I want to hear about your cat..

United States
March 4, 2007 1:51pm CST
I love my little critters very much.. I have four of them. Each have their own personality and they are very different from one another. We always thought our cats were so unique until we watched some funny videos online and realized that our cats are so much like everyone elses. Our oldest, Meeca is spoiled rotten, she is a conversation piece. Shes very finnicky and demanding and constantly looks at everyone like what are you doing that for? She is distinguished by a beautiful stripe down the middle of her nose.. Then we got Nemo, a large persian/maine mix who is very furry and lives up to his cartoon name. He's a nervous nellie, you'd think with as big as he is, he wouldnt be such a fraidy cat. Along came Dory, a stray that made our back porch home, and we took her in and named her Dory because Nemo liked her so much.. they make a good pair. Shes a little comedian also, she is very loving and adoring. And recently we adopted Itty Bitty, named because she is so tiny, and she still hasnt grown into a 9 month olds size yet.. she is very long but small, and devilish as Dory. That makes our litter and I hope it stays at 4 cats. I dont want any more!What are some characteristics of your cats?Funny stories or crazy things they do or have done?Any unique markings on them that people constantly comment on?How did you name him/her/them?
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30 responses
@mahmah (436)
• United States
4 Mar 07
Wow, this is going to be a very long answer as there are currently 9 cats in my home and one cat that has passed away that I just have to mention. Ok here goes; Taz was 10 years old when he passed away. He was the sweetest kitty. He was a normal everyday brown, black and white tabby but he had the cutest white blotch on his nose that looked like the one on black beauty (the horse). When I first met Taz he belonged to a friend (now ex friend) of mine. I was living in her home. They also had a dog at this house that they couldn't even feed her. Then they got a kitten, and couldn't buy a litter box or any food for it. He was lucky to get the occasional table scrap. When I moved out of this house a few months later I kidnapped him and took him with me. He was very loving. IF I was sad, he was there being lovey. He taught himself how to use the toilet. He was a very big boy and he managed to get on the smallest space without falling or knocking anything over. When I was in the house alone or if there were strange people in the house (my ex'x friends) he would lay by the door and "guard me" while I slept. We called him Taz because when he was little he ran around in circles (like most cats do at that age)super fast and then fall over because he was so dizzy. The next cat I got was Dizzi. Dizzi is a grey and white striped tiger with grey spots (like a cheetah) on her belly. With a big white target on her side. She just walked in my apartment one day behind my ex and hasn't left since. This month is her 7th birthday. She is very skittish but she loved her Taz. She got her name because I figured I had Taz and Dizzy was the name of baby Taz on Tiny Toons (cartoon). Then I got Thumper. Thumper is a mish mash of color. Most would say that she is a calico (brown, black and white). But she has light and dark orange stripes on her face and her hind legs. She is adorable. My favorite Disney movie is Bambi and I didn't want to name her Bambi so I named her Thumper because I loved Thumper in the movie. Also when she was a kitten at my sisters house instead of walking or running around like a normal kitten, she hopped everywhere she went. Thumper was given to me as a birthday present from my nieces 4 years ago. Thumper likes to play fetch with the plastic strips on milk jugs, twist ties from bread and socks. She loves balled up socks. Then there is Alvin. He is my only male at this time. He is a big white fluff ball except for grey patches around each ear and his tail is the same color grey. He has the prettiest blue eyes. He is a sweety. He loves to be held like a baby. He also loves to stretch. Everyday when I come home he will stand up and put his front pays on my tummy and I grab him under the arms and pull up and he stretches out his back, so far he manages to get a little grunt out. Kind of like we do when we stretch our backs really far. He also doesn't meow. He mahhhs (hence my nickname on here). It is no louder than a whisper. Then there is the stray that I recently took in Shadoe. She followed me home from the store one day and hasn't left since. Everywhere I go she is right behind me. She has only been here a few months so she hasn't done anything too interesting except gain weight. When she first got here I thought she was maybe three months old, that is how small she was. Turned out a couple of weeks later she went into heat. So she was atleast 6 months or so. Then she got outside and got herself pregnant. Six weeks ago she gave birth. There are two blacks kittens (one male-Bear and one female-Peanut). There are also three black and white kittens (one with identical markings to mommy-Flower, One with a very thin white stripe down her nose and looks like mommy otherwise-Fluffer Nutter-she is very fluffy unlike her mother and the boy Socks. He is mostly black except like a thin white stripe down the nose, down the belly and white lower legs (from the "knee-albow joint" down). Well I told you this would be long. lol
3 people like this
• United States
4 Mar 07
Oh they sound so beautiful. I would love to see a picture of Thumper. I love calicos and mine has an orange tiger stripe on her that I just love. My Nemo plays with the plastic from milk jugs too!!! We call them his binkies, he has played with them ever since he was little!!
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• United States
5 Mar 07
WOW! you wrote almost as much as I did! (pg 3 if you wanna read :) im sorry about Taz, he sounded like a doll baby.
@magikrose (5429)
• United States
4 Mar 07
We have 2 kittens. Precious is our male and he is very affectionate to everyone. He is also our hunter. I was at our neighbors house when my oldest daughter told me that she found him chewing on a mouse.(ewww) Precious loves to play with everyone in the house no matter who it is. Alexis is our female and she is my cat. Well she adopted me as her owner or "Mommy" I am the one she goes to most of the time for cuddles. When Alexis wants to play it is either with her brother Precious or by her self she really donst like to play with us too much just cuddle. Over all we love out kittens they really complete our already large family.
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• India
5 Mar 07
i have two cats named ginny and pinochio...i love them very much...i very often sleep with them....the more u love them the more they love u...and the better part is that they both r very nice to each other...thy never quarral and live peacefully!!!!!!!!!!
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@avonrep1 (1862)
• United States
5 Mar 07
I love my cat she is a beauty. Her name is Tabby she is still a kitten though. She thinks shes a dog. Her favorite game is fetch, I kid you not. We make small balls out of paper and we throw it and she goes and gets it and brings it back to us. She will even take her head and kind of toss the ball onto us so we will throw it again. I have had a few cats in my life and she is the first to do that. My first cat may he RIP use to use the toilet, His name was silk and he would poop and pee in the toilet if his litter had been used even once and I hadn't gotten to it yet. He wouldn't use it unless it was clean and opted for the toilet, when I releized that he was potty trained literally I quit buy litter. I at first thought he was just holding it, it was a few months before I caught him doing it. I lived in this apartment with old style bathroom fixures, the toilet had a chain and he was flushing the toilet. He was a cool cat, I miss him alot. But I love Tabby just as much as Silk.
@avonrep1 (1862)
• United States
5 Mar 07
Oh yeah Tabby is Tiger stripped gray and black with a little white mixed through the strips. I have a picture of her in my profile, she has a Ratcoon's mask she is beautiful. Silk was solid black, no other markings.
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4 Mar 07
Moomin the Magnificat posing for the camera - Moomin the Magnificat sleeping on my bed
My cat Moomin walked into my house a few months ago and made it her own. She is a very affectionate cat, always wanting to be fussed and played with. She's a very pretty cat too, and quite photogenic too. She brought me a lovely little present last week, I ended up trying to catch the mouse:-)
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• United States
4 Mar 07
Moomin is absolutely beautious. I can see why she is The Magnificat!!! I love her!
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@Artemyst (17)
• Canada
4 Mar 07
I have three lovely litttle critters. The first one I got was Justice. She's an angora tabby mix, grey, and very fluffy. She has a small face and is a tiny cat to begin with. Shes very dainty, and acts like a princess. She has a weird thing where she won't walk on anything other than a flat surface - not even on blankets! Next is Milo, who was the son of Justice's last litter before we fixed her. He has only half a tail, and was born like that. Hes shy, but very loving and very much a mamas boy. He does like to torture Justice by chasing her around and generally harassing her. Third is Dharma, our little black six month old kitten. Hes a BIG sook and has TWENTY EIGHT toes, twenty six of which are functioning with claws. Hes not quite black, hes almost dark chocolate brown with medium fur length. His tail wraps almost around him, it seems very long for a cat!
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• United States
4 Mar 07
We have a cat that has 24 toes, thats my biggest one, Nemo. They call them mitten toes I guess.
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• Italy
5 Mar 07
I have same the opinion ! Good morning All !
• Canada
4 Mar 07
yes i have a little cat .her name is miss mew and she is a good cat.she is clean in thee apartment and every mornning she come,s up on my lap and pers.
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@TerryZ (22076)
• United States
5 Mar 07
Your fury friends sound so cute. I have three of them and each one has their own personalty. I dont know what I would do without them. If Im feeling down they always sense it and try to make my laugh and they always do. I got 2 of them as kittens from the animal shelter their names are Maggie and Molly I call them the M&M girls. My other cat is Blackie and she came to me one day and now she a member of my family.
• United States
5 Mar 07
I have 2 cats. I love them very much. They are so funny. My one cat is Pebbles. She is about a year old, she is small and black. She has short hair. She is so crazy. She's always in trouble. She likes to run around the house real late at night, she likes to tear things up and mess with things she's not supposed to. I still love her though. Then there's Cubbie. She is also about a year old because they are real sisters, she is bigger than Pebbles and she's tiger stripe and long haired. She is pretty quiet and cuddly. She follows Pebbles around a lot. I had a cat at my grandma's house, but she wouldn't let me take him when I moved out. She loves him and she has no one else to spend time with. His name is Gizmo. He is a orange tiger stripe with medium hair. He is about 5 years old and very scared. Someone comes over he runs away. He rarely comes out. He's a big cat. That's cute that you named your cats Dory and Nemo. I do want more cats. I would take all the cats in the world if I could afford it. I named Pebbles because I like the name. I didn't find it appropriate for a child. Cubbie was named because my ex likes the Chicago Cubs. He named her when we were still together.
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@1983tyler (507)
• United States
4 Mar 07
I also have 4 cats. My oldest is Terra. We call her the terrorist because she doesn't get along with the other cats. She is pure black. She has cleaned all the hair off her belly, so that she looks like she has been shaved for surgery. It's because of stress. The other cats have a nasty habit of goosing her when her back is turned. So, even though she didn't get along with the other cats first, they don't get along with her now. They do things just to tee her off. We got Terra from a litter that my sister's cat had. Next oldest are the boys Duncan and Don Juan. They are litter mates. We got them from a friend. They were inseparateable as kittens. They are both white with dark grey areas. Duncan is the older of the two boys, but he is the smaller cat. Duncan likes to play fetch with plastic rings. He likes to chase them and then bring them back to me or my husband to get us to toss them for him. Duncan got his name just because my husband wanted to name a cat Duncan. lol One of his favorite things to do is to chase Terra thru the house - it makes her mad and she hisses at him. Don Juan was so named because he loves to purr. He doesn't like to be held, but he'll purr at you, especially if you rub his belly when he's sleeping. Don Juan likes to sleep with his head elevated. He will use anything as a pillow for his head. Max is our youngest cat. We found him in our backyard. He was crying his little heart out, and no mother came to get him. My husband chased him for two hours in the bushes to rescue him from the freezing weather that was due that evening. The vet said he was 6 weeks old. I took him in thinking that we would be finding a home for him, but my husband said that he was home. We couldn't think of a name for him, and I figured that since we couldn't have kids, then we should name him for a family member. So we named him for my husband's brother. Max is a white cat with grey stripes on his back and tail. He is now 2 years old and has grown into a strong and happy cat. All of our cats are indoor cats. They are very happy being inside cats and do not try to get out unless someone is holding the door open for too long, and then they figure that we must be holding the door open just for them. We love our little family. I thought that 3 cats was just enough cats for us, until Max came into our lives. Now it seems that 4 cats is just right.
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• United States
4 Mar 07
My Nemo loves the plastic rings from milk jugs.. he has ever since he was little. He will fetch them also. Ours for the most part are happy being inside but every so often will decide to take a trip and get out. We thought we were happy with 2 until the other 2 came along.
• Italy
5 Mar 07
You have reason ! Good Morning all !
@Julie80 (67)
• Italy
5 Mar 07
ok:I was sleeping over a this friends' of mine who has 2 cats and a dog. one of the cats,roger,I love particularly:he's grey always looking for me..so I'm sleeping,and in the morning I hear some kind of punch on the glass door of my room,that was closed ..so at first I thought'dear god it must be the cats or the dog scratching at the door or something'. since it didn't stop,I opened my eyes to see: roger was jumping to get the handle opened!! I laughed so hard!!
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• India
5 Mar 07
I love pets especially cats.I do not have one now but i love to.I like rubbing their fore head and making them sit and sleep on my lap.I love to play with their furry tails.I love blue eyed cats the most.
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@vixel83 (212)
5 Mar 07
My gorgeous little moggie Prudence had to be put down a while ago, the vet suspected she had meningitis, as she kept having fits, and walking suddenly tired her out completely. We adopted her from the Celia Hammond Animan Trust when she was 6 months old, and she made it to 14ish, still as healthy as a kitten until she became ill. She was a spoilt little thing, who would demand prawns by making us follow her to the freezer (where we kept a bag for her), then walking over to the microwave (where we'd defrost them), then to her food bowl, meowing loudly the entire time. She was also terrified of certain people she didn't know, and would hide behind the sofa to keep an eye on them when they were in the house. I'm currently renting so can't have pets, but I think I'm doomed to be a crazy cat lady once I've graduated and can afford a house of my own!
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• United States
5 Mar 07
I will take a look at her picture. Thanks for your comment!
@vixel83 (212)
5 Mar 07
I've uploaded a photo of her to my profile, as pictures of cats are always good, and I don't think I can add them to discussions yet, being a new member.
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• United States
5 Mar 07
I love my cats, I really do feel like they are my children. My husband and I have two kitties, and they're both about 3 years old. We have a male orange tabby named Sherlock. We named him this because he is always investigating, curious and getting into some kind of trouble! The best story I have about him is one day when I came home from college, I had my bookbag on the floor and didn't zip it up all the way at the top. I was eating lunch and watching TV, and over the volume of the TV I thought I heard a jingling noise. I couldn't figure out what it was, so I hit mute, and heard it was coming from my bookbag! Sherlock had nudged the zipper open wider, climbed into the bookbag, turned himself around in it, and only his head was sticking out!!! I'm so glad I took a picture of it! We also have a female, named Sheba. She is half Russian blue and half Oriental. She was a very nervous and scared cat when we first got her, but she gradually started to come into her own, and now she has the biggest personality! She's a very vocal kitty, and she spontaneously developed an interest in any kind of people found that comes in a crinkly bag (like chips, etc)! Of course I don't allow her to eat any, and I have no idea where this sudden interest came from, but she comes running if she hears a bag opening!
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• United States
5 Mar 07
I have 2 cats now..Dude..lol hes 14 yrs old,Orange and White..a very beautiful cat..hes pretty chunky too and i love it! lol!!When he was 7 i got him as a xmasd present..frommy ex..his name was Tigger and his old owners abused him because he always coward down when i would yall at him when he was bad..and i never ever have hit my cats..anywho they told him that Dude was a stupid cat and never came to his name..well noooo!! he just hated that name!lol!! Soo we tried renaming him just out of curiousity..hedidnt blink at any games we called out to him..finally I had enough..and said ...DUDE...COME HERE...just being a smart bum AND HE CAME!! I about crapped my pants..and the name stuck..and hes very smart..he plays fetch with cotton balls and garbage twisties..hes funny..and loving..and is trained to go outside to"do his business" I love him soo much! And then I have Stormy..hes all b lack..and a great vat for kids.,.they can pull his tail,ears.carry him from the waist..or drag him and he dotn care lol..but he only lets ME touch him when hes good and ready lol lol...I love them like they are my children,,
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@meljessxena (2315)
• Australia
5 Mar 07
ginger cat - ginge
i have a male cat he about nearly 3 now. his name is ginge, he loves catching mice. and he loves sleeping in my laundry sink lol it must be nice and cool in there. so i cant wash clothes when hes in there. he very fast moving and a clean cat. i think he has nice markings. and he very bossy and the dogs dont even try to pick on him.
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@Marie2473 (8512)
• Sweden
5 Mar 07
I do not currently have a cat but i used to and he was a special cat =) He slept with me every night, with his head on the pillow and he NEEDED also a blanket over him. he never got up before I did. He went to the toilet and said Mjau when he was done, he opened doors and also used to walk with me to the bus and wait with me. When the bus camed he ran home again =) he was a lovely cat with a great personality =)
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@muntaha (376)
• Bangladesh
5 Mar 07
I have a cat. Her name is kitty. I feed her every day and she is so cute. She sleeps with me and i love her so much.
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@ElicBxn (63798)
• United States
5 Mar 07
I was trying to round up Rocky and Boris to take them to the adoption today and Oliver got a massive case of the "wierds!" He ran from one end of the house to the other, up the cat tree and into the eyebrow window. Then he reversed himself and went back, 30 seconds later he was racing thru the kitchen again, up the cat tree & into the eyebrow window! Rygel will jump up into my arms from the floor. He's a fun boy and helped raise Oliver when Oliver was a baby.
@mrddln (457)
• Philippines
5 Mar 07
I have a cat. Her name is Sasshy. what I like about her is her being cute and funny the moment she sleeps. And if I would cry, she'll be feeling the same way too.
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