Do You Think Failures Would Make You Successful?

March 6, 2007 11:19pm CST
Robert Kiyosaki said he was successful because of the many mistakes and failures he had. I've learnt a lot from my own failures. What about You?
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13 responses
@Makoy1983 (1084)
• Philippines
15 Mar 07
yes, failures indeed would help for you to become successful. it's some sort of a guide and a trial and error process. you try something, you fail, that means something is wrong or something is better to be done. what is important is that we won't quit and be carried away by failures. it is actually the thing that molds us to perfection..
• Singapore
13 Apr 07
Hi : What is FLP? YEs, I'm Tony Chai
• Singapore
18 Mar 07
Yes, it's important to pick up the lesson from the mistakes and move on. Thanks for your comments, Tony Chai experiences from a disabled trader
@Makoy1983 (1084)
• Philippines
12 Apr 07
are you from FLP? you mentioned about tony chai
@ratburn (939)
• Philippines
7 Mar 07
I don't know who Robert Kiyosaki is. I do know however that mistakes and failures indeed teach us something. The problem is not with the mistakes but in how we see these mistakes. Failures and mistakes usually hinder our success because we think of them negatively. What we need to do is to think of these as lessons. Don't be intimidated by them and use what you have learned to make things right in the future.
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• Singapore
7 Mar 07
Robert Kiyosaki is the author of "Rich Dad Poor Dad", a best-seller which teaches us the importance of building assets instead of accumulating liabilities. He also motivates us to become a business builder instead of working for other people for life. I agreed with you that every failure or mistake gives us a lesson that we can learn from. Yours Truly, Tony Chai
• Singapore
8 Mar 07
Glad to know you already have a "Rich Dad" who gave you good life financial advices. Yours Truly, Tony Chai
@ratburn (939)
• Philippines
7 Mar 07
oh so that's him. i haven't read that book. a lot of my friends are telling me to read it but i haven't had the time to do so. maybe i should read it one of these days. funny.. what you just said are what my dad always tells me. hmm, interesting. they have the same views! haha.
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• India
7 Jun 07
failures does teach good life lessons. but one need to take the right attitude during times of failure,i have seen many people becoming less confident or sad and they never try to learn a lesson from the failures. every failure is a stepping stone to success. like in the trading when u fail atleast u knew what a crook ur client was or ur stock was. better now than never.after learning the hard lesson one should be cautious again not to repeat the same. i have a friend who learns lessons but keep repeating the same mistakes. every lesson learnt from failures should make us wiser and not more foolish
• Singapore
7 Jun 07
Hi : Thanks for your comments. Sometimes I made the mistake of committing the same trading mistakes twice because of our ego. I'm still learning to keep my emotions in control to become a better options trader. Yours Truly, Tony Chai a disabled trader
@steney (1418)
• Philippines
6 Jun 07
I've also learned a lot from my failures and it made me a better person. I also believe that successful people suffered great failures before they became successful, it's an important component of each. Failures pose as challenges that drive a person to strive more and reach higher goals.
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• Singapore
7 Jun 07
Hi Steney : Thanks for your comments. I trade stock options and although I have winning trades, I also encountered losing trades. The losing trades have always taught me to be wiser so that I won't commit the same mistakes again. That's why I sometimes share losing trades in my blog to remind traders to learn from the mistakes that I've made. Yours Truly, Tony Chai a disabled trader
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@fxfriski (209)
• Singapore
7 Mar 07
I've learnt a lot from my own failures and much more from the failures of others. Share with me your success and failures, Guru?
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• Singapore
7 Mar 07
Hi : I've learned a lot from my trading mistakes. Each mistake is a lesson for me to refine my trading skills so that I won't commit them again. Yours Truly, Tony Chai
• Singapore
6 Jun 07
Yes i too learn alot from my failures. For example, i stop loaning money to friends if they cannot gimme a good reason. Regards, Johnny
• Singapore
7 Jun 07
Hi Johnny : Thanks for your comments. Glad to acquaint someone who has also learnt from Mr Edmund Ng from Internet Empire. Edmund has a great heart as he took the efforts to teach a group of physically challenged people like us to learn how to make a living from the internet. Yours Truly, Tony Chai
@Nardz13 (5055)
• New Zealand
12 Apr 07
My thoughts on failing and success, I think it has alot to do with striving to do better for fear of failing again. Just from experience, Ive failed an exam in the past and through failing, I think the second time around it made me better prepared and alert for the next attempt in which I past.
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• Singapore
15 Apr 07
Hi : Thanks for your comments. I have, too, failed in my options trades sometimes a few in a row. But I've always took note of the lessons learned behind the losing trades so that I would not commit them again. Yours Truly, Tony Chai
@maumbi (2569)
• Indonesia
9 Jul 07
with which field? business,study r what? when success have meaning a lot thing, if we talk about business well what can i say, i already have my real company NOT on internet, and on internet i just running 1 business and stay focus till now.
• Malaysia
30 Aug 07
I agree with you. Failures definitely make me grow more matured and be ready to face the challenging world. I usually find problems which arise from people, and it is true people are the number one problem maker in this world. Lol. From the mistakes I've done, I've made an analysis about it and learn never to repeat the same mistake again. I think so far it works.
• Singapore
30 Aug 07
Hi : Thanks for your comments. Yes, we do learn from our mistakes. It's also important to keep reinforcing doing the right things so that we would be fully alert when the same kind of situation appeared when we made a mistake last time. Yours Truly, Tony Chai a disabled stock option trader
@rsa101 (38115)
• Philippines
21 Dec 07
Yep I think I do too. I've had many times fallen but here I am still standing and surviving life. I guess the less you are mistaken the more your success becomes risky and when you lose you lose big time. So better still you learn your mistakes when you're still a novice than when your expert already.
@mrddln (457)
• Philippines
7 Mar 07
Yes, failure is a kind of an experience that would make a better person because it is from that failure that he would learn from his mistakes. Every incident in our lives has a reason. God wouldn't allow such things to happen if there is no by-product that would renew a person, challenged the person and the strive the person harder to pursue his dreams through the failures that he make.
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• Singapore
7 Mar 07
Yes, I do agree with you that we can learn from our mistakes & failures.
• Pakistan
9 Jun 07
yeah definitely a person is successful from the failures he had..but also it depends on the person and the circumstances.. but i do agree that person learnt alot from his\her failures!!
• Singapore
10 Jun 07
Hi : Thanks for your comments. Yes, hopefully we learnt from our mistakes and don't commit them again. Yours Truly, Tony Chai a disabled trader
• United States
6 Jun 07
Let's be real no one likes to fail but failing is a part of succeeding. And the only way to truly be successful is to now how to fail and pick your self up and learn from it all.
• Singapore
7 Jun 07
Hi : Thanks for your comments. I am still learning every day through my options trading experiences. It's tough but I'm still persevering and keeping in mind all the lessons that I've learnt from my mistakes. Yours Truly, Tony Chai a disabled trader
• Canada
7 Jul 07
In my view there are no failures...only lessons to learn. If you have learned something from the can it be a failure? It is all a matter of You got it...perspective!
• Singapore
7 Jul 07
Hi : Thanks for your comments. Although I lost money from my trading mistakes, I've learnt the hardest lessons from them and made sure I won't commit them again since they hit my pocket real deep. Thus, mistakes groom me to be a better trader in the long run. Yours Truly, Tony Chai a disabled options trader