Proof that I am not dippy, wacko, not all their, one short of a six pack???

Lizzie the Lizard - Enjoying the weather
United States
March 4, 2007 9:55am CST
Some of my friends think I am just that.. Last year in the summer a small green garden lizard got in to my house and decided to stay. At that time there were a few little tiny, tiny black jumping spider and a couple of other small bugs one gets in the south. After a few days all the bugs were gone and the lizard seemed happy enough sunning herself of the slats of the window blinds. She stayed a few weeks so I started to call her Lizzie and she is a she because she dont have that little red balloon that swells on her neck when she is scared (the males have that). She must have existed on bugs and water from the dog's bowl. I told my friends about her and they would just humor me and say "yes of course" and sadly shake their heads. Then horrors of horrors I thought I was a murdered as in November I sprayed some bug killer to get rid of a pesky fly. No more Lizzie I had killed her!! I was actually sad I liked the little creature. THEN!! Hurrah this morning she is back sunning herself on the blinds. I called my best friend to tell her and she said "are you going to start that again!". No-one has seen her except me so I took a photo to prove to her (and you) she is real. Questions: am I weird? Does anyone know if they hibernate over the winter? Photo Lizzie
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36 responses
@Darkwing (21583)
4 Mar 07
If Lizzie is happy living with you and sunning herself on the blind slats, then I can't see any problem with you keeping her around. At least she gets rid of the majority of the bugs you have in your home, and you obviously missed her whilst she was gone. Probably, when you sprayed the insect spray to kill the fly, you killed off all the other small insects which she would normally have fed on and cleared for you. That's why she had to go outside and find her food. I'm glad she's back because I think you two have formed a happy relationship and after all, she is only a pet at her own choosing. Brightest Blessings.
• United States
4 Mar 07
Thank you for your response now I can say I am sorry I misspelled in the topic it should be "there" not "their". Just to let you know she did not go outside she must have hidden under the love seat where I think she goes to sleep or hide.
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@blueskies (1186)
• United States
4 Mar 07
I don't think you're weird at all. I always liked anoles. They are such cute little things and they don't harm anything (except bugs). We used to get them in our house all the time when I lived in Florida. Unfortunately, our cat would always find them and kill them. Enjoy your little friend :)
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@GardenGerty (162800)
• United States
5 Mar 07
I was wondering what the lizard's name was? Anole? I am the type who wants to know that stuff so I can go look it up. I am glad you posted.
• United States
5 Mar 07
I love this post. And I think you are so cool and wonderful. I do not think you wierd, or I am too. So there. I am so glad that Lizzie is back. She may have hibernated somewhere near a lake in the weeds. Enjoy her now. And, be glad she takes care of those awful insects. :)
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• United States
5 Mar 07
Thanks margieanne but she never left the house. She has turned brown must have been in the dark for a while. I think she'll turn green again now she is in the light.
@crazynurse (7482)
• United States
5 Mar 07
That is just too cool!! I would have freaked and had my hubby or son catch her and place her outdoors! Apparently she is quite fond of you! Why don't you fix her a place for the winter? Perhaps if you turn a big aquairum on its side and make it some type of habitat that she would like to hibernate in, she would spend this winter with you! My hat is off to you...don't know that I could rest knowing that she might decide to crawl up in my bed and lay next to me!!!
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• United States
5 Mar 07
My dogs wold kill her if they saw her but she has been here for about 8 months now and the dogs have not noticed her.
@monet0077 (156)
• United States
4 Mar 07
I don't think you're weird at all. There are actually people that go to pet stores and buy lizzards fot pets ( although I wouldn't be one of them). As long as the two of you are happy, sounds like things are working out great. And I'm happy for you that she's back.
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@mummymo (23706)
4 Mar 07
Think your friends sholdn't be so judgemental - of course you aren't crazy!! My best friend has conversations with her fish(not crazy in itself but I think she thinks they are answering her - sorry if you read this honey!) I have conversations with myself - or I used to before I found mylot. Glad Lizzie is back and hope she is there for a long time to come!
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@mummymo (23706)
22 Mar 07
Thanks for br heather - much appreciated x
@avonrep1 (1862)
• United States
5 Mar 07
I think Lizzie is sweet. She is lucky to have found you. I am not for sure if that type hibernates or not. But I do know that my grandmother believes that lizards that come in your home are a sign of good fortune. So enjoy.
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@classy56 (2880)
• United States
5 Mar 07
lol,this is a fun cute sure glad lizzy is back on your window you didnt kill an now everyone knows your not short of a six pk.i dont know much about lizzards {im afraid of them} but i think they are cute.when i lived in fl.i would se them all them time an i would run from but i dont think they hibernate.i think they just go hide into things when its need to build her a lizzard house an set it on the right [lizzie} above the an show all your friends your not weird"
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@irisheyes (4370)
• United States
4 Mar 07
AAAH, I LOVE this thread. She's now your house lizard. She's no longer a visitor, she's a pet who has adopted you. I wish I had a little lizard too. I'd put her on the window sill with the plants. I don't think the cats would harm her but I'd have to watch for that. Be careful with that bug spray. With Lizzie around, you probably won't need it much anyway.
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• United States
5 Mar 07
Your cats would kill her for sure. When I had a cat he used to kill them.
@Bee1955 (3882)
• United States
5 Mar 07
Skink - green lizard
You have a Skink. They eat bugs,flies and other small insects. They also like rotten fruit such as grapes and berries only. So your little Lizzie adopted you, huh? Thats rare for a lizard as they mostly stay near the sides of the house outside and in garden cover such as laf composts and rotten logs. They do hibernate, so when he disappears dont worry. Bet she reappears when the warmer weather comes in.
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@jennybianca (12912)
• Australia
5 Mar 07
I think that's great. It's almost like having a pet, but a pet that was beneficial to the environment. The lizard wasn't a health hazard, and caught and killed other hazards such as insects. I remember when I was young, a daddy long legs spider took up residence by the kitchen telephone. My father liked "him", and did not want the spider kiiled. He caught flies.
@lvap0628 (731)
• Philippines
5 Mar 07
Nope, i don't think you're weird at all. You believe in Lizzie's existence (and you've got proof). Besides, she's been a big help to you in eliminating the bugs in your house. So you should thank her for that.
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@xabimaru (340)
• Malaysia
5 Mar 07
Personally i don't think you are a wacko of anything close to that. It is your own personaly like and dislike right? It just shows that you like Lizzie and she also doing you a favor by getting rid of the bugs. As for me as long as any pet don't cause me trouble or mess around the house like poo'ing that's just fine. Your friend just jealous as you got something to do like Lizzie in the house and you are not scared of Lizzie. The courage you have compare the freak-out they will be when seeing something like Lizzie makes them against you. Just be you self and send regard to Lizzie ya!!!
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@arcadian (930)
• United States
5 Mar 07
I moved north a year ago and miss my little green friends. I had a screened in porch where many of them lived. sometimes they'd come in the house. I don't know if those big dark hardshelled bugs that are everywhere are roaches or palmetto bugs or what, but when I saw a very young green lizard carting a giant "roach" in his mouth, I decided that these guys were My Friends. Whenever I cooked ground meat I'd put out a little for them, and I kept a shallow pan of fresh water for them too. You aren't weird. You are wise. good for you.
@samsonskola (3357)
• United States
4 Mar 07
How awesome! I think it's wonderful that you let her stay in your home! I'm so glad that you didn't kill her with the bug spray. I would have let her stay in my home, too. I think you're a wonderful person to allow alittle lizard to stay without freaking out. They will hibernate in the winter depending on how cold it gets...depends on how far south you are. I love the pic of her, she looks very happy in her new home. Maybe you could get some lizard food from a pet store and put it out for her. Let us know how she does!
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@Lakota12 (42600)
• United States
4 Mar 07
Yes I do think they hide in the winter time For I have one visit me in my garden in the summer time and some times the babies too not sure which is daddy and which one is mom I just know one is bigger than the other one and then ;little ones start coming around. you havent lost it just cause no one else have seen it they dont stay around long at a time
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@Eskimo (2315)
4 Mar 07
Your so lucky having a pet like lizzie who actually wants to live with you, it can be upsetting if you think you had killed it, and so joyous when you find it has returned. I had a pet spider which lived in the wing mirror in my car, I never actually saw it, but it would make lovely webs around the mirror, which showed even nicer when it was frosty.
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• United States
4 Mar 07
I don't think you're weird at all! I live in Texas and we have lots of little lizards that look a bit like that. They frighten my mother, though, so if they get inside the house she makes me or my father chase them down and put them back outside. I think it's sweet that Lizzie stays in your house, though! I don't know why your friends are so grumpy about it. :)
• Canada
4 Mar 07
Nope, not weord. I think she's very cute! I live in a very wet climate so we don't have anything like that here, but I sure would like to have one to eat the bugs. It sounds like you and she have a nice little relationship :)
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• Canada
5 Mar 07
It's wonderful that someone would allow this lizard to stay. Most people I know would have killed her or removed her from their home upon seeing her - not to mention those females who would have freaked out and ran around screaming until someone removed it lol. Why not go to your local Pet store. They usually sell food for Lizards in little tubs. Dried food of course so you don't have to buy live crickets or anything, and maybe buy 2 little pots so you can feed her and give her some water to drink. I'm sure she'd appreciate it. I don't think you're weird at all. I love that you're calm and open enough to allow her to stay in your home. I'm not sure if Lizards hibernate. The fact that she disappeared for a few months and then showed up again seems to point to that fact. I'm sure someone at the pet store could tell you more though. Good Luck!
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