What One BAD HABIT would you QUIT if you could?
@western_valleygirl (1363)
United States
March 5, 2007 1:45pm CST
I guess, we all realize what our bad habits are, and we probably deny them too, or, we just don't know that we have a bad habit until someone else mentions it. Well, a part of me always knew I had bad habits here and there, but, I never really thought of the consequences of some of them, until I got married, recently. Then, it became apparent to me that if I notice someone else's bad behavor (specifically my hubby, lol), then I knew I had to face the facts, that I probably had faults of my own, that I did not realize might not be "appealing." I hope, though, that I will be able to cut down on the amount of coffee that I drink, because that is pretty much, what I consider my worst habit, because it effects me, personally. And, I hope, that through the years, I will be able to lessen some of my other bad habits, that my hubby or others might not appreciate very much.
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74 responses
@serenidity (641)
• India
5 Mar 07
I think I would want to try and quit that habit of pressurising people (indirectly) near me to work the way or see things the way i see them. Nobody has ever told me so but i think i tend to dominate people who are close to me unknowingly. I am trying to chuck that habit.
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@western_valleygirl (1363)
• United States
5 Mar 07
That is a difficult habit to overcome. But, I am sure you can do it. I have been around that kind of behavior, and, it can be so stifling, no offense, and make us feel so stepped upon. But, I am glad that you do not do it intentionally. The people that I know, do it, on purpose.
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@sigma77 (5383)
• United States
5 Mar 07
Maybe my worst bad habit is eating too much junk foods. I have cut back on fast foods quite a bit. But I still get cravings for sweets, like cookies and chocolate. I have cut back on coffee and pop. I haven't had any donuts for about a year. I am doing better than before, but every once in a while I get a hankering for the junkier foods.
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@western_valleygirl (1363)
• United States
5 Mar 07
That is a tough one, I know. I do not eat a lot of junk food, I believe. I hardly eat all those unhealthy snacks that were so popular to us when we were children. I do love chocolate, and try to stick with dark chocolate most. However, I just cannot let go of my coffee...Now, when you say that you crave sweets, how often? Because, I could go years without donuts, and things like that. But, because I like variety, I eat a cookie or some chips every now and then. I never realized that it is not a craving for me...lol.
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@Alexandria37 (5717)
• Ireland
5 Mar 07
I don't think I have many bad habits, or if I have, nobody has ever mentioned them to me and my family would not be backward in doing so. The one habit which I would like to quit and that's the one which everybody nags me for, is smoking. I have tried on munerous occasions to quit and the longest I lasted was 6 months. Imagine I was bad habit free for a whole six months...lol. Oh, one more I forgot, maybe it's a bad habit to spend so much time on my pc. I don't think your coffee addiction is as bad as the smoking addiction so you don't have too much to worry about.
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@western_valleygirl (1363)
• United States
5 Mar 07
I think that my coffee habit is getting to me, actually, lol. For example, I have too much acid in my system, and it is very bad on my stomach and my livers. Also, I think that in a few years it is goingto age me significanly, because it dehydrates my skin and stains my teeth, etc. I am working on cutting down and also on combatting that bad habit with more water and skin hydration, and etc. Also, I think that cutting down on smoking, is a good step, quitting will be even better. My hubby quit years ago, and now, he gets very grossed out and uncomfortable by smoke. So, when you do decide to quit, it will make a big change in your life. I know, that I have only gone a few months without coffee, and I hear you, I cannot even imagine doing that again, lol.
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@pebbles_cubbie (3789)
• United States
5 Mar 07
I would quit biting my nails. It's such a hard habit to break and I've tried to stop. I actually did stop for about a month but then I got nervous on the way home from my trip. I was too excited because I wanted to see my cats. I know biting your nails could take the enamel off your teeth. I want to have nice teeth so I best stop my habit. Good luck cutting down on your coffee intake.
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@western_valleygirl (1363)
• United States
5 Mar 07
Thanks. I have never been a nail biter. It is something that grosses me out (no offense). I get grossed out, because I know that there are so many germs living under our nails, no matter how clean our hand are. Even now, as an adult, I am pretty clean, however, I just cannot imagine sticking my fingers in my mouth, unless they are really, really clean, and for sure, not my nails, lol. I don't know if you have ever thought of that aspect. However, I do have other anixety habits, that are different mechanisms that nail biting. Such as pacing and tapping my feet. So, not only is biting your nails going to mess up your teeth (the enamel, as you say), but, it is also unsanitary. So, I hope, lol, maybe I grossed you out enough to cut down. I know, that if I get a doctor's review on the damage coffee is doing to me, I will be so freaked out, however, I have never gone for that issue. I will have to eventually. Good luck to you also.
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@usmcprincess (299)
• United States
5 Mar 07
If I could I would quit smoking. My husband and I have been trying but every time something happens like my dog having surgery or miscarriage and then we are both doomed. I think that we have quit or tried to (lol!!!)about 10 tens in the last 6 months. We can cut back but when it come to actually quitting it is like we want to but can't.
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@western_valleygirl (1363)
• United States
5 Mar 07
I am glad that you are trying so hard, that is so good for you. And, I believe that the more times that you and your hubby keep trying to quit, the easier it will become in the long run. Also, I believe that you are doing the right thing, because you are putting your health as a concern, and are trying to make a change, even if it is still not what you wanted, which is to quit entirely, cutting down, to every once in a while, is a good start.
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@recycledgoth (9894)
5 Mar 07
I *know* I really have to quit smoking. It is a dreadful habit but one of the hardest to break completely. I have tried going *cold turkey* but it only lasted a couple of weeks then I got stressed out and ended up smoking again.
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@western_valleygirl (1363)
• United States
5 Mar 07
Yes, it is not always easy to quit cold turkey. Only some people have that ability. Take it slow, get some help while doing that, and you can do it, if you really want. It will make your life so much more fresher and you will feel lighter. That is what my hubby says, about it after he quit.
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@margieanneart (26423)
• United States
5 Mar 07
I would have to say that I have a bad habit of rushing too much. I do too many things at one time, and don't relax. I am on full gear all the time, and my poor hubby is so slow, I drive him nuts. He would like me to slow down and talk more and be with him more, and I am always doing so many things at once.
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@western_valleygirl (1363)
• United States
5 Mar 07
I feel that I am a rusher also. In fact, another bad thing that I tend to do, is not give people the chance to speak (specifically my hubby), when he has something to say, or an idea, or even a suggestion, because I tend to feel that it is something that I already know, which is terrible. I am working on it, and, I think it is more than impatience, it is also a trust issue. I am learning, to just keep my mouth shut, and then give my opinion afterwards...
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@DavidReedy (2378)
• United States
5 Mar 07
If drinking too much coffee is the worst of your bad habits, then you are a phenomenal human being, indeed. Without trying to be cantankerous, might I point out that maybe you have some, not so much habits, but mannerisms that might make your relations with others troublesome. (After all, we all have those.) Maybe you overreact when your upset. Maybe you have too high of expectations of others. Etc. Anyway, we've all got plenty of bad habits. I would give up smoking and drinking soda pop if I had the willpower. Both are extremely bad (in the case of pop, I've got a digestive disorder) for me.
@western_valleygirl (1363)
• United States
6 Mar 07
Yes, yes, I do have other bad habits...lol. And, some of them, are the kinds that influence others. Such as the fact that I sometimes do not let others speak when they would like to. However, this is something that seems to happen most with my family, and that includes my hubby. I am begining to think that it isi because I am used to having to speak quickly or I would lose my chance...however, I realize that I need to work on that, and I have been trying to. But, personally, coffee is my biggest problem, lol, all other bad habits, that I might have, are not as detrimental to me as the coffee problem, because they are not things that I do regularly. I usually am pretty good about everything else...but, you are right, there are some mannerisms that I would like to fix also, and honestly, some of my pet peeves need to be loosened up, and all that boils down to, is not being so much of a stick in the mudd, lol.
@mari61960 (4893)
• United States
5 Mar 07
I would quit overeating and eating fatty foods. I think If I would eat regular meals that it would help with my weight. But for some reason I cannot eat for usually the first few hours I'm up. So I don't eat breakfast which I know is not a good habit to have. I also tend to eat late at night and before bed which is another bad habit. It's not as easy to change or stop these habits as some may think.
@western_valleygirl (1363)
• United States
5 Mar 07
Yes, I agree with you. It is so difficult to stop something that we have grown accustomed to, that is why it is a bad habit, lol. But, some people just do not understand. I do not eat early either, unless I am very hungry. However, sometimes, I make myself, even if it is a small thing, like a fruit, or a cereal bar, or even just a few small healthy snacks. Also, I do not eat late, late, at night ( I regret it in the morning), because I feel very sickly in the morning. I have learned, that there are some habits, that I have broken, by making life changes. Such as wanting to feel better about myself, etc. I hope that you can find a way to break your bad habit, I feel with you, that is my bad coffee drinking problem here...I am already on my second mug for the day.
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@poohandchocolate (348)
• United States
7 Mar 07
I have a few bad habits I wish I could quit. But I seem to only do it when I'm nervous.. like biting my nails. I've been biting my nails for years and can't stop. One time I got my nails done at a salon, because I thought if I had fake nails on, I can't bite them. That worked but I didn't go back to get them done again. I also bite around the inside of my mouth, I don't know how that started but I can't stop. And it's so bad because I get cuts and even bleed. Hopefully I'll be able to stop one day so my teeth don't fall off or ruin my mouth.
@simplyjesse (13)
• Philippines
5 Mar 07
Procrastination, I would say is my worst habit of all. I tend to put for tomorrow things that i know I should be doing or should have done. I always have a mind set that one more day wouldn't hurt, when I know for a fact that by not doing the deed, I am actually sabotaging opportunities. It is, of course, something I need to work on. But I always seem to have an excuse or something will come up to prevent me from doing things or making things happen. Any tips for kicking this habit would be greatly appreciated.
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@soccermom (3198)
• United States
5 Mar 07
Put another tally in the box for smoking. I can go days on end without smoking and for some reason I still start back up again. It's the dumbest thing. But I keep thinking that the end of it will be coming soon. A close second would be staring. Not blatantly staring at people, but I guess I have the tendancy to intensly "space out" on people when we're out in public, it really annoys my husband, but I just like to observe strangers I guess. It's had to explain.
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@aidonia (4209)
• Greece
8 Mar 07
I use to biting my nails too.Until I be 16 years old.I start see the other girls nails and how beauty they was....I suppose feel so envy and I stop doing it.I know not easy but I'm very stubborn when I put a target...lol:But the worse habit I HAD (not any more) was the smoking.I just harm my health so I quiet it (not easy also)and never start it again.Now if you ask my hubby the worse habit I have is that I speak with a loud voice......
@wmaharper (2316)
• United States
8 Mar 07
One of my worst habits is that I eat a lot of junk food.. I used to be much worse, and I have curbed it quite a bit, but am trying to get rid of the habit alltogether. I've been doing it for so long though, it is quite difficult.
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@lostinwonderland (35)
• United States
6 Mar 07
My worst habit is nail-biting! My fingernails really look atrocious, and yet I've always had such a hard time quitting, since I tend to do it without thinking. Argh!
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@ramansarna77 (96)
• India
6 Mar 07
i want to quit of to my sleeping habit becoz it takes all my time in which i can do some other things.
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