Why do people have to spoil things ?

@weemam (13372)
March 7, 2007 2:41pm CST
I am so upset I had to write this discussion , Please do not feel you have to respond , I came home from a really lovely day out after celebrating my hubby's birthday , I had written a discussion about why we were celebrating Of course as I normally do when I come in , I checked my answers and there was one really nasty one ,saying among other things that I was talking a load of rubbish ( more or less ) and this should not be allowed any earnings , this really upset me , to be honest I felt sick and I was just going to delete MY Lot and forget about it , but no! I answered him then I worried I had done wrong , I then asked a couple of ( MY FRIENDS 0 on here foe their advice , what I am really trying ti say is , why do some people try so hard to destroy and hurt other people ? especially someone who has done them no wrong , and doesn't even know them , ? I am just so sorry to rant but I am really upset by this , I have done one response today because of this , I feel better now though now I have written it all down , thank you all xxxxxxxxxxxxx
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83 responses
@LadyLeene (584)
• United States
7 Mar 07
The guy was a jerk, but you're taking this website much too seriously.
5 people like this
@gabs8513 (48686)
• United Kingdom
7 Mar 07
Mo Lady she isn't we enjoy this Website and we are here because we love it and because we have Friends here that is why we are here not just for the Money. So please do not say we are taking it to serious, it is very upsetting when that happens.
6 people like this
@weemam (13372)
7 Mar 07
It isnt the site I took serously it was the fact that he was making out I was a cheat , the fantastic.01 cent or whatever doesn't matter , but what my friends on her think does matter , I just hate the thought of anyone thinking that way about me at all
3 people like this
• United States
7 Mar 07
I went back and read the post you are talking about.. that guy must really be miserable. You almost have to feel sorry for him. He has no idea of friendship or sense of community and family. It's sad but even in our day to day lives we run into that type of person. It's just not online. You belong here so much more so than He. I am so glad you had a wonderful time with your husband. Let the crap roll off your back.
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@weemam (13372)
7 Mar 07
Thanks Angel as my son said he was only one out of how many , all the rest I have met here have been lovely , he really made me feel sick , but all these lovely replies have made me feel good again , thank you xxxxx
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@Thoroughrob (11742)
• United States
7 Mar 07
I will respond because I think this person has nothing better to do than try and get people upset. Don't you go anywhere. Hopefully, they will ban him soon. It was awful of him to say those things to you. You have every reason to be happy and don't let one person ruin it.
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@dana234 (2114)
• Spain
7 Mar 07
Exactly. I entirely agree. A warm hug from one of your more recent friends. XXX love Dana
@gabs8513 (48686)
• United Kingdom
7 Mar 07
Weemam people like that you ignore do not let them win. I have seen this Person upsetting a few People on here, and he only has rating of 1 which really tells me everything about this Person. As you know I have had a few nasty ones invading me to and I have just ignored them, it is upsetting and I did get upset but I will never let them win. Love and Hugs to you xxxx
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@weemam (13372)
7 Mar 07
Thanks gabs You were the first person ever to talk to me and make me a friend on this site , much appreciated my friend xx
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@Sarah1977 (495)
• United States
8 Mar 07
People respond with that kind of stupidity because it gets responses from other Myloters. They are actually getting paid out of other people's anger! When you see such nasty comments, just give them a negative rating, and DO NOT respond to them, unless you want to help them earn more money. By the way....Happy birthday to your husband!
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@Connie1013 (1098)
• United States
7 Mar 07
Happy Birthday to your Hubby! I wouldn't worry about what one person says. You are a bigger, better person. Maybe they feel the need to make someone feel bad because thier life is horrible? I don't know. I hope you start posting more. BTW, I love your pink butterfly.
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@weemam (13372)
7 Mar 07
Thank you so much for that , I feel better already , my friend sent me the butterfly isn't it gorgeous xx
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@mjtenorio (237)
• United States
7 Mar 07
I think that people are just so miserable with their own lives that they do not want any one else to be happy. It brings them joy to see others as miserable as they feel inside. I say just worry about your own and not what others have to say.
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@wolfie34 (26770)
• United Kingdom
7 Mar 07
Sadly like life you always get the minority out to hurt others, beit emotional or through nastiness, they thrive on making people unhappy and unwanted comments have no place on Mylot, this is a friendly community and no one should feel threatened, bullied or verbally attacked, there's no call for it. These people ONLY do it for a response, they want a reaction, they want to upset people and they WANT to know about it. If you were nearer I would come and give you a big big hug. And I know I speak for many others on this site that we think you are a lovely, warm person who has contributed so much to this site, you have given us so much, through your jokes, recipes and making me laugh when I've felt down! You know where I am my friend and don't EVER make others force you to do things, they are not worth it, they are insignificant. You know what I'm saying so keep up the grand work my friend x
3 people like this
• Australia
7 Mar 07
I have read the response you are talking about and added a comment there. The number of comments already there prove the point that you have many friends and supporters, and show coolguy, if he isn't beyond showing, that there are more important things than making a few cents. Do not be upset about the small-mindedness of one person. Be encouraged by the number who wish you well. Don't let him rob you of the pleasant day you had and the joy of having your loved one with you after such a hard time.
@greengal (4286)
• United States
7 Mar 07
Aww wee that was an awful thing to happen! There are some really inconsiderate people her ewho are here just for the money and they go around accusing others of it when they themdselves are doing it. I know how you feel, it must have been really saddening. Don't take it to heart dear, why care for those who don't understand another's feelings. They are thoughtless why should we let it bother us. Just let it go and you know your real friends are here for you. So cheer up and don't let your hubby know you are upset either. People come and go, so don't let it bother you. Enjoy the rest of the day and here's a big HUGGG to cheer you up! :)
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@Katlady2 (9904)
• United States
7 Mar 07
I just went and read the post you are talking about. That guy is absolutely ridiculous! He did the same thing in my discussion about my birthday. Grrrrrrrr! There are so many things I would like to say about him right now, but I'll be good and keep them to myself. (They are not very nice, and I really like my star rating on here, so the lips are zipped. LOL). But I did tear into him in your other discussion. I just want you to know that I reported him to admin. and asked them if he could be removed from the site. He has gone above and beyond disagreeing with people...he is now resorting to being insulting and just plain rude. Please don't let that fool ruin your lovely day. He's just that...A FOOL! And he's a fool without a lick of sense! You just stick with the rest of us smartypants loving friends of yours, and your day will brighten up again. Love you hon. Cheer up, ok?
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@maudlin (125)
• India
7 Mar 07
What i would suggest you that, don't take those comments to your heart. It all happens in the game. You can do good to mylot. Good luck
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@stephcjh (38473)
• United States
7 Mar 07
I am so sorry you had to go through this. I don't know what peoples problem is any more. There is always someone out there to spoil everything if you let them. I wouldn't worry about what they say. some people just don't know how to speak nicely to others without tearing them to shreds. I see nothing wrong with your post and I do see alot of goofy ones on here sometimes and I am sure mylot don't pay for goofy posts either LOL. You are doing fine and don't let no one here spoil your parade. We are all here for friendship and or earnings or both. You keep on posting good topics and I sure will keep on replying to them. I hope you have a better day now. you have one friend here to back you up. Good luck and best wishes for a better day.
@honeyangel (1991)
7 Mar 07
how dear this person do that to you,they have no right. im raging right now because of them how dare they. this subject is dear to you and close to your heart as you love your husband. dont leave because of the a$$hole,you stay right here there plenty of people om mylot that care and respect you
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@marty3888 (2355)
• Acme, Michigan
7 Mar 07
Don't worry about one negative person out there. Maybe he dosn't have a relationship and I can see why. So you write something about your hubby and he gets all upset. He's the one that shoudn't get paid. I hope he dosn't!
@MsTickle (25180)
• Australia
8 Mar 07
To be really honest with you dear one...I believe we all have a dark side. Sometimes when I reply to a silly or badly written post I just say what's on my mind...luckily, I always read before i post because some of the time what i have written has come out sounding pretty nasty even though that's not what I'm really like. With others, they are simply the result of bad breeding and are too simple to know better and still others are bitter, twisted, envious and cruel. The world comprises all different types and sooner or later we must cross paths with the less desirable...just sidestep, wipe your shoe on the grass and move on. ;)
@weemam (13372)
8 Mar 07
thanks pal you have all ben brilliant xxxxx
1 person likes this
8 Mar 07
Great big hugs - Sending you great big hugs hun
Plese don't let that idiot get you down hun it really isn't worth it and neither is he. There are some truly wonderful people on here, always willing to help, join your discussion or just offer a great big hug.
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@crosa125 (1483)
7 Mar 07
my dear,have you give him my big kiss for his birthday,how come you didn't get drunk in that party?how is he?well that guy hasn't bought the my lot yet,so you could tell him f***off,i don't know why you destroy your lovely day because a dog bark at you,thats his nature,he had a bad day from some where he didn't know what to do so he barked,if know he find it out he pissed you off i'm sure he be even more happy,you are not in a situation to get upset for stupid like him or even me,go give him a big kiss and that thing ((((((((((youuuuuuuuu promiiiiiiiiised him for his birthday))))))))) go cheer up love
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@weemam (13372)
8 Mar 07
thanks for that pal , It had been a long day and I was tired and I think I let it get to me more than normal , Everyone has been just so lovely about it , we had a brilliant day xxxxxxxxx
@jvego7426 (153)
8 Mar 07
because some people here just post for the sake of posting and for the sake of earning. what a loser huh?! they might earn for it yes! but did it come from a good response?! a good way?!? no!! having friends, and enjoying this by having reasonable and nice comments is much more rewarding!!
2 people like this
8 Mar 07
This might be really hard to even consider but perhaps the person posting the nasty reply had had a particualry bad experience of a relationship, sometimes it's easy for someone to destroy someone elses hardwork then to build their own, clearly however I would have been upset if someone had posted a similar comment! I think it's great that you think so much of your hubby as to post a response on mylot. good on yer!!!!!