If GOD appears before you, will you BELIEVE?
@lordwarwizard (35747)
March 9, 2007 3:05am CST
Every so often, I would find myself lamenting why God has not appeared before me. I would express my regrets that I do not even truly know him. I find myself confused about life and hope that he would tell me what to do.
Does this happen to you too?
Yet I was just thinking - if God was to really appear before me, will I believe he is God? There are at least several reasons I can think of why one would or would not believe when God indeed does appear.
For those who believe, they are likely to be among the most devoted. These people have been thoroughly indoctrinated since young or they would have been recipients of some big miracles to warrant such "blind faith". There is nothing right or wrong to be fiercely religious - please understand that I am just stating my opinion.
Yet for the "unbelievers", we would question how we can be sure if he is indeed God. What if he is evil personified? Why would God honor me with his presence? How can I even be sure that I am not hallucinating? I think we can find all sorts of excuses to disbelieve even when God, if it is indeed him, appears before our eyes. And who knows? Perhaps this is why we have not been graced by his presence yet.
By God, I am not referring to the Christian God. I do not have any official religion and I just pray to the one who is the true God - whoever he is, whatever he is called, whichever religion he helms.
So what are your thoughts on this? Would you believe if God appears before you in his glory? How would you react? How would this change your life?
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118 responses
@bindishah (2062)
• India
9 Mar 07
If God were to appear before me in all his glory i would just think that it was someone playing a prank on me. I would probably feel one of my friends has put up someone to mischief rther than truly believing its God.
@winterose (39887)
• Canada
9 Mar 07
You are asking some really tough questions. I honestly don't know how I would react. I would probably believe it more if I saw him or her in a vision but in person I might tend to think that him or her was the one that is halucinating.
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@lordwarwizard (35747)
• Singapore
9 Mar 07
The thing is, if it indeed happens, you can't be absolutely sure if it is a vision, dream or real experience...
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@Bangalorean (1282)
• India
9 Mar 07
I would surely not be like doubting Thomas, but would immediately fall on my kneels and adore my GOD
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@asuzie (21)
• Singapore
9 Mar 07
'happy are those who did not see my but believe in me", says the Lord. We do have to to see to believe. ive got this feeling if he ever reveal Himself to me, it will be too late for me already.too late to be saved cos even tho i believe but i did not follow His way. sad isnt it...i'm so shameful :sad:
@lordwarwizard (35747)
• Singapore
9 Mar 07
If I look at this with a pure heart, it is very true. If you can believe God without first seeing him, you are the luckiest and happiest.
But if we want to look at it another way, isn't this the best way to "cheat" people? E.g. Just trust me, buy this bottle of pills for $100. Eat them all and you will become thinner. Heard of the placebo effect? I just find it hard to rule out that it is not something like this.
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@wolfie34 (26770)
• United Kingdom
9 Mar 07
Personally I do NOT believe in God, but I always keep an open mind, so if he did appear then I would be asking him some serious questions like how can he sit up there and watch humans tearing each other to bits and why he made my nan suffer for ten years with cancer then cruelly take her away! The only miracle I would experience is knowing there is a God in the first place!
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@wildecoyote (975)
• Australia
9 Mar 07
I believe in God. However I do think God could appear before some people and they would not believe. Some people in the bible , even the religious ones didn't believe Jesus when He walked the earth.
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@lordwarwizard (35747)
• Singapore
9 Mar 07
When I was reading the bible, I was thinking why Jesus appeared so long ago. What I am trying to say is that if only HE would appear during my time - I would then have a chance to meet him and after seeing his miracles, I might then believe.
Yet I was thinking then - if he does come again in my time and I meet him, will I still doubt him and think him a charlatan even if he shows me miracles? And that's what this discussion is about.
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@TheGreatWhiteBuffalo (4822)
• United States
9 Mar 07
I can try to show GOD to you if you believe, you will see.
First stand before a mirror, look deep into your face and eyes, think of those that you love, who do you love, first love yourself as you have to be able to Love the person you are.
Look at others that you Love, do you see GOD working in their lives because you can only see the good in those you Love, Look around the world, look at creation, look at the universe.
What do you see?
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@Springlady (3986)
• United States
9 Mar 07
I love that! If you believe you CAN see God thru others..thru the good things people do, etc. God works thru people.
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@mywords18 (645)
• United States
9 Mar 07
well i believe in him already no matter how many test he takes,so weather he appears or he doesnt it wont create any difference, as i have never seen him may be he coem sin disguise then wat?
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@mpshiva6 (65)
• India
9 Mar 07
It is really a good question. If God appeared before would we believe. First of all the basic problem is that we believe that God should appear before us in whatever shape we pray to them in. It is wrong. God will manifest himself in many ways. If you are willing to see Him you can see Him everywhere. You can see him in the many people who have helped you when you are in trouble. You can see Him in the many beauties of nature. If you regularly watched Discovery or NatGeo you will know how many ways God has manifested himself in. Who else could have created these beautiful creatures in the universe. But leave those things. Have you ever thought that the many people who helped you are a part of God Himself. If God should appear before you in his full glory, what have you done for it. Have you done so many good deeds that God should Himself appear before. Have you restrained from wrong doings? God will appear when you make yourself closer to Him by doing the things which he has taught us to do. If you are doing all these things, then you will not feel the need for Him to appear before you. You will feel Him in you.
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@garyeye (202)
• Philippines
9 Mar 07
I can relate to you're confusion about God even though I'm a believer of Him. I sometimes vent my frustrations to Him on why I often fail God. I Believe God is always around and that God always listens to our cries, anger and frustrations, the reason on why we don't see God physically is that we are not worthy of his presence. When we see God Almighty is when He returns again at the end of days, He will come with all of his glory and then judge us. Each and everyone will see God not privately but publicly will see Him. Ancient people tells that when they see angels or God is only when they are about to die. If you really want to seek God, He declares that "you seek me and find me when you seek me with all your heart. I will be found by you" (Jeremiah 29:13 and 14a). Don't be afraid seek God, He waits for you.
@deniseagnew (16)
• United States
9 Mar 07
God is in all of us. I try and treat everyone I meet as if they were God. I believe in God so much that I don't have to see him in person.
Worry looks around
Sorry looks back
Faith looks up!
@nehacherian (47)
• India
9 Mar 07
i really trust that God is alive; if God appear before me i will defintly believe in him; i will definitly be shocked to see him;and it will definitly increase my trust and my belief in him
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@Willowlady (10658)
• United States
9 Mar 07
I would be so relieved. I would say 'please, take me home'
I believe that the cases of spontaneous combustion is when God comes to collect a person in person. Would explain why no man made thing is harmed very much, just the human with a soul.
So I guess that I would have no earthly life anymore. I can only hope for this I think. Not sure you would really want it either if you like living an earthly life. Don't think that there would be any mistaking it if it would happen.
I wish you much fortune in finding your way through this world and life.
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@TheGreatWhiteBuffalo (4822)
• United States
9 Mar 07
Before going home GOD would like you to love life and living.
GOD's will is that you share your Love with others.
The Earth can be a very dangerous place, people live and die, natural disasters are all the parts of life that can not change.
What can be changed is how people treat other people.
We choose,
I choose,
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@Springlady (3986)
• United States
9 Mar 07
When I see God I will also want Him to take me Home! That will be a glorious Day indeed!
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@Springlady (3986)
• United States
9 Mar 07
That's true GreatWhite. I want to live and finish the work God has for me to do, but I still await that wonderful Day though!
We are to love and that is one of the greatest things we can ever do!
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@erican (25)
• Indonesia
9 Mar 07
halloo... every so often ,i would find myself lamenting why has not appeared before you and me .i would expres my regrets that i do not even truly know him .i find myself confused about life and hope that he would tell me what to do .does this happened to you too? yet i was just thinking if God was to really appear before me. will i belive he is GOD ?there are at least several reasons i can think of why one would or would not belive when God indeed does appear .for those who believe ,they are likely to be among the most devoted. these people have been thoroughly indoctrinated since young or they would have been recipients of some big miracles to warrant such blind faith .there is nothing right or wrong to be fiercely religious-please understand that i am just stating my opinion.okkk.... thanks for your information ,nice to meet you
@mummymo (23706)
9 Mar 07
I am a believer wiz but honestly don't know that I would believe it was God standing in front of me if all I had to go on were his words! I could be wrong - I openly accept that - but I believe that that little voice at the back of your head which urges you to do the right thing is God talking to us! I think if he were to appear before me in human form I would be very sceptical though! Why do you always make us think so hard??? xx
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@whimsystoryteller (1743)
• United States
9 Mar 07
Actually, Jesus has appeared to a lot of people over the years but that wouldn't help you to believe. When Thomas, in the Bible, said that he wouldn't believe unless he could touch the holes in Jesus' hands. Jesus allowed him to do so but He told Thomas that those who believed without seeing were more blessed because that takes faith and that's the way God operates.
There have also been a lot of people over the years who have seen visions that have nothing to do with God. Joseph Smith of the Mormon cult supposedly saw a vision that convinced him that he was supposed to do things that were definitely not of God. Joseph Smith had an anger/temper problem and when a newspaper started questioning his "religion," Joseph Smith and a few of his buddies broke into the newspaper office, torched everything and killed the owner of the paper. I can assure you that God would never tell anyone to do those things. But the devil would. Satan doesn't like it when people start questioning what he does so he does what he knows to do which is steal, kill and destroy.
If God were to appear to you, it would likely be in the form of Jesus or an angel and whatever they said would be in line with the Bible because that is His Word. Now, I know there are a lot of people who argue that point and I'm not here to convince you. You have to make that choice for yourself but God doesn't do things apart from faith in His Word. That's why there is so much destruction in this world because people think God can do anything so they just expect Him to take care of it.
That's not going to happen because God restricted what He can do in this earth when He gave His authority over this earth to mankind and gave them free will to do with it as they choose. The problem is that people don't want to take responsibility for their actions. They would often prefer that God do whatever He wants but He's not going to do that because He doesn't change His mind and He isn't a liar. He gave us that authority and if we choose not to use it, we will suffer the consequence of it.
Whether any of you believe that or not is your choice. And, again, it's not my job to convince you. I can only share what I know to be true. And, the reason I know it to be true is because I have a long standing relationship with God and have learned what His thoughts are from His Word and from His Holy Spirit.
It's up to you to decide what you want to believe but let me pose this to you. If you are so sure that there is no God and that there is no hell, then what would it hurt for you to check it out in case you are wrong?
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@dnatureofdtrain (5273)
• Janesville, Wisconsin
18 Jun 07
Well, Anyone who is harassed enough for their religious or spiritual beliefs, especially by the media, friends, and loved ones, eventually will be feeling upset or angry, even if you are on a path, that is no well known or understood. There is alot of Truth and Goodness in his church and faith, but the truth is good people can do wrong things, and humanity is very easy to misunderstand the real message that has been given... I know as I have watched myself misunderstand messages that I have recieved originally, and then come to understand them later...
As far as anger goes, anyone can be pushed to the point of snapping, and management is not the easiest for all, and when a person is attacked at their deepest passion who for many it is religion, or their wife, or their home... If this area in their life is threatened they will of course do all they can to protect it, and some who do not know how to react rationally to this threat, as they have never dealt with this type of threat or can not cope, will eventually do horrible and bad things, out of pure fear, hatred, anger and disguest.
I never met the man you talk of above.. but I do know that myself on my Heinzist path, have experience the feelings of when another chatter who refered to himself was "TheWayfinder" in about year 2000 decided to copy all the material off my Heinzist website and tell people he invented Heinzism, and it was the True way and it was HIS religion... etc. I was so mad, I still to this day call him out whenever I see him join any groups anywhere.. He is still at this, and an example of a true fraud who used religions as his personal gain.. to try to control others, to do what he wants them to do..
I do not know about the person you talked about above, but people can only handle so much pressure before eventually they snap and blow, if they are not able to cope and deal with it fast enough....
If I did not stick to my values, I would have asked some of the powerful spirits I work with to do something very rotten to Thewayfinder.. but no matter how much I hate his actions, I was commanded to Love, honor and respect all, as all are part of one and G-d... .... unless they are shown not to be respected, and he has been shown it, but even in my approach in dealing with this individual.. from yahoo. I will always deal in the most respectful way that I can, and I will warn and call him out for other peoples safety.
- DNatureofDTrain
@lordwarwizard (35747)
• Singapore
9 Mar 07
Oh.. Thomas in the bible.. when someone mentioned Thomas earlier, I was still wondering if it was a typo..
Thanks for the informative and interesting sharing! ;-)
You asked a question - "If you are so sure that there is no God and that there is no hell, then what would it hurt for you to check it out in case you are wrong?"
The thing is, things would be much simpler if there is only one religion in the world known as Christianity. It would a simple choice - believe in THE religion (GOD) or not believe. In that situation, it definitely wouldn't hurt. After all, it is safer to err on the side of caution. Just accept Christ and you will be saved.
Yet Christianity is not the only religion around. To you, everything else may be pagan or simply a distortion of your truth. I hope you are not surprised to know that others in other religions may feel the same about you and yours. I brought up this point not to put down anyone - but instead, i just like to point out that because there are so many voices saying so many things, and some grains of truth can be found or believed in practically all, how is a poor mortal going to know - when he has not seen and thus find it hard to believe?
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@whimsystoryteller (1743)
• United States
18 Jun 07
DNatureofDTrain, your comments have nothing to do with what has been said and make absolutely no sense.
@princessgamala (3)
• China
9 Mar 07
I believe in God no matter he appears before me or not.If somebody argues with me that why God just keeps silence and only sees our human beings suffering so many miserable things, I will tell him that no one is able to get rid of karma, including God!
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@dnatureofdtrain (5273)
• Janesville, Wisconsin
18 Jun 07
Why would G-d want to get rid of karma? It is one of the best laws he/she ever invented to help make his job of judging so much easier.. so that he did not have to technically judge people, and so that justice was still served... - DNatureofDTrain
@TheGreatWhiteBuffalo (4822)
• United States
9 Mar 07
GOD isn't silent, you're just not listening.
Peace is the message, the Karma of People who are causing war will have to be dealt with on an individual basis.
Who is the terrorist?
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