Do you love or hate your job? Why? Let's have a poll!

March 5, 2007 11:08am CST
I am looking for a job that I would love and enjoy. I just want to know how people are feeling about their jobs in general. I have heard several opinions from my friends, some hate their jobs, but some love their jobs to death! So, how about you? Answer these questions: 1. What is your job? 2. Do you enjoy and love your job? 3. Why or why not? 4. What factors determine your feeling towards the job? Is it the working environment, the job itself, the people, the company, or what? =)
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50 responses
@cutebaby4 (196)
• India
5 Mar 07
I am working as a Support Engineer.. I love my job 5 % and hate at the most..the reason for loving my job is my collegues in the team who are understanding and helpful and they are friendly too.. but one worst thing is that my team leader show partiality in the team which makes me to hate my job at the most..
1 person likes this
• Singapore
5 Mar 07
Aww... That sucks.. I used to hate my job because of my boss, fact, everybody did hate the job because of my boss and the whole management system... But we colleagues enjoy each other so much... I think that's really helping us to get through working at the time.. Just keep entertaining each other.. =)
• India
6 Mar 07
Thats true i think it all depends on the environment and the higher authorities which make a job lovable and sucking. I have a good , nice and lively environment and boss so i really like my job . I am working as a College lecturer. I like interacting with them a lot.
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• Singapore
6 Mar 07
True, true.. The 'boss' does affect how we hate/love our jobs. Environment definitely affects performance at work. It'd suck to have a dream job, but the environment was not supportive. Everybody would feel like quitting under poor management system.. Oh, well..
@wisedragon (2325)
• Philippines
6 Mar 07
I'm a self-employed stock trader. Obviously it has its ups and downs, literally! LOL! I love it because I'm the boss. I control my schedule. I work smart rather than work hard. It's also like playing a game so it's fun. It allows me to have unlimited Internet. It gives me a chance to get rich. I'm learning a lot about investing, which is a very important subject for all people. I'll never retire from this business.
1 person likes this
• Singapore
10 Mar 07
Cool.. I wish I can explore the investing field someday.. =) Thanks for sharing!
@sweetsue (758)
• Philippines
6 Mar 07
I really want to be engaged and learn more about investing. Good your doing great!
@anup12 (4177)
• India
13 Mar 07
I enjoy my job very much.
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• Singapore
16 Mar 07
What's your job? =)
@pitstop (14739)
• Australia
16 Mar 07
I'm a doctor- a pediatrician and thats what I always wanted to be. I've always enjoyed it - as a student and now as a full fledged doctor. For me what matters most is whether my patients are happy at the end of the day. I also love colleagues who make work fun and stress - free!
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• Singapore
17 Mar 07
Wow!! Being a doctor and you're saying that it's a stress-free job? WOW!! Just wow.. You're doing awesome, doctor! =)
@Joslyn77 (374)
• United States
15 Apr 07
I am a preschool teacher, I don't enjoy the job anymore. I am very burnt out. It is very stressful, working with a bunch of back stabbing women that gossip, very high turn over rate! I do enjoy working with children and would like to find something else to do that I still get to work with kids.
• Singapore
15 Apr 07
Hmm... I really hate back stabbers, too...especially the ones that act nice in front of you but talk bad behind your back... Anyways... This is really interesting.. Who are these women? The other preschool teacher? Or the parents of these children? You know, I enjoy working with kids, too.. I think preschool teachers are the most noble out of teachers out there... I mean, don't get me wrong.. I respect every teacher, but preschool teacher is definitely more challenging than a college level teacher.. Just my opinion.. I was imagining myself being one, too... I was actually surprised that you no longer enjoy your job... If you have no back stabbers around you, would you still be a preschool teacher? Just interested.. =) Thanks for responding, Joslyn77! Take care..
• India
13 Mar 07
I love my job very much, because it is a job i have dreamed of since i came to know that One day i have to go for a job.there are many factors like salary package,your needs, and ur colleague in the office.
1 person likes this
• Singapore
16 Mar 07
Hmm.. Thanks for sharing.. I'm wondering what kind of job you have.. =)
@phon4u (2215)
• Laos
7 Mar 07
1. my job is administration assistant. I love my job, I can’t live without it. My better earnings are from my daily work or monthly job. It is not difficult to work at this job, but if I can change to the better job which I am planning, it will be much better; I can get paid a bit higher. The problem is I have to live far from home, I will be home once a month.
1 person likes this
• Singapore
15 Mar 07
Oh..can you find an admin job close to home? It will be more beneficial on your side.. =)
@Marie2473 (8512)
• Sweden
6 Mar 07
1. What is your job? I work as a supporttechnichian - giving people support when it comes to ADSL, digital-tv, Phones, Computers and internet in general 2. Do you enjoy and love your job? I like my job, however I do not think I LOVE it *lol* 3. Why or why not? It can be very stressful and sometimes people just don´t appreciate me! 4. What factors determine your feeling towards the job? Is it the working environment, the job itself, the people, the company, or what?=) The people I work with are great, so is the enviroment. The customers tend to be a bit of a hassle every now and then. the stess is something I could do without!
1 person likes this
• Singapore
14 Mar 07
I agree.. Some customers can be (sorry) jerks.. =p~ Sometimes people tend to think that they can just act whatever, however they want to act because they pay.. Well, hello?? We're human-beings, too.. Hee hee.. I totally understand how you feel, Marie2473.. Thanks for sharing.. =)
@mzbubblie (3839)
• United States
6 Mar 07
Actually, I enjoy, I'm not going to say "LOVE" because I rather work from, recently I was offered another job within the company...I enjoy my job because of the challenges, also before I know it, It's time to go home... I'm actually in the billing department working with government accounts within AT&T....As to my working enviroment, The challenge is always a plus for me, the people are great from who I sit around, it's not uptight around here, the company does have alot of awesome perks since we merged with SBC and
1 person likes this
• Singapore
15 Mar 07
Well, what about this... At least you don't hate your job.. =D Some people hate their jobs, and it's an unfortunate.. =)
@funzone (86)
• India
11 Mar 07
I love my job. Peoples are good and friendly. I have to format the cvs as I am a formatter. My company is a MNC. Pay package is good. I love it. If I say that this much time is required to complete the job you have given me, it's ok for them, even my boss or leader, did not asks me why you take so much time. Evey one respects each and every person. We get dinner at night there is no need to let it from house.
• Singapore
16 Mar 07
That sounds like a great and enjoyable job.. Thanks for sharing, funzone! =)
• United Arab Emirates
11 Mar 07
work work work...its good to work... it pays your bills makes you happy.
1 person likes this
• Singapore
16 Mar 07
I'm sorry, but you're not really answering any of my questions.. =p~ What is your job? Do you love and enjoy the job itself regardless the money that you're making out of the job? Why or why not? What are the factors that affect how you like your job or not?
• India
7 Mar 07
Hello gurl! I havent got into a job but i am sure i will be placed in a job before this july.I wil always love my job whatever it may be.If i dont like it i cannot shine in my job, and i cannot come up in life...
1 person likes this
• Singapore
15 Mar 07
Hopefully you will love it.. Sometimes, though you don't have any problems with the job itself, you can have some friction with your coworkers, your boss, or the other factors... That's when an awesome job becomes a not-so-enjoyable-anymore job, you know... =) Good luck with job searching.. Hopefully your searching will land in a job that you will love and enjoy! =) Thanks for sharing..
@ondrea (20)
• United States
12 Mar 07
Let me start by saying..I LOATH my job...!! 1) I sell insurance 2) I loath my job, there is not one thing that I enjoy 3) I can't stand customer service or listening to people complain ALL the time, I hate all the paper work that comes with it, it's boring and I have no interest in it AT ALL! 4) It's the job itself and certain people (the owners kids) that do whatever the hell they want while everyone else gets yelled out for stupid things! PLUS...I hate someone owning my time monday-friday from 9-5. Why do we have to ASK to go to the doctor, or take care of our kids, or take care of any other responsibility we have in life that may fall within those 9-5 hours?! I hate it!
1 person likes this
• Singapore
16 Mar 07
Oh, I'm really sorry.. Don't insurance agents get to choose their own schedule? That's what I heard when I was interviewing with these companies.. Hmm.. Makes me wonder if I should these kinds of job.. =)
• Philippines
9 Mar 07
1) a bookkeeper on the front, well in fact secretary 2) sometimes i do sometimes i dont 3) sometimes i do because i often used the computer; sometimes i dont because i cant apply what i learned from school 4) the people and the boss
1 person likes this
• Singapore
16 Mar 07
Aww.. What did you go to school for?
@finidinwa (497)
• United States
6 Mar 07
well thankx for this topic for me i dont do what i dont like so any job i have i like it however i have many job but i enjoy all of them.
• Singapore
14 Mar 07
Well, well... Ideally, of course, we all like to have a job that we enjoy and love doing.. But that is not easy given many factors, you know.. As all of us have discussed earlier with earlier responses, there are other factors than the job itself that determine whether a job is enjoyable or not.. These factors are like working environment, the people that you are working with or for, the salary, and maybe many other little things.. And it is not that we like to stay working in the job that we hate, but sometimes conditions force us to keep the job, you know.. =) Well, it is good that you enjoy all your jobs.. Do you work at home? =) Thanks for sharing, finidinwa!
@nandans (1160)
• India
6 Mar 07
My job is based on R&D work..Sometimes i enjoy, sometimes hate too.
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• Singapore
13 Mar 07
What makes you enjoy and hate it? Is it the working environment, is it the people, is it the job itself?
• Canada
6 Mar 07
I work for a Market Research Firm and do not like my job at all . The rules are forever changing , I never seem to get what I am supposed to on my pay and on a daily basis you are being told off and after awhile this starts to bring a person down . It doesn't help either that now my children cry and ask me not to go because I am never home with them anymore ( in there opinion as I only work part time ) and this justs makes it harder to go there when I don't want to go myself . Most of the people are great and easy to get along with but the job itself can really make you wonder if it is all worth it or not .
1 person likes this
• Singapore
14 Mar 07
Oh, I'm really sorry to hear that.. I bet that it must be hard for you to get out of the house everyday.. I'm really sorry.. Can you work elsewhere? Can you try a home-business work so that you don't need to get out of the house for the kids? Plus, you get to set out your own rules.. ;) But yeah, it's not an easy start for a home-based business, is it.. =) Hang in there, samtaylorskykierajen! =) P.S. I assume that you have your kids' names as a screen name? That's really cute.. =)
@langhua (501)
• China
6 Mar 07
the first question : i working in a building site. the second question: i love my job ,and i do it harding. the third question: because i think if we do a work , we should do it's harding. the last one: no any reason,only like it.
1 person likes this
• Singapore
13 Mar 07
That's great.. Thank you for your response.. =)
@cher913 (25781)
• Canada
6 Mar 07
I dislike my job, while my co-workers are nice, management isnt...they take advantage of all their staff... I work as a receptionist/office worker for a CHRISTIAN organization and its not a very good place to work!
1 person likes this
• Singapore
14 Mar 07
Aww.. I'm sorry for that.. I hope you're hanging in there.. =)
• United States
6 Mar 07
I am a mommy first and foremost and i LOVE my job. I love waking up to my son everyday and see him express his personality, which he has such a wonderful one! but here shortly i will be having my daughter and after that i will be going to school to be a pharmacy tech and i know i will enjoy that job because i will be helping people by getting them the medicine they need to get better! i know it's might not be that wonderful some people but i love what i do and there is nothing that can change that!
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• Singapore
14 Mar 07
Aaw.. You're an angel.. =) Thanks for being awesome.. =) I really mean it..!!