Uncomfortable questions or questions we wish to avoid answering...

March 6, 2007 7:42am CST
What are those question when asked make your stomack tied up in knots? Here are a few sample questions that made me feel uncomfortable when I was still single: Question asked by a former girlfriend: - Will you be able to give that up for me? - How many girlfriends did you have before me? Why did you break up? - How much do you earn? - If we break up, will you start dating right away? - What have she got that I don't?
1 response
@jolope (987)
• Philippines
6 Mar 07
haha.. exactly the questions i had in mind when i met my present boyfriend.. i knew it annoyed him but you know, girls want to be assured..that is why we ask this kinds of question..^_^ i hope that the next time you hear this kind of question, that you'll just answer them like its just another question that a kid asks..^_^ good luck to bot sexes!!