Do you ever wonder why people look at you when your child throws tantrums?
By Carrie26
@Carrie26 (1587)
United States
March 8, 2007 9:25pm CST
I was in Wal-mart today and me and my husband were checking out.My son was with his grandma becuase she was going to take him home and meet us there after she picked up her medicine.Well my daughter wanted one of those baby bottle suckers (I think they put them down on the bottom shelf on purpose to so kids will want them and the parents buy them therefore they make money.LOL.)I got her one and told her I had to put it on the counter and we would have to pay for it before she could have it.She is 18 months.Well she starts screaming her lungs out I try to calm her to know avail.I felt sorry for the guy at the register ringing are stuff up becuase I didnt know how he could concentrate.LOL.Well after checking out we preceded to leave and my daughter is still screaming at the top of her lungs.Well on my way out people are staring like they have never seen a child throw temper tantrums before.Or a child crying for that matter.maybe they havent.But I am sure they do because I have seen and heard children too but I dont stare I usaully look away becuase I know what the mother is going through and the last thing she needs is someone staring ather and her child screaming.I can understand if someone was beating a child or kidnapping a child and people looking.But that was not the case.She was just throwing a temper tantrum.Which I am sure some people are aware of that that is what a child doese sometimes.I can understand if somone starts talking to your child while your there trying to help you out by getting them to stop crying (I have had people do that as well as older ladies and my daughter would stop crying sometimes and somtimes she will laugh.).But myabe I am just being crazy for thinking people shouldnt stare at a child screaming and its parent.But sometimes i just want to say what?hasnt anyone ever seen a child screaming and crying or throwing a temper tantrum before?LOL.
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5 responses
@brendalee (6082)
• United States
9 Mar 07
Well, I sometimes look because I feel sorry for the mother. I know what she is going through and I would like to help but I am not sure how the parents would take it. Some people don't like others interfering with their life. And nowadays you have to worry about the nuts that around. I usually try to flash a "I Understand" smile at the parent.
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@brendalee (6082)
• United States
9 Mar 07
I would never touch anyones child. She shouldn't have done that. I would rather try to make faces at the child to try to distract them. It sometimes works, at least for a minute or two.
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@Carrie26 (1587)
• United States
9 Mar 07
Yeah, I do not mind that when a parent will throw a understanding smile.Thier are some people that do not do anything and they just stare.I remember one time I went to Wal-Mart and my son started crying so my husband went to the car to get the diaper bag and I thought he had returned becuase I felt someone taking my son.It was the greeter at Wal-mart and she started shushing my son and trying to console him while I kept saying Can I please have my son back.I was thinking lady I am his mother and thier is no way you can console him rght now.I told he is hungary and that is why he is crying.I took him back.And i was pretty upset by it.Never again do I assume that someone taking my child from behind that it is related to me.Its a mistake people can make.But now a days you never now when someone can take off with yor child.I told my husband about it and the guy stocking the meat heard me .He asked the lady to come over where he was at and he told her that she shouldnt have done that.I know maybe she was trying to help.But she almost got into trouble.
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@silvermoonmyst (943)
• United States
9 Mar 07
I understand how you feel!
Mine is almost 3 and has regular breakdowns in stores, even if i bring him things to calm him, or if i go during a good time for him. Everything causes a meltdown, i know its because of his age, but it gets so frustrating when EVERY person is watching me. Like what did you do to make him scream! I feel so much more pressure to quiet him faster which often means giving him something i probably would not have otherwise! Like candy.
Sometimes ill get that smile of sympathy from other parents, THEY understand, they smile nod and keep going. but gosh why is everyne else watching my child have a meltdown? Hes a toddler and they do things like that!
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@wenfri (1185)
• Canada
9 Mar 07
i8 months old and already throwing temper tantrums Not a good senario to say the least.
What is going to happen when she is 2, or 5 or 7 Just random numbers I chose to use
If she is already doing that then she must be getting away with it at home already. She knows it works and keeps at it till she gets her way
I don't stare a kids throwing temper tantrums I look at the parents. Worried about what is going to happen in the future when the child is older.
Not being critical but you need to find a way to curb them
Sorry for being so blunt
@Carrie26 (1587)
• United States
9 Mar 07
Im sorry to say she doesnt get her way.I know alot of people who discipine their children but they still throw them.I have put my daughter in time out before .I can a sure you she doesnt get her way.You cant really curb a temper tantrum unless you take them out of the store.which I have known people to leave their buggies and take the screaming child outside to the car and leave to go home.I am just wondering if you are a mother you could mayber give advice to the parent as to how you got rid of temper tantrums.I am sure your child has thrown a few.I think sometimes people judge people (not being mean by the remark)and think that the parent isnt doing all that they can and that they are letting the child get their way when actually the parent is not letting the child get her way and is trying to fix the tmper tantrum problem.I know the doctor has told me even though you dont let the child get her way children still throw temper tantrums.Even if you say no to them if they want something they still will throw it.You really cannot smack a childs rear in Wal-mart .I will smack my daughters fingers (Not hard)and say no to her real sternly whe she doese something she is not supposed to do.So Maybe you can give me advice as to how you curbed the temper tantrums if you had children.I am not being mean by writing this but I cannot assume that children that thow temper tantrums are getting their way at home.Its sometimes a way of a child acting out if they do not get thier way.Also I have looked on a website and it said that even good children that never get their way have temper tantrums.Here is the website if anyone is interested in reading it for the advice thogh Wendy I hope I was not to hard on you.
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