Has anyone here been tested for Diabetes? I am going for my second test.
By kgwat70
@kgwat70 (13387)
United States
March 3, 2007 8:28am CST
I am curious to know what happens if after the second test my blood sugar is still slightly elevated or higher. I was tested previously in January and my doctor is having me tested again this monday so I want to know what to expect if my testing still shows high blood sugar levels. I have cut down on sugars since my last test so hopefully the testing will show no high sugar levels. Can anyone give me some advice? Wish me luck and say a prayer for me.
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19 responses
@66jerseygirl (3877)
• United States
3 Mar 07
of cuorse I will pray for you!the only advice I can give is to keep on stay ing away from the sugars.Are you eating alot of carbs? I mean like pasta and breads,etc?That would put your sugar up to. I know you're under a lot of stress which can also mess with your sugar levels.
We have a bad history of diabetis in our family including both parents.My dad lets me use his glucose meter to measure my sugar levels once a month.So far I have had no problem except for slight spikes when I am stressed out.I dln't know how elevated your sugar is,if it's been slightly higher and your doc knows you may be under stress,he may just want to monitor you.Good luck!
@kgwat70 (13387)
• United States
3 Mar 07
Hi Tammy. Thank you for your suggestions and comments as always. I eat pretty healthy though not completely. I look for foods and beverages that have few carbs and sugars in them. I eat my fruit regularly as as well as salads and lots of water. Maybe stress is my biggest problem. Hope that you are having a nice weekend so far.
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@66jerseygirl (3877)
• United States
3 Mar 07
My weekend 's going okay so far. I am so glad that you are monoitoring your foods.I am haivng a hard time.When I lost all that weight ,i had gotten rid of all that carbs and I had no problem staying away from the sweets and now I have started eating pasta again and I'm having trouble staying away from the sweets.
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@nowment (1757)
• United States
3 Mar 07
Well it will depend on your doctor, what the current and previous test results were.
Sometimes sugar levels will go up due to stress. Yes stress can raise your sugar levels.
If you are however prone to higher sugar levels it may be a good idea even if this test shows that you were able to drop your sugar levels to continue to monitor your blood sugar levels.
What happens varies, depending on the person and how high their sugar levels may be.
If they are still elevated, there are nurse, and nutritionists who give a class that specializes in the nutrition for diabetics.
diabetics are in my family for this reason I advise other family members to be tested regularly. My uncle followed my advice and when his sugar levels were up he originally was able to control his suger levels by changing and monitoring his diet. The foods you eat are key, and not just cutting back on soda, or sweets. You need fruit and vegtables but to much of certain ones can elevate your sugar levels. I had to take a class with my mom because I was living with her caring for her, and when I kept careful watch on her diet she did very well.
My uncle completely controlled his sugar through diet for over a year, then stress caused his levels to go up and he began taking medication, he still controls his blood sugar levels through diet and the pill and has yet to need insulin.
So it is possible that while this can be a serious health concern it doesn't necessarily have to be.
Especially since you are aware of this early.
For example starchy foods will convert to sugar in your system faster and this can of course be a problem for people with high blood sugar.
Something that many people are not aware of is that eating lima beans, beets, carrots, and corn are high in natural sugars so of course other vegtables would be better, while you can still eat all of the above veggies, just be a bit more moderate with them. Potatoes are pure starch, and so for my mom's diabetic diet, we consider side dishes such as potatoes, stuffing, pasta, rice, to be starches, which took potatoes off the vegtable list.
It can be annoying to realize that you have to reprogram how you think about your eating habits. But in the case of someone like my uncle, changing his eating habits was preferable to going on insulin.
While this may never be a problem for you and it is possible it could be stress related, then you need to find out what caused the elevated sugar levels, and deal with it.
The nice thing is, that it doesn't have to be the big scary monster it used to be.
Good luck to you.
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@kgwat70 (13387)
• United States
3 Mar 07
This is very good information to know and appreciate very much that you let me and everyone else know. I have been a bit nervous about this second test and whether my blood levels have improved or gotten worse. I had no idea that stress increased blood levels too. I know I was feeling a bit stressed then and am not too because of my other health condition as well as my parents health weighing on my mind. Thank you for the good luck wish. :-)
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@nowment (1757)
• United States
24 Mar 07
You are welcome, and I hope this second test went well or you.
As for the stress and health issues, something to pay attention to is that sometimes when you are not feeling well this can also elevate your blood sugar levels.
With my mom we had to carefully monitor her blood when she got the flu, for some reason her sugar would go up at this time.
In general is is always a good idea if at any time you have had problems with blood sugar levels being to high to learn about the nutrition that you can eat.
If you don't want to talk to a nutritionist about this, there are many good diabetic cook books out there, with information on what foods you may need to be careful of and you would be amazed at how much you can eat, and at good you feel eating healthier.
Since various health issues run in my family I have found that the healthiest diet you can eat is a diabetic one, it is also the best diet for most people to lose weight on.
Also it is important to maintain an even level to your blood sugar, so that you shouldn't skip meals, and should consider the small snack required to keep things in balance.
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@littlefranciscan (18327)
• United States
4 Mar 07
I wonder why not everyone gets a reply..guess not one of your friends..oh well.wish you the best ken with your tests!
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@jhartana (1084)
• Australia
3 Mar 07
When the doctor show me the result of cholesterol test he pointed out that my sugar level is above average. The doctor then told me that I have the possibility of getting diabetes. I was so worried of my own body, doctor then recommended me to go to one diabetes clinic to test my sugar level further. I went there and the nurse told me that she will going to take my blood 3 times and giving me to drink green-coloured liquid that contains sugar. This is the procedure...
- Nurse will take my blood for the first time, this is just to see my blood before taking that green-coloured liquid
- After that nurse will ask me to drink that liquid and have to wait for an hour before she takes the blood for the second time
- After an hour, she took my blood for the second time, this is to compare the blood before and after drinking the liquid. She then told me to wait for another hour
- After another hour passed, she took my blood for the third time, this time to see how my blood reacts to the sugar after an hour of two.
Several days after that, doctor got the result and told me to come. He then said that I don't have the possibility of getting diabetes as the test shows negative result. He then explained that my blood cleanse the sugar so quickly, however he recommended me to reduce eat/drink something that contains sugar. This is to further prevent me from the possibilities of getting diabetes, as there is no cure for it at this stage.
I was delighted to hear the result and I will try not only to reduce eat/drink something sweet but I will also reduce my obese weight. I have to look after my health and wanted to live longer.
Btw kgwat70, I wish you the luck and all the best. Hope you'll be fine.
@kgwat70 (13387)
• United States
3 Mar 07
Thank you so much for your concern and thoughts. I think that I will be fine. I have definitely cut out the unhealthy sugars from the foods and drinks that I had before. Losing some weight and exercising more would probably help me too though I do exercise several days a week.
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@margieanneart (26423)
• United States
3 Mar 07
My husband was tested, and put on pills, and given a machine to test his blood daily. The doctor also told him it didn't matter if he cut down on his sugars for the test, as it is in the system for weeks. However, you must cut back so it does't get worse. I will say a prayer for you, and hope that things will have better results for you ken. Blessings.
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@brokentia (10389)
• United States
3 Mar 07
I remember reading about your concern over it and that you would be tested again in a couple of months. I hope you cutting your sweets has helped! :)
Remember to not stress about it either. There have been times when stress can effect the body negatively. So remember to not wage too much on this test.
If it is slightly elevated, most likely, the doctor will send you to a nutritionist to learn how to control it.
I am border line diabetic and since changing my eating habits 4 months ago, it is very much under control.
Best of luck and don't stress! :)
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@sahira (1071)
• Philippines
4 Mar 07
Yes i was tested last year when i was preganant because it's part of preganancy test and i was so thankful that mine is normal..high blood sugay is not easy to handle.My father is diabetic one and sometimes his blood sugar reaches up to 500-and then we need to confine him in the hospital for medication..The doctor alwayas advice him of discipline in eating.
@Thoroughrob (11742)
• United States
3 Mar 07
My dad was recently tested and they put him on pills. He took them before each meal and checked his own blood sugar 3-4 times a day. He is no longer on the pills. He watched what he was eating when his blood sugar would rise and the only real time was when he ate alot of sweets and when he would chew bubble gum. Bubble gum shot it through the roof. Who would ever think of that!! He still checks it a couple times of day, but is not taking the pills at all.
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@kgwat70 (13387)
• United States
3 Mar 07
I never knew that bubble gum would shoot the blood level up. That is very interesting to know, even though I do not chew gum. I will keep that in mind. That is great that he is not taking pills anymore. Thank you for sharing this. I should probably be careful what I eat before going for the test as well.
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@brendalee (6082)
• United States
4 Mar 07
I am not sure what happens but I would like to wish you luck. I have to be tested all the time as I have a family history of diabetes. Both my mom and dad had it plus I have a brother with it.
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@ESKARENA1 (18261)
4 Mar 07
i truely wish you luck. I was tested in the early 1960s as a child, it was negative but i remember it. Largly it was a result of the fact that there was no reliable test for it, so the Dr took a sample of urine and tasted it. It used to happen.
If you are found to have raised blood sugar the dr could recomend that you take tablets to control it, or they may put you on injections.
You are in my thoughts, blessed be
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@smartbrain69 (2790)
• Canada
4 Mar 07
Diabetes is such a common now a days, you have to be very particular about your diet and do lot of exercise.It is not good for Health. I wish you are not having it and if than you will get it control.
@PenandQuill (19)
• United States
4 Mar 07
Be glad you have the opportunity for a second test and a Doctor who thinks to check for it more than once and hopefully he will keep you monitored for a while.
I went to my MD complaining of all the classic symptoms of diabetes and he sort of blew me off and sent me home doing nothing more than giving me a pat on the head and saying it was due to aging (I was 45 then). Three days later I was admitted through the ER unconscious with a sugar level of 1674 - (your body begins to die at 700), for nine days I was in and out of a coma - I could not see or speak and had no idea what had happened to me. As a result I am partially blind have a heart condition and suffer from other organ failure.
@JediSkipdogg (169)
• United States
4 Mar 07
It all depends on what tests they are performing. There are actually 4 common tests for diabetes.
The fasting BG test is done after you have not eaten anything for 8 hours. This ensures that no food is active in your system and gives them a good rating of how your body is taking care of the glucose in it.
The Hemoglobin A1C test is a history of your glucose levels over 3 months. Since a fasting test is only that one money in time it can often be misleading. If the A1C test is elevated above a 6% then you are definitely diabetic.
The next two tests are done once the above tests have shown you are diabetic. They can do a Peptide C and a GAD Antibody test. Those two tests show how much insulin your body is producing and how well it is use. If you are producing very little and have positive GAD Antibodies, then you are a type 1 at which point you will be put on insulin shots. If the Peptide C is elevated then you are having insulin resistance which can put you as a type 2 and you will be started on pills and a diet/exercise regime.
Good luck.
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@ldybgsgma99 (798)
• United States
4 Mar 07
I will definitely say a prayer for you. I have type II diabetes. I was diagnosed in 1999. I currently take oral medications to control my blood sugar and I test my level twice a day. Make sure you read labels. Even though it says sugar free, it may not be.
@Polly1 (12645)
• United States
4 Mar 07
My mom is diabetic, she controls hers with diet and pills. She doesn't have to take insulin. Good luck with your test, let us know how things turn out for you. Watch out for the carbs too, bread. That turns into sugar in your body after eating, (thats what I have heard).
@littlefranciscan (18327)
• United States
3 Mar 07
You really need to watch your carbs as these turn to sugars..breads are especially good makers of sugar..and those crunchies like chips..
@dixie1 (1330)
• United States
3 Mar 07
Yes, I have been tested for diabetes a couple times. I do not have diabetes yet, one of my lab studies showed me to be pre-diabetic.
My Grandfather(maternal) had strong case of Diabetes.
My Grandmother (paternal) had borderline diabetes.
You will meet with a dietician most likely and your doctor will decide whether you need medication or not.
Diabetes is a very very serious disease.
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@PIITZY (749)
• Romania
3 Mar 07
im predisposed to diabetes my grandma my grandpah and my dad and his mom have diabetes so of what ive heard it could be enharited but thank god im ok and i dont have it...hmmm advices no matter what the results are life still goes on keep your head up:)