A cautionary story and warning from an ex-ChaCha guide: ChaCha is not good.
By Glaeken
@Glaeken (109)
United States
March 6, 2007 9:32am CST
I'll post my first discussion based around the events I've experience during the past weekend and few days involving my status and earnings at ChaCha as a master guide.
Please go into this if you have intention of becoming a ChaCha guide, are a ChaCha guide already, or are simply an interloper with awareness of the rising and falling e-schemes of the internet. Pass it along to your circle of friends, and do my story and myself justice where I have been shown nothing but deceit.
This is a story of such nasty things emanating from ChaCha and falling upon myself and my fellow guides.Thank you.
If you have no knowledge of ChaCha, search for ChaCha in www.wikipedia.org.
Alright, with those details cleared, I will begin.
I have been a ChaCha guide for 3 months now, and have attained a ranking of Master. I did my work diligently and served their cause well, earning a nearly 500 dollars during my time there. All was for the most part well, until this past Friday.
In an e-mail from the VP of ChaCha that came in my Gmail box, I was informed with a blunt and unhelpful reasoning that I had been permanently deactivated from being a guide at ChaCha.
Finding great alarm at this, I replied to the e-mail and set up a date this past Monday to talk to the VP over the phone and to find what had happened.
Eventually the phone call came to pass, and I was left with a horrid feeling as I discovered I would not be getting any of my $441.80 I had earned at ChaCha. When asked for any reason at all as to why I was being banned, I was informed this was all due to the occurrence of a single event that past Friday morning. Apparently I had accepted some number of searches, as per my job, which isn't strange until they found upon review that the searches all appeared to be coming from the same person. ChaCha took this as a scheme on my end to somehow wrangle the randomly assigned search system so I was guaranteed searches without having to wait for them to come to me. Based on that assumption, I was branded part of a monkey-making scheme in those early hours and swiftly deactivated from ChaCha.
Now this is all very strange. I typically get on ChaCha around 4 AM to 6 AM to get the rush of UK searches that occur when my fellow guides are all offline and most likely sleeping. The same goes for anyone else I talk to. I work with no interruptions and I get a fine number of searches from the random assignment system anyways. So where was the scheme I had been involved in? ChaCha had no proof I was involved in anything past correlative evidence, and the correlation was based on assumption.
I myself know of no way to cheat the system, I have no clue how a single person could manage to find a single guide amongst the thousands of other guides. But despite all of this, ChaCha played it out that I was involved with someone else and had them give me searches so I could quickly gain money off the system.
Sighing, I asked how one event could be enough to cancel my entire three-month long membership under ChaCha. I was then told glibly that upon review of my search history, they had found a number of events that incriminated me further. I asked for an explanation. If I'm to be charged guilty, show me all of the evidence so I can defend myself, right? No, they bluntly said they would not go into detail.
Ah, at this point I began to suspect there was really no other evidence against me. ChaCha was up to something. Were they padding their story to get rid of me easier, so they could reclaim all the money I had earned while working based on a few hours of strange activity? Reabsorbing my funds so they could easily distribute money around their ever growing and easily replaceable work force? Really ChaCha, you aren't that low...? But despite my personal reassurance that I was not part of a scheme, my reasoning that one event was not enough to cancel me fairly, and that if they reactivated me they would see nothing else would occur as I would keep a watchful eye of strange activity, then surely we could all be happy. I keep my job, and they could be happy treating their guides with fairness and gaining trust amongst their workforce for it by sentencing their guides fairly, correct? No, it was not to be as they said based on the actions of other, unidentified and never backed-up cases where they had supposedly reactivated accounts only to see the same strange activity happen again, then I would not be trusted or allowed back on. In fact, the VP had the gall to say I was given the benefit of a doubt and that was the only reason I had received a phone call and any explanation at all.. It was directly stated I was being given grace by ChaCha doing what is typically and certainly a given requirement termination at other business. Well, thank you ChaCha for lumping me in with others and honoring me with such respect.
Alright, I tried to swallow my indignation and looked to what really mattered: the large sum of money ChaCha had in their system that I had earned and was in the process of transferring to my First Internet Bank account. They told me I would not be getting my $441.80. Instead they were now going to "research" my search sessions and see if I had actually earned any money at all, and in 30-60 days I could expect a check of any amount of money based on what they felt I had earned. They have never done this before, and it's not normal procedure. I think this is outrageous considering I nor anyone else will ever see this research/review process, and for all I know they could decide to give me any amount of money on their own whim. I was being treated like a convicted criminal nonetheless. All of this based on one event and the sudden appearance of a history of incriminating evidence that had not been there to alert them earlier.
Taking all of what transpired over that phone call and e-mail in, I truly doubt they'll ever review my history. Most likely they're waiting two months to pass in the hopes I will forget I am owed money and they could forget to send it to me. They never went past sending me the short e-mail saying I was deactivated, never voluntarily told me why I was being kicked off or even not being paid in the first place until I dragged the answers out of them. If I had not replied to the e-mail, I would have been left with that simple message "Consider yourself permanently deactivated, thank you!" and nothing more. Is that not twisted? Yet the answers I got were even more fishy and seemingly pasted together.
Why is ChaCha so ready to drop its guides? Its very unique element? Why do they only look to the bad to be seemingly proactive yet when you contact them for help or suggestions you never hear back from them? All of this raises some strange questions, and I have to admit over my time at ChaCha I've seen some pretty awful things.
I will post the rest of what I've seen of ChaCha here when I'm able to copy and paste, but if you cannot wait to see it, please look to my blog for the rest of the story: blog.myspace.com/monkeymechx
Thanks for reading.
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7 responses
@quatelmon (955)
• United States
19 Mar 07
Please look at your contract. You can sue for your money, because you actually worked for it. They can't just say "Sorry, you messed up, we're not paying you." If I worked for a company, and they fired me, I would still get my paycheck for that week.
I have a real job. myLot and ChaCha are just to make extra money. You can not rely on these online income sources for all the money you're going to get to survive.
@shannon76 (1232)
• United States
19 Mar 07
glaeken - it is bad what happened to you and very unfortunate. I must say that I have been a guide since October and I like it. I don't "love" it because really, who "loves" any job they have but I do like it. Yes, I do not get paid much and most of the time I get prank searches but hey, I am not out at Wal-Mart having to deal with a bunch of mean customers complaining about anything and everything, right? I don't see how anyone could actually consider Chacha a fulltime job and see it as such. I knew that when I signed up that it would only be for play money and for killing my boredom while on the internet. And it is just that. Just like mylot. I suppose soon you will be telling everyone that mylot is a scam as well because you don't get enough money huh? Come on. I am just happy that they are paying me at all.
I do sympathize that they did not or have not yet paid you any of the money you are owed - that isn't right. But a few things I do see as issues is the fact that people (including yourself) complain about the issue of the prank searches and the time allowed for a search, but yet no one is offering a solution to the problem. Yes, I do see both are a problem but there is no way I am going to talk trash about it without knowing how to fix it or at least offering suggestions.
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@Glaeken (109)
• United States
19 Mar 07
It's not even about the money, it's about your time. Your time is yours regardless, and it's the same as any other job in hours spent waiting for work or actually working. That's how I see it. I'm being shafted out of my time for a bad deal.
Also, the only time you can offer ideas is via feedback or on one section of their official forum. Other than that, I still haven't seen proposed ideas actually considered and implemented. It seems they only serve up the fixes to make searches actually being paid for real searches and not pranks, which are practically money for nothing.
Nothing is done about the pop-ups or engine. Again, ChaCha is focused on serving their monetary needs over the real problems to guides.
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@leedug (920)
• United States
11 Mar 07
I am not sure how you came to the conclusion that the person that started this discussion probably deserved what he got. I don't know him personally but I do know that there are thousands of UNHAPPY guides as well. Here are a few links you may want to check it out. Chacha has a bad reputation for doing exactly what the original poster said:
http://www.wahm.com/forum/forum_topics.asp?FID=134 : This place was actually locked for a while because there was so much negativity about Chacha. It is now back open.
http://www.myspace.com/chachasucks (Check out the blog)
Since you keep pointing out you do not know what is going on, well there is plenty of information in just those two sites to key you in that this is not even close to being an isolated incident.
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@alexdiazgranados (678)
• United States
11 Mar 07
Unhappy guides. Count me in as a member of that category.
I can't say that I am the BEST guide ChaCha has. Far from it, but I do try to do my job when I log in and run the app. But I hate just sitting there at my desk waiting for an InfoSeeker to come on and ask me a real search-related question and I get either other guides who need to train others OR the pranksters.
I do have other interests online, and some do involve writing for money, so for me to just "sit there" is a waste of time.
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@laurabeth (145)
• United States
12 Mar 07
My conclusion is based on the twisting of my words, I post one thing and it is construed to fit another's purpose, I fully understand that the OP is not the only unhappy guide/ex-guide. I know those sites, I found the myspace one way back and been on wahm for a while. I never said that the OP was the only one, I never said everyone else was fine and dandy. I never said I didn't know what was going on in general either. I said I do not know what happened in this persons incident, as I have said in my other posts I am not going to turn on chacha because someone claims to have been ripped off. I don't know who this person is and to be 100% honest, do you even know that they were ever a guide? come on this is the internet I am not going to turn on a company that has paid me what I earned because someone I don't know says I should. I stated my opinions and I have basically been told over and over that I am some crazy desperate housewife who is dumb and needs to read some chacha bashing blogs and posts to know whats going on. I know what is going on, I know there are unhappy people, but I also know there are happy people who are being paid. I am sorry I know I keep saying this but how can I sit here and just take the opinions of others as fact when my experience is the complete opposite? I am not on here saying anyone is wrong or dumb or desperate, I am saying hey this is what I think....... why do I have to be turned into the bad guy cause I don't agree......I thought this was a place where we could speak our minds and have DISCUSSIONS.... how lame would a discussion be if we all felt the exact same way about everything...... "a full moon is round, a crescent moon isn't, what do you think" ...... how fun would that discussion be.......
Dictionary.com results for discussion: noun-an act or instance of discussing; consideration or examination by argument,comment, etc., esp. to explore solutions; informal debate.
1. Consideration of a subject by a group; an earnest conversation.
2. A formal discourse on a topic; an exposition.
1. an extended communication (often interactive) dealing with some particular topic;
2. an exchange of views on some topic;
(an act of) talking about something
Did I miss where it says the opinion that starts a discussion is right and everything else is wrong? Or maybe that discussions tab up there should be changed.
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@SageMother (2277)
• United States
6 Mar 07
I got an invitation for cha cha a few months ago and signed up but saw red flags with the requirements that you go through alot of training without being paid...legitimate employers pay at least something during your training period, and the requirement that you reach a certain level BEFORE you get paid, along with your pay being based on the "popularity" of your keyword searches. It sounded like they were going to look for reasons NOT to pay out.
I am sad this happened to you because you don't deserve to be ripped off by some slick talking guy, but I am glad that my instincts were accurate.
I hope you spread the word far and wide about these losers who take advantage of people this way! Have you done a press release on this? Have you put it on a blog? Please continue to spread the word so others aren't taken advantage of!
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@Glaeken (109)
• United States
6 Mar 07
I'm fairly sure I saw you post over on the WAHM ChaCha forums. Just to let you know.
I will be spreading this on myspace in the form of my blog and bulletins, and already have warned people on the previously mentioned WAHM forum of my situation.
I hope everyone that reads this spreads the word and keeps in mind just how shady ChaCha is presenting itself to be now.
It appears these sorts of inconsistencies are a common trait in Scott Jones' companies. He establishes them, lets them grow, then leaves them to flounder. Everyone under him suffers. Seems to be ChaCha is the latest in that line. And to refer to a Business 2.0 article, he states he'll make millions of ChaCha and never pay the guides more than 20%.
And no, you do not make more than 10 dollars an hour as a guide. You only make 4-5 dollars an hour max spent actually searching, and that's further broken down to a max paid session of six minutes for every search you accept. Go beyond six minutes in a search session and you make nothing more. The max you can make on each individual session is 50 cents.
Not all that glorious.
@mssnow (9484)
• United States
23 Mar 07
Wow, that is amazing. I am waiting for them to tell me I have done something wrong now. There are so many people out there pranking the guides. I hate it. Im always afraid im going to get into trouble because of them. I'll just keep taking my pay even if i have to pay 2 dollars to get it out. I'll take it every time i reach 20 bucks. Thanks for the advice.
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@habanera (24)
• Germany
17 Mar 07
I am so sorry about your bad experiences. I have been a Chacha Guide for two months now but I finally convinced to quit because what happened to you seems to be just one more part of these ongoing deactivations. I've read a lot of postings on that problem in different forums, e.g. www.chachaguides.com and cannot believe that all the deactivated guides have made serious mistakes, as some of the "happy guides" are stating.
I have worked as an independent contractor for quite a few companies but have never heard that any of them treat their contractors with that lack of respect like Chacha does.
And its not just that they withhold earnings but they do so without any proper explanation.
I respect your opinion but with all due respect I think you don't want to see that you or one of your buddies could be the next. No doubt that Chacha has to weed out guides that don't do their job but they have no right to withold their earnings at their own discretion! Even if you sign a contract - there are laws for independent contract work that are above these contracts.
You know what really surprises me when I read some posts regarding this matter in the official forum? Most guides that consider themselves as "Happy guides" seem to exclude the possibility that a deactivation can happen to everyone of you. I wonder how they would feel if suddenly their account cannot be accessed anymore and their money is withheld without knowing why.
And besides the deactivation issue, my impression is that with every "newsletter" from Chacha things get harder for the guides, while earnings stay the same.
Chacha wants professional researchers and requires a lot from its contractors - but come on, what do they expect from people that finally earn about $1-$2 dollars an hour and are expected to do a lot of training and self-education for free? Its the same like with everything else: You get what you pay for. This is not meant as an offense, I know there are a lot of very good guides out there, but honestly I don't see any motivation for improving skills under the current work conditions and knowing that maybe I will never get the money I've worked for.
Finally, one last comment about the official forum:
Instead of analysing the whole (IMO worsening) situation, some guides there are almost worshipping Chacha and don't accept any critics. In my opinion, in some cases that unreflected admiration goes far beyond the loyalty every employer can expect from contractors. That seems weird to me and makes me feel uncomfortable, and more because I know that this is a one-way loyalty.
Anyway, I wish you guides good luck, maybe Chacha will honor your faithfulness. But I doubt it.
@Glaeken (109)
• United States
19 Mar 07
I skimmed your post, and I'm active on all major ChaCha boards. I'll read it further, but right now I've come to the conclusion the people that aren't pissed off at ChaCha are lazy, against proactive thought, and are entirely comparable to people that are watching a fire slowly creep to their apartment as it burns down their neighbors homes, but aren't in any way ready to handle it when it arrives at their room.
They indeed don't think it's heading their way and will soon enough change their tune when it does happen, and these sorts of people bother me. Never getting to the point until it's stuck them in the back. But even more annoying, they praise ChaCha until it happens, instead of really seeing what's happening to their fellow guides.
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