how long was your normal delivery
By tomatoe39
@tomatoe39 (298)
United States
March 5, 2007 7:23am CST
I was just listening to the radio and they were having a discussion about deliveries and how long was your normal delivery and how long did u have to stay in the hospital..mine was 2 nights after I delivered and i was in labor about 18 long hours and on top of that I got so sick..throwing up and all before delivery and that was before the hospital escape..LOL..tell me about yours...
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15 responses
@lushmonkey (35)
• United States
5 Mar 07
I had gestational diabetes and they thought my baby was enormous, so I was induced at 7:30 on a Thursday morning a week before my due date. Nothing happened all day. They took me off the Pitocin at about 10 that night and started it back up again around 4 in the morning. Somewhere around 7:30 or 8, I felt about three contractions. The doctor came in and said I was 4 cm dilated, so she broke my water and left.
Some time after that I told the nurse that I felt like pushing. She didn't believe me, but checked me and then she was holding my legs together praying the doctor showed up on time! I had my son at 10:53am. Short, but painful labor. Whenever people hear how short my labor was they are jealous, but just because it was fast didn't mean it didn't hurt. Besides those first three contractions, I didn't feel contractions, just pain. I guess cuz I dilated so fast. To me, pushing was the best part!
@lushmonkey (35)
• United States
5 Mar 07
Oh yeah, I forgot to mention that my enormous baby ended up weighing 7lb 6 1/2 oz. However his head was enormous at 14 inches.
@jmp824 (741)
• Philippines
23 Mar 07
My labor contractions started around 8am in the morning. I normally delivered the baby around 5pm in the afternon. I stayed in the hospital for 3 days, i guess that was the normal days to stay at the hospital, to at least recover the patients strength after the delivery.
@Clairec23 (136)
• Ireland
6 Mar 07
With my son, I woke up to use the bathroom about a month before he was due and my waters broke. I woke my partner (who went back to sleep) and sat for a few hours finishing sudoku puzzles :) I got a few mild contractions then about 3 hours after my waters broke, the contractions became really painful so we went to the hospital. There, the midwife told me that I wasn't having painful contractions, pfft! I disagreed and she did an internal to find I was 3cms dilated, they sent me straight to the delivery ward and I delivered my baby about 2hours later. We stayed in the hospital for five days (I begged to go home every single day). I thought that was a quick delivery until I had my daughter.
With my daughter (two weeks ago), I realised I was having regular pains but I had been getting painful Braxton Hicks for about three months so I thought nothing of it. They did seem to be frequent so I got into the bath and they appeared to slow down so I got out and discovered a bloody "show". I told my partner (who went back to sleep AGAIN!) and decided to go to the hospital the next morning. However, a few minutes later, the pain became intense and I sent my partner to the shop to get credit in order to ring my mother and ask her to take care of my son while I went to the hospital. In the few minutes that he was gone, I felt an urge to push and my waters broke. I panicked and when my partner returned I got him to ring the hospital who told him to ring for an ambulance. The ambulance arrived within a few minutes and the paramedics couldn't decide whether to take me to the hospital or stay at home. Two pushes later my daughter arrived :) It was scarily quick. They took us to the hospital where we stayed for two nights which I hated.
@vaselei (9)
• Philippines
6 Mar 07
my water bag broke on my birthday at around 6 in the morning. I went to the hospital but the contractions only start at around 1 o'clock in the afternoon. I gave birth at around 7:45 in the evening. My doctor and duty-nurse is singing a happy birthday to me ant to my newborn baby..
It's a wonderful gift ive got frm God.
@happy2bmommy (305)
• United States
21 Mar 07
i am not sure exactly how long my entire labor was. i was at home when i started to feel the braxton hicks, but they didnt hurt. this went on for a couple of hours. then i started to feel pain in my back, so i layed in the tub for a while. i noticed that when i got out, i still felt uncomfortable, so i got back in. now i started to beleive that this was finally the real thing, after two weeks of the baby teasing me like this, i was sooo happy. i started keeping track of how often the tightening was occuring. they were about 4-5 minutes apart and then decided to call my dr. he said it sounded like i was able to tolerat the pain pretty well, since i was still able to talk with him just fine. he let it be up to me when i decided to go to the hospital. i was still fine, but my too excited husband wanted to go NOW. so 3 minutes later (we live very very close to the hospital LOL) we were there. its so strange, because once we got there, all of a sudden, it seems like the contractions got stronger. i had to walk around for an hour to make sure that it was really the real thing. it was. i went and layed in the jacuzzi for the most of the rest of the labor. after about maybe 6 hours of hard intense labor, i had to get out of the water and onto the bed to deliver the baby. i pushed for 2 hours. baby was coming out with his spine against my spine, so i had nothing but back labor. it was sooo painful, but so worth it. he was born completely healthy, and i was so releived that it was over. i was so glad that i was able to do it all natural like i had wanted. i wanted to know if i could do it with no epidural. i had planned on getting the stadol shot, but when i asked for it, i was told that i was progressing too fast, and that baby might be born not breathing, so i skipped it. i wasnt going to risk babys health just to ease my pain. i only count the time i was in the hospital as my "labor" since it didnt start to really hurt until i got there. so i say i was in labor for about 6 hours, with 2 hours of pushing. i stayed there for 2 nights. i am now preggo with baby #2, and cant wait for the day that he or she decides to get here. i am so excited all over again. i do plan on trying to go thru this again with no epidural. i will stay as many nights as they let me stay there.. haha.
@cynddvs (2948)
• United States
23 Mar 07
My entire labor from the very beginning to end was 9 1/2 hours. I only pushed for 15 minutes. And we were in the birth center for 12 hours and went home. We would have gotten to go home earlier but I found out I had GBS while I was pregnant so we had to stay a little longer so they could make sure I didn't pass it to my daughter.
@Katlady2 (9904)
• United States
6 Mar 07
I'm not really sure if either one of my deliveries could be considered normal. With my daughter, the total length of the labor was 42 hours, with the last 7 being the really hard labor. I think it lasted that long because the umbilical cord was wrapped twice around her neck. Now my son's delivery, on the other hand, lasted only 2 hours! I think I basically screamed him out...there was no time to put the Demerol in the IV, so it was pretty painful. I was like, "That's it? It's over all ready?" I don't think I could have done 42 hours a second time around. LOL
@susama123 (91)
• India
6 Mar 07
I had scissorian delivery. At the time of my 2nd delivery the doctors were waiting for a normal delivery.So I had labour pain for nearly 22 hours. My uterous was not opening. At last they had to operation. It was horrible.
@aslygirl (531)
• Philippines
6 Mar 07
I was a normal delivery.My water broke at 4 am and they send me to hospital immediately.I started my labor at 5 and end up in 10:45 am.My baby and I stay at the hospital for about 1 week cause she is under observation.her lungs are weak and she has an infection.
@charms88 (7538)
• Philippines
6 Mar 07
I got two girls of my own. Of the two ,my eldest gave me the kind of labor that I can only imagine happening to someone. It was about noon time and I headed to the restroom to pee, I noticed that there was something in my pantiliner. When I showed it my maid, she screamed hysterically that I'm going to give birth. I'm the one pregnant but I'm very relaxed. I mean I didn't feel any pain. Once I was in the maternity room, I suddenly felt this contraction. was so painful like its the mother of all pain that I had to endure. I labored for 8 hours and the contaction kept coming real strong. I chose to be asleep during the whole process of delivery. When I woke up, there's my baby. All my pains and endurance went out flying to the window. Its ridiculous to think that our little baby can help us forget the difficulties of giving birth.
@SlapItHigh (172)
• United States
5 Mar 07
I stayed at the hospital for 24 hours with the birth of both of my babies. That was 24 hours too long. It was horrible being there. I'm having my next baby at home and won't be at the hospital at all.
@Joey322 (272)
• United States
5 Mar 07
well, by "normal" do you mean "natural" as in no epidural??
if that's the case, then count me outta that discussion b/c i had the epidural and GLAD for it!!!
i was in labor, well, i had about 2 hours of contractions that were uncomfortable and about 1/2 hour of MAJOR contractions. then, i got my magical little needle, well, big needle and i didn't feel a thing for the next 12-ish hours until i pushed and that was only about 15 mintues and he was born!
we stayed at the hospital 2 days and off to home we went.
it was really a breeze, i just hope i'm so lucky next time!
@lovemydsdominik (282)
• United States
5 Mar 07
I was in labor for about 4 hours before I went to the hospital, and when I got there I was 4cm and 100% effaced. I delivered my son 3 hours after I got to the hospital, so it all went pretty fast. I stayed for 1 day 6 hours after I had him.
@phonevolts (919)
• Ireland
5 Mar 07
My waters broke on the Sunday at about 3pm. I went into the hospital but they sent me home because my contractions hadnt started. They told me to some bak the next morning to be induced or come in before that if my contractions started.
They didnt so, I went back the next morning at 11am and had to get an injection to start off my contractions. I then had my baby at 10.56pm that night. I only had some gas and air for the pain. Didnt want and epidural or anything like that.