How did I get here?
@artistmel2000 (438)
United States
March 4, 2007 3:10am CST
Have you ever wondered, "How did I get here? How did I get to this point in my life?" What decision did I make that led me to this point in time. This is so not where I wanted to be.
I've struggled with trying to find a job. I feel like I'm balancing precariously between sanity and the sweet abyss just over the edge. Oh God, how I want to jump and just feel the black envelope me, like being embraced with warm arms. To not be able to feel or worry or struggle or be depressed anymore. I'm so tired.
I tell myself I can't do this anymore, but it's not that I can't do it. I just don't want to do it anymore. I wake up everyday and I'm so ticked off because I can breathe. I am angry because I have to get out of bed, shower, dress, and tend to daily life. I want it to stop. I want the pain to end.
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7 responses
@lordwarwizard (35747)
• Singapore
4 Mar 07
If you feel it is necessary, I would advise professional help. If you have a religion, you might want to seek solace there too - those seniors in your religion might offer some comfort too.
If you are feeling so stressed out, I think you need to try taking a step back. Go to the sea side where negative ions are plenty - they help to soothe your mind and make you feel better - not to mention think clearer.
Take time to appreciate the finer things in life. Appreciate that the sun is rising again this new day. Enjoy the bloom of a flower. Thank the creator that you can still breathe fresh air.
I hope you will find some peace. Sincerely.
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@artistmel2000 (438)
• United States
4 Mar 07
I've never denied that professional help is needed and warranted, but when you have no money (and I mean literally no money, save $2 in your wallet) and no health insurance, what can you do? I've been treated for depression now for my whole adult life, and I have treatment resistant depression. Basically, that means that I may respond to medications, but they stop working after a short period of time. Sometimes I don't even respond to the medications. I had a vagus nerve stimulation device implanted, but I haven't had it adjusted since December. Because of the specialty of the device and the very newness of the treatment, I am limited in whom I can see for adjustments. I've spent countless hours on the phone with the maker of the device, doctors, therapists, etc., who all say the same thing... Fee for service. If you can't pay, we can't help you. I'm not looking for a handout by any stetch of the imagination.
I have been fortunate to have someone who has allowed me to live with him, but the money situation is beginning to take a toll on both of us. I've submitted over 100 resumes, and I've been on 3 interviews. THREE INTERVIEWS! I don't know what else to do. If I was going on interviews everyday or several times a week, it would be one thing, but I'm averaging one interview every 2-3 weeks. This is not good.
I don't know what employers are looking for, I'm isolated because I only know this one person. I have no friends, no family, and no way to meet people. I have no money to put gas in my car, and to be honest, I'm wondering how long it will take them to repossess the car. This county has no public transportation, so I have to have a vehicle.
I have never been in a situation such as this, and I don't know how I got to this point. I just don't want to be anymore.
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@lordwarwizard (35747)
• Singapore
8 Mar 07
I know how life sucks when you only have 2 bucks in your wallet. Trust me, I really know that feeling.
Is there some form of welfare you can turn too for cash relief? As for "professional help", I am almost willing to bet that if you look around, there will be welfare, non-profit organisation who will offer to help you without taking a cent. Run a search online (start getting proactive..) or check out the papers.
If medicine is no longer working for you, it means your mind has gotten more powerful. Mind over body.. it's no fallacy. Your mind has gotten so powerful that it has rejected the medicines. Don't waste this powerful mind. Hone it and focus it in the right direction. You know and you want to get your life into order - so do it. Sometimes, you already know what you have to do - you just lack the courage. So pluck up your courage and do what has to be done.
When you submitted those resumes, did you customize each of them? Or was it a one-off mass try-your-luck kind of affair? Don't answer me, just be true to yourself. Did you honestly tell yourself you WANT that job when you sent the resume in?
I sent out 5 resumes before I got my first job. For 4 of them, I can't really be bothered because I didn't want the job anyway. In fact, I was practically praying that I wouldn't get the job. The last resume was for a job I wanted and I was hoping I would get it. Well, I got that job then. I am saying this not to show how superior I may be. No, not all. I am just trying to illustrate how proper intention may turn the tide to your favor. The very last interview you get - INFORM yourself that you are going to get this job.
@nancyrowina (3850)
4 Mar 07
When I feel this way I count the things I have that other people are without, there is always someone worse off than you. You only get from life what you put into it keep going and things will get better you are making a positive step by talking about things don't be afraid to seek professional help if it's too much. You are not alone in feeling this way there a millions of us and a doctor will know what to do to help you. There's no magic formula to put things right but the world will never just stop we all have to carry on regardless.
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@bananamanuk (835)
4 Mar 07
Your comment seems to suggest that you are feeling pretty desperate, in circumstances like that, where you really are struggling to see any good in anything in the world, anything in your life, then I would strongly suggest that you visit your doctor. They will be able to advise you on the best course of action, it may be medication, or it may be some form of one to one counselling or even group therapy. However, before you get to that step, I think you should sit down and write a list of every single thing you can think of in your life right now that is a) important to you or b) the things you love and like. There must be something, there really must, everyone has at least one glimmer of hope, one ray of light.
The next thing is to stop wishing for change, I know because I have been there, that you wake up and think, Oh no not another day of this, why is my life like this, why have I had to go through all of this heartache and sorrow whilst others have it comparitively easy. So, the thing to do now is to make another list, a list of things that you are not so happy with, the things that eventually you would like to change, so that might be your job or where you live etc.
Only when you "download" all of these thoughts will they beging to clear your mind to do the next bit, and that is to be thankful for the things you have got, and to set about making the changes to the things you don't like. It is not an easy process, but if you can keep those rays of things you do like, the things you do enjoy, then by taking each day as it comes you will be able to battle against some of the things you don't like. Just do it at your own pace, don't rush it, do what feels right at the time.
Find an outlet that you enjoy, for me it was nature, quietude and photography. Experiencing these things kept me calm, especially when I first started out on my road to happiness. I am not there yet - far from it, but I decided I would quickly put those thoughts, like you've had away, and get on with fixing myself. You can do it. I don't know you, but everyone has the ability to do things, sometimes facing a fear at your own pace is better than living with the thought of having the fear.
Finally, go back to that list of the things you like and love - think how much worse a world would be for those things without you around, think of the heartache for those left, don't for a moment think people get over the loss of someone. Be strong, think about yourself and your well being, but don't be selfish.
Good luck
Oh, and take a moment each day to smile, its a natural high adn will do you the world of good.
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@sunshinelady (7609)
• United States
4 Mar 07
From everything you have said it sounds like you are in depression. That is a disease that is hard to pull yourself out of. You might need to get professional help and it is out there for this kind of disorder. It would help if you would look at the positive things that are in your life. Even though from what I am reading that would be a hard thing for you to do. Is there something drastic that has happened to make you feel this way. Depression can be brought about by that also. I will keep you in my prayers and hope things get better for you. I have never been that down but I had hit a time in my life that things did not look good to me. I had people that helped me out.
@mayharaya (31)
• Philippines
4 Mar 07
Yes, I have, and I also think that a lot of people would have similar experiences like yours at some point in their lives. So don't ever think that it is only you who's feeling that way. I think that somehow, knowing that we're not alone is comforting. My first suggestion to you is to always have your friends and family around you. Their presence will reassure you that things will change for the better. Always try to see the positive side of everything that happens to you. Believe me, there is always something that's got to be good about them. Never ever feel that whatever condition you're into is as good as it will ever get. There's always a chance, just don't give up. Find time to reflect about your life and appreciate the small things, even the ones that you encounter everyday. Make these things and the important people in your life your inspiration to keep going. Keep dreaming and transform your aspirations into reality by living your life to the fullest, every single day.
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@artistmel2000 (438)
• United States
4 Mar 07
God knows I wish it were that simple. I truly, truly wish it were that simple. But thanks, anyway.
@avonrep1 (1862)
• United States
4 Mar 07
We go where we need to go to learn the lessons that we need in life. We also attract what we think we deserve. Try changing the way you think. Maybe go rent the Secret, because there is a secret in life that can and will make you happy if you apply the secret in your life.