Was there life before Adam and Eve?!?
By meeandnotyou
@meeandnotyou (2548)
United States
March 5, 2007 10:50am CST
I know all of the theories that Adam and Eve (I even know about Lilith) were the very first two humans upon this Earth but there is a word in the Bible that does not sit well with this theory and is damn near cotradictory in this matter. That word would be "REPLENISH" as from The Holy Bible in Genesis 1:27-28:
"27So God created man in his own image, in the image of God created he him; male and female created he them.
28And God blessed them, and God said unto them, Be fruitful, and multiply, and replenish the earth, and subdue it: and have dominion over the fish of the sea, and over the fowl of the air, and over every living thing that moveth upon the earth."
In order to RE-PLENISH something it had to be plenished before. For example how do you refill your glass of soda if it were not filled prevously?!? How do you REPLENISH something that has never been plenished (yes it is a real word, look it up if you cannot take my word for it or just go here: http://www.onelook.com/?w=plenish ).
So tell mee, if the Bible is the infallable Word of God and God says to REPLENISH the Earth to Adam and Eve, does that not state that there was human life here BEFORE Adam and Eve and that life is all gone (or very close to it) and now it is up to Adam and Eve to REPLENISH this formerly plenished world? If this is to much of a denial of all you've been taught and believe can you ATLEAST admit that it is POSSIBLE?
So once again here is one of my religous thought and your submissions will be greatly appriciated and most welcomed, I just ask please no hurt feelings nor anger. So tell mee what you think?!?
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14 responses
@Dano11 (173)
• United States
6 Mar 07
Actually the word replenish is misinterpreted due to the American and modern english language. There are a lot of words that had different meanings in the old english.
During the 13th - 15th century the word replenish actually means to fill, and during the time of the writing of the KJV it was a scholarly word to simply mean "FILL". It originates from the greek word repleo and pleo which pleo means to fill, and the rpefix re means "completely"
If you use the word release, in rental terms it may mean to redo a contractural agreement, but in the verbal form it simply means to loose or free something. This does not imply that what you are releasing was free before and is now being freed again, it just means to free it. This is the same use of the prefix in Genesis and the old english use of the word.
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@biznizman01 (581)
• Philippines
17 Aug 07
Your answer was by far the best. I've learn a lot from this short discussion.
I have to make a note of this.
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@flowerchilde (12529)
• United States
18 Sep 07
..I heard this about the word "hell" also.. that in the day of the King's english, "helle" meant to bury! To "helle" the potatoes, for instance.. and of course the Hebrew "sheol" was always simply "the grave" and not inherent immortality.. [Dante` of course, was a madman, and his hell was populated with Greek satyrs and 'gods'.]
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@arseniajoaquin (1732)
• Philippines
7 Mar 07
27And God made the man, He made him according to the icon of God, He made them male and female. 28And God eulogized them saying:
“Grow and multiply and fill the earth and lord over it and rule over the fishes of the sea and the birds of the heaven and all of the cattle and all of the earth and all of the reptiles creeping on the earth.”
These verses Genesis 1:27-28 are quoted from the book which I just published - GENESIS, EXODUS, LEVITICUS (Greek-English) shown at http://www.lulu.com/arseniajoaquin
There's no such word as replenish. Adam was the first man so there was no man before Adam. Plants were created on the third day; sun, moon, stars on the fourth day; birds and fishes on the fifth day.
I hope that this could help in understanding subject Bible verses.
@flowerchilde (12529)
• United States
18 Sep 07
The word used originally, is the Hebrew word "mala" and it's closest translation means to "fill" "furnish" and "fully or wholly" (fill, furnish).
- Replenish is one of its more distant uses.. I wonder why the translators used it?
@libertarianfreedom21 (3198)
• United States
18 Sep 07
I love what you said b/c lots of people dont relize that the Hebrew languge (I dont realy know it i just know this) has several diff meanings for the diff words and the people that translated it just took which one fit best for them so if you really want to know what the bible says learn hebrew and then read it i'm sure you will get a whole new meaning on it
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@clownfish (3269)
• United States
5 Mar 07
Hi! I think that not everything written in the Bible was meant for man to understand. Personally, I believe that the Bible was not written for the casual user. You can't choose one verse, take it out of context, and use it to support a position or to destroy one. The Bible isn't meant to be used that way. As far as your question goes, no one can answer that. Does it make God a liar? No. It means He didn't explain a detail. Does He really have to answer to us? No. My advice: He also told us "seek and you shall find." If things like this bother you so much, seek the answers from Him, not other men. There are only a handful of people I trust to teach me spiritually and to give me spiritual guidance. Why? Because it is so easy to become misled. Search for the answers instead of being critical. :-)
@mustafabadri (178)
• India
25 Dec 07
very true!!
there are people for this discussion!! all that suggestes the creation of world,the reason of the cration, why we are created, from where we came,where we have to go and how and what after the deth.
even there are names of the father of adam,who is the adam,how many adams are there,the words of HIM in bible and quraan are not possible for the men to understand them,but through the people who know every thing and have the keys of all the codes of words in holy books.
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@friendship (2084)
• Canada
6 Mar 07
Of course, there was life before Adam and Eve. God created all of plants, trees, and animals before creating Adam and Eve. Please note that one (1) day in God's calculation doesn't have the same speed in human's calculation. That's why chimps, monkeys, etc were created first before creating humans (Adam & Eve).
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@headhunter525 (3548)
• India
5 Sep 07
I am of the opinion that there are pre-homonids before Adam appeared on the scene. Adam mean 'man' and some people say that Adam is just a generic word to denote human species as such...species which are aware of spiritual things.
But if you are talking about life...any life as such, then I am sure there was life before Adam and Eve. Because there were other creatures already created before the sixth day. But I don't know if that is what you are trying to communicate.
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@urbandekay (18278)
23 Dec 07
Well, replenish is a translation, look at the word and its connotations of which it is a rendition.
Secondly Genesis contains deep truths about man's nature not about his origins. It should not be understood as a literal account but as something more akin to a parable.
all the best urban
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@meeandnotyou (2548)
• United States
23 Dec 07
Hey Urban I can always expect a new out look from you! Thank you so very much for stopping by.
The look from a parable perspective… I like it as it would lead to the inspiration rather than the INSPIRED.
The reason I asked this question is to lead to free thinking and that is what I have gotten here from some. As I have stated in other places, here and elsewhere, there is so much scientific evidence that people automatically throw out because they think that it goes against the Bible (because it is not in the Bible) rather than trying to use the mind they were given to realize it CAN and WILL fit together without disproving either.
For example: Science has shown evidence of the Big Bang (not concrete as none but God really knows). Religion automatically says that it is heresy because God spoke and it was. But what if God spoke and Bang there it is?!? Would that not be a great testament to his power and glory? There is now a bridge between big bang and creation (creation by means of Big Bang) thus the end of fighting about it. Not to mention we all know that God’s glory shall be revealed. What better way to show his glory than through science., something that man figures out on his own. A good friend of mine which happens to be a well respected scientist said something that I will never forget as it has helped motivate me in my quest for knowledge. “I began studying science to disprove God and in my experiments I ended up proving him. Science is a bright light saying ‘Here I am take a look for yourself’”
Once again Thank you for the response Urban and I look forward to your reply! MERRY CHRISTMAS!!

@TheHermit (98)
• United States
5 Mar 07
God created human beings on the sixth day- before he created Adam and Eve. Now you know how Cain and Able took wives. Of course it also says Adam and Eve were the first people.
The Bible is an edited concise version of much older texts, all rolled up into one. That's why you're suppose to love God, because He's the one you must fear.
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@Zorrogirl (1502)
• South Africa
20 Dec 07
well, the way i see it is quite unique. to me the Bible is a history book. if you look closely its the time line leading up to the birth of Jesus. it think there were others. Cain was marked so that the 'others' wont kill him. who were the others? where did the giants come from who are mentioned in the bible.
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@meeandnotyou (2548)
• United States
21 Dec 07
That is the concept behind this discussion. It would seem like there may have been another form of life besides for Adam and Eve here on earth. Most Biblical Scholars say that Cain was worried about his other brother's and sisters that the Bible does not speak about yet they say that this has to be the answer since the Bible does not say that there were other people on Earth besides Adam and Eve. Hmmmmm.... Accept one without Biblical confirmation and reject the other because of no Biblical confirmation. Hmmmmmmm..... Leaves one not knowing what to think!
thank you for the reply and have a great day!!!
@meeandnotyou (2548)
• United States
21 Dec 07
Did you not know that there was no dinosaurs?!? There could not have been since the Bible does not specifically mention them. Such is the case of evolution. All of the proof is there with the exception of the missing link. But because the Bible does not mention any form of evolution thus it could not be. The same fate also effects the Big Bang theory and several other scientific discoveries.
If you would like I can tie these together for you with a logical theory but it is just a theory of mine. If you would like to read my theory let me know and I will supply it for you.
@Zorrogirl (1502)
• South Africa
21 Dec 07
the other thing that bothers me is in genesis where it says that earth was empty. then theres the dinosaurs... the bones are there. but it was an animal which the humans couldnt rule over. it must be some sort of life before. the bible does mention people talking about the likeness of dragons. numerous times. it must be stories and paintings passed down by the 'others'. it can only be dinosaurs they are referring to. its quite interesting.

@varnum11 (77)
• United States
9 Sep 07
Yes it is very possible there was life before Genesis. There could have been hundreds, thousands, or even millions of years between Genesis 1:1 and Genesis 1:2.
To "REPLENISH" I agree means to refill, but pre-Genesis may have been filled with other creatures and not mankind. This command from God may have been for his desire to fill the earth with mankind and not other creatures. It could have also been that there was a pre-Genesis race and God was commanding to re-fill the earth again.
If you read in Genesis 1:9, it almost appears there was a flood before The Flood. "Let the waters under the heaven be gathered together unto one place(seas), and let the dry land appear: and it was so. The earth was already there. It only appeared after the waters were abated. So the earth was not created at this time. It was already there.
@flowerchilde (12529)
• United States
18 Sep 07
..I've always taken that to mean "elements".. the elements above from the elements below.. I looked it up once in the original Hebrew word used and it seems to me it turned out to be that way..
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@libertarianfreedom21 (3198)
• United States
18 Sep 07
Well I just dont get how people would think that people went poof and there they were. But beside that point there is a lot in the bible that could be question like when God cast Adam and Eve out of the garden he says (let me get out my bible for exact words, I have a bible for knowledge only not for reliogus reasons) Genesis 3:22 And the Lord God said, Behold, the man is become as one of US, to know gooda nd evil: and now, lest he put forth his hand, and take also of the tree of life, and eat, and live for ever: Notice the us, who is God talking to when he says this? I have been told that this is actually a Pagan story taken and used as a christain story Im not sure on that one but it is very possible b/c ok. Noah and the ark why is their tablets that was written way before Exodus saying the same story with the same name only about a flood that flooded only one area? hummm i dont know. OK what about this one the hebrews were slaves of the Egyptians right? humm well why isnt it in the Egyptian articles whom kept a record of everything? Does this make you think, it should. If you dont believe me study yourself. If your a christain I'm happy for you but I want to ask one question have you ever went and studyed for yourself instead of having one book telling you how to think? I hope this doesnt sound like an attack thats not what its met for.
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@markmiyashiro (213)
• United States
19 Sep 07
I looked in my Hebrew Bereshit(From the dung) Gen. 1:27 the-ground along the-one-crawling he-created and-female male him he-created God in-image-of in-the-image-of-him be-fruitful! God to-them and-he-said God them and-he-blessed
Gen.1:28 them over-fish-of and-rule! and-subdue-her! the-earth and-fill! and-increase! on the-one-crawling living and-over-every-of the-air and-over-bird-of the-sea seed-bearing plant every-of to-you I-give see! God then-he-said
This is all on the Fifth day, then on the six day he array the heaven and earth, then rested on the seventh day, on the eight day, Yaweh took of the dung and breathe air into man this is Gen. 2:7, not Gen. 1:27-28, God then placed man in the Garden of Eden. So God created a creature before Adam, in Gen 1:27-28 then later in Gen.2 God created Adam from the dung (Bereshit=Genesis) another point is that the books in the KJV Bible is not in chronlogical order, the oldest book is probably Job.
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@libertarianfreedom21 (3198)
• United States
19 Sep 07
Yea, did you know in hebrew the word ADAM means man-kind and the word EVE means womankind. Also that the bible said origannly that woman came from the side of man not the rib which would make us eqaul. another thing I dont get is Caan and Ables wifes where did they come from? I dont think they married there sisters.
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@Adoniah (7512)
• United States
26 Dec 07
Have you tried going to the true source of the Bible? Have you read Genesis in Hebrew? It does not say replenish in the Torah. You might try going to the source instead of improper translations. Besides the story of Adam and Eve is an ancient pagan story of the beginning of mankind. Read your history. It did not originate with the first Monotheists. The story has been around as long as mankind has been around. It is not the direct word of G'd. It is just a teaching tool to help man grasp the ungraspable. Evolution was definintely not something early mankind understood, but it was reality then and it is reality now. It is totally unrealistic to believe that we all came from one man and one woman or where would the wives of Cain and Able have come from? Their sisters maybe?
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@SEOGUY (906)
• United States
26 Dec 07
But the source as you said is not the torah, And as for evalouthin. Although the theory seems sound, all I can see evidence of is adeptation or a micro evalotion, never one thing becoming another. So if we are to belive evalotion again we must throw out the fist and second laws of thermodynamic phisics? You never get something from nothing and the natural state of the phisical universe is decay. So one would therfor exspect a de-evalotion effect of things not becoming more saphisticated but less evolved. A grass hopper does not evolve to a frog. It may over malinia have micro adaptaions such as getting larger or smaller as climate needs it to, but never changes to something else. Like wise you see micro adaptation in the fossol records but nothing that shows a neandertal becoming a Cro-magnon this is refered to as a missing link, why becouse there is no link two seperate species, And man as well just showed up in the records.
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@freethinkingagent (2501)
18 Nov 08
But the Bible does not say Adam and Eve were the first man and woman, the Bible clearly says he created man on the sixth day, and after the seventh day (chapter two) he created Adam.
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