Are they Bossy or Pushy People or helpful?
By byfaithonly
@byfaithonly (10698)
United States
March 8, 2007 9:47am CST
Ok, last night I had a lady I barely know come up to me and for nearly a half hour proceeded to "tell me" what I needed to do about my life basically.
She started with she was "concerned" for me but for some reason I was rather annoyed. I didn't want to be rude and just walk away or tell her it was none of her business. She was trying to be helpful but I don't know this lady personally and she doesn't know the details of my life.
What would you have done? Walk away, tell her it's none of her business, stood there and listened?
Have you had this happen to you before? What did you do?
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52 responses
@wojtlis (51)
• United States
8 Mar 07
I feel your annoyance and I cant blame you for it at all.
I have had ppl try to 'help' me before. Mind you they dont want to help me with things I need but only to give me guidance down MY lifes journey. I am not sure why ppl feel it is up to them to 'save' others or get all involved in someone elses business. I would have probably listened to her for a bit depending on how long it took her to say what she wanted to say then politely said something along the lines of...
Well thank you for your speech but until you walk a day in my shoes and live my life then although I respect your words please do not expect me to follow the 'advice' you have given me. I am an adult capable to make my own decisions with MY life. Love me or dont that is your choice but I am not going to sit here and justify to a near stranger why I make the choices that I do and instead of worrying about ME and MY choices maybe you need to look at yourself and question why you are passing judgement on something that does not concern you.
Would probably in most cases leave that busy body nosey person speechless
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@byfaithonly (10698)
• United States
8 Mar 07
Bless your heart - I wish I'd had the nerve to respond as you suggested. I stood there and listened the whole time thinking "if you really want to help come over and wash my dishes for me so I have more time to do other things I want and need to do".
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@byfaithonly (10698)
• United States
8 Mar 07
Oh you had to mention laundry and dusting didn't you yep could have done those too - among a million other things. I have learned giving "help" verbally is much easier than giving it "physically". Personally I like to do both - I'll do your laundry and talk your ear off while doing it :)
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@arvee17 (730)
• Philippines
8 Mar 07
why did she bug you anyway? do you know her just a bit? because it is so difficult to advice someone about someone else's life without even knowing that person.
I also give advice to my close friends every time i think they are not making the right decision. but i don't bug other people and insist about how i feel to them...

@flowerchilde (12529)
• United States
8 Mar 07
This lady seems to have the mind view of "I'm ok, you're not ok." This is not a good mental view. Worse yet, might be "you're ok, I'm not ok" - But the good or 'correct' one is "I'm ok, you're ok". Of course this is not true if we are faced with a violent criminal or something! Then "I'm ok, you're not ok" would be justified! But someone we don't even know!? To think "I'm ok, and you're not" is a mental error.. [Did ya ever read that book? I read some of it years ago - called "I'm ok, You're ok". it seems most people or at least very many, have one of the other psychologies.. Usually I figure if someone is coming to my mind or attention, I pray for them, for the Lord is wanting to bless them.
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@byfaithonly (10698)
• United States
8 Mar 07
Yes, I also read that book several years ago and it's really sad that people think that way - "I'm ok your not". Like you if I were concerned about someone I would certainly pray for them in great earnist because I would figure God put them on my mind for a reason.
What I thought was so ironic about the whole thing was she was concerned because I don't take "time off", I am doing something all the time, and often several things at once. Most things I do because I need to but there are many times I don't need to be doing something I just have a drive to do it. Now, knowing that, that I have to be doing something all the time she is taking up my time standing there "doing nothing" no I was listening to her but when I did get home I only had that much more that "needed" to be done.
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@byfaithonly (10698)
• United States
8 Mar 07
I honestly think she had good intentions. I've met her a few times but we've never really talked. She just came up to me and started with "I'm really concerned about you. What you need to do is....".
I give advise to close friends also but people such as this lady I never would dream of doing so unless she specifically asked for my advise or opinion.
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@cjsmom (1423)
• United States
8 Mar 07
Throughout my life when people have been concerned or have tried to sell me something, I normally will let them get a few sentences in and then tell them gently that I'm not interested but that I hope they have a wonderful day...
With your situation, I prayerfully would have, after a few sentences, said something like, "You are very sweet; you must know The Lord as your personal Saviour. Keep me in your prayers and everything will be fine. Thank you so much but I have to go; have a blessed day."
@byfaithonly (10698)
• United States
8 Mar 07
I wish I had thought of that last night - one of my biggest problems is I come up with all kinds of things to say - the next day, never at the time.
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@stephcjh (38473)
• United States
8 Mar 07
I have had this happen to me before also by a complete stranger who was just being nosey and stuck her nose in my business. I did listen a while to what she had to say but as soon as she spoke out of turn, I soon let her know it. I didn't want to be rude to her but some of the things she said to me, was out of league and she had no business saying it because she didn't know the details and the background of my life either. I told her that she shouldn't judge others and come to conclusions when she doesn't know the full story of what happened ot what is going on now and I walked away from her. She should learn when to speak or mind her own business in my book or maybe she shouldn't give her opinion if she wasn't asked for it.
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@byfaithonly (10698)
• United States
8 Mar 07
Oh my, this is worse than what happened to me, at least my lady wasn't a complete stranger. I did however feel at the time much as you - and certainly felt like she was discussing things that she didn't have a right to because she did not know the details. LOL most times my best friends don't know the details of my life.
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@charms88 (7538)
• Philippines
8 Mar 07
Hello faith, I happened to have a relative who is BOSSY and PUSHY. Although this relative told me that she is just trying to be helpful. I didn't say that I don't like people to mind me, but the least they can do is to talk with me properly and not being critical. I can't just rightly tell her to stop talking or just turn around and walk away. She is 64 years old already. So I just let her rant and talk and whatever she feels like doing. What choice do I have? I don't want to be disrespectful.
@byfaithonly (10698)
• United States
8 Mar 07
That was kinda how I felt also, there were even other people around who noticed and seemed interested in what "we" were talking about but didn't "rescue" me either. At the time I was really wishing someone else would walk up and join in or "calgon take me away"...
Does your bossy relative ever say anything that sinks in?
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@acquaria (719)
• Italy
8 Mar 07
I would have your same behaviour and I also would tell her it was none of her business.There are a lot of people that think they are able to judge opther person withour know them.I don't permitt to no one to say hao can I do of my life.The unique person that have the right to tell me something are my parents
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@byfaithonly (10698)
• United States
8 Mar 07
Oh, she wasn't judging me in any way. If anything she was very kind and loving through her whole conversation. It's just she went on and on and I really did not know what to say. I felt it would be rude of me to tell her it was none of her business because of the fact she is older than me and out of respect I listened.
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@flowerchilde (12529)
• United States
8 Mar 07
I would be inclined to think she was the one being rude.. I likely would have smiled nicely, touched her arm, and said "thank you so much, but I really must be going..." Why is it new things learned are applied to other people's lives? I figure new things I learn (and even old things) are meant for me and my own back yard, and not for someone else.
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@byfaithonly (10698)
• United States
8 Mar 07
You are filled with words of wisdome - difference being I asked for it here :)
"thank you so much, but I really must be going..." -I so wish I had thought of this last night, and I could have used it with no problems at all.
You make an excellent point with sharing "what we learn" so many many times this is the case rather than apply the knowledge to their own lives people prefer to apply it to others - I like the saying "take the log out of your own eye before you worry about the sliver in your brothers" not the exact words but think you get the message.
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@texasclassygal (5305)
• United States
8 Mar 07
I have a sister like that, even though I know this was someone you did not know, still it is someone who is coming up to you telling you how to live your life, like you have not figured it out by now. I am not a mean person, so I have always listened to those that think they know more than me and then gone on my way, knowing that we cannot change those but only accept them for what they are doing.
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@linda345 (2661)
• Canada
8 Mar 07
It is hard to have anybody come up and tell us what we need to do with our life stranger or non stranger. Sometimes it bothers us because they are just being little noisy parkers. Other times it is because they hit alittle too close to home. I probably would have stood there and listened because that is the way I am. I might have went off into la la land and just went yes no here and there but it depends on what she was saying. If she was really condeming you or your family I would have stopped her in her shoes and said this is none of your business. I have other places to be, I will see you another time.
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@byfaithonly (10698)
• United States
8 Mar 07
Linda you make a very good point which I had not thought of - did this lady annoy me because I thought she was being pushy or bossy or did it annoy me because she was hitting a little too close to the truth? Thinking about it this morning I can see some very good points to her "lecture" as I viewed it last night - things that I had not admitted to myself much less to others.
A good lession to be learned, maybe this women was concerned because although not knowing me she really did know more about me than I knew myself? How did she know these things and why was she so concerned as to put herself in the possition she did - coming to an almost stranger and sharing her opinion, points, advise?
@diannebcrs (1549)
• Philippines
9 Mar 07
i like giving advices myself but i sometimes go too far so that people find me bossy. i hope you don't take any offense when bossy people like me give out suggestions, we're only trying to help. feel free to let us know though that we're sounding bossy while we're at it. sometimes it's just unintentional
@applsofgld (2506)
• United States
8 Mar 07
I have had others who meant well, but didn't know a thing as to what they were talking about. Unless they walk in your shoes or live in your house they don't know, anything! I have actually said this before, and to my mother in law of all people, you don't live here & you don't know what goes on & you have no right to judge me or talk to me that way. My kids told me they were proud of me. But when everyone found out I had cancer, they pounced on me from all ways, trying to "help", give me cures, advice, messages, how to manage my life, what to do with my life, they just about drove me insane. I did what anyone in "MY" shoes would have done, I got a divorce and I moved. Started my life over. Best thing I ever did for myself. Well the divorce was a have to, hubby left & told me to file. But turned out to be a good thing. If it were me, I would tell this person as nice as you feel you can be, that you appreciate his/her thoughtfulness, don't need anyone's advice on how to handle your life/situation, that you can turn to God for all your needs. That usually will shut them up. Give them a hug and tell them you really have to go.
@byfaithonly (10698)
• United States
8 Mar 07
LOL - I must say I have been blessed with not one but two wonderful mother-in-laws who never gave me advise. One has now passed away and the other lives in California but although her son and I have been divorced for 25 years we still communicate and are "friends".
Back to topic though :) Now see the hug is a very nice and loving touch but I really wouldn't have felt comfortable hugging this women as I don't know her - right now I can't remember her name even.
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@mssnow (9484)
• United States
8 Mar 07
I would ask her if she was in my particular situation? When she said no (because no one can be in your specific situation) I would say then please don't comment unless you are. I can handle my own problems and situations without someone telling me how. I know you don't like to be rude. But she was rude to even be the way she was.
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@Giggles88 (542)
• United States
8 Mar 07
I can understand it being annoying if she knew nothing about your life. She was just trying to help of course but she probably shouldn't have assumed you needed it. I would have told her that I appreciate the concern but that she really didn't know what was going on in my life. I would have been irritated too. At least you know she's a caring person and if you ever do need help you can probably go to her for some encouragement and guidance.
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@Giggles88 (542)
• United States
8 Mar 07
Oh and it has happened to me before but I just kind of laughed it off and told her that it was nice of her to try to help but that I really didn't need it. I wasn't even having trouble with anything at the time. At least there are still caring people out there.
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@gberlin (3836)
9 Mar 07
I have not had this happen to me and I hope I do not do this to others. I usually mind my own business and only offer advice when it is asked unless I am giving advice to my kids. This lady seemed a little nosy to me. I probably would have listened to her because I am not a rude person. I don't know that I would have heeded her advice. I would have tried to end the conversation as soon as possible without being rude.
@gharinder (2044)
• India
8 Mar 07
hello byfaith, actually i am amazed by the guts of this lady, since you dont know her personally she had no right to enter in your house, i think she must have entered due to some purpose, i think you should be careful, if i would have been in this situation i think i had reacted in much a similar way you did, but i guess i wouldnt allowed her to enter the house, since the situation here in India is not really good, it is not safe to trust a stranger, i dont know about the situation in
america, but all i could say is "BE CAREFUL".
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@gharinder (2044)
• India
10 Mar 07
ok thanks, since its not possible to read entire comments.
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@marymarj2002 (1769)
• Philippines
9 Mar 07
Some people are just feeling that they are good and they know everything about us.
It also happen to me. And the most hated is that she is my mother in law. She keep on telling me what to do. To my child, to my husband and almost all things in our house. If we have a fight with my husband she will go to our house and make a sermon. And I know that she is not doing it for good but she is doing it to correct me that it was my fault why we have a fight with my husband. She just pretend to be good. And she backbite us to other people. I really hate her. She even make acts for my child which is against my will. My husband obeys his mother and even neglected me. She does ritual to my child even let my child eat asshes from burn letters because she believe that it can make my son intelligent. My husband just said yes, yes. I came to the point that I was just being controlled and I hate it. I always broke because of them.
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@byfaithonly (10698)
• United States
9 Mar 07
Oh marymarj my heart aches for you living with this situation, I hope your mother-in-law will see the damage she is doing for everyone and change her ways to show love for her husband and respect for his wife and child.
@maribea (2366)
• Italy
16 Mar 07
oh my dear the world is full of people like this "lady"...people who pretend to know what you have to do with your life better than you know!!!! it is so easy telling others what they should or should not is more and more difficult finding the right way in one's life!!! I hate people talking of my private happening unless they are very close to me...and I hate people giving advice without being asked to do so...I knoe it is difficult to deal with such situation because we don't want to be rude...but I try to stop the conversation if these things happen to me because if I don't want her feelings to be hurt, I have promised I am not letting anybody hurt my own feelings!!! Maybe you can say that you have an important appointment and go away!!!!oh how difficult is dealing with "good advisers"!!!!!
@touchofjupiter (157)
• United States
9 Mar 07
Of course everyone reacts to things differently, but I would have given her an ear for a few minutes, then smile and say: "Thank you for your advice. I will keep it in mind. But, I really DO have to go and finish a few errands before ..." You never know where you will meet this person again. So you don't want to be too rude. She could end up being your next boss. You never know! But, that doesn't mean that she should bamboozle you either! I would be polite, but find an excuse to leave (after thanking her, of course!).
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@babygirl6946 (97)
• United States
16 Mar 07
I can't stand when complete strangers or someone that barely knows you does something like that. I have had that happen to me numerous times in my life. In the past I would have blown up and told them is when none of there business and tell them where they could put their information. But, these days I'd say something like "look lady, I know you're trying to help but, you don't know me very well so, if you could just keep to yourself." I always have people telling me things to do and I'm a big girl I can take care of myself.