Question for all those who are married
@the_dreamer2005 (1175)
United States
March 9, 2007 10:29am CST
I'm in my early 20's and I'm worried about some things regarding marriage. I hear all the time that people frown on those who are young getting married. I don't want to have people constantly asking me why am I married so young and if I feel like I'm losing a part of my prime years.
Also- when you get married, do you and your husband/wife change? Do you stop going out as much like you did when you were boyfriend/girlfriend? Do you lose some of the romance? Does it become a boring routine now that you're married?
I know I want to marry this man and I know that I love him but I have a hard time worrying about what others will think. And I am also worried that we may turn into this old stiff couple after marriage. Any advice?
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38 responses
@nameerf (99)
• United States
9 Mar 07
I don't think it's a matter of age, but maturity. My husband and I were 24 and 23, respectively when we got married. Our lives didn't change much except that we moved in together and stopped having to run between two apartments. Our lives really changed when we had kids, but that's a whole other discussion. You only lose what you let yourself lose. Meaning that if you don't continue going out or having/providing romance, then yes, these will go away. I was with my husband 2 years before we got married. If you're ready to get married, I wouldn't worry about what other people think.
@spiritwolf52 (2300)
9 Mar 07
Why should you worry about what others think? They won't be living with you. If you love this person and feel that it is the right time for you to marry, then do so. I was more than twice your age when I married. I was pretty much a homebody before I married so that hasn't changed any. The only thing that changed for me was, I no longer work. I moved to another country to be with my hubby. I do not work here. Seems my work experience is not worth much here.
What have you done with your live? Have you traveled at all? Do you have your own place? If you feel you will be losing out, a part of your prime years, then maybe you are not ready for that commitment yet. Marrying young isn't for everyone. I've seen way too many marriages break down because they were either too young, didn't know what they were getting into, or got married for all the wrong reasons. If you know deep in your heart that you can not live without him, that you feel him in every pore and you don't feel complete without him, then do what is in your heart. Don't worry about what anyone else says. You will know when the time is right for you.
@craftwave (1338)
• United States
9 Mar 07
I was married in my early twenties and am still married to my wonderful husband for over 25 years now. I don't think you are to young to get married. My parents were married even younger then I was. They were in their teens and were married over fifty years. As for the romance in a marreage and keeping it going that will depend on you and your spouce. Most romance leaves a marriage because people let it. There are times when my husband and I just go out to eat and then there are times we go on a date. And there is a big difference between the two. For dates we still get dressed up depending on where we are going. But I'll put make-up on and wear perfume and go the extra mile. Just like when I did before marriage. That dosen't have to stop just because you get married. Yes things will change after you are married, especially if you have children. That is inevitable. But it doesn't mean it has to get boring. My husband will get me flowers for no special reason. We make sure we tell each other how much we love each other. We still hold hands even when we are riding in the car. We let each other know that they are appreciated. And we try to make time for just the two of us. That wasn't always easy especially once the kids came along but we managed a few nights alone during the month. As my daughters got older they would take me shopping for date night to pick out an outfit for me to wear. So even your kids can get involved. That was their idea not mine but it was great fun. Letting them get involved was a good example of how they can keep their romance going once they got married. It doesn't have to be expensive just different from everyday routine. How boring or exciting your marriage remains is reflected on how much effort both partners put into it.
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@the_dreamer2005 (1175)
• United States
9 Mar 07
Awwww, that sounds so romantic. I didn't think after you get married you still could do the whole date thing. And having your children involved- that's really sweet. Your marriage is what I would love to have.
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@huggiebear22 (2007)
• Canada
9 Mar 07
I was married young adn there really is nto good answer to stop them from asking people are gonna ask no matter what they may just wanna know how you got so lucky.
Our lives never changed much until we had kids adn then that changes alot but all for the better. Even though mine did not last a life time I would do it all again wiht no regrets.
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@bgerig (1258)
• United States
9 Mar 07
What do you call young?
It was 18 for me...which I call young. She was 24 which may have been part of the problem. We quickly became parens so that may have been a problem as well. I was still in school, she was teaching school. Another problem. Did we change? I definitely did, and I believe she did too. We were too immature....We both grew up a lot together.
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@huggiebear22 (2007)
• Canada
10 Mar 07
I was 19 she was 18 we were high school sweet hearts. We had kids soon after we were married and the job i was working at the time involved a lot of travel or long periods when i was in town. We both changed and grew together until we came to an issue we saw differently and which was she wanted more kids adn i did not so she left me for best freind. All said adn doen i would still do it again and not change a thing.
@beaniegdi (1964)
9 Mar 07
I don't think you are ready to be married or you would not have all these thoughts and worries. Why not just enjoy yourself for the time being, if you really wanted to be married you wouldn't care what anyone thought. Also everything does change after marriage, you see each other all the time so it's not that it gets boring but it does get different. Also you won't go out as much because being married isn't cheap and you probably go out now to meet each other and there is no need to do that once you are married and living together.
@AndiCat (325)
• United States
9 Mar 07
First of all, you cannot worry about what others think.
Secondly, although lots of people wait until they are older, there are still those who marry in their early-to-mid 20s. There is nothing wrong with that.
That being said, marriage is a big commitment. You have to be ready to make sacrifices. Some people say that marriage is a 50-50 proposition. However, it is really 100-100.
You may find yourself not going out as much, due to finances, work, and other obligations.
Marriage is what you make it. After a while, the inital fizzle MAY wear off, but keeping the romance in your marriage may take work, but can be fun!! Think of new and exciting and interesting ways to keep the spice in your marriage. Leave notes in unexpected places for each other. Plan surprises. Plan one-day trips. Plan whatever floats your boat!
Maybe you're not ready yet, and that's okay. There's certainly no rush. Maybe give yourselves time to build up some money for a house or place to rent. Get to know each other's families, if you haven't already.
My hubby and I have been married for almost 11 years. I still look forward to his coming home from work. Marriage has various cycles to it. The initial butterflies and tension and excitement in the beginning turns into security, comfort, and well-being in later years.
I wish you all the best wishes in the world - whatever you may decide.
@the_dreamer2005 (1175)
• United States
9 Mar 07
Thanks :) I would like to have security and comfort in the future when times are tough. I guess always going out and the whole excitement isn't everything.
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@tammytwo (4298)
• United States
10 Mar 07
Life does change once you are married but it is up to you two to keep it exciting. No one else can decide what is best for you. I have been with the same man since I was just 14 1/2. No one thought it would last as long as it has. I am now 33 and he is 34. It has not been easy and there have been many times I just wanted to give up on the marriage. But it takes work and it is up to the couple how much work they are willing to put into it.
@the_dreamer2005 (1175)
• United States
11 Mar 07
Wow, that is amazing- I never would think I'd be with anyone in my 30's that I started with in my teens. Congrats for having such a strong relationship.
@spiritfinger (137)
• United States
10 Mar 07
Speaking from experience...I was 19 years old the first time I got married and it was the WRONG thing to do! I was WAY to young. You change so much as a person from age 20 to age 24. I think that you should learn who you are, get to know yourself. And then get married. You ask if marriage gets boring. The answer to that is...only if you let it. Marriage, like dating is work. My husband and I go on a date 1 to 2 times a month. You have to keep things fresh. Write love letters, e-mails, text messages, buy him flowers or candies for no reason. Do things to make each other keep falling in love over and over again.
I wish you the best of luck.
@the_dreamer2005 (1175)
• United States
11 Mar 07
I always thought it was okay to buy a man flowers but others told me that it's silly. Glad to hear I'm not the only one into that.
@smille (829)
• India
10 Mar 07
hey first congrats for such a good topic....
after marrige things definitely change, cos earlier u sed to be 'one ' person now u will be 'two' means the identity changes, whatever u think u hv to think for both of u, it brings resposibility, caring for both, but nw one more thing feel much more secure after marriage, it brings stableness too to both of u, now starts whloe new world........for romance as u asked it depends, cos when u r girlfriend or a boy friend u think, behave what ur loved likes, after u start taking him or her for granted.....which should be better avoided, and always respect ur spouse, give him or her space!!!!!!! so it will be a healthy relationship for both of u and plus ur families dont scare to get married its beautiful.........all is in ur hands.
@kathy77 (7486)
• Australia
10 Mar 07
Well you say that you are in your early 20's and you hear others talking about getting married young I do not think that it is too young to be married when you are in your early twenties if you have found who you believe to be the right person, also you should not be really listening to what others are saying after all it is your life not their life, as I am a mother of 5 grown up children and two of my children are married, my eldest daughter married when she was 26 but wished that she had married the same man a few years earlier but she had other committments at that time but it still would of worked out for her and she is happy. It really all depends on who you marry you hae to talk about these sort of things before you commit as for me I can come and go as I please and we have always been that way and we have just recently celebrated our 26 wedding anniversary this week as this was my second marriage.
@aprilgrl (4460)
• United States
11 Mar 07
Are you ready for marriage? Then go for it. I was 22 when I got married and we are still together for almost 25 years in August. If you decided to get married make sure that you really love the guy/gal and want to spend the rest of your life with. Its a big commintment but dont let anyone tell you things everybody has a different opinion just do what you think it best and good luck.
@the_dreamer2005 (1175)
• United States
11 Mar 07
I feel that I'm ready for marriage because I love him. I was just having a hard time with the whole- what others may think at such a young age.
@ryleesmama (560)
• United States
9 Mar 07
My advice to you is not to worry about what other people think about you! If you love him and you have the same values in life than get married. I think that it is important to make sure that you both have the same plans in life like kids, finances... If you are Christian than I would highly suggest to go to A Weekend to Remember. It was the best pre-marraige retreat. You learn a lot about yourself and your significant other. Here is the website Good luck!
@happymomof2 (47)
• United States
9 Mar 07
Do you see yourself being with this person for ever, or do you see yourself out there with other people having fun and doing other things....Thats the question...If you cant see yourself with this person for ever then you will probley be missing out on other thingss....If your happy and content then your not missing out....
And yes people do change, its normaly b/c we get older, more mature and so were different then we were when we were 16, 20 30 or so on....Thats life an dI think thats why so many people get divorced they dont realize that all of us change, for the better or worse.....You can make a marriage work, you may have to give more than you take, but your time will come
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@faith90260 (52)
9 Mar 07
Years ago people got married at a young age. My great-grand parents got married in there teens and were married until they pasted away. Some people can get married young and make it work. It is something that should be taken on a case my case base.
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@missybal (4490)
• United States
10 Mar 07
I got married when I was 23 and my husband was 25 we were together since I was 18. His mother was mad said we where too young. My mother was only 17 when she married my dad so my parents were fine with it (they are still together today). For me getting married actually made our lives even more intersting and we have been married for almost two years now. I think if you have children that is when life has a tendancy of turning into a boring routine. That is why my husband and I are waiting so that we can enjoy our married life first. Marriage doesn't dull a relationship, it simply adds a new twist, but my friends that went ahead and had kids right away do say that the romance went out the window, and they claim it's marriage but I know it is not. Don't worry about what other's say or think. Life is only as exciting as you make it.
@the_dreamer2005 (1175)
• United States
10 Mar 07
That's what I want to do as far as kids are concerned. His sister got pregnant right after she got married and it worried me that perhaps he wanted the same. But we've talked about it and he understands that I would want time married before starting a family.
@siddhinfo (1500)
• India
10 Mar 07
I don't think you are making mistake marrying at 20. This is the right time for the girl to get married if they had finished the study and got the right life partner of their choice who will take care.
From my example when I got married I was 26 and my wife was just step into 21 and till date after 18 years of our marriage there is no problem with us. We have 2 kids and we both go for work. It is fully depend on you and your husband how to handle your life.
Be free minded and get married if you think you have choosen the right life partner.
@the_dreamer2005 (1175)
• United States
10 Mar 07
I think that I have found my right life partner :)
@Michele21 (3093)
• United States
9 Mar 07
You just might turn into an old married couple, but not in a bad way!! As long as you don't have kids I would think that you would continue to go out and have a fun time!! With kids it gets harder to go out and stuff =) Don't worry about what others think!! If you really want to get married then do it, don't let others worry you! The romance might fade away but you will still have your partner there for you every time you need him! To talk or just be there for you, that is what I really like about being married is knowing I have him to depend on for anything!!
@the_dreamer2005 (1175)
• United States
9 Mar 07
Having someone to depend on is what I would love to have and right now we have that. He's helping me with a really hard thing that I'm worried about. I think that being married would result in an even better support system.
@mschiqui (1284)
• Philippines
10 Mar 07
We have our own life, they also have their own lives.. We live not because we wanted others to be happy.. Yes getting married in such a young age, is not easy.. You still isnt mature, and in marriage, you two will be both mature cause it involves always right decision making. In marriage it depends to the both of you, if you will not be sweet and romantic as it is during your boyfriend,girlfriend relationship..In my marriage life, we never forget to go out sometime, to have a date and that time we will have our communication alive..As possible we will be sweet and romantic always so that marriage life will not be boring as what they said.. I am really happy now in my marriage life..God bLess you!
@ladyrainfx (366)
• Philippines
10 Mar 07
When you are in love you are offering yourself to that special person. No one is telling you to love him. You love him with all your heart no matter what people say. It's the same in marriage, forget about the people questioning you or stop worrying about them. They won't be there the time you need to feed your family. Much more they don't experience the same joy when you are with that special person.
If you are worried on keeping the fire burning then I think majority of the responsibilities lies with the partners. You need to keep on working for the relationship to linger. Don't just focus on work because you now have a family. There should be a balance to anything. When you feel like something is threatening, plan a getaway vacation with him/her. It's a matter of handling the relationship maturely that goes, not the age.
@the_dreamer2005 (1175)
• United States
10 Mar 07
That is very true- I was thinking that at the end of the day it doesn't really matter because I'm at home with them- not others.
@moneymagnet1 (2)
• United States
9 Mar 07
As is mentioned in the other responses, what others think doesn't matter. But you already know that.
Here's the deal. Core values don't change, but generally EVERYONE changes about every 7 years. By that I mean by experiencing life as you grow, your opinions, outlooks, wants, etc. do change some. As for the marriage, some passion probably will diminish. The romance, on the other hand, is up to the two of you to determine. Flowers, quiet time, shared adventures, holding hands, saying "I love you" etc. are choices you make. They DO make a difference!
I would suggest and watching his "Keys To Loving Relationships." He explains how you can keep a wonderful fulfilled relationship forever.
Also, each of you should schedule time for what you each like to do. For example, if you like to volunteer for community service, do that. If he likes sports or golf (golf is NOT a sport, thankyouverymuch) he should do that. But the emphasis should be on the marriage. As in life, balance is the key.
@the_dreamer2005 (1175)
• United States
9 Mar 07
LOL- happily I can say he's not into the whole golf thing. I'd probably need to go and do something else if he watched it.
