Spanking or no spanking?
By all4ucnc
@all4ucnc (861)
United States
March 3, 2007 10:53am CST
I have friends who don't believe in spanking their children, and they are out of control and so they never take them any where afraid of how they will behave. . . I use spanking as a LAST resort, but they know it is an option. And I can take my kids anywhere with me and know that I will not have any problems.
What's your opinion on the subject?
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38 responses
@ram_cv (16513)
• India
3 Mar 07
I myself was of the view that without spanking children cannot learn good habits. That was true, until I actually met a couple who have never ever spanked their kid, yet were able to exert the right control on their child to help her evolve into a better person. Of course, it required an amazing amount of coordination amongst the parents and a lot of maturity, but they did manage the show.
Sometime later my wife started working in a pre-school where they were not allowed to scold or spank a child. Initially, she found it difficult to get things done from children without scolding, but soon she was able to learn more about them and was able to cajole them to do the right thing without scolding or spanking.
Since then, I have changed my views on this subject.
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@emeraldisle (13139)
• United States
3 Mar 07
Why should adults cajole children into behaving? If they aren't behaving then they should be disciplined not sweet talked to.
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@ram_cv (16513)
• India
3 Mar 07
Because I feel that children should be given a fair chance to understand why they are asked to behave in a certain manner. Spanking them is easy, but the more often you use it you sort of alienate yourself from them for some moments. As this evolves, soon you reach a state where they become immune to this. Spanking like any punishment works best when used minimally.
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@all4ucnc (861)
• United States
3 Mar 07
I always reason with my kids first,But there is always that point where they try to test their boundries. And one day when my son got caught throwing rocks at the house he looked at me and said "I'll give you one of my cars, after I get out of the corner.". . . It was like no big deal to him, I asked him why he thought he should be in trouble, why throwing the rocks was bad. He said "I don't know and I don't care, now move so I can get to the corner." . . .Now he's 5, and I have a harder time with disrespect, than I do with the throwing of the rocks, I sent him straight to his room, until I was able to cool off, then went to have a talk with him, He told me "I don't know why you think you can tell me what to do." Now at this point, taking away privlages, giving him time outs, or talking it out was not an option. I am not going to let me disrespect me now or ever...That was his first real spanking, he had been warned about them before, but I had never needed to use it. My daughter is two and just counting to three gets her attention. But she knows that a spanking is definetly an option, and now so does my son, though I haven't had to do it anymore.
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@money_maker01 (1097)
• Malaysia
3 Mar 07
Hi there,thank you for coming with this nice topic. First of all, I am sorry if my words will make you in such unease because I do have a different view from you. let us debate here wisely without coming with any harsh element :)
Kids used to behave on what their parent did. If you educate them with gently,gently they will be and instead of it. I am not talking this in empty.I used to see my cousin's family. Their parent did educate them in gently and they did never spank.
All of them grow up very well and in excell. I always be with them since I was kid. So, I know how the situation was. That is normal when kids turn to be noughty but when their parent just gave a single glanced they will be in the normal way back. Couldn't you see how nice is that?
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@all4ucnc (861)
• United States
3 Mar 07
I think this works with some kids . . But necassarily all kids, I have a neice, and I love my brother and his wife dearly, but all they do is talk nice, and say "no, no princess"... By the time she was 3 she knew that no matter what she did, her worse punishment would be to stand in the corner (big deal). So she will climb up on the counter tops and throw things down, the whole time mommy and daddy are talking reason with her, and when she is done, she stands in the corner for 3 minutes, gets mad about that, and so gets back up on the counter top and continues to break things. This cycle will go round and round until, My brother gets so mad that he sends her to bed without her dinner, he'll keep taking her back into her room about a dozen times before she gets tired of that game, and stays in her room, screaming. They ignore her until she falls to sleep...This is a normal routine at their house. My brother and I use alot of the same techniques in disapline, only he refuses to ever raise his hand, or even threat the possibility.
I feel that some kids are hard headed, and need differant types of disapline. I run a daycare and never have to yell at the kids I watch, I use the corner, if I have to. But a routine does wonders around here. And I rarely even have to yell, or threaten a spanking with my own kids..But it is an option. A LAST resort, but non the less an option...And my neice NEEDS a spanking. If she has control of that house now at 3, just imagine what she will be like as a teenager, that thought give me chills.
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@magikrose (5429)
• United States
3 Mar 07
I love my kids but like you I use spanking as a last resort also. I try to use time out first and if that dostn work I will take something away and if that still dosnt work I will spank and ground for the day.
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@mzbubblie (3839)
• United States
3 Mar 07
I am the same way, I will spank my child as the very last resort, Most the times, Taking away the computer, cartoons, his game systems, make him go to bed earlier, no outside activities, and no friends over. He bores easily therefore I hardly ever had to spank him,..He got the picture real quick..
I can say from a young age, I never had any issues with my son, he knew how to behave in public, he knew not to run off. He's a great kid who never talked back to me...
I don't see anything wrong with spanking your child as long as it's with meaning and not out in
However, if you don't spank, I respect that, to each his/her own. I will "IF" I have to and it's the very last resort...
Good topic
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@mzbubblie (3839)
• United States
4 Mar 07
I respect that, when he was younger, he would get spanked, now a days he's almost 12 and he appreciates all his little perks like his games systems and such. I could take them all away and he straightens up. I haven't had to spank him in a long long time...I can easily discipline with the things he love and enjoy...
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@Impervious (1147)
• United States
4 Mar 07
A little pressure applied to the seat of understanding never killed anyone. Now if you spank your child ya better hope that someone does not call the cops cause your gone for a ride.
I am only 36 and I can remember my grandfather used to use the switchin stick on my but and I will tell you this whatever I did to get it I did not do it again.
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@mearwen (9)
• Philippines
3 Mar 07
hi, this is just an opinion from a child not from a parent.
i've read your responses and it seems that you are all parents. i am a daughter. a daughter who had experienced spanking all throughout her life. yes. not just during my younger years but also in my teenage and young adult life. it just stopped when i lived away from my parents and lived independently.
spanking is a nightmare even if its the last resort. just think of this, we've all gone through being children. kids are kids, its innate on them that they are sometimes not behaving well. to my opinion and through my experiences, scolding or talking to the child is better than spanking. it would give the child additional knowledge, the pros and cons f his behavior. i have experienced being talked to by my parents. being educated with the things i have done bad, it is stored knowledge. it is education. i'm turning 30 this year and all those years of spanking that i got from both my parents still haunt me.
so please, don't do it to your children.

@momknows (284)
• United States
4 Mar 07
Are we talking spankings or beatings????? A quick smack on the rear is not going to cause a major problem, I'm sure most people here can state they've had a few. Once you have children of your own you will see different things your parents did right and wrong, children aren't born with a handbook and we try to do the best we can. (Sometimes wishing we could go back and change the errors we made)

@RivahGal (34)
• United States
3 Mar 07
I hardly ever spanked our son. It had to be something bad, like when he threw rocks at a car when he was four. What he hated the most was having to spend the day in his bedroom. He'd beg for a spanking so it would be over quicker! When he was in his room, he had to clean his closet, tidy up his dresser drawers, dust his furniture, pick up trash and just thoroughly clean his room.
While I prefer to not spank, I realize that there are times when it may b necessary. I don't judge parents either, unless they are beating the child or spanking way too much, or too hard.
@_hope_ (3902)
• Australia
8 Mar 07
i use to smack my children if they were really naughty but never did i have any problems taking the five of them anywhere they did behave when they were suppose to ,which was a blessing .Now a days i look after other peoples children and would never smack them instead i have a naughty step that works wonderfully well it only takes a few minutes of sitting on the step for them to realise i mean buisness and only have looked after one little boy who needed to sit there a few times before he complied . I have no problems in talking any number of children out with me because they know i mean no when i say no . I enjoy looking after children and they enjoy coming to my home as they all want to stay with me when its home time we have so many tears but they are all wonderful children.
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@angel_manders (912)
• Canada
4 Mar 07
i believe that spanking a child is what children need now a days because they seem to be getting a way with alot of crap. i feel that a child who misbehaves needs a spanking once in a while to straighten them up.
@all4ucnc (861)
• United States
4 Mar 07
Your on the right track, but their ARE a few kids that don't respond to anything but a tap on the hand while telling them no, or a swat on the butt as a reminder that that behavior is not acceptable, but of coarse this inforsement HAS to be done while they are very young, if you wait until they are ready for school to start disaplining, You could spank, and spank and not get ANY results. I think spanking a child who is old enough for school, is a bit much. But when your child is old enough to crawl and get into things, then they are old enough to be taught "NO".
@all4ucnc (861)
• United States
5 Mar 07
We obviously disagree...Welp to each their own, but I'll tell you what I have never had to put things up or restrict any areas, they've always known what was right and what was wrong, And if we go to someone elses house, they don't need to be restricted, or have to move their things either.
What ever works for you, you keep doing it. My kids are 2 and 5 and simply counting is enough if I need to remind them of the way they are acting. Because they were put on the right track at a younge age.
@emeraldisle (13139)
• United States
3 Mar 07
I think it's up to the parent to make the choice that works best on their kids. Different kids do react to different forms of punishment. some could care less what you take from them or about putting in time out while others could care less if you spank them. Only the parent knows for sure what works best. I've seen kids be out of control no matter what form of discipline a parent uses. It's usually not the discipline it's when the parents don't follow through on the punishment that causes the problem. If the parent is using a form of discipline that works on the child and uses it consistently then there usually isn't a problem. It's when they don't follow through, where they say if you do that you'll get this and then they don't discipline them. Then the child feels they can get away with anything. Now if a parent is following through and a discipline isn't working then they need to think of what will and change to that.
@ram_cv (16513)
• India
3 Mar 07
I agree with you on the point that it is upto each parent to choose what works best for themselves and their kids. But, the point of this debate is what other alternatives are available to spanking or is spanking absolutely necessary. My take on this is no it is not necessary. As they say it is not necessary but use it if you need it.
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@smacksman (6053)
19 Mar 07
All kids need to learn the limits of acceptability and a spank at the right time will teach them early on where the limit is.
The critical thing is to spank them early and way before you are loosing your temper. That way you will easily control the amount of force you use.
@jchampany (1130)
• United States
19 Mar 07
I am like you. I don't like spanking but I also realize that sometimes there is no other way to get your point across. My son is 8 so I don't spank him anymore. I think he is too old for it and I can actually discuss with him his actions and why there were incorrect. My daughter is 1 1/2 and very hard headed. When she wants to do something she is determined. The other day I had to spank her because she insisted she was going to stick a fork in the light socket. All my persuading, telling her no, trying to get her interested in something else, etc. didn't work. I had to spank her. It was either that or let her do it and fly across the room.
@samraf (725)
• India
3 Mar 07
Age appropriate spanking, NOT beatings -- but a mere swat on the bottom -- done with calm rather than anger, along with a simple admonition of the offending behavior and an admission from the child about the behavior with remorse does wonders. Spanking becomes less necessary as consequences for misbehavior become clear to the child -- that only happens with consistency and when the parents are in absolute control of their emotions when they administer the discipline.
To say that a one-year old, two-year old or three year old has no comprehension of discipline is to show a complete lack of understanding of children. Limits must be set and set early or the little darlings will take over the house and run their parents into the ground. They will bargain and negotiate and try "time outs" and generally raise kids no one will want to be around.
You see parents hand their children their car keys or wallets in a grocery store to play with and then they wonder why their children scream bloody murder when Mommy needs her wallet or keys and takes them away. They think it is cute that little Johnny gets hold of the remote control to the television then curse the world when little Johnny loses it, hides it or thinks it is now his property. You see parents allow the worst sort of talking back, defiance and general testing of limits....and yet these extremely well-educated, otherwise competent people start negotiating with toddlers like Donald Trump in "The Art of the Deal." And the line of acceptable behavior slips farther and farther out of view.
Pretty soon, parents are prisoners in the home, wanting to go nowhere for fear of their children's behavior -- or worse still, they accept it, chalking it up to "kids will be kids". Today, they are defiant in giving back the remote control, down the road, they will take the car without hesitation or fear.
It is tragic to see the level to which even good conservatives buy into this liberal garbage about child-rearing. Unbelievably tragic for the children, who crave limits, are in their comfort zone with schedules and do far better in a disciplined environment where the rules and lines of acceptable behavior aren't constantly shifting.
My children rarely need what we call "discipline" (spankings) now because they already know if they "do not obey first time..." there will be consequences. All I have to do when we are out someplace is raise an eyebrow and they straighten up right away. And I can take them anywhere and hear rave reviews on their behavior from weary parents who then beg for the secret of how we do it....:)
"Sometimes I would do the weirdest things and I would get in trouble," she said. "But I don't think (spanking) had an effect on me. I didn't learn from it very well. I just felt like I was a bad person."
Drs. T. Berry Brazelton, Penelope Leach, and Benjamin Spock, probably the most influential child psychologists and pediatricians in recent times, have opposed spanking. So do the American Psychological Association and the National Association of Social Workers. Even though many experts are against spanking, this form of discipline is still in use.
In the past, spanking was more common. Surveys show that over 90 percent of parents spanked their children in the 1930's.
"I think that it was normal then," said Brianna, 9, of Ishpeming, "but now parents understand that it doesn't (always) work."
A Shift in Discipline?
Mike Morin, child welfare supervisor for the Marquette County Family Independence Agency (FIA), has seen a shift to other forms of discipline. The FIA is a state agency with the authority to investigate child abuse and neglect.
"I think, in general, society has really moved away from spanking," he said. "I think in some respects, society has learned more effective means of disciplining kids. (But) there are still people out there that we run into that are very strong believers in corporal punishment. There's a divergent opinion, it seems to me."
A recent survey by the American Academy of Pediatrics shows differing opinions on the part of pediatricians. The academy officially opposes spanking, but members' responses to the survey show that opinions could not be summed up as simply "for" or "against" spanking
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@all4ucnc (861)
• United States
3 Mar 07
You teach them that disrespect is not okay, when they are younge, you don't have unruley kids...I never have to worry about my kids, no matter where we go. But my neice runs her house and she's only 3 (no spankings)...We have friends who have kids they rarely take anywhere, they whine, and cry, and beat up the other kids, and get into everything. I hear them threaten the spanking, but they have never dished one out ever,,Empty threats, kids catch onto those right quick. I follow through with what ever I say, this way they know I mean business, and now I rarely have to say a word, I just hold up a finger, to start counting and they straighten right up.
@suspenseful (40192)
• Canada
13 Mar 07
I used the pick up the child away from the situation result. I never had trouble getting my children to behave in restaurants because we started when very young, and they copied what we did.
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@Sicantik (706)
3 Mar 07
I don't smack my kids bacause I 've never felt the need to do it... When my son misbehave I normaly just come to him look him straight in his eyes and said to him to stop. If he throw a tantrum I will just ignore him until it pass.
However If it happen outside the house I will just say to him to stop if he doesn't stop then we'll go home. He won't like it if we go home so he will normaly stop. And also he knows for sure that I meant what I said...xx
@ganwn071 (1116)
• Singapore
4 Mar 07
I used the carrot and stick method. Will reason with them first and provide them the carrot and if it does not work than the stick will come out, i.e, if we are out of the house and they do not behave, then will remind them that we have the option to go home right away. But at time, I will smack if they went totally out of control.
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@amirsharipuddin (148)
• Malaysia
4 Mar 07
I say spank them. Children nowadays are so spoilt sometimes spanking is the only way to keep them in line.
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@momknows (284)
• United States
4 Mar 07
When my children were younger they knew who was in charge. Today's youth have no morals and it's a scary topic to me. Our future rulers have no morals. There were times my children got a swat on the rear, but I tried to make sure the crime fit the punishment. A funny story about punishing comes to mind, my son loved to be outside and my daughter loved to be inside. One day they were driving everyone nuts and we grounded the boy inside and the girl outside you would have thought we beat the living ...... out of each of them.
@aby1villamor (74)
• Philippines
7 Mar 07
it depends on the behavior of a kid. if he's a hard headed will you have the reason to spank them but make sure to explain later in a nice way (not by shouting) the reason why you hurt them and i'm sure they will understand just the way i descipline my 11 yr old sister. hope this can help!
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@lazywalt99 (177)
• United States
3 Mar 07
I never spanked my children, but I always threatened to spank them. My children (with the exception of my middle child) were very well-behaved.
As my children grew older, because I wasn't so strict, they weren't rebellious like many other teenagers are. Instead, they were straight A students, volunteers within the community, and have ultimately became successful adults today.
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@rhadoo2006 (562)
• Romania
4 Mar 07
At least one spanking is allowed. Who regrets a single spanking by the parents? i don't because i've realized that i deserve it.