be afraid...............powder-sized RFID chips

March 4, 2007 7:45pm CST
Everyone's so paranoid about that RFID chips that are already in place in so many parts of our lives, so here's an item( via Engadget and Pink Tentacle) about Hitachi's new powder-sized RFID chips to make us even more scared of Big Brother ( or little-Brother-ID thief) RFID chips are tiny microchips that use radio waves to do everything from conduct credit card transactions ( as on those little key-fob-paypasss MasterCard thingies) and pay for tolls (EZ Pass and it's ilk) to keeping track of your devices and travel ( U.S. passports) Hitachi plans to start marketing these new chips- seriously no bigger than a speak of dust at 0/05 x 0/05 mm-- in two to three years. The company says this super-tiny chip can be used in paper, currency, gift certificates, and the like, but some sites have pointed out, today's chips are already small enough for those uses. So, as engadget cracked, does this mean we should be watching what we eat in case of some James-Bond-style pepper shaker swap? Maybe, but is the terror arounbd RFID over hyped? According to most proponents of the technology, and my own experiences paying with Paypass at my local drug store, you really need to physically tap the RFID chip to something for the transaction to go through. And yet, when i go through toll booth, my RFID-enabled EZ PAss box is only about ten feet away from the sensor. So maybe it is time to watch what you eat, lest Big Brother starts to track you wirelessly ( or you spill some RFID powder from which evil ID thieves can extract your vital stats!) What do you think? Is RFID worth the conveniece or is it setting up some dangerous privacy-invasion precedents?
1 response
• Philippines
5 Mar 07
It has gone too far, and God knows what it willbe used for. the problem is depending on who gets a hold of it, you can be sure they will come up with a way to use it in a negative way. there is no reason for the chips! It is all very bad. If you want to track package then maybe. But this kind of thing should never be alowed to be used to track a person or animal.
• Philippines
5 Mar 07
All this boils down to is the END OF TIME. If you will read Revelations, all signs point to the end. All this is heading to is the MARK OF THE BEAST. i DON'T CARE WHAT ANYONE SAYS, THAT'S WHAT IT IS. Not paranoia.As the person before me said I'm relying on the safety and the security I find belonging to Jesus Christ.He's the only that will get us through any and everything. They can call it the no swipe credit card all they want to, I'll keep swiping a real card, not my finger thank you. Hitachi can keep thier speck of dirt chip. I donn't want it!!!!!!
• Philippines
5 Mar 07
It's called big brother One World Government. Look at the back of your one dollar bill it says it in Latin (Novus ordo seclorum) Which means One World Government. Don't believe me? jsut lok it up. enough said.