Understanding christianity/God
By BourderHouse
@BourderHouse (749)
March 4, 2007 6:48pm CST
God does NOT work in the way as to show himself to you. Sure, wouldn't that be easy if God came down from the heavens and said:
BEHOLD, for it is I, the only God, the king of kings!
God then goes on to heal the sick, make the world perfect.
Would you believe in him then?
Would you love him?
Or would you REALLY love him on your own? When God comes, it will NOT be like that. . It will be TOO late to accept him. Forced love is NOT love. FACT. God deeply wants you to love him on your own. God could of easily never made satan who we is, made us sinnless...But he wants our love so much, he gave us the choice to love him. I dont know how to explain this enough. It is as simple as forced love = no love. You all ask for undeniable proof. Well, you wont ever get it. I hope you can understand why.
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9 responses
@helloplanetearth (35)
• Philippines
5 Mar 07
Hear, hear. You nailed it right on the button. I wish there were more people like you. To all those "Doubting Thomases" out there: God is not about going to church, God is about what you do in your everyday lives, It is not he FORM but the SUBSTANCE. If I may tell you: I have this neighbor who claims she's talking to God, but then she doesn't care about her neighbor's welfare. My question: WHAT god is she speaking with?
@xtedaxcvg (3189)
• Philippines
5 Mar 07
God is God. He is inside of us as He is the Creator. He already existed long before you turned on your computer and typed in this comment. Try to read this, it'll help you understand :
@sandip_0081 (33)
• India
5 Mar 07
Well BourderHouse, I am trying to clear yourDoubt's about "god".You must be crystal clear about God and his real identity.Who is God? Where is his existence?God is nothing, but a collection of noble qualities within inerself.He does not exist in so called "Heaven" but remains at our own heart. Regarding your "forced love", God never wants us to love nor force us.He even place those people in the same boat who hate him or does not believe in his supreme existence
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@helloplanetearth (35)
• Philippines
5 Mar 07
You got that sooo very right. I mean, what god would tell anyone to hurl rockets? Crude, ain't it? The funny thing is, some people would actually do that in the name of religion. Crude, ain't it?
@manong05 (5027)
• Philippines
5 Mar 07
The Bible says "God created man according to His own image"
but what we see around us are men creating gods according to their own images and reducing them into a size whereby they can manipulate them. They want God to be like that, like this, should do that, should do this, must be this, must be that. The folly of man's thinking. Inspite of all of these, God will remain as He is for all eternity. His thoughts are not our thoughts and His ways are not our ways.
@aries_0325 (3060)
• Philippines
5 Mar 07
love is illogical, and by all accounts shouldn't exist, it only works against a persons genetic and memetic fitness. ironic that.
Correct me if I am wrong, but did not Jesus represent the new covenant with God that over-rules the Ten Commandments? So there is no longer punishment for those who believe? I don't think you have to love God to believe in him, although I guess it would make it a darn sight easier.
Furthermore, what is love anyway? Good luck defining that one. Empirically it appears rooted in doing for a particular person what you know will make them happy in which case, the image of a strict and loving father is not too far fetched. To love God is to act in a manner that would please him, therefore do unto others as they would have you do unto them. So by some legal loophole, I see God as a) establishing laws with set punishments and b) believing that you will show love through action, thus the punishment is not necessarily for not love but rather as a result of not obeying the laws as they were set out. A very slight but I feel important detail.
Alright, enough, its 2am and I am far to tired to be thinking this hard.
@xtedaxcvg (3189)
• Philippines
5 Mar 07
let me quote an astrophysicist in response to this logic:
"God: 100 Trillion Trillion Times More Precise than Man
Why do we say this? Because only a person is capable of fine-tuning to the degree that we've observed, and that person must be orders of magnitude more intelligent and creative than we human beings. One hundred trillion times more intelligent and creative than we human beings, just based on that one characteristic. But he's also creative and loving. "
~Hugh Ross
Now, before you marvel in your so-called logic attack against God's love and about God, try to ponder on this quote. Peace :)
@shameeralim (1)
5 Mar 07
God doesn't need our Love to exist nor he is desparately want to be loved. But we the creatures of God requires,needs his love. How do you get love from God? Simply love GOD. That is it. If you love someone you get love back.
Once you started to think over GOD's blessings on you, nobody need to compel you to love GOD. You yourself dedicate fully to GOD. Think a moment about your eyes. If GOD decides to take it away from you who else in the world can return your vision to you.
@UcoksBaBa (800)
• Indonesia
5 Mar 07
A Christian is one who believes in one God who has no equal in glory or in authority.
It is natural to believe in one God since the universe itself has no need except for one, almighty, omniscient God, the God of love and justice. In fact, Christ confirmed that God is one God and so did all the disciples and apostles who wrote the New Testament books as they were moved by God’s Holy Spirit. Christ said, "The Lord is one" in Mark 12:29. James, the apostle, said, "You believe that there is one God. You do well" (James 2:19), and Paul, the apostle, said, "For there is one God" (I Tim. 2:5). There are clear evidences of the oneness of God in Christianity.
@sandip_0081 (33)
• India
5 Mar 07
Well BourderHouse,I am trying to clear your doubt's regarding god.For this, you must have a crytal clear idea about god and his real identity.Who is god? Where did he exist? God is nothing, but a collection of noble qualities within innerself. He do not live in so called "heaven", he love to lie in our own heart. Regarding your "forced-love", I want to say, god never want us to love nor does he force us. He even keeps those people in the same boat who hate his divine existence
@MaryannaHope (96)
• United States
5 Mar 07
I agree with you. Forced love is NOT love. Freedom of choice is one of God's greatest gifts to us. He want to know that if we come to Him, it is because we truly want to come to Him, and for no other reason.