will i find some one?

search for true love - search true love
March 8, 2007 5:27am CST
well! where should i start? i confused! how can i tell u abt me? how i described myself? actually when i think abt my shortcoming a long list is available.so first i tell u abt my shortcomings. firstly u can considered me as negative rather than a positive personaility.i have loose confidence,carelessness and many more.mostly i m feeling depression.that r the some reason that i never got successed to execute any plan in my life. besides this i have some quality. i m honest,never hurt the feeling of other people,better understanding of other feelings,and one important i always trying to get rid of from my short coming. i tell u abt all these becas i need some suggestion. will any girl accept me with this shortcoming and quality.i really want a girl that have true love for me.she cares for me. she have worry abt me.and she always ready to motivate me. she is ready to give up any thing for me.she has better understanding of myfeeling and she always incourged me. this is not means that i want to tell some one that come and love me but i want a girl who has a heart and strong feelong for me. i have started my search.now tell me will i find someone? will i get success?pray for me this is search for true love.
4 responses
• Philippines
12 Mar 07
you know what? you gotta love yourself first and be secured about yourself before you could share yourself with other person. if you are full of insecurity any relationship you entered into will not be successful. as for true love, that is something. its just come without you knowing it. destiny sometimes play games on us especially if we really do want it much it doesnt come, and when we loose the hope and the energy to go on and then that person comes when everything is hopeless. this is the magic of true love. as for you just take your time dont be in a hurry. let time pass by and enjoy every moment of it. dont pressure yourself. true love will come in the least expected way.
• India
16 Mar 07
yes u r right thanks i will consider it
• Philippines
8 Mar 07
it will come right at your doorstep, you just w8 and see.
1 person likes this
• India
16 Mar 07
oh really i am waiting pls b luck for me
@lonely_f16 (2146)
• Philippines
8 Mar 07
you don't search for true love you know...sometimes you need to wait too...it will come when the time is right
• India
16 Mar 07
thanks for response
• India
8 Mar 07
u Donot search for true love!If u r true person u can find the true love??????????
• India
16 Mar 07
thanks for remind u r perfectly right