girl friends versus family

March 6, 2007 2:32pm CST
i have a girl friend (almost a fiance)who picks a quarrel with my siblings as often as she can . and we sort of quarrel over some matter frequently. academically,she is far lower in qualification to me. so we have conflicting views on several issues. i actually love her so much , but now i dont know if i really want to spend my life with her. and i have a fear that she might not know what to do with her life if i live her. what do i do? we have been going on for about five years but not without a sort of mistunderstanding almost daily.
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2 responses
• United States
6 Mar 07
First of all listen carefully to what she's quarreling about.. she may have a legitimate reason. Something is bothering her. If she's always arguing about the same thing over and over then find out what it is. If it's always different things then she's unhappy. Try to find out what she's unhappy about. There are some people who just get into a "habit" of arguing to make their point. She may not realize she's doing it. Ask her why she feels the need to argue all the time. Tell her the negativity of quarreling all the time is affecting your relationship. It's affecting how you feel about her so it needs to be discussed and resolved. If you both can't find a way to change or solve the underlying problem then maybe it's time for both of you move on.
@yanjiaren (9031)
6 Mar 07
Oh dear poor thing and welcome to our forum..ESHIE!!!I have been waiting for you lol.. This is very difficult situation and i think you have to sit down and talk to her quite frankly and Love is good but without respect it isn't always enough..especially when kids come along and you will both have to face life challenges which will bring more stress into the relationship. If she wants to be part of your life then she should make some effort to be more harmonious and make an effort. A marriage cannot be a one way street and you don't want to figure that one out ten years down the line..I have been there and suffered for it. Talk with her and tell her that the argumentative streak in her character is concerning you and that you want a more harmonious relationshipwith her. See how she feels..but you have to be gentle with her at the same time because our egos are quite fragile lol and constructive ctiticism is not everyone's cup of tea. I hope someone here gives you better advice than i have!! odabo..see you soon o.k? i will pm you