Do you think the world looks down on Americans?
By seamonkey
@seamonkey (1976)
9 responses
@arnboy (357)
• India
3 Mar 07
No, i do not think that the world looks down at America. It's a lie whipped up by the 2 M's (media and middle east LOL). Obviously the Iraq fiasco has been fodder for the media and of course the people in Middle East are really angry. I think things will just change after a period of time, provided these war's stop!. Till, then America's image will require a good public relations exercise, to bring things back to normal.
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@seamonkey (1976)
• Ireland
3 Mar 07
What do you think the world's opinion of the States was before the current situation in Iraq?
@seamonkey (1976)
• Ireland
14 Mar 07
Just taking a peek over at Youtube I see there is a ton of media on this subject. I looked at the video you mentioned and I'm sure they received plenty of sensible answers, but that wouldn't make good viewing. Still, I couldn't help being surprised by the level of ignorance on display.

@arnboy (357)
• India
3 Mar 07
Well the American people are very warm and casual in their approach. I have in fact played host to many American families. I agree they are casual but they have a gem of a heart. On the contrary i have found englishmen very cold, formal, unfriendly and sometimes very proud in fact so proud, that some of them think that still they are a major imperial power. Its just that the gulf wars have in reason times given them bad press, before that they were extremely popular even in the middle east.
Yes, of course America will be envied by mankind it has produced great scientists, businessmen, management professionals etc. in the past 100 years. In fact the 20th century was the golden period of American history. But, however, everything that goes up has to come down. That's newton's principle of gravity.
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@arnboy (357)
• India
4 Mar 07
Well its funny but true entire communities get blamed for the dumb actions of a few foolish people. Sometimes, hatred extends to even dogs ...
After world war two, the German Shepherd dog was suddenly unpopular in England the reason attributed was their German
origin. So, they started calling them Alsatian's in England,
that shows that even poor animals are not spared, criticism.
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@seamonkey (1976)
• Ireland
3 Mar 07
Hi arnboy, I'm a dual citizen (US and Irish,US first) so I find this subject fascinating. My Irish and Belgian (used t live in Belgium) friends and often forget I am American and let rip, so I was curious to see the take of others. As I am a Californian American, I get slagged about that as well.
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@lkbooi (16070)
• Malaysia
3 Mar 07
I don't think people look down on Americans, but instead, they envy them. Because most Americans are leading comparatively free and luxurious life in the world. But due to culture difference with the rest of the world, they are usually taken as arrogant 'cowboy' who impose double standard to the other nations in the world. The conflict had become extremely obvious, after the invasion of Iraq & Afghanistan.
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@seamonkey (1976)
• Ireland
3 Mar 07
I think there is a level of envy. I think there is also the impression of the 'Ugly American' tourist, beyond any political or military agendas.
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@arnboy (357)
• India
3 Mar 07
Hi, Seamonkey well America's image problem has existed since Vietnam however, things cooled down and eventually Vietnam is friendly now. Similarly, they experienced success with Japan and Germany who are now their allies. They made similar calculations with respect to middle east and Afghanistan and everything backfired.
The smart thing at present will be to withdraw else it will end up like another Balkan situation much like Serbia and Croatia. It will be a period of endless stalemate. War is not the best solution to make friends certainly in the middle east and most importantly with countries like North Korea who have the N bomb.
Unless rapid changes to foreign policy are made the bad image problem will continue to haunt Americans.
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@seamonkey (1976)
• Ireland
3 Mar 07
I think there is a lot more to the image problem then simply polotics. If you are an environmentalist, you are going to have a problem with the unequal distribution of resources. If you are starving you are going to have a problem with America's reputation for waste. If you want an education but have to leave school at 7 to support your 6 siblings then...if you see what I mean. Then you have some US citizens trotting all over the world looking to soak up the booming tourism options and not always making a great impression or being paricularly sensitive to local customs or mores.
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@bluewings (3857)
11 Mar 07
I don't think the world looks down on America or the Americans. It's some policies of the present government and some not so popular decisions that has made this a bone of contention.I don't think it has reached a point of no return and it's not right to blame the American people for what they aren't responsible.They only chewed on the information hyped by the intelligence units and media reports that made the government look stupid.The closed mindset towards the middleeast didn't help matters either,but the very fact that there is lot of voices against those policies in US itself is evidence enough to prove that the common american person doesn't like to go around waging wars against nations.These are my personal opinions and I think in future US will be watching it's step closely as has been clear in the recent talks with North Korea.The iran issue though remains to be resolved and I can only hope the international community shows more wisdom and try to keep them engaged in negotiations till a plausible solution shows up.
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@drakan291 (817)
• Ireland
11 Mar 07
I think they do in general and I think a lot of Americans are oblivious to it. I think there is a touch of envy, as Americans have it so good they don't even know it.
@huggiebear22 (2007)
• Canada
11 Mar 07
I do not think it is envy.
I belive it only takes one "ugly America" to ruin it for a large group. I live next to the border with the US and met may great peopel adn for every 100 or so real genuinely good american i meet i meet one that just acts like the world owes him casue they are from america. Goes back to the saying one bad apple ruins the whole barrel. I have a family in Europe and they tell me is the people in Military service tend to be the ones who who propogate the myth of "Ugly American" while you meet people on vacation and they are totally different. I personnelly have mmet peopel from all over the world you get the good oen s adn the bad ones from every country. Once had Austrian tourists decide they were gonna camp in my backyard casue it was close to the forest.
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@huggiebear22 (2007)
• Canada
13 Mar 07
I have traveled in several parts of the US and for the most part the people are great but have been asked by more than one person how to build and igloo and how do we survive with 24 hr days in the summer adn 24 hr nights in the winter and the person lived abotu 100 miles south of me go figuire.
@seamonkey (1976)
• Ireland
12 Mar 07
I agree about the one apple to ruining the barel. I find it quite bizare that anyone would judge a whole nation on the handful of nationals they have met. I think for Americans it is a little different though because so much of American culture is exported through tv, film and music. I don't want everybody to assume I'm Eminem because we are both US citizens, anymore than I have all that much in common with the cast of friends.

@rlnoliveira (10)
• Portugal
1 Aug 07
Envy of a country that has a dumb and drunk president?
Envy of a country it nails democracy and have fake elections?
Envy of a country where people don't know is history?
Envy of a country that atack others countrys because of money?
Envy of a country that put mans and womens to die in wars because of imiginary weapons?
Envy of a country that have the king on the belly?
Envy of a country where all that we ear is a lie?
Envy of a country where you have to pay for all the medical assistant?
Envy of a country were you have no freedom?
Do you really think we envy you????