Why do you ignore islam?why do you ignore to accept the fact?
By irkhan
@irkhan (80)
March 8, 2007 9:29am CST
Why do you ignore islam?why do you ignore to accept the fact or try to analyse it?
may peace be upon all of us.Islam is a religion/a guide to the humanity.The meaning of islam is peace.The holy quran carries a divine guarenty of safeguard from interpolation and it claims that it contains the best features of the earliest scriptures.The prime message of islam is god is one and he alone is worth of worship and that muhammed(peace and bleassings on him) is the messenger.Islam believes that everyone is born pure.The quran says that god has given choice between good and evil.Almighty Allah says in his holy quran that he had revealed the quran for the whole of humanity and he also says that donot belive anything without explanation.Allah shows mercy to one who wants Allah to show mercy upon him.The message of one god ie.Allah has been revealed from the begining of the world through Adam (may peace be upon him) the messeanger of Allah to the humanity.The last of whome was prophet muhammed(may peace be upon him).The people are afraid of their soceity and ignore the truth.
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5 responses
@yzone_asginc (160)
• India
8 Mar 07
I agree with you friend, islam is all about peace, terrorism it never preach!!
Its all about oneness of god, love and charity !!
Yeah! but there are people who ignore the fact and interpret it in wrong way.
Lets hope for the best because people are smart enough to choose what is right !!
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@RealIolo (1854)
• United States
11 Mar 07
Before Islam even begins to carry any clout for me its followers, as a whole, will have to prove they are a religion of peace by their actions. As long as a few keep proving that Islam is NOT a religion of peace most of us will not accept it as being so. This puts the ball back into your court. If you fail to extinguish those who continue to show by example that Islam is in fact not at peace with everyone around them I will not be convinced.
So also seems to be the opinion of a vast number of us. When Christians can walk among the Muslims in Pakistan (I choose for my example) and behave as they normally would without repercussion just as Muslims would be able to in the USA then I might begin to be slightly swayed. However this is SO NOT THE CASE. Christians would quickly die in that country for behaving, as they normally would while at the same time Muslims can behave as they normally would in the USA without significant repercussion.
For now it is defiantly a one-way street. Muslims could walk door to door in the USA speaking about their beliefs without any likely worry of bodily harm but Christians can not do this in Pakistan and expect to survive very long. They would be killed and the police and neighbors would congratulate the killers for doing something "good" by killing the Christians!
I am guessing this post might not get much response. How could it without bringing shame to your "peaceful religion"!
@RealIolo (1854)
• United States
11 Mar 07
I was looking at this post again today and I want to make sure that everyone understands that by "extinguish" I do not mean more killing! Get in there face and convince them how anti-Muslim they are being. Convince them that it is in Islams best interest if they avoid killing at all costs and they need to stop trying to enforce sharia law. It MUST be free will or it is WRONG! You can NOT try and make sharia the countries law!
God/Allah is a God of free will. No one is forced to follow God laws. God doesn't want those kinds of followers, which to me is very understandable! Islam however, at least in many area is not like this! Some of the eastern countries you can not even get government benefits unless you are Muslim. Shopkeepers will not do business with you if they know you are not Muslim.
There is massive prejudice and I don't see it being equal in both directions. I am not saying there is NO prejudice against Islam. I am saying that it much greater prejudice from the Islam side then from the Christian side.
@coffeechat (1961)
• New Zealand
12 Mar 07
There are many good things in the Koranic Verses.
1. The verses should be accepted in "totality".
2. The Saudi Arabian Wahabi version is the correct version of the Koran.
The above two negate all the positive messages that the Koran sends. There are a few other things that are difficult to accept in this day and age:
a. It is ok to beat your wife.
b. A rape victim is guilty of fornication because 4 pious muslims did not testify against the rapist.
The Koranic Verses stated intolerance of apostacy is its fatal flaw. Everything else is trivial, including the promise of Heaven for killing non-muslims.
@android781 (46)
• Philippines
11 Mar 07
uhm, i beg to disagree... islam means "submission" and well, as you can see, it hardly ever means "peace"....
i think, nobody would want to be subjugated or to just submit without putting up a good fight first... and i'm pretty sure that's not gonna be peaceful... LOLz..
just like sndcain, i also don't ignore islam, i'm also very concerned about it...
by the way, when you say "accept the fact", what do you exactly mean by that?