Do you have a mother-in-law horror story?
By GuateMom
@GuateMom (1411)
March 4, 2007 2:15pm CST
I would like to hear from other people who have had a hard time with their mother-in-law, or any other in-law, for that matter!
My mother-in-law is very strong-willed and she is absolutely convinced that my husband and I have no idea how to raise a child. When I was unable to breastfeed my baby, due to nipple confusion from the hospital, she berated me, saying that I hadn´t prepared myself and that I was shirking my duties as a mother. I was already upset about him not accepting my milk, and she made it worse.
Plus, when he cried, she or her daughter would come running to my house (we live on the same property) and take him away from me! Even if it was because I was trying to feed him.
I thought this would end or at least abate once my son grew a bit, but it didn´t. We were all at a fair one day and my son (then 11 months) was startled by a firecracker going off and began to cry. I was soothing him and my mother-in-law actually dragged him out of my arms. He was screaming louder and louder, holding his arms out to me and crying , "Mama! Mama!" It was absolutely awful.
But the worst was one day when my sister was here to visit and my son had a fever. He had woken up in a very hot room, so I decided to wait a bit to see if it was from the heat of the room or if he actually had a fever. The doctor had given us three medicines for him and he still had a couple of hours left until his next dose.
Well, he went to visit my inlaws and they freaked out. My mother-in-law wanted to give him a different medicine and I refused because I didn´t want to be mixing medications that the doctor didn´t know about, since that could be very dangerous. She took my son and wouldn´t return him, called my husband who was working and told him that his son was dying and had to be taken to the hospital immediately and that I was refusing to give him his medicine! My poor husband came flying home as fast as he could, worried sick, and by the time he got back, my sister had rescued my son, given him his proper, prescribed medicine and he was playing happily in the living room, not a bit of fever! I haven´t spoken to my mother-in-law since and I don´t allow my son to visit them anymore.
So, bring on your terror stories! I need to know I´m not the only one who is so hated!
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15 responses
@alindahaw (1219)
• Philippines
9 Mar 07
Hello there! That was some scary story about your mother-in-law. I should say you have every right not to talk to her again after what she did. I'm not really sure if my mother-in-law likes me that much but we are civil towards each other. She knows I won't backdown if she starts a fight so she keeps her end of the fence. She did tr to encroach into our lives a few years back but I let her know in no uncertain terms that I will not have anything like that in my family. I guess i was kind of very forceful about it that she just let me be. We still go out shopping together but she had never attempted to foot her foot in my turf again. Not that she's the timid ttype of person but I think she recognized how stubborn I am and how I would never let her interfere with my family affairs.
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@magikrose (5429)
• United States
5 Mar 07
When our last daughter was born for some reason my mother-in-law was convinced I cheated on my husband. When we went for a visit one day y husband went back into her house to get the diaper bag because we both thought the other one had it. While he was in there she had stated to him that if we ever get divorced that he should get a DNA test done on the baby because she dosnt look like him.
What she dosnt know is that he tells me everything she tells him, so when he came out to the cr finall so we can go home he told me what she said and I was offended. I Have ever cheated on my husband and I dont ever plan on cheating on my husband.
Since then she has not said anything bad about me. But then I sent her an email telling her that Iwas offended and that my husband tells me everything she says to him. Dont you just love modern technology.
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@weemam (13372)
6 Mar 07
I had a brilliant mother in law , bless her she is gone now , but I had horrible brothers in law and I could not ever put on paper the things that they did ,enough to say my hubby has heart trouble because of them , I would like to say to you though , WELL DONE YOU for standing up to her , You knew what was right for your baby and did it , brilliant xxx
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@Anakata2007 (1785)
• Canada
4 Mar 07
Well youre story is the worst that I'v heard. I'm not as hated as you anymore but I WAS! When my husband proposed to me, his mother was nice to my face, but she called him over to her house one day, and went down to meet him and sat with him in his car (so that her husband my father in law woudln't hear her) and she told him not to marry me, that I was BAD NEWS and that she didn't trust me! Like HUH? Where did that come from? He married me anyways, and told me what his mother said, and I felt strange about her for about 2 years, but since then, she's been really nice. Maybe she's faking it, but maybe over the years I'm managed to convince her that I\m not the anti-christ.
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@isaacs_mommy_2006 (99)
• United States
4 Mar 07
well my mother-in-law and father-in-law are nice, it's the sisters and aunts. right now we live with my husbands parents because he just got out of the navy and we needed somewhere to stay for the time being. anyways, i was downstairs with our son and i was feeding him lunch and because my son is a very fast eater if you don't get his food to his mouth fast enough he starts having a fit and his aunt told me i was starving him! I am also pregnant right now and she because at the time I didn't shovel food into my mouth she said I was starvint that baby as well. Hello! I am not hungry I am not going to eat or i will just throw it up anyways. then his sister, my sister-in-law always has some comment to say about how i raise our child. my husband does everything right, and i am the "bad" parent. forunately my husband takes my side and tells them to shut up.
@lonarari (46)
• United States
5 Mar 07
my mother in law seems to have issues with her "emotions" and it's always caused a rift with her and her son. Lately, she seemed really good and stuff. She tried to help so much with the adoption of our daughter and then at Christmas my daughter made her mad because she kept touching a present that someone had bought the MIL. My daughter is 3. She started to tell her that she was going to smack her hand and my daughter thought it was a joke. My mother in law took it way too far and hit her hand. Then my husband scooped up my daughter and took her in the other room to calm her down. I was just dumbfounded and did not know what to do. I knew we were getting out of there, but while my husband was in the bathroom with my hysterical toddler my MIL took every opportunity to yell at me and tell me that my child isn't right and she needs evaluated and medicated etc.
She didn't call us at all since then. We saw her during my birthday which is the same weekend as hers at a restaurant so I was forced to sit and talk to her. She started in on the same thing about how my kid isn't right and needs to be on prescription medication because she's too hyper. She just doesn't know how I do it, etc.
This whole situation had me all messed up. I talked to my family and the teacher at my daughters school and asked if she was "too hyper" and it was causing anyone besides the MIL any concern. Nobody else thinks so. I don't think so.
But my MIL has made it clear she hates my adopted daughter and being that she is adopted I can't have her thinking that is the reason until she is old enough to realize grandma is a nut job.
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@texasbettina (6)
• United States
5 Mar 07
Oh the stories I could tell you about my mom in law! (My father in law is a dream come true!!) However, I'll stick to this one. We recently moved from Oregon to get away from the mom in law. She hated me from day one and after so many years of it, when my hubby retired, we put our house up for sale and moved to be with my family, who are all excited to have us here, instead of staying close to the family who would not be nice to me. I should say that I am his second wife and the mom in law is still close friends with the ex. We refused to be at family get togethers as long as the ex was invited. It's not normal after so much hate between the ex's for them to sit down at a meal together. So, in my mom in law's eyes, it was all my fault. My hubby told her we were moving because of her lack of ability to be friends with me and leave the ex out of it. So, about two months after we were settled in, here came the mom in law for a visit. She took it upon herself to totally rearrange my kitchen, laundry room, and main bathroom. That was in October last year. I just found the blades to my electric knife last week (late February. I KNEW where I had put them but even though asking her numerous times, she could not tell me where she had moved them to. I have found the strangest things in the pantry that really should not have been there...such as the griddle I use every day almost with fixing breakfast. It should have been under the stovetop in the cabinets there. Some of the items still missing are: my best knife, my favorite coffee cup, the pie plate that was my Grandmother's (it had a chip yet it had been in my family for years), my colander, my hand mixer, and one item I miss a lot....the Pyrex measuring pitcher (the 4 cup kind). She also went through all my kitchen towels, proceeding to set aside to be thrown away the ones that are stained a little. So, the first time I had a mess in my kitchen that needed a stained towel, not a new one, to clean up...I had to go to my screened in porch and dig through the box she thought went to the dumpster.
Hang in there. She is not right. Lean on your husband for strength. I'm here for you, too. Please feel free to vent any time you want to. We can trade horror stories if you'd like! It might be time for you and your husband to think about moving a little farther away. From experience, I can say that I have come up in my mom in law's eye since we live 2500 miles apart. She now tells me she loves me and misses me. She said yesterday that she wishes we had spent time together when we lived there. I do as well. Had we done that, things would probably not have been as difficult as they were and sometimes still are. God bless you! I'll be thinking about you and praying for you!
@astromama (1221)
• United States
5 Mar 07
Wow. You poor girl... how do you not completely freak out on her for trying to control your son??? I can't even imagine. I have always felt a bit sorry that my mother in law wasn't more interested or more involved in our life. She is a really sweet but very delusional lady... an older hippie type who has spent most of her life freelance writing, bellydancing, and spending lots of time at music festivals. She still smokes pot and she's about to turn 60! Not that there's anything wrong with this, and in fact I might even enjoy her lifestyle except for the fact that she is one of those 'packrats' who collects and collects, and neglects and neglects until her own roof falls in from ill repair and she has to live in a camper. Meanwhile all her stuff gets rained on and moldy, and she still won't part with it. My husband grew up with no father, lived in a shack and used a bucket for a toilet when he was growing up due to no working plumbing. He was always too ashamed to invite friends over and to this day is scarred from the poverty. I love him SO much, he is wonderful... but I am a little bitter towards her for not being a better mother and being so blind to the needs of a child to feel... I don't know... unashamed of his home? She is a wonderful woman, again, but seriously in her own world of denial and fairy-tales. I guess I'm a bit disappointed because I'd always imagined my child's grandma to be involved a bit more, but truth is she couldn't care less about me or her son... she's very self-absorbed and actually asked us to reschedule our baby shower because she had another party she wanted to go to. However, all of this seems unimportant in comparison to the nightmare you're dealing with. I think I'll just thank my stars my son has one sane grandmother, and wish my mother in law the best.
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@ellijah (244)
• Nigeria
5 Mar 07
alot of times i have heard of people talking how bad thieir mother inlaw are.well i think that mother inlaws are good people expecailly if u prayerfully marry your husband then God will direct u to the right family u will marry your husband from.But if u didnt marry your man like that i think u should pray for your mother inlaw to change.again when continue to behave nice to your mother inlaw no matter how bad she treats u, u will see that she will change and starts treating u nicely .Dont worry God will change her
@mrbranan (1012)
• United States
5 Mar 07
I feel bad for you. I have a great mother in law. She has always helped with the kids with butting in about the way I raise them. She will excuse herself if my husband and I are having an argument. I love her and I know she loves and respects me. When she is getting on your last nerve remember with out her you wouln't have the man you love so much.
@andysminky (330)
• India
5 Mar 07
I feel sorry for you but in my case I have been very lucky .. all my in laws are truly supportive and I have a great personal life .. it takes an extra effort from our end to understand the true nature of our in laws .. since we come from another family it is our duty to understand the house rules that we marry in to and try and get adjusted with them .. once they think we are amongst them they would not harm us .. and we could live more like a family rather then pulling each others legs ..
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@gaaafe123 (6)
• Egypt
5 Mar 07
mother is our light we canot make any thing with out it
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@gaaafe123 (6)
• Egypt
5 Mar 07
mother is all things in this life it is our light we canot make any thing without it
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@mystic2mom (346)
• United States
5 Mar 07
Well, I have an absolutely crazy mil. She told me on my wedding day I was not good enough for her son. I was5 months pregnant and about to walk down the isle. The woman is awful. She told everyone that I never woke up with my daughter, she did it all. We lived with er for a few months after we were married, so of course she is a GODDESS. She thinks I am a stupid person who knows nothing about kids, even though now I have 3. She is so sweet when my husband is around, but she is such a horror when hes not. Her and my sis in law were so mean to my kids yesterday that my husband made us leave. They were yelling at my daughter and just mistreating my sons. I got home and cried. She gave my sis in law $500 for nothing and my husband who paid for thier truck to be fixed, does chores for them and a lot of other stuff only got $200. It makes me so mad to deal with them.