Any unbelievable incidents to share

@SHINE333 (1284)
March 6, 2007 5:07am CST
I do have few but the main one is about one of my friend's daughter 4years old who drwoned in a lake and found alive far away around more than 5 km were he drowned the lake flow of water was normal still he was alive and he did not know to swim. We all took to hospital at once and the doctor dischared him with 2 hours.
2 responses
• Pakistan
11 Mar 07
shinne just keep in your mind when that unbeliveable hapen , that is surprised for anyone. and i am sure God saved her to show us that there in one in the uviverse that is God.
@beaniegdi (1964)
6 Mar 07
That is amazing that he should be in the water at that age and nt drown. I'm sure the parents must have been heartbroken when they thought he had been lost and then so happy to have him back.