Showing Off Your Trophy Partner

@wolfie34 (26770)
United Kingdom
March 8, 2007 4:12pm CST
Imagine your partner was a god or goddess, they were beautiful in every way, no flaws, simply perfect and they fulfilled every need and expectation. Would you be frightened about introducing them to your friends? For example Brad Pitt for the girls or Angelina Jolie for the girls (as an example) Or you couldn't wait to parade them around your friends as a trophy to show off, to say to friends look what I've got! Would you worry constantly about him or her going off with someone else or would you be confident enough to let them out of your sights?
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19 responses
@rosie_123 (6113)
9 Mar 07
To be honest it wouldn't worry me at all, - I guess my attitude is that they are with me because they WANT to be with me, and if they go it will be because they WANT to go, so nothing I can do about it. And besides - I am quite a catch too - LOL!!!! I rememmber once, as a teenager, I was dating this guy in a lcoal band, who was very handsome, and always had all the girls running after him, especially when his band played places like Reading Rock Fesitval, and I have to say I actually quite liked it! It kind of made me feel "important" - that all these girls wanted him, and he had chosen me! And my partner now used to be pretty handsome as a young man too (he would probably say he still is today - LOL!), and it never worried me a bit. I guess I must be quite a confident person in that way - why should I think I am not good enough for anyone else?! Life's too short to stress about stuff like that! Have a nice day!
@wolfie34 (26770)
• United Kingdom
9 Mar 07
Thanks Rosie, great attitude to have.
@patootie (3592)
9 Mar 07
Wolfie dear .. if you saw me you would know I shall never have this problem in this life time .. I can't imagine anyone remotely 'trophylike' would ever deign to dangle from my arm .. But if they did .. I don't even think I would start going out with them ... clearly the relationship would be doomed to failure .. and from past experience and seeing such folk on TV I don't think they we would have much in common intellectually, physically, or monetarily .. If I wasn't confident enough to let someone go off and do things on their own then I wouldn't go out with them .. far too much angst involved ..
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@wolfie34 (26770)
• United Kingdom
9 Mar 07
Birds of a feather me thinks x
• United States
7 Jun 07
I really think that it would depend upon the person's personality more that what they look like. I mean, are they loyal, trustworthy, etc? If so I wouldn't worry. If the person was sneaky and overly flirtacious then I would worry a little - but I seriously doubt I would be with someone like that anyway. And as for me I wouldn't "flaunt" my partner because he (or she) who has excessive pride is bound to fall. I would treat them the way I would treat a partner that wasn't perfectly beautiful. Why obcess over beautiful people? Treat them just like everyone else.
• United States
9 Jun 07
Thank you for the best response Wolfie.
@Naomi17 (624)
9 Mar 07
i believe in trust unless i had a really good reason not to! My hubby said right from the beginning all the guys after you and you don't see it, but he does trust me, even now i get men asking me out i smile and say thanks but i have the most wonderful husband! I don't want to be paraded out i like to look nice for myself, my friends are his friends and i know he would run a mile if someone came on to him and no i don't think i'm beautiful just average but my hubby does !
9 Mar 07
Well I already have the perfect wife and I hate to be picky (this isn't at you buddy) I hate the term. "trophy partner" as they aren't a trophy but a caring, living human. I'll shut up with that. lol =) Yes I would. If that person truly loved me they would cheat or be draw into it. as for guys, well it's funny when my wife knocks them back. It's funny how more people come to you and say they fancy you once your married, it's even funnier when you have a kid. But yeah, you know I'd be more scared about am I holding them back. =) Kudos, ~Joey *Runs away while he can.. laugh out loud =)
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@wolfie34 (26770)
• United Kingdom
9 Mar 07
I wondered if anyone would pick that 'term' out you are right they are not a prize stallion to be exhibited, so brownie points for you!
7 Jun 07
I have to say that I wonder if there really is such thing as perfection, but assuming there is and assuming I was lucky enough to find someone that fit my ideal image of a partner, then yes, I think I would be a bit worried about them finding someone else. However, having said that, if they were my ideal sort of person, then they would already have the attributes of commitment and love for me anyway.
@icequeen (2840)
• Canada
9 Mar 07
I think I would be proud ..but at the same time a little worried ...It is hard when someone is that good looking..there are certainly going to be times when they will b approached I guess you just have to trust them...
• Netherlands
9 Mar 07
I don't mean to be difficult here but I find Brad Pitt to be a bit of a dog. (That is just my opinion.) Actually I don't think I have ever potentially had this issue. I tend to like men that are a little different than the average and I don't have female friends so parading them in front of my guy friends wouldn't matter. heh I have had the feeling that I was thought of as a trophy girl before because a boyfriend was always going on about my good physical features to his friends and wouldn't let me out of his sight. heh I am a bit clueless on the behaviours of others really.
• United States
9 Mar 07
Well my boyfriend is not Brad Pitt, but he is extremely handsome and although he is not a trophy boyfriend so to speak I always want to show him off to all my friends, I am not concerned that he will do something but my girlfriends all want him which makes me very proud to have someone in my life that is so handsome and so kind to me.
• United States
9 Mar 07
Nope. If you have to use the person you "love" to impress your friends, understand now that you need new friends because the ones you have now suck (because you need to impress them with someone else), and number two- you truly need to grow up, neither of which I need to do. If they were to leave for someone else, they could go. I won't miss em. The best person to ask this question would be Kevin Federline.
• United States
9 Mar 07
As for worry. I have found that there are two types of god's and goddess's. 1) ones who have always been visually beautiful. Them you can trust. They know what most people are after and not easily swayed. Their ego dose not look for a quick thrill. the other 2) Are the ones that grew up in their 20's or so to be beautiful. ya got to watch out for them. That normal little kid in them can come back at anytime. And they are easily swayed by others. Just my experience.
• United States
9 Mar 07
I have dated Trophy men before. And loved going out with them. I could see women of all kinds that could not take their eye's from them. Then when they did look away it be at me and I gloated with a smile. I'd get a blush back or a look to the ground. made me gloat more. tee hee.
@mssnow (9484)
• United States
9 Mar 07
I hate to say this Wolfie, but i don't go out with trophy people. I would worry too much about them. I like a guy to make me feel special, so I pick the average guy. The one who does not have all the girls chasing after him. I don't want to compete with all those other girls That way I know I have someone who is proud to be with just me.
• United States
9 Mar 07
I am the trophy and he knows it.
@brokentia (10389)
• United States
9 Mar 07
Well, I will have to admit...Brad Pitt is not my thing. But if you want to change that to Orlando Bloom...ok, now you got me thinking! LOL And no! I would not want to parade him around showing him off as a trophy. This would be for a couple of reasons. 1. He is not a trophy and as much as I think I might have him...he can always move onto another. 2. I would want to keep him all to myself. :) Sure, I would be insecure for a while until I knew where we were in our relationship. So, given some time of establishing a relationship, I would later be more secure if he went out. Until then...he is all mine and I am not sharing or showing him off. ha ha ha
@lols189 (4742)
9 Mar 07
well i would be excited to show him off if he was famous and my boyfriend. i would trust him going out of my sight if he never had a bad reputation for cheating. also i would like to give him a chance to trust him and have his own freedom
• Philippines
9 Mar 07
a cousin of mine happened to had a girlfriend who's so not only pretty but hot and tempting as well. he once confessed to me that he's always insecure coz he's not that good looking and even though some people knew that they're an item, the girl still has a lot of suitors and that would be, most of the time, the reason why they always argue until it lead to a break up. if i were on that kind of case, of course, i'd be proud of him and even though i carry some insecurities, i'll not worry about letting him out of sight coz i know he loves me that's why he's with me. lol. good topic wolfie.
@kurtbiewald (2625)
• United States
8 Mar 07
i would be very proud to have someone beautiful, like i do now already the jealousy thing can be avoided if trust is there I just read today that 30% of people on "singles" dating sites are married. That level of cheating is astouding to me. I figure be open about it, try to fix it, then if all else fails, then cheat, openly. I would leave if I didn't feel I could trust her, in any situation. If she cheated, at least to tell me about it.
• Philippines
9 Mar 07
if the person responds to the love i'm giving, then i won't be worried at all cuz all i have to do is keep on loving the person the way i do. but if the person isnt responding to the brand of love im giving then, you're walking into a disaster zone. better communicate with him/her more often, finding out what makes him/her smile more, and want you more.