mar 07
I really don't mind if people chop my username in half and call me part of it, such as anon or anony or mili even. I've seen some rather bizarre usernames here like mobile phone numbers and I would rather not call the person anything than have to type out a list of numbers, imagine responding to someone called 9845712812154054, what a pain to have to type that every time you respond to them, it's not the same as responding to say "flowergirl" or "lazybones" which is much easier to read and type straight without checking you got the digits right! So here you go my green goddess, this is your official authorisation to call me anony :P LOL
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@greengal (4286)
• United States
5 Mar 07
Well thanks dear, anony is nice:) And green goddess...ohhh I simply love it!And tell me about the numbers, I sometimes wonder if the person has an identity or not with so many numbers as their user It really is not possible to refer to such user names. Adds no personal touch eitherways.
@lordwarwizard (35747)
• Singapore
3 Mar 07
If I know that person is a guy, then I may substitute his name with "dude", "pal", "mate", etc. If the person is obviously a lady, definitely none of the above is suitable. Maybe "friend" can be used if you want. (I think I've always referred to you as greengal when I needed to, right?)
I would typically use the full name though - unless it's very long - then I will try to use the meaningful portion. For names with numbers like e.g. hamlet75 - I may sometimes drop the number and just use "hamlet".
Regarding my username *ahem*, some have taken to calling me wizard... well nothing wrong, since there are only so many ways to break up my lordwarwizard username, but it still sounds kinda strange.
Of course if someone addresses me as "My Lord", that would be cool. :P But I guess anything goes except perhaps "war". That would be indeed strange if someone chooses to call me "war".
Come to think of it, war wiz seems to have a nice ring to it. ;-)
@littlemoo (317)
• Australia
3 Mar 07
I'm fine with whatever you call me. Dude is a little wierd, but heck, I've been called so many things IRL, I pretty much answer to anything. lol. I've been called Kelly, Sarah, Karen... so I'm fine if you want to call me moo, or whatever else you can come up with!
With people who have numbers, I've generally dropped the numbers when I address them. I figure a lot have acquired their numbers because the username they chose initially had already been chosen, so they had to have the numbers.
If anyone doesn't like their names abbreviated, I guess they should speak up!
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@whiteheather39 (24403)
• United States
3 Mar 07
I don't mind at all. Why should I it's not my real name. I do mind being called dude but as my avatar is my dog it makes it even more stupid. Of course they are probably doing the right thing when they say it to one of our Indian male users who have female avatars. BTW that still puzzles me?
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@yanjiaren (9031)
2 Mar 07
Oh i love it..
Greeks are vey used to diminutives and i like when people call me yanji here it's really cute..My hubby calls me afang..thye say in china when you are very close to someone they put the a in front of your name ..i really like that.
@byfaithonly (10698)
• United States
3 Mar 07
LOL I like GG, I have a few times wondered what to call you. As for me, I don't mind although I do prefer Faith over "by" but then that is my name :) I too sometimes like to add a more personal touch.
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@retardedrugrat (4791)
• Canada
2 Mar 07
I don't mind at all. Most people who know me online know me as Rugrat anyway lol so it makes no difference to me either way.
I have some friends who HATE being referred to as anything other than their full name, whilst another friend of mine has a long name, yet everyone calls her CQ. She likes it that way.
I think it's down to personal preference, but some people make assumptions without bothering to ask, and that annoys me somewhat. If you want to call someone by a shortened version of their name, it tends to make sense to ask first so you know that they don't mind it.
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@Rexy_leigh (1189)
• Philippines
2 Mar 07
I don't really mind at all... but am used to you addressing me Rexy, and it's neat... however any names will do, you can call me Rexy leigh, friend, gal, or even what actually matters for me is the thoughts you have whole heartedly written down in your responses... :)
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