Keeping Your Cool
By Brian
@wolfie34 (26770)
United Kingdom
March 6, 2007 2:08pm CST
Today I had to go to hospital because I have got to have a small operation at the end of March, I've been waiting six months for it. I had to have a blood test as part of my pre op assessment today, it takes a couple of minutes and I'm used to blood tests. The hospital operates a queuing system you take a number and wait. Well I picked ticket 26 (0-100) and the number was on 63. So I had a long wait. Thankfully I took along enough crosswords to keep me occupied.
I was in the waiting room for an hour and three quarters. From 11am till 12.45pm!
I kept my cool and accepted that there was nothing I could do about the situation, the blood test had to be done as part of my operation going ahead.
It's frightening when this is your life passing away and you've just wasted nearly 2 hours of your life! It's normal practice at this particular hospital and no doubt most other hospitals!
How good are you at keeping your cool? If there is a long queue and you are waiting for ages and ages, and time is being wasted while you wait!
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27 responses
@shambuca (2524)
• United States
6 Mar 07
I never did have much patience- I take after my dad in some ways..since menopause started my fuse is extremely short!!!! If someone is with me- then I can stay calm but by myself I can get really nasty, one time when i was in the ER- i was there for 15 hours- I was in pain when i got there so they gave me a shot- after i woke up they gave me a bunch of tests and sent me back to the ER..I finally started yelling -- I'm gonna call my lawyer and the news paper to let them know how long i've been here with no results, an hour later they admitted me.
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@weemam (13372)
6 Mar 07
Believe it or not I am quite good in these situations , I have had to wait hours in hospitals with Ross , Hubby and Mam and Dad , I felt if I were calm then everyone else would be , the funny thing is that I am a real worrier with everything else , Told you I was queer lol ,
good luck with the op pal xxxxx
@lauriefnp (5109)
• United States
6 Mar 07
I would have had a real hard time keeping myself from having a meltdown waiting for a simple blood-draw! It's good that you planned ahead and walked in ready to wait. I can see a wait of 1 - 1/2 hours to see a doctor or even to have a scan done, since there might have been an emergency come in. However, I wouldn't be able to accept waiting for almost 2 hours to have blood drawn. Come on, they need to work on better customer service than that. To be honest, our blood-draw labs are never that bad here; I have never waited longer than 10-15 minutes. I would write a letter to the hospital administrator. Sometimes a wait cannot be avoided, but blood-draws should be a streamlined and efficient operation.
I hope that your surgery goes well!
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@rosie_123 (6113)
6 Mar 07
Well first of all, I hope the operation goes well. Secondly - no - I am not a patient person, and queueing makes me quite mad, though I try not to show it, because people in hospitals etc are only doing their, job, and can't help the delays. I wish it could be different, but even if you go to a BUPA Hospital you have to wait, - just the way of the modern world I guess.
@joey_matthews (8354)
7 Mar 07
I can wait in queues without a problem.
However I will share something with you, which I've never mentioned before. (as an example)
After the first two issues my wife and I had. (after losing a baby and chloe) we got put on an list which was meant to be faster and safer for us. we had to attend check ups each week, sometimes twice a week. (often visit to doctors too)
Most cases in the hospital. We had to wait longer than we did before being put on the so called "special list" and we did get treated like we dumb kids, who've just "had" mistakes. (in fact these are one the doctors words) I was fine for most of time to wait, I was annoyed how we treated and how people turned up after us and got seen before us.
Moving the story forward, as I'm probably rambling Brian. One time we had an appointment for 1:30 and it was nearly 4:00 o'clock before we was seen. everyone else was seen before us and they just kept saying "sorry, we're waiting for a special doctor" although the doctor we seen was the one who was seeing everyone. (I did get very mad) I drop remarks about it's a good job we haven't got anywhere else to go - we should be hearing "sorry" as waiting this long was ridiculous and is the special list really a good thing.
You know when this sort of thing happens it does take the biscuit and If it wasn't for the lame accuses and the way we was treated I probably wouldn't of said anything. Although I've seen people who waited for twenty lousy minutes and older than my myself kicking up a stink!
The time I've mentioned, we actually waited for nothing. They didn't do an ultra sound check up or see if the growth was still moving along fine. The only thing the doctor said was "I've looked at your files, everything appears to be in order. You're nearly due? Oh the chances of you losing another baby is very slim, only those who have issues more than once should worry" (last straw) If he checked he'd of seen we hadn't lost just one baby and I was pretty steaming. (when we went back we asked to see a different doctor)
Talk about putting peoples minds at rest.
Moan over.
(I'm no saint, although it could of been worse with how they treated us and I'm pretty sure we could be made they're jobs difficult if we complained) I'm not like that. =)
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@wolfie34 (26770)
• United Kingdom
7 Mar 07
They can be so patronizing and basically don't give a t*ss, you were very calm in that situation, most would lose it. you showed remarkable patience and maturity. Many times you can wait for hours and hours and when you finally see the doctor you're in there with him for FIVE minutes or less and then they you the bleeding obvious, grrrrr. Thanks for sharing my friend, appreciated. Respect.
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@Lauraleigh99 (4718)
• United States
6 Mar 07
I hate waiting. I am not a patient person But I try to stay cool and find something to occupy my time so it goes faster
@brokentia (10389)
• United States
7 Mar 07
I try not to see it as wasting my time.
I see it as being able to catch up on my reading.
Since joining myLot, I have not been going through as many books.
So, when I go someplace, I do not go without my book.
But it seems as if at some point in my waiting, someone always wants to talk to me.
Or there will be things that start to happen that will prevent me from reading. LOL
That is the only time I get frustrated. LOL
But for the most part...I get to read while I wait. :)
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@melanie652 (2524)
• United States
6 Mar 07
For me it's a given when I go to the doctor's office or the hospital or need blood taken for some reason, I'm going to be waiting. Waiting almost 2 hours seems like an unreasonable amount of time to have to wait, but not alot to be done about it. You're stuck waiting! I take my own reading material to read while I'm waiting - a magazine I haven't read yet or a book I'm reading on. At least that way I feel like I'm doing something constructive while waiting.
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@mamashane (1140)
• United States
6 Mar 07
First of all, I hope all goes well with your surgery, and I hope it's nothing too evasive or serious. Will you have a long recovery time? Please keep us posted as to how you're doing. As for the waiting at the hospital you had to do, I probably wouldn't have been as kind as you were. I might have started to fuss. Once back in the room to have my blood drawn, I might have told them to wait for me for 2 hours while I prepare myself for the needle. Then again, that would hold up other people and probably cause a riot or something. Seriously, about the only thing you can do is take a good book or something quiet to keep your mind occupied while you wait. They gave you the appointment, they told you what time to be there, you were there and they weren't ready for you. I guess that's just how it is.
@wolfie34 (26770)
• United Kingdom
6 Mar 07
Thank you my friend, no it's only a small op but one that will hopefully cause discomfort which I've had for some time, I am getting general anaesthetic for the first time, and it's only an overnight stay thankfully. I wish it was my local hospital but I am not allowed to drive, and I begrudge getting a taxi, but that's the way it is. I find I can't read in that situation and it has to be a crossword puzzle, suduko to keep my mind active and occupied, otherwise I couldn't cope sitting in a chair bored witless for that amount of time!
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@inked4life (4224)
• United States
6 Mar 07
This has become so commonplace at hospitals and doctors offices now that you actually expect to be there half the day. I had to go this morning for a medical and was there at 9 AM for my appointment and didn't get out of there till 11:30. I too was able to keep mt cool...LOL
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@samtaylorskykierajen (7977)
• Canada
6 Mar 07
I don't like waiting but will wait and will be polite about it but at the same time I will complain about with the erson that is with me and will continue to complain when I get home . I really don't like waiting , I understand they can't go any faster but at the same time it is really frustrating and I have run into circumstances that if they would just taket the 2 seconds to talk to you tehn they could get rid of you as a patient making things speaedier , for example , I was sick and went into the hospistal I waited a couple of hours to see the doctor . He sent me down for blood work and x-rays and then I had to wait for the results again , while we were waiting for the results I explained that I would be needing a note for work as to why I was not there for the day . The doctor sat in his office doing nothing at all , he was just sitting there and when my daughter went up and asked if he would write the note so we could leave , he told her that he had already got the message and was too busy at the time to write it , she watched him for over 10 minutes as he just sat there doing nothing and then came down to tell me what was going on , in the meantime one of the nurses came to tell me that he was so busy that I would have to wait until there were no patients left before he would write the note for me as he had already seen me and that it would be a very lengthly wait and it was up to me weather I stayed and waited or left . Without the note I could have been fired from work . I was sick and running a temperature and not feeling well at all . I waited for over 4 hours and people kept coming in and finally I said the heck with it and left and told them at work they could fire me if they wanted as I wouldn't be going back for a note . In this case they could have had me out of there really quick but didn't bother to take the few seconds it would take to write down what was wrong and therefore I was on the list as one of there patients .
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@stateroad (730)
• United States
6 Mar 07
Sorry you have to have an Operation. If you need a nurse
let me know so I can update my passport :))) Waiting I
hate waiting especially in a Hospital. We have a system
that is first come first serve at the Hospital I go to.
That is a joke because you have to keep track of who came
after you so you can make sure that they are not called
before you. When I go for my blood test every few months
I cannot eat or drink anything before they take the blood
test. There is nothing worse then waiting for hours to have blood drawn and not able to eat or even drink water.
You never know how much you miss water until you cannot
have it. Sorry you had a rough day. I will hold good
thoughts for you and a successful Surgery. Take Care.
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@mssnow (9484)
• United States
7 Mar 07
I get impatient if i have to wait longer than i am supposed too. Say for instance my ticket was number 26 and i had to wait till they made it back around again. OK thats fine. But if they were to accidentally skip me and go to 27. I would lose it. I would be right up at the front asking why my number didn't get picked. I don't mind waiting my turn but will not wait any longer. I don't allow anyone to get in front of me. Thats when I lose my cool. I hope your operation goes well Wolfie :)
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@gabs8513 (48686)
• United Kingdom
10 Mar 07
Yes Wolfie you are right as I have to do regular visits to a Consultant I know what you are saying. I keep my Cool but I have to say that I do go up and ask to make sure that I have not been forgotten specially when I see People going in before me that have arrived after me and it amazes they always have a good excuse for that. I have to accept I guess.
@patootie (3592)
8 Mar 07
And that's how the hospital gets around the waiting times dilemma .. by issuing patients with numbered tickets it takes you off their 'waiting time' lists and puts you as being 'in treatment' heheh .. flippin' Blair and his 'waiting times improving' just means the hospitals have found ways round the rules ..
Whenever I go to hospital I usually need a blood test .. so I go to that department first and get my number .. then go for my check up .. by the time I get to the blood test department I am only left with a relatively short wait ..
Good luck with your op .. keep us up to date on the 'when and where's' ..
@mzbubblie (3839)
• United States
7 Mar 07
I can keep my cool pretty good UNTIL I'm not hearing what's going on....
My story..I was waiting to go out of town, I was in the airport. My flight was supose to take off around 11:45am. However, about 12:15pm, the lady who checks our tickets to let us board had not said anything, she was too busy talking to the other co-workers about her personal life issues...
I sat and watched her babble on for another 10 minutes, of course by that time I was so heated, I had to keep my composure before approaching her...
I walk over to her, asked politely what was going on with our flight and she says "OH, let me go see what's going on" (I WAS HEATED)
I notice she makes phone calls to finally come back to tell us, it will be another 45 minutes then we will board...
1 hour later, still waiting and she again talking to her co-workers, I'm waiting again just waiting to see if she is going to say anything she didn't
Finally, that was my straw, I went over, asked her how come she can't keep us updated with what's going on with our departure, rather than sitting here talking about who is going to watch her child for Saturday..
I requested her manager, she came over, Some people voiced the same thing I was saying about no updates and her talking...She was removed and we got another lady who was on point...
All she had to do was keep the updates going, but instead she rather talk to her friends/co-workers..
That burned me up..My patience is thin...
You are better than I. I hate to go to social security or DMV because you have to wait in queue, I try to advoid them as much as I can...
@xfallenxlostx (2074)
• United States
7 Mar 07
Brian, what do you need an operation for???
i have to get blood tests every 2 weeks, but luckly mine is a STAT order so i usually get in pretty soon after i arrive at the lab. Sometimes, however, i do have to wait.
When i have a long wait at places, i have no patience whasoever. i keep my cool, but i sure to talk about it a lot with my mom and complain a lot to her.
@galatea (686)
• Philippines
7 Mar 07
In my part of the world there are queues to everywhere, payment centers, food courts, public transport, and the comfort room.
My university is nicknamed the university of queues.
Since these are inevitable I just bring a thick book and get lost in it rather than lose my temper. I just view it as an opportunity for me to catch up on my reading list. And sometimes, give my calves a good exercise as not all things that we line up for have waiting rooms, chairs, or even walls.
@777777777 (25)
• Romania
7 Mar 07
I'm afraid of hospitals, especially when it comes to blood tests.I remember that i fainted at my first blood test.But waiting is not necessarily a problem to me.