Do you tidy up after other people?
By weemam
@weemam (13372)
March 4, 2007 3:34pm CST
We were out clothes shopping today ( I went down a dress size) well a trouser size lol as I rarely wear dresses. I was thinking My Lot as usual . My hubby always pass remarks about me tiding up in the shops, I am just so tidy minded ( can't help it) if someone drops a garment on the floor, I just can't leave it there I have to pick it up . I have tried not to do it but I can't . I hate to think of things being trodden on and ruined, can you just let it lie? do you pick them up like me?
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42 responses
@pebbles_cubbie (3789)
• United States
4 Mar 07
Yes. This past week when I was on a trip for my birthday. I tried to help my friend out. She works a lot, she's a single mom, and she takes care of her parents. So, I put the toys away, cleaned the litter box out and vacuumed the living room. I'm a very organized person and can't stand it when something is out of place. Also I went to the mall in Milwaukee and there were so many things on the floor that I couldn't pick them all up. I'd pretty much work there for nothing. It would have taken all night and it would have just gotten too messy very quickly. If it were just a piece or two of clothing then I would've picked it up.
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@babyhar (1335)
• Canada
4 Mar 07
Firstly I must say.. Congratulations on going down a dress size! I know how it feels good to know you had lost a little bit of weight so you can fit in to a smaller size.
I tend to do what you do when you go out shopping as well. There have been times when I am at a store looking for a sweater for my dog since we try to keep her as warm as possible in the winter time. And for example there was one time where I found one that I found to be rather cute that would keep her rather warm. And there we're a bunch of the hoodies all spread out everywhere. And while looking for my dogs specific size there I was putting away the hoodies that we're spread out everywhere.. Back in to there plastic casing.
My other half just stood there not realizing what I was doing until he noticed how long I was doing it for. haha. I am sure he thought I was some-what looney for doing this but.. I've worked in retail plenty of times & I know what it's like to have to pick up after people. And I know how others left things for me all over the place so I didn't like seeing this done to them. I think it also is some-what of a habit as I am a rather organized person as well.
I have seen all to many times where people will drop clothing on the floor or even drop the clothing & then walk all over it. I know I tend to pick up items that have fallen sometimes to on the floor before they get the chance to get walked all over. I know when I worked in retail that I would do this more often.. As we had customers who would pull things off of a hanger & then just throw them on the floor or even back on the shelve & then they'd end up falling down off of the shelve.. Back on to the floor.. I remember so many times the other girls I worked with would just look down at the piece of clothing.. And walk on by without even taking in to consideration that someone could walk all over this piece of clothing at any time.
Now that I am not working in retail but am doing the at home thing.. Whenever I go clothes shopping & I take a piece of clothing off of a hanger I will put it back on the hanger instead of just throwing it on the floor.. Or on a shelve where it will eventually fall down anyways.. Sometimes I do this without even noticing that I am doing this until my other half says something..
Sometimes you get so used to picking up things or even picking up after yourself.. That it becomes this thing you do all of the time.. Even when you go out clothing shopping, among other things. I know I am so used to picking up after myself over the years that I take that with me even when I end up going shopping.. I know how much I dislike when people don't pick up after themselves.. So I make it my responsibility to pick up after myself.. Even at a store.
I think the only time I don't do this at a store is if I am hurry.. I sometimes will leave things & I always end up going back.. And either putting it back on the shelve properly or handing it over to a sales associate & apologizing for having to do this.. I am so used to having these types of manners that I tend to carry them wherever I may be going..
There have been times where I have gone to a relatives house even.. And have begun to pick up after them as well without even realizing.. Or if I use an item of there's.. Let's say for example a blanket I won't just throw it back on the couch & leave it like a lot of my other relatives will do.. But I will instead fold it if I am about to leave the room.. I think it's rude to leave things for others to do.. Especially when you are company & are over these to visit. I believe that I am a grown adult & have the ability to clean or pick up after myself.. So I tend to do this at all times..
I tend to pick & clean up after both my other half & puppy all the time.. My puppy tends to just bring out every toy out of her toy box.. And just leave them laying there on the floor.. So I usually have a lot to clean up by the end of the night.. It's like I have a kid around the house.. It gives me something to do though & gets me ready for when I do have children in the future so I can't complain. My other half leaves his clothing on the floor sometimes & I will tell him to clean up after himself.. But I sometimes will end up picking it up for him & just telling him next time around not to do this.. haha.
In conclusion.. I know how you feel as I do the exact same thing you do. I think when you are a very tidy person yourself & are an organized person within your household.. That you get so used to tidying up after yourself, along with others.. So it comes to be almost like a second nature if you will. I also taught myself that it's only proper to clean up after myself when I am done with something.. So I tend to carry this with me no matter where I do.. And it usually ends up with me tidying up after others at the same time to! . .
Thanks for allowing me to share! xx
@MsTickle (25180)
• Australia
4 Mar 07
It seems that we have a couple of common threads here. Very tidy organised people or those who've worked in retail.
I'm a bit of the first, a lot of the second and i'm a Libran. Harmony and balance must prevail.
I find that stores are a lot messier than they ever used to be...not sure if that's because the customers don't care how they throw stuff about or if there is not enough staff to do the job of maintaining the displays.
What totally riles me is those people who take a garment or such out of it's wrapper, handle it, drop it and then pick up a new one to take to the checkout. I saw a woman open a packet of makeup wipes, use one, put it back, then pick up an un-opened one to put in her trolley.

@wolfie34 (26770)
• United Kingdom
4 Mar 07
Yes much to my chagrin, my housemate can be a right lazy toad, and I am forever picking his dirty socks off the floor, he comes home from work and immediately dumps his socks on the floor in the lounge, then he'll open a bag of crisps and he'll leave the crisp packet on the coffee table, his bedroom is a right two and eight, but that's his responsibility. I can have the kitchen spotless, he'll start cooking and it'll be a complete mess afterwards, sometimes I just give up! I hate clearing up after other people!
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@kathy77 (7486)
• Australia
4 Mar 07
Congratulations on your diet that is great that you went down a dress size or trouser size Weemam, I always pick up after others as well, as then the shop looks more tidy as others do not care. I do this due to it is normally the shop where I shop when looking for my new clothes.
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@graham31 (487)
4 Mar 07
I tidy up after my wife but i can't complain she tidies up after me as well.The most tiding up after i do is after my 3 dogs their worse than kids,toys,beds,and dog hairs all over the place.In 3months time we're gony have another little person to tidy up after.So me and my wife are going to be really busy 3dogs and a little baby.
Sounds like a film hahahaha
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@greengal (4286)
• United States
5 Mar 07
I do the same thing wee, and wonder why others didn't do it before me. What if it was the same dress or piece of clothing that was lying on the floor and people trod on it, and the other person happened to buy it without knowing it was the same one they had failed to pick That's how I think and it is walked all over on I put it back in the rack. It hardly takes a second or two. I sometimes clean up tables too at fast food restaurants. Someone would have left behind something and it doesn't take much time to remove that along with our own trash. We of course choose tables which are clean but this happens sometimes.
BTW, great going with the drop in dress size;o)
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@lauriefnp (5109)
• United States
5 Mar 07
Congratulations on your weight loss! It's a lot of fun to lose weight and need new clothes, isn't it?
To answer your question, I have to admit that I don't pick up clothing or other things in stores that are on the floor. I just feel that I have enough cleaning and picking up to do at home; why should I do it when I'm in a store spending my hard-earned money on something? It is a shame to let people walk on things and for them to get ruined. If something was really in the path of traffic, I suppose that I would pick it up and drape it over a rack, but other than that the store clerks are responsible for keeping things tidy. However, if I drop something or knock it off of a hanger myself, I will always replace it. I hate when I see someone drop something and they turn around and walk off.
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@thinkingoutloud (6127)
• Canada
5 Mar 07
Oh yes, I definitely tidy up when I'm out. I re-fold sweaters or tshirts, jeans, things that are displayed on shelves. If I find items that are out of section (such as a can of soup in the cereal aisle), I've been known to put it back or to send one of my girls to put it back. I also clean up the table when we eat in a restaurant, stacking the dishes, putting the salt and pepper and condiments in place, etc. I have often had people remark about it but it's not something I do consciously LOL I guess it's just a habit that carries over from home!
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@whiteheather39 (24403)
• United States
5 Mar 07
No I don't. I have enough trouble picking up after myself. However I do tell a salesperson that there is something on the floor. xxx
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@dopey22girl (3319)
• United States
5 Mar 07
I'll probably sound really bad here but if I see something like that laying in a department store, I just leave it. But I think it's because I'm so used to tidying up after others that when I don't have to, I won't. I work with children in childcare so I'm always having to clean up toys and stuff, and then I work at a craft store and I have to straighten shelves and stuff, so I get enough cleaning from those things!
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@monkeywriter (2004)
• United States
5 Mar 07
I'd say I do pick stuff up sometimes.
I think the funniest things and times was when I used to work in retail. I'd come to the bookstore when I WASNT working and find myself tiding up the store! *L* too funny. I'm like "you arent working stop doing that!" :))
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@enchantedleppard (1541)
• United States
4 Mar 07
I do! I feared I was the only one that did that for the longest time. Ahh its so good to see that I am not alone. I can't stand things being out of place and I certainly wouldnt leave something hanging on a rack that it didnt belong. Congrats on going down a size!
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@KrisNY (7590)
• United States
7 Mar 07
I always tidy up after people-- At home after my daughter and sig. other, at work after co-workers.. I'm always pushing in chairs or wiping off the counter in the breakroom.. Also like you in stores too. If I see something dropped I'll pick it up-
My daughter is getting as bad as me- When we go grocery shopping- she will go so far as to move an apple from the pears back to the apples-- LOL things out of place.
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@ShadyGrove (996)
• United States
7 Mar 07
It depends on the situation and the store.
Sometimes I'll be in a store and the whole section may be in such a mess that I'll just leave the area - if the store cannot keep their items/store neat I wonder why I would want to buy something from there -- like the thing I'd buy might have been walked on, kicked around, shuffled through, etc.
I may pick up a random item and stick it back on the rack or if there is no hanger at least lay it over the display or on the counter. If I drop something or knock some clothes off the rack I'll pick them up.
I may straighten some items on the shelf if I am looking through and they are off-kilter.
What really drives me nuts is leaving a towel or piece of clothing on the floor at my house if one of my sons has let it drop and left it. I am trying to teach them to pick up for themselves so often have to leave items until they are in the house, or back home so that they can do it. :o)
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@honeyangel (1991)
4 Mar 07
well first of all congrats on the loss of the trouser size.
no im not like that if i see clothes on a floor in a shop i leave it there,ive enough to do by cleaning my house
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@liranlgo (5752)
• Israel
5 Mar 07
oh this is too familiar to me:)
and it has gotten worse over the years i don't know why
i mean i am only 34 single and already is acting like my
seriously i am just like you i can not see somthing that is not in place
and at shope i too have to always pick up if fell on the floor or straighten up somthing that does not look in the place..i don't know do you think it is a bad habit?
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@fatragu (677)
• United States
4 Mar 07
I am like that and I am teaching my girls to do it too. My big thing is litter like in the mall or stores. I always tell my oldest who is 2 that we need to pick it up becuase people leave it around and they seem to forget that their mommys don't work there and they don't think that they have to clean up after themselves. If she sees someone set something down she will go pick it up and give it to them and tell them No. We were in the mall the other day and she went up in the food court and gave a girl her reciept that fell on the floor.
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