Step On A Crack by James Patterson

United States
March 4, 2007 6:03pm CST
Has anyone else read this book? I just finished reading it and was a little disappointed in it. I am a huge Patterson fan, reading almost all of his books. This book, I found had underdeveloped story lines and characters. It was a good read, but just not the quality I usually look forward too when reading a Patterson book. I was just disappointed in it. There were several characters that were only mentioned once. Something happened towards the beginning of the book, and I never really understood why that happened. I was just a little disappointed in it and was wondering if anyone else had read it and what they thought about it.
2 responses
• United States
6 Mar 07
I just finished it. it was ok, but I like the Alex Cross books better, how about you?
• United States
6 Mar 07
Maybe that's what it was with me. I guess I thought the character would be more like Cross. I love his Cross books and the last book in that series CROSS was just awesome. I just didn't get a grasp for this one though. Maybe I'll start liking the character more if he does a series of it. It just wasn't what I expected.
@ycswid (279)
• Canada
5 Mar 07
Although he's not an author I read my daughter is also a huge James Patterson fan, which is why this post caught my attention. I'm not sure if she's read this one yet. I'll ask her the next time we talk and let you know her reply. Do you have favourite Patterson novels? Are there other similar authors that you enjoy? She is such an avid reading I'm always on the lookout for a new book or author to pass along to her.
• United States
5 Mar 07
I usually normally love his books, that's why I was shocked I didn't like this one as much. I love his CROSS Series and also his WOMEN'S MURDER MYSTERY CLUB series. There is a new book of his coming out in May that is the next part of the Women's series. I loved Kiss the Girls also. I like John Grisham also. His stories keep me occupied and I enjoy them. Dennis LeHane is another great mystery type author. He is terrific. He wrote MYSTIC RIVER, which was an awesome book, but he also has several others that are great. My favorite of his is SHUTTER ISLAND. He is such a good author. He also has a series of books, Gone Baby Gone is another great read of his.