Does evolution prove there is not God?
@cyclonewriter (2168)
United States
March 8, 2007 7:06pm CST
There has been much debate between evolution and creation. Which one is right and which one is wrong? Is it possible that they could both be right? Does evolution really prove there is no God. Many religious people state that evolution is against God but I believe it is possible that if there really is a creator, he could have created the process that is evolution. Could the two theories not work together? I believe either side of the fence should not overlook the other side.
What is your opinion? How did you come to that conclusion?
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45 responses
@Fargale (760)
• Brazil
9 Mar 07
The existance of a god, or any other supernatural entity, can never be proven or disproven. They are a concept of something that lies outside our natural laws, therefore it is impossible to develop an experiment that would prove or disprove their existance.
Science simply doesn't deal with the supernatural.
@desertdarlene (8910)
• United States
9 Mar 07
I don't see a conflict. God made the earth and all life on it so that it would be self-sustaining and recyclable. Life has to evolve as the Earth needs to constantly change to remain viable. But, I think God made things happen to reach his desired result.
Though, I think the devil and his "friends" interfered and messed things up so that we came up short when it comes to being as Godly as we can be. But, I believe Jesus made up for that. And, I think our faults that the devil thought would ruin us will actually help us in the afterlife.
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@lecanis (16647)
• Murfreesboro, Tennessee
9 Mar 07
I don't think evolution proves there is no god. I believe that the existence or nonexistence of any god or gods is unproveable.
That said, I am a religious person. I believe that my gods had a hand in creating the world. I say "had a hand in" becuase there could well be gods from other religions that exist just as mine do, and there could even be gods none of us knows out there.
I also believe in evolution. These two ideas do not seem to conflict in any way to me. Why couldn't a deity or deities design evolution? If one believes in a creator or creators, it follows that all the laws of nature now seen as part of "science" were originally designed, so why not evolution?
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@smbilalshah (1316)
• Pakistan
9 Mar 07
well ok so in evolution one speciese gave rise to another one, but where did the first living organism come from? whether it was space or somewhere else, the most basic building block of life had to be created by some1 and that i believe is Allah
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@devildinesh (183)
• India
9 Mar 07
That is a good discussion.Evolution is science and creation is religious.It does not start here.Since 17nth century a war is going on between science and religion.
Science is based on facts and religion is based on old beliefs.But i go with you that the Creator must have created the cause for evolution.
The best theory on the origin of universe is the Big Bang theory.According to this theory the universe is a very highly concentrated ball of fire,which exploded due to the hypertension and the universe came into existence.
But my idea is the universe is due to the explosion of the concentrated ball of fire,but the ball of fire is the creation of God....
@misty2000 (7)
9 Mar 07
Darwin's theory of evolution is just that - a theory - but one that is believed by many scientists. This theory according to some people is so involved that it smacks of the hand of God! Not an easy one to resolve!
On the other hand, we have people who believe in the existence of God who have reached that conclusion by certain observable things in life and, of course, by faith. Their faith is backed up by other things that happen to them that appear to indicate assistance from God.
I have never relied solely on the likes of the Bible to convince me of the existence of God. I have had to be convinced by external happenings and searching to convince me of His existence.
Miracles, for example, are so widely spread that I believe it is impossible to say that these are anything other than the hand of God. What miracles, you might ask! Incorrupt bodies of people whose bodies have survived hundreds of years in the grave, healings that defy science, the Stigmata, people surviving on just the Holy Eucharist - no other food, personal experiences in such places as Medjugorje, etc.
I see no problem, though, with God giving us evolution. We live and grow on a daily basis as you know, so why can't we not develop over thousands of years?
Faith is probably the main reason for me reaching this conclusion. Not everyone has faith - which makes me believe it is indeed a gift as some say it is. Once you have faith then I suppose it is easy to reach certain conclusions because of it.
Hope I haven't rambled on too much!
@pecis5 (5)
• Latvia
9 Mar 07
people listen in to me !!!!!! THERE IS NO GOD he is bullsh*t
he has never helped anyone of you!
1)you work you get money for that where is the god?
2)you have a farm and you grow some fresh corn...(you do that)
so where is the god????
3)you do you do you and your friend do all the stuff !!!
there is no god he has never ever don anything for you....
He didn't create the earth...if you think he did! the who created other galactics and planets and solar systems ???who?
example- year 3007 sun is so close that earth explodes...but some hundred people have survived and whit space ship landed on other planet....
and the the people say thank you thank you god for helping us survive!!thank you!!
and it leavs a question! why didn't god helped the earth???
@lifecoach (2)
• Australia
9 Mar 07
Well who came first the chicken or the egg?? I think your question is valid and I understand how confusing it can be for everyone. God is a faith and jesus was the messenger to make us believe. Religion is not an organisation and it is really simple to understand. It has been confused with the church. Religion is what an individual does with his solitariness. Believe in god, have faith in your self and people and do not worry about finding proof. We can not find proof about something that happened such a long time ago. But what we can find is inner peace.
@anne_143god (5387)
• Philippines
9 Mar 07
Yes I think the evolution contradicts the existence of God for it says that the mankind exist because of the unexpected big bang and for the continous changes on mankind from animal to mankind and not creaded by God. It really contradicts the teachings of religious group and it really prove that it says that there is no God.
@Chiang_Mai_boy (3882)
• Thailand
9 Mar 07
The fact of evolution neither proves or disproves god. It does call into question all most all of the existing creation myths but they are old and very outdated anyway. If we are to progress as a species we must be open to new ideas and accept proven fact. What we chose to believe is up to each individual but it should be based on the best available facts.
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@unusualsuspect (2602)
• United States
9 Mar 07
Evolutionary theory doesn't say anything about god, one way or the other. People spend time and energy on a non-existent issue. Neither the existence nor the non-existence of god can be proved, and nobody who knows anything about science or logic would bother to try.
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@Zelmarq (12607)
• Cebu City, Philippines
9 Mar 07
Evolution is a prove that there is a God. Nothing and no one can do or orchestrate anything to happen without that someone who made all things possible on this earth.
No one so great can make everything that we have today. Even the air the we breathe is a proof that indeed we have a God who gave this for us to survive.
@RobbPell (123)
• United States
9 Mar 07
its not that one dispoves the other its simply a misunderstaning of what darwin meant when he created the idea of evolution he simely meant that the most fit of any species are more likely to live and adapt over generations eg. the tallest garafis can reach the leaves on the tall trees so the ones with shorter necks will die and wont reproduce so the tall garafis will reproduce more and there will be more tall garafis over many years
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@garyeye (202)
• Philippines
9 Mar 07
Evolution is still a theory to be proven right or wrong and as of the moment scientists can only hypothesize of where did our origin came from. Creationists offer a good rebuttal to evolution on which evolutionists should answer back. Two parties so contradict each other that their like colors white and black. But creationists do offer who made us and that evolutionists say that we came from a freak of nature; our origin they say that we came from lightning struck primordial soup.
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@Bytekeeper (372)
• Philippines
9 Mar 07
For me, both science and religion are just confusing peoples mind... first thing, there had been creation, for if there had been no creation occurred, there will be no creatures that will evolve.
@lunodragon (41)
• United States
9 Mar 07
Ok first start with the number of possible planets in the universe w/ life on it. There has to be life on other planets or else there'd be no purposeful existance to anything other than the few planets we have in our solar system and there's many more stars meaning many more planets. Ok lets say there's (for a beyond extremely low amount)1 billion planets with life on it. Now lets take the average amount of living creatures on just one planet and multiply that by the amount of planets to see total life in the universe. there's 4 billion people on earth, so lets go with humans only, 4 billion times 1 billion is.... a lot and i have no calculator with me. Well can people really handle, take care of, or monitor all those creatures. Not only are there those, but the other species that are existant on the planets. Oh but wait, maybe God set up something to help Him/Her/It (who knows) with keeping track. Evolution!!!!! Evolution might be the thing to help create buffer areas in management of everything making it easy for everything to not over adapt, or under adapt, and making the strongest survive. So it's possible to say that God created evolution, and this could be a reason why, or many more things could be said but here's a little bit of an idea.
@gobindsing (470)
• India
9 Mar 07
I have never believed in the theory of evolution, although the scientists say so. If evolution and Darwins theory was correct, why are there black people in Africa, white in Europe and brown in Asia? The human race has been created and has definitely not evolved from monkeys.
@Sherr1965 (5)
• United States
9 Mar 07
It is highly possible that people from various parts of the world just evolved differently because of their location. We are all the human race but, just as any other animal we will adapt and slowly change over time to accomodate our surroundings. I think this is where the races came into play. The story of the Tower of Babel shows one reference made to attest to the fact that we chose to scatter ourselves in different parts of the world and therefore may have developed different characteristics since that point in time.
@bam001 (940)
• United States
9 Mar 07
I believe in God...He is the ultimate Creator of life! My life is very faith based.
I have absolutely NO confidence or belief in the theory of evolution. God created the universe and that's it! No further discussion, nothing to argue/debate.
Now, to your comment about not overlooking the other idea...first of all, if your faith and belief lie in God alone, you MUST overlook and turn a deaf ear to evolution and it's supporters. Not to do this would be self-defeating.
How did I come to my conclusion? I can feel God's presence when I pray. I know that he works daily in my life. Faith in God is not a science. It is not something that we go into the lab or out in the field and dig up (or mix up).
@cyclonewriter (2168)
• United States
9 Mar 07
Your post caught my eye when I was reading through. I am not trying to debate yoyu but I just want to clarify what you are saying. Are you saying that you could not believe in God and also rely on Science? I was not sure if you were saying that you must ignore evolution or all science.
I do agree that God is faith based and you can neither prove or disprove that he/she/them exist. However, if there is a creator, could that creator not have put the process of evolution and science overall in place?
@ESKARENA1 (18261)
9 Mar 07
If anything i think evolution proves there is a god. Something set the big bang off in the first place
@Sherr1965 (5)
• United States
9 Mar 07
I don't think that evolution proves that God does not exist. If you read carefully the first few chapters of the book of Genesis you will see that God created the heavens and the earth. Lets see in what order. Day one, light, which he separated from darkness. Day two, he created the sky which separated water on earth from water above. Day three, he gathered the water together so that land appeared and the first thing to come next was vegetation. Hmm, is this ringing a bell with anyone yet? Day 4, he made the moon, the stars, and the sun. Day 5, he created the creatures of the sea and all the birds. Day 6, he made the animals that walked on dry land, and next he made man. He then gave man dominion over everything. That was a very busy day for him. When he completed all that, he rested and that was the 7th day. Now, call me crazy, many people do, but I think that Darwin's theory of Evolution follows right along the same story line. He claimed, the earth was covered in vegetation, the first living things came from the sea, then the birds, then the land animals, then man. It's just too close to be a coincidence. I think the story was made as simple as God believed would be neccesary for the people of the time to understand. Another confusing part to many, I guess, is the one day at a time idea but, let's not forget that one of our days has been compared to a thousand years in the bible. So, that part was just figurative I'm thinking.
At any rate, Darwin's theory was only really a repeat of what was already spoken of in the Bible. Everyone thinks it has to be either one way or the other but, I think their both the same. I also believe that it's very possible we evolved from some much more primitive beings.I'm not exactly sure we coud have been monkeys but, let's not get too upset over the idea. If we could all just get past individuals who grunt monosyllables and have knuckles that drag the ground the world would be a better place. At least my social life would be but, I guess that doesn't belong under this topic category.