Do you think there should be limitaions?
By desimanero
@desimanero (419)
United States
March 3, 2007 10:54pm CST
Okay...let me start off by saying im native american so im not being prejiduce.Well i think its a bunch of crap that most indian people in the US get to sit on thier butts and collect free money.Im not saying all are like this but the ones ive met live a life of never having to work cuz they get thousands of dollars every 3 months.All they do with thier money is drink and sniff coke.Where i live about 99% of native americans do this.I know a girl that has 4 kids and instead of providing for her kids her first thought when she gets her checks is drinking and buying coke.She doesnt even think about her bills.Shes constantly being evicted for not paying her bills.Now me yes im native american but im froma poor tribe with no funding so i get nothing.Im not jealous im angry.Im a hard worker.I pay my bills and take care of my kids and i get nothing.I think there should be some kind of circumstances with this free money.They should have to finish school, maintain employment...for some,get random drug screens and so on.If you know whatim talking you feel the same?
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14 responses
@crazylady (470)
• United States
4 Mar 07
I know exactly what you mean. I know african Americans the same way. With both--- its like they live with this entitlement- like the world owes them. I know some that will make sure to pop off a new baby ever 4-5 years so they don't have to go to work. It makes me sick. Our welfare system is so screwed up. It should be a hand up- not a hand out.
My husband is part Cherokee and is entitled to benefits (free medical at the Indian clinic and food if we lived out in the county. But we live in the city so he can't get those things. His mom wanted him to get an address out near her so we could get their benefits. Whatever. My husband and I are not like that.
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@desimanero (419)
• United States
5 Mar 07
Um for GIFTSANDBAGS.....Now youre being close minded.You must not know that im a fairly poor person.Imake just enough to pay my bills and feed my kids.And i do recieve state benifits.But i dont sit on my butt and take advantage.And id rather work the be on welfare anyday cuz any job pays more then welfare.And there is a such thing as state benefits for daycare....hmmmm you know how i know?Bcuz i have it.Dont come to me like i dont know the struggle cuz i do.And thats exactly my point.I struggle and they sit on thier butts.NOBODY has to be in that position.Theres no such thing as "cant".If they really wanted not to be on welfare or whatever then theyd do something about it.And in plus i aint talking about talkiing about indian percap.Get the 2 totally different subjects right.
@JediSkipdogg (169)
• United States
4 Mar 07
I can't really respond on the Indian part but I can on the welfare system.
I do agree that our system is hugely flawed. Personally, you should be allowed a maximum of 1 year of welfare your ENTIRE LIFE. There is no reason you can't find a job somewhere and if you don't believe me step in Walmart. The Walmart by me has an elderly lady in a wheelchair as their greeter. I'm sure she's not making much, but she's making more than if she were on welfare.
They had a case on Judge Judy last week where a girl was using her kid and the welfare system to get money to go tanning. She then applied for college scholarships and recieved more than the tuition of where she went. So she took the money and took a vacation with it. Personally, a waste of good money there.
The ultimate problem is those that truely need it can't get it. But those that abuse the system somehow get whatever they want. I guess they are too dumb to get a real job but smart enough to abuse a system.
@smilekeith (248)
• United States
4 Mar 07
Your thinking is flawed. Walk into WalMart, a corporation whose entire philosophy is to break the back of its employees. Walmart destroys countries and counties, cities and municipalities. That little old lady in the Wheelchair, working at WalMart? She still needs to get health benefits through the welfare system. So, if she is working there for a year, she just has to suffer?
Welfare needs to be reformed, in all areas, but Corporate Welfare should be the first one to be reformed. If you make a billion dollars a year, and your top producer makes 80 million dollars a year, there should be an issue if you decide that you'd rather fire 10,000 people, or keep them in poverty, than for you to make only 40 million.
Welfare reform needs to allow recepients to get an education, as well as, an opportunity to learn a trade. Going from WalMart to McDonald's only keeps the cycle going, gaining momentum with each generation not given the opportunity. Money given in large sums like the Indian reservations (which, there is some compensation when you STEAL someone's land, and pillage their communities. White America is Getting SOMETHING from this relationship
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@desimanero (419)
• United States
5 Mar 07
you must not know welfare only pays and average of $700 a month.Now i know i can make more then that at walmart.Although i dont work there but still.Ive been struggling for a long time but i get by.I rather work and make real money.
@harwoodkp (285)
• United States
5 Mar 07
I know exactly how you feel. I am part native american, and I see a lot of my relatives doing just what you say. You notice that i did not say every one is, I just said a lot.
By the way, what tribe is that, The one i am associated with is the blackfoot Indians in montana. Interesting thing Is that they have very stict rules for being enrolled, and that I dont have enough to be enrolled. This does not bother me since it makes me work harder to take care of my family.
@desimanero (419)
• United States
5 Mar 07
Im ojibwe or as the "white man" calls it "chippewa".But its everywhere.The tribe ive seen get the most money is Ho-chunk,oneida and menominee.Im not trying to single out all natives.Bcuz im half indian and im nothing like that and niether are the people in my family.But honestly ALMOST every native i came across is like that.Where i live theres a variety of races everywhere but the native community are all familiar with eachother as we see eachother all the time maybe cuz school or pow wows or whatever.So i know alot of native people.
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@satishdate (25)
• India
4 Mar 07
I am indian & i felt offended by your remark about
indians I dont undrstand why any indian would get free money in america? Would you pls explain?
@gauravjm (78)
• India
4 Mar 07
i feel indians are the one's who really work like dog and also use thier brains there in usa so they are always wanted by americans at work places and for that u cant say indians are bad etc they work hard and earn boss..and americans cant claim everything is as how they think or its becoz of them i can give 50/50 work of indians,rest of world people working in usa n americans in the growth of america and technology so i feel limitations should be removed and all should be payied equally whether they are residents or not wat say??
@DavidReedy (2378)
• United States
4 Mar 07
I think you're confusing Native Americans (colloquially called "Indians" here) with Native Indians.
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@kaiyascloset (372)
• United States
4 Mar 07
I am Native American as well but have never lived near other Native Americans or a tribe. Are you talking about people that are on reservations? I do agree that there should be regulations with the money that is being received. I agree that education and employment should be some of the requirements!
@Marie2473 (8512)
• Sweden
4 Mar 07
I do not know about native americans since i do not live in America, but here in sweden it is the same. Alot of foreign people come here and live on wellfare and they dont even tryto get a job. For a swedish person it is hard to get wellfare coz they know that we CAN get a ´job. However many of those that just sits on there butts here are healthy young people that can work in many different areas!!!
@p3halliwel2005 (3156)
• Philippines
4 Mar 07
I feel you...I may not be living in America but I feel that way here as well..I guess that is life and in every nation not all people are treated equally and I feel it is stupid.
@recycledgoth (9894)
4 Mar 07
Unfortunately this is not a problem limited to one particular culture or race, here in the UK we have a huge problem with benefit fraud and cheating the system. Where I live, we have a very large population of mid-European Asylum Seekers, and these people are the ones seen to be getting all the benefits like free housing, state handouts and all the other benefits available. We pay high rates of tax to support the welfare state in the UK and there are times when personally I feel that I am not getting the benefits I am entitled to, simply because there are a load of immigrants getting them and there is little funding available for us.
I'm sure it doesn't really work like that but when you see people getting it all and wasting it all, it does make me angry. I have been on the receiving end of a very low benefit payment, yet when I see some of these others getting a lot of money and all the freebies, I wonder sometimes where is the justice.
Just my own personal view, folks.
@Married2aMarine (1273)
• United States
4 Mar 07
I agree with Jedi. I don't think it's a problem with the Natives or the African Americans or any particular race or tribe. It's to do with the SYSTEM. I come from a country where there is no such thing as welfare. If you are poor, you are poor...and you have to work your butt off for every single cent. And for the poor, the govt does set out some schemes such as low cost housing, grants, etc...but NO freebies! I think it's only human nature to take free things for granted. I don't think it's something to do with a person's race. I think the govt should start imposing some stipulations to these freebies they are giving out. I don't think anyone should be on welfare their whole lives. That's just ridiculous!
@onyevikky (134)
• Israel
21 Mar 07
it all depends on the persons life there's no possiblity that every person must live a good life you know some people think this life is all happiness the don't think about tomorrow as a human being you have to think about your tomorrow and that makes you good of what you my there remain what you are there is a saying that goes like this you don't value what you have until you lose it the can't value it cuz the have being puting a golden spoon in there mouth so the behave any how the like one day the will come to there self thanks.
@Grandmaof2 (7579)
• Canada
4 Mar 07
desimanero you are wrong about one very important thing you said you get nothing but that is not true. You get respect from me and hundreds of others reading this. You will also be forever respected from your children. I don't know how old they are but they'll grow up to see what you've done. You're giving them the best start that you can. As for all the other stuff yes I agree. Giving these people money every three months does nothing for them and very little for the children. As for all the abuse of these funds I'm with you 100% there needs to be better laws. I'm a white person and that means nothing there's good and bad regardless what color we are. I respect you. Take Care of your babies at least you work for what you have. You may be from a poor tribe, I'm not rich either, never was but we're GOOD PEOPLE Keep Up The Good Work !!!
@ADW_JLD (15)
• Canada
4 Mar 07
I applaude your view!!!!! Im from canada Ontario and I live near a reservation where some live better then me! Now I have a full time job as well as my DH and we barley get by. Now granted I love the fact thet I can get Cheap Cigs there ( Im in the prosses of quitting to save the $20 a month I spend on them)but come on!!!! THEY GIvE THEM HOUSES FOR FREE!!!! Im also hate the welfare system too many ppl cashing in for every child they have Ohhh we do have a wokfare system BUT you dont have to work if any of your childeren are not in school yet so pop out a baby 3 years and you get to sit on your but and do nothing! How bout some More Programs for the working PPL sutch as promoting businesses to provied daycare, or rewarding the working with better tax breaks Personaly I have encountered ppl On welfare who get a better tax return then I do How is that fair? Why do I have to work my a$$ off and they have all the $$$$$