what's ur fave scene then in Harry Potter IV?!

March 7, 2007 2:53am CST
i did enjoy the graveyard scene in a very intense kind of way. I thought it was challenging an hard for Harry. and I enjoyed all of quidditch worldcup campsite scenes. it was so much fun. But the ball scene, is probably my most favorite coz they got to dress up, put on makeup and get hair put up and everything with all those dance...
3 responses
@pearl1003 (668)
• Philippines
13 Mar 07
My favorite scene in HP4 movie is the scene when Harry bumped into Cho at the Owlery then he asked her to be his partner at the dance... In the book, I like the part during the third task... it was full of action, you need imagination to picture the beautiful scened there. There was a sphinx... the part where Harry was turned upside down... the giant spider... too bad, it wasnt shown in the movie.
@emeraldisle (13139)
• United States
9 Mar 07
I have two favorite scenes. One is when Draco is turned into a ferret. That was great :) The other is when Ron has to dance with McConnagal (spelling) and the twins state they will never let him forget it. Just shows how brothers are.
@rama108 (123)
• India
8 Mar 07
There is not much in the movies, but ok. They can never bring that picturization we woven when we read the books, in to the movies. Alright but there is definitely one scene I liked much and that is when Harry rides buck beak, over the lake. The arrival of the ship, arrival of the Horses. I liked the kid Harry. Dumble dor, Hagrid....ommm ok...quite some