What's the story behind your cat(s) name?

United States
March 3, 2007 8:24pm CST
How did you come up with your cats name? Does it fit them? Here's mine: 1. Friskie (Grey tabby) - Named after the Friskies cat food. 2. Precious (Black and White DSH) - My mom named her since it was her cat. 3. Ashes (Gray DSH) - Got from a neighbor when they moved. Had the name already. 4. Chloe (Orange/White DSH) - Fostered her as a kitten from the SPCA, she was the timid one of the three I had. I thought Chloe sounded like a "shy" name. She's crazy now LOL
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24 responses
• Australia
4 Mar 07
We currently have 4 cats. The first two were brought on the same day from a local cat shelter. I couldn't think of a name for either of them, I was feeling rather uncreative so eventually picked a couple that my mother had thought of. Sammy is a ginger and white kitty. Literally just a name my mother thought of. I don't believe there is any rhyme or reason to the name selection. Patch was the other name (grey, black, brown and white tabby.) When we got him from the shelter as a very young kitten his colours weren't very blended and were rather patchy. Hence his name Patch. His colours are a lot more blended now and he doesn't look the slightest bit patchy. Our other two were stray brothers we took in initially with their mum and sister until we managed to re home them. I gave both of them their names. Both are medium lenth fur ginger and white tabbies. Whisper - I decided I wanted to name them after songs from some of my favourite singers/bands. After mentally going through a pile of songs, I thought of this Evanescence song. It actually really suits his personality too, as he is really timid and I have only heard him meow once and that was just right before he was sick one night. His brother was named 'Northern' after the Tori Amos song 'Northern Lad.' I really wanted one named after one of her songs but not many of her song titles really seemed suitable, so this one popped into me head, and his name was born.
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• United States
6 Mar 07
It's awesome that you rescued shelter pets. I love to hear that. There are just so many animals out there that need a furr-ever home. I really like the name Whisper :)
@imsilver (1665)
• Canada
4 Mar 07
My daughter got the cat as a birthday present from a family friend. At the time, she used to always watch this cartoon show about a boy who was mean to cats so he got turned into a cat so that he could see it from there side. His name was Billy (I can't remember the actual name of the show). My daughter named her cat Billy after him :)
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• United States
6 Mar 07
LOL. Cute :) Love it when the children name the pets... always interestig!
• Canada
4 Mar 07
I had picked up 2 kittens after we lost our big cat from old age . The older children really wanted there own cat so I got two of them but the deal was that they would let one of the younger children name the kittens . One of my children (who was two at the time ) was in love with Dora The Explorer ( and still is lol ) wanted to name the kittens after the show , so she picked out two names she liked and the older children picked the one they liked better for each of thier kittens and this was how they ended up with the names Tico and Boots . Boots name really does suit her as she is all orange except for her four paws that are white so she looks like she is wearing boots and Tico the name just seems to suit her as she is all orange and very fluffy .
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@mobyfriend (1017)
• Netherlands
4 Mar 07
Your cat is called Chaja which means Life and she's called like that because she came into our life at a moment when it was going to change.
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• Netherlands
4 Mar 07
I meant Our cat. Oh those typing errors.
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• United States
4 Mar 07
I love my cat my ONLY one so far. I have only had one cat since I was 12. She will be 15 in June. Her name is Princess Angel. When my sister got her cat I told her to name her something with "Princess" in it. I dont know why I thought the name sounded good and cool. Then when I decided to get my own cat (my cats sister next day) I named her Princess Angel right on the spot. I thought she was perfect (Angel) and I wanted her to be royal like with the name I LOVED "Princess" thus her name Princess Angel. Funny thing she acts more like a QUEEN. She still bulleys at times the other cat and even my dog (both larger than her) around. But its okay. We give her the excuse she is an old lady leave her alone haha ;)
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@ElicBxn (63792)
• United States
4 Mar 07
I wish I could copy and paste!!! I've got a bunch of cats! Ping & Pong got their name because their sister was a siamese colored kitten & I named her for a chinese coworker. Since the game ping pong opened Red China back in the 70's, I thought those would be good temporary names until they found new homes - well, they didn't so they're stuck with them - and everyone loves the names except ME! Oliver was an orphan found at a week old. Taj is short for Ta Shuah, means "walks on snow" because he has white feet. Ronnie is "short" for Chevron because she was trapped at a Chevron station. Rygel was named for the muppet on Farscape because from behind, with his white ears, the roomie thought he looked like him, he is also very fond of eating like the Rygel in the show. That's a few of them.
@vmoore709 (1101)
• United States
4 Mar 07
Speedy - This is my Speedy.
My cat's name is Speedy. I'm not sure it fits him except he does bounce off the walls some times. He was born on my back porch and my daughter named him. I've attached a picture.
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@cololuvr (55)
• United States
4 Mar 07
I have 3 cats. We got all of them when they were kittens within a matter of days. The first one is a grey shorthair with silvery hues. We named her Angel. My daughter picked her name. The second one is Favio. He is a black and white longhair. We originally thought he was a girl and I named him Fiona (after Pinnochio's kitten). The third one we have is an orange tabby shorthair. We named him Cody to match his previous owner's name that started with a C. All three cats are very sweet and tolerate everything. I have two girls that just adore them. My oldest decided to give them middle names: Angel "Sassy" Favio "Oreo" Cody "Marmalade"
@havachat (105)
• Australia
4 Mar 07
my daughter has got a grey persian, he is very unique, his real name is orlando, she had a crush with orlando bloom when she was younger, but we got the cat de-sexed, he started to hump a stuffed toy, so i nick named him air bag, now he is about 3y/o he is really fat, so i also call him bubble butt, she gets defensive with that name, he gets scared going outside, will sleep in front of the air conditioner all day, is scared of full grown mice but will catch baby ones, loves going in to the shower with my daughter, waits at the front door for her to come home from school, he seems to know what time it is and when she comes home, will give you a kiss on command, wont come out from his hiding spot when he is called, but shake a bottle of milk, and he is there like a flash, he just isn't normal, but we will never get rid of him
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@aweins (4199)
• India
5 Mar 07
the name of my cat was Liza, and i named her Liza, because her eyes resembeled the eyes of a famous model Liza Ray.i like the model as well as her name very much so i named my cat after that.
• United States
4 Mar 07
We have three cats. Princess Pie, Mr. Kuddles and Punkin. Princess Pie received her name when we saw her at the Humane Society. She was so majestic, yet sweet, that it was the only name that seemed to fit. Mr. Kuddles received his name because I found him wandering underneath cars in the parking lot of the old apartment I use to live in. He just seemed to Meander and Meow like he was rambling, so the "MR" was short for Meandering Rambler....Kuddles was an after thought after seeing a cheese commercial with the girl who had an imaginary friend named Mr. Giggles. So "M-R" became Mr. Kuddles. Punkin is the baby of the family. I obtained Punkin after he took a car ride underneath the hood of a car from a town about 25 miles away! The lady had to come to my place of employment for a meeting. When the kitten was brought to her attention, she had no idea whose kitten it was. He had a burn on his ear from the engine. The company sent out an email to see if anyone wanted him. I was the only one who replied. When I took him home, he would hiss at me and attack Mr. Kuddles and Princess Pie. so he was an Ungreatful lil punk. ha ha. So he became Punkin because he was still just a baby. Punkin is now 4 years old.
@fxfriski (209)
• Singapore
4 Mar 07
Ber (Dunno what breed but you can find her photos in "Stray Cats" interest.) Originally named her Chanel, apparently she didn't like that. She will bite everytime we called her that name. She wakes up everyday before feeding time, she would look at us in a daze for a minute or two. She can't even recongnixe me... so my wife says she's blur again... Blur doesn't sound too nice, changed it to Ber. Ber like her new name so it's stuck.
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• United States
6 Mar 07
OOhh.. Chanel was very sophisticated but Ber is definitely different :) Good choice!
• Pakistan
4 Mar 07
Well, I have named a LOT of cats in ma life, because I'm a kitty fanatic. Hehe. =D When I was six, I think, a cat of mine had four kittens. Two were grey, and two white. One of the white and one of the grey were like, SO, wild, and one of the white and one of the grey were just as tame. So their names ended up: Wild Grey Tame Grey Wild White Tame White ^ Hehe, funny names, I know. XD Then I had a kitten called Saber. Saber actually means Lion, and Saber my Kitty was all orangey and golden and white and pretty. He reminded me of a Lion [in appearance only, though]. He was a bit lacking when it came to courage [Read: A scared-y pants] so the name was also a sort of pun. And, if names have any effect on personality as many people say, I hoped that name would bring out the "fiercer" side in him. =] Also, I had a kitten last year who was extremely, extremely, extremely WILD. He'd never be seen stationary for more than half a minute, so I named him Bozo. The name Bozo was a family joke back then, used to show how much of an idiot and/ or crazed "thing" someone was. Of course, my kitty Bozo never was an idiot [Super smart, actually.] But crazy? Definitely! So his name ended up that.
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@Molly322 (125)
• United States
6 Mar 07
My first cat was a gray tabby. We named her Frosty because my little sister had been singing "Frosty the Snowman" all day long and the name just stuck. Frosty ran away though when we were still young. My second cat was a black and white cat with double paws. We named him Domino because he looked like one! Unfortunately, Domino got too close to the highway. It was a sad day! The third and fourth cats we got were sisters. My sister chose one and I chose the other. My sister's was white with a dark black strip down her head and the bluest eyes. She named her Lacee and she was very delicate and dainty. Quite the little lady! I named mine Goblin because she looked like a wee ghosty and it was Halloween when we got them. Lacee disappeared one day but Goblin still lives with my parents. She's an old lady now (15) and quite the spoiled queen...but sweet as can be! We inherited the fifth cat from my grandmother when she passed away. His name was Panda and he was white and black just like a Panda bear! Panda passed away at age 10 from a heart defect. :-( My current cat at home is a Russian Blue that I named Luka Nicolai. My husband wanted to name hime Sputnik but he looked like a Luka to me. I should have named him the Russian equivalent for "trouble maker" or "devil" because he's constantly getting into mischief! LOL
• United States
6 Mar 07
I've once again started a question that outgrew me (meaning I don't have time to respond to each and every one of you as I hoped to) but I wanted to thank EVERYONE for their responses. I LOVE hearing all your stories :) Picking a name is definitely a task :)
• United States
4 Mar 07
Football beacuse frankly he looks like a football.
• United States
4 Mar 07
I have 2 cats that live with me and 1 that my grandma wouldn't let me take since she was attached to him. My 2 cats are Pebbles- Named after Pebbles on the Flinstones. I've always liked the name and it wouldn't be appropriate for a child. Cubbie- Named after the Chicago Cubs. My ex chose his name because he like the Cubs. I don't like the Cubs. My grandma's cat is Gizmo- Named after the character from the movie Gremlins. I love Gizmo from the movie. He is so cute and I have a few little collections from the movie.
• United States
4 Mar 07
Meeca is my oldest, my mom wanted to call her Misha and I wanted to call her Micah so we compromised. The second cat was Nemo and I thought he looked like the cartoon character just because he had big eyes. Then the third was named Dory (full name Adora Belle) because her and Nemo took to each other right away and always partnered together. The fourth is called IBK- Itty Bitty Kitty and is affectionately referred to as Bitty.. she was the runt and weighed in at a pound when she was 2 months old.
@TinWolf (184)
• United States
4 Mar 07
Good Q, and with no disrespect to you or any others I offer this, WE "FEEL" a name for a pet, and hopefully get them to respond to it. I don't strictly enjoy, the usual names, though my EX has 7 cats so designated Kitty, Baby, Tigger, etc. etc. Your post also reminds me so deeply about Name choice even to a spiritual level. I currently have 4 natural enemies in my life. I Found my "LORY" and in the same time period as I was interested in the name of a man, a movie, and the CAR he tried to produce,,,"TUCKER". For a few years early in this decade she helped me maintain sanity, in that she mimics words. Next came my Wolf/Chow,,,"Spirit" because of my situation at the time, my origins, the environment, and because I needed a booster shot to my OWN spirit. Later I "adopted" "Hunter". a Chocolate Siamese, with 26 toes, who was obviously removed from her Momma too soon. HER name was an issue for a couple of weeks though, until I discovered she rid my house of any and all crawling critters, Hence she was so dubbed "Hunter"... "SHY" my 8 month old Albino Corn Snake was a minor issue as well, but Shy was not only influenced by her demeanor, but too in regard to someone I love,,,a HUMAN female, and a very special Angel, of hers. All my current charges are female by the way. I wanna add this and it relates to your cat. Get a copy of at least view the film/stage production of "CATS" I love it, but what is most valid is the message, even metaphorically as it regards the species. CATS have 3 names. One YOU call them. One they may even "answer" to, and ONE you may never know, unless THEY want you to. Thanks for the post. Steven Wolf
• United States
4 Mar 07
Toshi got his name from 'a family tradition' began in NYC when my uncle of only 24 years at the time, got his first cat and named it Tosh, he was the coolest companion my uncle had to accompany him on many business trips. Each subsequent cat over the years that fit 'the coolest cat category' was named Tosh or toshi. So far mine is the latest Toshi and he is fifth in line to other coolest cats our family could only give that name to. The most unique cat that was given the Toshi name was also maize, orange and soft brown long hair (like mine) that cuddled, got up on command, obeyed, protected and even kept the tavern free of mice-- that Tosh was part of my adolescence and now this Tosh, almost could be a great grandson, is part of my adult life. Pretty exciting and certainly a good tradition my side of the family cared to adopt.
• United States
5 Mar 07
I have two cats. One's name is Pod ( a yellow tabby i think? maybe not but he has stripes kindof), because someone shot him when he was a kitten:( and he walked around on three legs for a while, so we called him tripod, then just shortened it to pod because it stuck. The other one's name is Meow ( a grey something with white under his chin and on his paws), because he is constantly meowing.