Do you ever have the time to read the BIBLE?..

The Holy Bible.. - The canonical writings of Christianity, where the Word of God and His Teachings are written.
@raijin (10345)
March 4, 2007 9:23pm CST
What do you do with it? Do you apply what the teachings told you to do so? I do read it, especially the new testament, because I can understand more what is written on the old testament. As Jesus said, "Do not think that I have come to do away with the Law of Moises and teachings of the prophets. I have not come to do away with them, but to make their teachings come true."I've seen alot of people here who are so self-righteous about their knowledge in life, when they do not even know where life came from. I stand by my faith, and that is with Jesus, whom is God's most precious Son. I learn from Him, and not from any man..
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36 responses
• United States
5 Mar 07
I used to, but lately I haven't been able to find time. I guess I really should make time for it. It's important. Btw, raijin, that's one of the coolest avatars I've ever seen. where'd you find it?
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@raijin (10345)
• Philippines
5 Mar 07
Just a little time reading it would be good enough, what's important is that we apply the teachings on our everyday lives.. As for my avatar, I found this gif when I was searching for some final fantasy characters that I knew. Try typing for final fantasy 8 characters, you'll find some of the gifs there and also you can choose from different characters..
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@raijin (10345)
• Philippines
6 Mar 07
LoL I thought you never knew about the game. Reason why I was also confused because you asked!;)
• United States
5 Mar 07
As much as I loathe the word, Kawaii is about the only way to describe that tonberry. The search shall commence. Also, I'ma start reading my Bible again.
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@catcai (1056)
• Philippines
6 Mar 07
I always think of reading the bible but sometimes, i fail to do it- because sometimes, it makes me fall asleep, and i wouldnt want that, i wanna be able to read the bible wholeheartedly like im reading my favorite novel, with passion and interest. I dont wanna read the bible because ive been told to read it- i wanna read it because i want to- in that way since i am willing to read it, i will better absorb the teaching and the lessons that Jesus wants me to know- I really don't want it to be forced to read it. Thats why i pray to the Jesus that gives me the conviction and the integrity as well as the strength to read it and follow it with all my heart- all for Gods Glory...
@raijin (10345)
• Philippines
6 Mar 07
You said it all correctly, that's why the title is 'have TIME'. Time is important, even if we read the bible for just a few seconds (like a verse), the most important thing is that we understand what we are reading was all about. Yes, reading the bible also should be read on our own will and not because someone has told us to do so. Thanks for the time!;)
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• Nigeria
5 Mar 07
i must confess,i use to smoke,womanise,do all sort of atrocities,and at same time have no peace,until i met a friend of mine who was a christian,he preached to me,and gave me a BIBLE.see,the AMAZING THING about this, is evrytime i read the bible,something GREAT happens to me and everytime i don't,something WRONG happens,so you see,is like MY LIFE DEPEND ON IT."the bible" .
@raijin (10345)
• Philippines
5 Mar 07
That's very good of you, I hope that you did understood what the scriptures are all about!;)
@maliea (6)
• Nigeria
5 Mar 07
Thanks for bringing this up. the bible is the creator's manual to us to guide our living .I read the bible often, and like you i also like reading the new testament. although i try to read part of the old testament as much as i can, books like numbers, and some of the prophets doesn,t get to me like the new testament does. i also made jesus my standard for living.
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@raijin (10345)
• Philippines
5 Mar 07
You are right on that, it is made to guide us and praise Him as we live our life here on earth.
@sweetsue (758)
• Philippines
5 Mar 07
I must say I am guilty of this question, for I do not find time to read the Bible anymore. I know plenty would think that it is just fine not to read it for it is not an obligation anyway. But that idea is merely against to those who are truthfully following christianity. In a way, I feel so bless to have known Jesus in a deeper perception than knowing Him by name alone. I have read the bible few years ago and as far as I can remember I even read the whole new testament twice. The feeling was just so great and the happiness is beyond description. Reading it uplifted my spirit.But then, the Bible as we all know are full of teachings and rules. However, as what is also written in the testament, " for everyone false short in the glory of God". It is indeed very hard to live in a christ like way. His teachings are very clear but then we are just human and unfortunately we are all capable of committing the same sins all over again. Despite of it, we should all humble aourselveas and ask for his forgivenss. afterall, our God is a forgiving God. Honestly, right now my spirit is thirsty and my soul is so empty. I've been so busy with my newly found endeavor that I even refuse not to hold the Bible.But mind you, I still pray hard no matter what. And I know Jesus will always have the heart to understand. God Bless!
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@raijin (10345)
• Philippines
6 Mar 07
It's alright sweetsue, you are correct in knowing Him not just by His name but in deep perception. Always do good and spread His words!;) Thanks and God bless also..
@sweetsue (758)
• Philippines
10 Mar 07
Thank you!
• Philippines
5 Mar 07
Last week, we had a retreat in a retreat house. Our retreat master requested us to bring a bible and we discussed the different teachings in the bible. In some of the verses, i got guilty. After having my retreat, i applied the teaching in the bible in my daily life. I know that God wants me to be good always and he wants my life to be full of salvation.
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@jmp824 (741)
• Philippines
5 Mar 07
Honestly speaking, its been years already that i havent read the bible. The last time that i was able to hold a bible was during my wedding. ANd its a shame on me!. But eventhough i havent read every bit of it, i do believe whats in there, The words of God. its all about your faith in the bible.
@raijin (10345)
• Philippines
5 Mar 07
Believing is important to us, and following what is written on it is the most important thing for us to do. Don't be ashamed, you can read it anytime you want to. It's always there, just have to give some time for it..
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@irisheyes (4370)
• United States
5 Mar 07
One of my biggest failings is that I have never seriously read the bible. I read what I had to in school and know some quotes but not nearly as much as I should. I'm a Catholic and in my country for some reasosn, Catholics do not read the Bible so much as Protestants do. Although I would like to read through the bible, I don't expect to ever be able to quote it chapter and verse. Nor would I ever want to. I've noticed that a majority of people who do this, use the bible to justify there own opions and 90% of the time, I think there interpretation is not even sound. To me, this is a kind of arrogance.
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@raijin (10345)
• Philippines
5 Mar 07
I also never memorize any of the verses, but I put in mind what it is all about. I think that's more important, you are right about those people who do this. Most of them use it for debate or argue, and I think that is not fair..
• Philippines
5 Mar 07
Sometimes whenever problems hit me and I don't have a clear mind about it I take the bible and read psalms. But my father has a "Bible Diary" that I usually use. It contains mostly of gospels and reflections for daily spiritual guide.
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@raijin (10345)
• Philippines
5 Mar 07
I read it before I go to sleep, because I don't feel reading it whenever I feel troubled. I read it to understand His teachings, and how to improve my life in every aspects.
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@ellijah (244)
• Nigeria
5 Mar 07
yes i study the bible with the holy spirit helping to understand it.pray for understanding before u study the bible .i hate self is really bad. the lord helps me to do all that i read in the bible
@raijin (10345)
• Philippines
5 Mar 07
Don't say 'hate', don't 'like' would be the proper word that should be used there!;)
• United States
5 Mar 07
Raijin, I can respect your posting here at myLot so very much. Can I leave you with some questions? In Matthew 28:18-20 It looks to me that Jesus is not calling his followers to make Christians But Disciples. What is a Disciple? As I read on I find the first time Christian is even used. Acts 11:19-26; According to history the time of this is almost 7 years later. So would Jesus even know who I am if I said I am his Christian? Or do I need to find a way to become his Disciple? In Mark 1:14-18 Jesus gave a command to follow him as a Disciple not as a Christian again. Luke 9: 23-26 Jesus is saying to loose your life and Take up your Cross Daily. To save it! Wow! please explain. Luke 14:25-33 Counting the cost to follow Jesus. Loveing Christ more then anyone. Vs. 27 Talks about Persecution What is that? Luke 11:1-4 Talks about prayer. His this how to have a personal relationship with God and Christ? John13:34-35 Love oneanother. Is that everyone or those who her Baptised only? So Back to Matthew 28: 18-20 My Questions are: 1. Am I Disciple? How do I become one? 2. Am I Christian? and how does it relate to Disciplship. Sense the Bible only talks about Christiandom only three times what does that say about Christianity? Is it taught wrong in our Sunday SChools? 3. Am I saved. Because Christ himself said I must become a Disciple tobe saved. Where do I go to learn more about this? Signed, Osmrducks
@galatea (686)
• Philippines
5 Mar 07
A disciple is a person who subscribes to the beliefs, teachings, works of someone or something and helps to spread it. So anyone or anything can take disciples, and anyone can be a disciple. One can be a disciple of money, a disciple of Shakespeare, or a disciple of the Devil. I suggest not to take the Bible literally as it was written at a time that is very different from ours. During the time of the Old Testament, the people were having a difficult time understanding what God wanted them to do, how He wanted them to act, what was right and what was wrong. So God sent His Son, which is essentially one of his aspects, to earth. Jesus is God in mortal form. He lived with us so that we might see with our eyes, or at least the people who lived during Jesus' time, how it was to live life according to God's will and commandments. Jesus is a tangible vision that people could follow, emulate, and be disciples of. With being a Christian, it was just a word to make the phrase 'disciples of Jesus Christ' shorter, seriously. Like saying I am vegetarian instead of saying I eat only vegetables and nothing but. Jesus does not worry Himself with what name you would want to call yourself, or what religious denomination you'd want to fall under, as long as you believe there is a God, and He came to earth as His Son Jesus Christ, and that He also is the Holy Spirit. Taking up your cross means living your life the way Jesus did. It also means that living life as Jesus lived it is not meant to be easy, it is after all a cross, a burden, a sacrifice. But the Bible tells us to do it everyday, to give up whatever life we are leading (the cost of following Jesus), pick up the cross, and follow Jesus' path. Which leads to salvation. To further explain the cost of following Jesus, do you remember the parable of the rich man who wanted to enter the kingdom of Heaven? He was asked to depart from all of his material possessions, his money, his power, his present life, and give himself up to Jesus, but he couldnt so he wasn't able to enter Heaven. To follow Jesus means to give our lives entirely in His hands, to trust Him with our lives as He has trusted His Son to ours. As for persecution, verse 27 of what book and chapter are you asking for in particular? But in general, Jesus is reminding us that as we follow His paths, so we may or shall encounter the people He has encountered. There were those who persecuted Him and so they may also persecute us. Persecution is a part of the cross the we must bear. In Matthew 5:10-12 it is said that, "Blessed are those who are persecuted for righteousness sake, for theirs is the Kingdom of Heaven. Blessed are you when they revile and persecute you, and say all kinds of eveil things against you for My sake." Prayer is our way of communication to God, Jesus, the Holy Spirit and to the myriad saints and the blessed, the Holy Mother, and the angels as well. It is our only way of having a personal relationship with Them. But we must remember that all that we do is a form of communication to God, because He sees all and knows all. So it's always best to mean what we say in our prayer and to act as we pray. On love, well, God is love. And He loves everyone of us, whether Gentile or Jew so it must matter less if we are baptized or not. However, baptism is one of the Holy Sacraments. It teaches us to renounce evil, cleanses us of original sin, and welcomes us into God's family, we are hence made disciples of God. A final note, do not take the Bible literally. Do not count how many times words or terminologies are written there and make conclusions out of it. It does not matter how many times Christian or Christendom or Christianity is said in the Bible because if they are not directly, exactly and explicitly used, their meaning is preached and woven into the whole Bible, or to be precise the New Testament. The New Testament is about Christ. His life is told over and over from different point of views. It can't get more Christian than that. I highly suggest joining Bible discussions or Bible studies or catechism because these matters are best explained and best understood when in front of a person who has already studied the Bible and has gained correct insights from it.
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@coffebing (252)
• Malaysia
5 Mar 07
I didn't study or read bible before because i am not a Christian.I am a Buddhist since i was born to this world.I do hope to know more about Christianity and to be honest, i am a bit curious about it. For us Buddhist, we have something like 'bible' for us to refer to.The do and dont are all in there.As far as i know, all religion teaches human being to do good things and stay away from evil.(Do correct me if i am wrong) For me, although i am a Buddhist, i respect all the religion and their own way of teaching.
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@raijin (10345)
• Philippines
5 Mar 07
That's good to know!;) You are correct, there's no religion that teaches an individual to be bad. As you are a Buddhist, it is very nice to know that you are also interested in learning other religion or beliefs. I am also interested on other religions, because what I learn from them adds more wisdom for me!;)
@liranlgo (5752)
• Israel
5 Mar 07
i think there is always a time to read the bible..there is not such thing as i do not have time..if it is important to you you will read it i read the bible from time to time but i read the old testement because i am jewish yes i apply alote of the teachings, specially the ones that involve the moral sayings.
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@raijin (10345)
• Philippines
5 Mar 07
That is true, problem in having time reading it is not an excuse. A minute or an hour spend by reading the bible is enough, making it as our daily reminder is always a good habit!;)
• United States
5 Mar 07
I read the Bible every day. I read it to both my boys before their naps. I think it's important for them to be familiar with the stories, the parables, the character lessons, and the history. I am not a Christian, but my boys one day could be. I was raised Christian, so the Bible is very familiar and meaningful to me, on a moral scope if not religious.
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@raijin (10345)
• Philippines
5 Mar 07
It's good to hear that, I hope that your kids do learn from it.
@Justme2007 (1848)
• United States
5 Mar 07
I have been reading my bible lately its hard to just walk away from the bible especially when you have been taught to read the bible and go to church.I love the lord because he is my savior if I can't trust him who can I trust,God bless.
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@GardenGerty (162762)
• United States
5 Mar 07
I do not read it as much as I should, but I love to revisit the verses I have memorized. There have been some good discussions here on myLot that gave me reason to remember these very precious words.
@raijin (10345)
• Philippines
5 Mar 07
Yes, this also made me think to post this discussion. I do not consider myself religious, but I know for a fact that I could understand life more by reading it..
• Philippines
5 Mar 07
I have always the time and I see to it that I am following the Christian religion in the HolyBible. I am a Christian and a translator of the Word of God from Greek to English. I have already published GENESIS, EXODUS, LEVITICUS (Greek-English), THE WILL New Testament (Greek to English), ELEMENTS of SALVATION, The Right Way, GOD, ORIGIN, TRANSFER into PERFECTION, GREEK-ENGLISH (Grammar & Vocabulary), WORDS in THE WILL New Testament, and others shown at I translated the Greek words PLAINLY - Greek words to their corresponding English equivalents. These are translations and not versions wherein it is generally accepted that versions are 80% not translations. The aforementioned translations are simple and easy to understand and these are translations which means that they are more accurate than the versions. I hope that you include these books in searching for the truth. May God bless you.
@raijin (10345)
• Philippines
5 Mar 07
Thanks for the link, and may God bless you also..
@Jemina (5770)
15 Mar 07
I always carry my Bible with me but sad to say I don't read it regularly anymore. I used to read a chapter a night and another one in the morning. Now I read a few verses when I remember it. But it's in my bed all the time. Too sad, I'm realy sad about this. I hope to get the same enthusiasm like I had before.
@Zelmarq (12607)
• Cebu City, Philippines
5 Mar 07
I try to read the Bible everyday, it serves as God's daily message to me.It through reading the Bible that God talks to me. It serves as His daily reminder to me and what is the real purpose of my life here on earth. There I have read about God's promises and as a child of God I claim him his promises.
• United States
6 Mar 07
Not only do I make time in what seems to be a busy, married life to read the Bible and understand it as much as humanly possible but also to take what I glean from it and teach it to others. The Bible is such a wonderful thing to read considering all the different things contained it from history to law to poetry, etc. I thought for years that nothing would give me greater joy than reading God's holy words. Then I found out I was wrong. After going through a lot of thinking about what I believed, I met people who opened my eyes to the Bible and things I had never even imagined. Over a couple of years, I studied relentlessly and even went to a college to be a preacher. Now, even though I find great joy in reading the Bible, I find even greater joy in teaching it to whomever will listen to what I have to pass on.
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