Why Do People Seem to Hate Atheists/Agnostics?
@manifestabundance (217)
March 7, 2007 9:29am CST
Hi there!
Why? And is this FAIR?
It seems that though many of the atheists/agnostics seem perfectly good people with sound, rational arguments and pleasant personalities, they have been given low ratings on myLot and some have been subjected to abuse.
Many seem to think atheists/agnostics are "bad people". You might be interested to discover that according to 1997 Federal Bureau of Prisons statistics, the 10% of the US population who considered themselves atheists/agnostics only formed 0.2% of the prison population!
That means, if you were atheist/agnostic, you were 50 TIMES less likely than a religious person to end up in prison!
Interestingly, 2 of the biggest philanthropists are atheists - Bill Gates and Warren Buffett.
If religions are supposed to teach love, peace and understanding, why then are atheists/agnostics subject to abuse? Does that mean that God-inspired religions have failed to make their adherents better people?
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31 responses
@Springlady (3986)
• United States
7 Mar 07
We are not supposed to hate anyone.
We should pray for those who do not know the Lord. We should encourage them to know Him and pray for them. God still loves them inspite of their disbelief.
I, personally, don't believe people are true athiests. Deep down, I believe everyone knows there is a God. Some just don't want anything to do with Him which is sad and tragic.

@Springlady (3986)
• United States
7 Mar 07
I know that you are a sad, angry, bitter and miserable person who is lost.
God loves you still!
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@manifestabundance (217)
• Singapore
7 Mar 07
Thanks. Nice to know your "version" of a loving God. Some peoples' version is a hateful, vengeful God who destroys non-believers.
Speaking for myself as agnositic, I really don't know whether there is indeed a God. I haven't had a religious experience, though I do keep an open mind. That, perhaps, is an eternal quest for me.
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@Willowlady (10658)
• United States
7 Mar 07
It is a sad fact that what people do not understand they hate. Anything different is suspect and obviously wrong. So sad.
Did not know that Bill Gates was an aethist. Never really care about that. Would be neat to see the break down of which religions are in jail. Would also help to know if they are practicing their religion also. No one should be subject to abuse. If need be just agree to disagree.
Religion seems not to be a true force in this day and age. Those that claim a religion may not be truly practicing.
Thanks for sharing this today, sure gives us something to ponder.
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@manifestabundance (217)
• Singapore
7 Mar 07
Yes, it is sad indeed.
While I would like to be more positive, unfortunately I can't understand why in this day and age people are still prejudiced against those who are different or who have different beliefs.
I read in Forbes magazine that Bill Gates is an atheist. I suppose given the prejudice atheists face in some parts of the world many prefer to keep their beliefs hidden.
Yes, I wonder what God really thinks about His adherents who do not behave the way they should.
You're most welcome, hope you enjoyed this discussion as much as I have!
Cheers! :)
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@Willowlady (10658)
• United States
7 Mar 07
Alot of problems could be avoided if we were more open to possibilities and though being wary hoping for good things. Thanks for responding to me and inviting to be friends. Looking forward to more discussions.
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@manifestabundance (217)
• Singapore
7 Mar 07
Yes, I agree - as the saying goes, we have 2 ears and 1 mouth for a reason - we are meant to listen more!
You're most welcome, I look forward to many more engaging discussions in future!
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@Thomas73 (1467)
• Switzerland
7 Mar 07
Didn't know that Bill Gates was an Atheist, and even less a philanthropist!
But let's be serious here. Atheists are perceived as a threat to the herds of believers in various religions. The safety of the herd is seemingly compromised and, for lack of reasonable arguments, many Theists turn to hate in order to retain their feeling of sheepish comfort. Don't misunderstand me, Atheists aren't a threat; they are only *perceived* as such by those who are too weak-minded and blinded by their beliefs to be even willing to consider any potential evidence at hand.
I have many friends who are believers, but who also have sufficient intellect not to consider me a threat to their little delusion, which is often harmless in their cases. ;)
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@manifestabundance (217)
• Singapore
7 Mar 07
Yes, Bill Gates' an atheist. It was mentioned in Forbes magazine. He's actually pledged the bulk of his fortune for charitable purposes. He supposedly influenced his bridge partner Warren Buffett (also an atheist) to do the same!
Incidentally, legend has it that Bill Gates read The Master Key System by Charles Haanel (a personal development book banned by the Church in 1933, supposedly because they didn't want people to be empowered!) while he was still in Harvard. Bill was so impressed by what he read, he quit Harvard and founded Microsoft.
How Bill got hold of a banned book, only he knows! :)
Thanks for yet another bitingly witty and intelligent post! Do you ghost-write for Richard Dawkins? :)
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@monkeywriter (2004)
• United States
8 Mar 07
I dont hate atheists or agnostics as a Christian. Seriously. I dont hate anyone like that. I try to be understanding, I dont push.
You just reminded me of something I find SAD. I went to high school a christian private school with at least 2 known people STRONG Christians now turned agnostic. I just DONT get that one.
Other than that, I dont care to debate this much more than to say people on MyLot also bash christians. Oddly its either atheists or christians that get the most abuse I have seen (just from the top pages each day!). :/
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@maanvar (48)
• India
8 Mar 07
Thank you for new information about 'low ratings on myLot'. I am an atheist (if meaning is correct) I have never believed in God. But when the rimes rolled by, I felt something lack and something over. I made a study myself and found that there is no 'myself' that I could be proud of as mine. Now I do not know whether 'I' is there to say that "I am". So who am I an atheist, agnostic or any other else. Secondly, there is no 'people seem to hate atheist in this 21st century. If someone hates at somewhere, don't apply it to the 'people', which means 'Law' or legally.
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@liranlgo (5752)
• Israel
7 Mar 07
because for most of the people it is easier to hate then to love?
because most of the people that do not know what it means prefer to hate it instead of knowing what it is?
because alote of people seem to be affraid of anything that is different from them..
because most of the people are old fashioned then modern..
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@thatcrazyqbanita (3312)
• United States
8 Mar 07
i love them and thats because im agnostic myself
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@friendship (2084)
• Canada
8 Mar 07
Personally, I don't hate atheists or agnostics. I just don't agree with their "belief" that God is not exist. Where did you find the statistics, anyway? In my opinion, Atheists/Agnostics are the products of people who aren't satisfied with the ways of religions in taking care of the world's and personal issues. They have observed religious people and then, they have made a conclusion that religions are a reason of making people irrational and doing bad things. So, they've made their own commitment by not acting like that. It is a good thing, I think. It is like someone who had bad experience and then, he has made a commitment that others shouldn't undergo like himself. That's why what the statistic described. In addition, we should realize that there are more religious people than Atheists. Thus, the statistics can't often be biased.
However, we should understand their foundation of thinking that all religions are a reason of making people irrational and creating bad things is wrong. It seems that they have generalized all religious people. We should make a note that it is not a religion but it is HUMANS or PEOPLE who are insane. Although there is no religion at all, for instance, it doesn't mean that our world will not go insane. I believe that deep inside of their hearts, Atheists believe in morals and ethics. My question is ... where do morals and ethics come from? Where do they know about such things? It is definitely a religion, isn't it? Without religions, there is no moral and ethics and there is no guidance about right and wrong.
@lecanis (16647)
• Murfreesboro, Tennessee
7 Mar 07
Atheism has the same problem that every belief/nonbelief system has: a few bigmouths who cause everyone to be misunderstood.
You see, there are a few atheists out there who go around doing nothing but calling everyone who believes in a religion stupid. They constantly call religious people sheep, or idiots, or go on about blind faith, lack of intelligence or education, and so on. So of course religious people who have met these type of atheists get it in their head that all atheists are like that.
It works the same way for others as well. According to stereotype, all Christians are pushy, all Pagans are flaky, all Muslims are extremists... I could go an all day here. It's just a matter of stereotype. It's not fair, but that's how the world works. Once someone has formed a bad opinion of a group of people, it's very hard to change.
Personally, I like atheists just as much as I like anyone else. All I care about is how people treat each other and the earth, not what they beleive.
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@cloudwatcher (6861)
• Australia
8 Mar 07
lecanis, I agree. Some of the nicest people I have met on myLot agnostics and pagans. They are honourable, honest, respectable and caring people. In fact, I would probably trust some of them before some of my Christian friends.
I am a Christian whose faith is paramount in life. I love the Lord Jesus Christ and have a personal relationship with Him. For me to live is Christ.
I do not hate atheists, pagans and the like. As I have already stated, I respect them and admire them and treat them as friends - (I should say some of them: there is one here on myLot I feel a tremendous amount of pity for. He is so consumed with hatred and venom against Christians that I wonder what happened in his life to make him so. I cannot say I love him, but I can show him the love of Christ)
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@lecanis (16647)
• Murfreesboro, Tennessee
8 Mar 07
I've met some very ncie people on mylot too, and like you many of them do not share the same religious beleifs I do. They are atheist, agnostic, Buddhist, Christian, Muslim... and those are just the ones I can think of offhand! I think you miss out on a lot in life if you can't be friends with people whose beliefs are different from yours, or who don't have a religious path. There are so many wonderful people out there!
I do think it's sad when people dwell on hatred, whatever the reason. Hopefully the person you are speaking of will have an opportunity to lose his bitterness. I grew up with a lot of abuse from people who claimed to be Christian, and for a time I was wary of people of that religion, but thanks to my wonderful Christian husband, I've lost that bitterness myself.
@agfarm (930)
• United States
8 Mar 07
If I may Interject....I'm evidently one of those " Lost " theists.
I believe the question can be answered by one simple word. Independence.
If your thought process is independent of the Popular concensus , then "evidently " you are perceived as a threat. America is only in it's
adolescence ( in terms of it's place in history on this planet ) So...like an angry , hormonal teenager ...what the majority doesn't understand...it destroys.
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@sweetsue (758)
• Philippines
8 Mar 07
As often said,everybody is entitled to his own opinion. It's just the same as saying each and every one of us is entitled to our own belief.
I agree with you. Atheist people are often misinterpreted as bad people.I am a christian but I have nothing against to those who doesn't believe in God's existence.In the first place, why would I push people to have the same notion with mine if they can not justify my belief in them? What may work for me may not work for others.
As to those who are Christians and to those who are not, I believe we will just have to respect each other..there have been plenty of wars existing in the world..let's not add up to that. We are not here to collect enemies but rahter we are here to collect friends.
Let us respect each otehrs opinion and be kinder.
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@KelvinChan (76)
• Singapore
7 Mar 07
People will always have their opinions. Do not be too overly concerned about other people opinions unless we agree with them. It is extremely important for us to understand our issues and be confident about it.
Any debate concerning GOD will arouse a lot of interest. In my opinion, man in this era has lost the actual message that GOD has given through various religious leaders. Although the holy scriptures remain the same, the interpreted meaning derive from it has differ.
Now, people will have to re-align themselves to GOD, so these issues will not happen.
@DontxSurrender (79)
• United States
7 Mar 07
I think most religious people assume that atheists/agnostics are bad people who have hatred towards 'god' and all of their beliefs. Also, there are atheists that give all atheists a bad name by talking our against religion in a really ridiculous way that makes all atheists look like ignorant morons who know nothing about religion. There are atheists who know what they're talking about and look really good compared to religious people that bash them. I guess when people hear the word 'atheist' they think of someone who hates all religion, when it's really that they just don't believe it for really understandable reasons. People just assume and it makes problems and gives everyone a bad name.
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@jricbt (1454)
• Brazil
11 Mar 07
Atheists do not exist (and we must all accept that because Slashher wrote it, and it is now the law).
Atheists by believing in nothing still believe in something (it is just me or this "thing" makes no sense at all).
They are hated because they're retarded. Respect others Slashher, a little respect can do wonders.
Really, read more, you desperately need it.
@ESKARENA1 (18261)
8 Mar 07
Some great ideas here. After working in a prison for a good number of years now i can maybe help explain one or two points. Firstly, most prisoners are athiests when they first come into prison but soon realise that they get a much easier time if they declair a religious interest. They get more time out of cell and get excused labour in order to atend religious festivals. I would be interested in continued religious observance stats for after release.
I have no problems with athiests, but i do congratulate them on their level of faith. I dont think i could be so certain in nothing.
Blessed be
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@multisubj (451)
• India
8 Mar 07
Whether atheist or faithful, humans could not succeed in conquering lust, greed for wealth and envy. Though there is no strong need to conquer these, by conquering these a person is likely to become a better individual vis-a-vis his society.
Bill Gates and numerous other philanthropists might have given billions to charity. The real question is their earnings are not 100% honest or at least say 70% honest. When a person earns more than what he needs for his food, clothing, shelter, some medic exp., some edu. exp., some old age security, there should be no dire need for himher to amass more through questionable means. Religion and atheism fail to check this covetousness.
Religion treats people as sheep. Atheism tries to convince people while treating others as semi-sheep.
Sorry for this outspokenness.
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@vanities (11395)
• Davao, Philippines
8 Mar 07
i for one doesnt hate those people maybe some due tot he manner they made some comments here in my lot...everyone i think is entitled to have their opinion be expressed and read...and some interpret it differently..well its natural though we have different personality and thinking..
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@neezhom_almaniri (423)
• Malaysia
8 Mar 07
We must know, in this world we live with satan. They are unseeing to us. And their job is make us far away from our God (Creator). They really hate sons of Adam because of jealousy. Above all we must know that, God creates us for us to be His servants. Life in this world only temporary, anytime we'll die. Life after judgment day is eternal insyaAllah. May Allah gives guidance to us all and He is The Most Gracious The Most Merciful. But beware, His punishments is very painful :-(
@tatzkie (644)
• Philippines
8 Mar 07
ive experienced being cast out of the group in our class because i was once a self proclaimed atheist...
ironic isnt it that people who teach to love their enemies has prejudice to people like me. and people who claim they are people of peace call me evil and fight with me. In the first place i never slighted anyone nor fought anyone who has the faith... i just have another opinion that they dont share.