Vast spatterings of immaturity?
By Araiya
@Araiya (61)
United States
March 5, 2007 10:03am CST
I bought Guild Wars (Prophecies) about 6 months ago, and found that I can't stand playing it, despite loving the beta before the first game was released.
I don't think I can tolerate how people seem to NOT realize that there are channels for everything. If you want to trade items, then, ffs, PLEASE use the trade channel to communicate your desires to hock your wares!
This way, since I tend to keep the Trade channel toggled off, I don't have to enter a city, and be instantly bombarded by "WTS: CRAP NO ONE WANTS".
Even more irritating, on that particular point, is how people circumvent the word filter that would automatically shunt their WTS/WTB requests, forcing it into vicinity. To top that, the same W_T_S/W_T_B request gets repeated ten times in just as many seconds, making it harder to just chatter with people.
Further, I find that I'm generally older (by a decade) than the majority of the player base that I seem to run into. All the guilds I've seen tend to be run mostly by 13 or 14 year olds, and most of these guilds tend to break up in a month, or boot you because you're not online 19 hours a day.
Teaming is a bit of a challenge, too. I understand that they've finally added an LFT interface (Way to finally copy that from Anarchy Online, guys. :P), but even then, so few use it, that the thing is relatively useless. I get stuck with henchmen who're several levels lower than me, and being a Necro/Monk without all sorts of über gear, I'm sucking in a lot of damage, without being able to return it, because I get to save our team's healer from her constant wandering into the middle of a mob gang-bang...
It'd be nice to be able to team with competent people around my level, so I can run around and complete some of those stupid missions or quests or whatever.
Finally, good god, whatever happened to intelligent discussion in the chats? It's like listening to monkeys flinging poo at a wall -- not very enlightening. ;P
Or, am I over-analyzing this?
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7 responses
@aidanus (47)
• Germany
16 Apr 07
i have trouble finding adequate companymembers too. so i am stuck with stupid henchmen that make it sometimes hard to accomplish the quest.
i think this might have something to do with playing prophecies and not one of the later addons because most interested player will already have finished prophecies and moved on the newer addons.
in contrast to you i think the quests are quite good (especially compared to world of warcraft) but thats taste.
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@Araiya (61)
• United States
6 May 07
Anything's better than World of Warcraft, but doing the quests with the underleveled henchmen is what I consider tedious, at best.
Unlike some people, I don't have the time or fund to blow on buying in-game credit, so I can buy all sorts of über gear, etc. So that becomes ever so slightly annoying after a while. :)
I'm used to Anarchy Online, where you can solo most missions, easily, and what little there isn't for soloing, there's usually plenty of people willing to team with you. :)
@msmonkeyfeet (789)
• United States
5 Mar 07
No no, you're perfectly right in your analysis! I discovered the same thing when I started playing it, I even started to dread the beginning of school vacations! Luckily, I joined a guild that is mostly adults and I almost always use either guild mates or the new hero system so I don't have to ever deal with the stupid children. It's sad how you can always tell when school's out for the day without even looking at the clock! All I can say is, good luck and hang in there. I personally think the game's worth it :)
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@Araiya (61)
• United States
5 Mar 07
To be completely honest, I came to Guild Wars from Anarchy Online.
So, going from a game that is difficult++; to play, to one that, well, the maximum level is 20 for a given character (AO has 200+20+30 levels; The first 200 are available to free players. The +20 and +30 are available only to players who have the Shadowlands and/or Alien Invasion expansions, in respective order), and the stat points are free to redistribute at any time in a city, without penalty?
I had a whole lot of adapting to do when I tried to switch.
I ended up going back to Anarchy Online, mostly because I knew the learning curve turns away most of the *children*. ;) The ones it doesn't turn away find themselves shamed when they act like brats.
I think one of the other things that turned me away from Guild Wars, surprisingly, is the apparent requirement of a second profession.
I'm used to a game where Enforcers are Enforcers, Fixers are Fixers, and Martial Artists are Critical Damage Distribution Systems.
It's sorta hard to *know* your profession, when you're blending two of them together, and can't really do too much about it.
If I lean too much toward the necro side of my character, I end up needing some sort of healing.
If I lean too much to the monk side, I can forget about doing any mentionable damage.
@Doomsayer (115)
• United States
11 Apr 07
You know, I'm thinking that you're right. However, instead of letting a smattering of morons ruin my experience, I just turn of the general chatter channel. If someone wants to talk, I whisper or do buddy chat. I don't think that the immaturity of certain folks throughout the game should totally wreck your game experience.
@Tyler7777777 (169)
• United States
6 May 07
your right but you'll have this problem with pretty much any game, there will always be retarded people who play, I wonder where they come from though because I know lots of people that play in real life but I don't know any who are gay when online.
@oogie_boogie (362)
18 May 07
Yeah i agree with most of it.
Especially the guidl thing. The first guild i joined was cool for abouyt a week then all the member just disspaeared and i was the only one who seemed to ever be online. The the secong giuld I joined was just me and some other randomer. I agreed to join their guild in exchange for them helping me with a mission. Then a day after i joined they left the guild. Its annoying.
Also I find that now guild wars has been out awhile now most people on Prophecies are level 20 and I dont play it that often and my highest level is 17. And i find that people are no longer willing to help anyone. I have to struggle through missions with the retarded henchmen. Unless, on rare occasions, I find someone who is willing to help me out.
@Leif_Morris (61)
8 May 07
Well, I started playing Guild Wars when it was first released all those 2 years ago. I am 16 now but I started when I was 14. I would not like anybody to assume my intelligence is lower than that of a WoW player simply because I am young. I'll admit that I used to say stuff like WTS whatever but I used the trade channels. I also agree with what has been said about the competence of players in the game. Did anyone else find that anybody playing the Assassin class (more or less everybody when factions was first released) thought that they could fulfil every role in the party by themselves.
It reminds me of when I first bought factions. I made a necromancer and my secondary was ritualist. I quickly realised when I reached the Zen Daijun mission that everybody in my now 8 man party was an Assassin. I said we need a healer and the lead moron agreed, kicked me and picked up an Assassin monk .
@gancel (14)
• Philippines
23 Mar 07
you started very late, most guild wars players are already in night fall so i guess you rarely see people in towns, unlike when the faction is not yet realeased it is easy to find some guys who are doing the same mission as you, its lively back then. about those kids that are spamming selling some items even there is a proper chat channel for it, i guess most game have these kinds of players just dont mind them or just turn off the chat channel that annoys you. just pm the players you want to talk to.
this game is about team work, some mission is very hard to finish if you only have AI henchies as party mate. most of the time second professions are very useful, all profesions has their own healing skill so you dont have to rely on monk as second profession to know some good profession combination try to watch some guild versus guild battles, press "B" while in a town or outpost.
guild wars main focus is PVP, if you want to play a game at the sametime socializing with other gamer then i dont think this is a good game for you because if your doing a mission youll spend most of the time seeing only eight or less people.
the main key to enjoy this game is to join a lively guild or play with friends