Revelation. Did God changed its mind? I cannot believe this!
By Aussies2007
@Aussies2007 (5336)
March 9, 2007 11:38am CST
It appears that after choosing the Hebrews as its people 7000 years ago... God changed its mind 200 years ago... and choose the Mormons instead.
During the early 1800's, Joseph Smith, the son of a New England farmer, received a series of divine revelations. According to Smith's account, God the Father and Jesus Christ appeared to him near Palmyra, New York, in 1820. They advised him not to join any existing church and to prepare for an important task. Smith said he was visited by an angel named Moroni three years later. Morone told him about golden plates on which the history of early peoples of the Western Hemisphere was engraved in an ancient language. In 1827, Smith received the plates on Cumorah, a hill near Palmyra. His translation of the plates, called the Book of Mormon, was published in 1830. Smith and his associates founded the church on April 6, 1830. It grew rapidly, and had 1,000 members by the end of the first year.
Mormon communities were established at Kirtland, Ohio, and Independence, Missouri, during the early 1830's. Smith moved the church headquarters to Kirtland in 1831, and the town was the centre of the church for almost eight years. He instituted the basic organization and many of the present doctrines there. The first Mormon temple was completed there in 1836.
Should I be confuse...
Or is this story untrue...
God the Father and Jesus Christ appeared to him near Palmyra, New York, in 1820. They advised him not to join any existing church...
I cannot believe this!
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18 responses
@cloudwatcher (6861)
• Australia
9 Mar 07
I think you have answered your own query.
You say "according to Smith's account". That should be enough. What reason do we have to believe that Smith was right? None. God said His final revelation was in His Son, the Lord Jesus Christ. That is enough for me.
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@surfincypherz (490)
• United States
10 Mar 07
Your own statement has an interesting logical point that is missed by you. If it can be said that we have little reason to believe that Smith was right", then it also stands that we have little reason to believe that any of the "many" writers of the Bible are right about Jesus or God. After all how do you know that "God said" anything about his son or anything at all except through the words of the people who wrote the Bible?
@lifeluver (743)
• Canada
9 Mar 07
Ah, yes....the good ol' Mormons. You needn't worry, the Moron Bible was written simply as an extention of Christianity that is geared to the Capitalistic view of the great Americian contenant. There was no "Joseph Smith" (well, there were probably many, but none of them were visited by Christ or God) God hasn't actually appeared to anyone, He/She always either sends reliable messangers or He/She "speaks" to the true Followers (or Prophets) in ways only they can understand. Sometimes God gets pissed off at various chuches or religious institutions because of how His/Her message is being delivered but He/She would never discourage church-going because it is really up to the individual to do "right" and find God. If a person truly listens to God, that person will be guilded to the right church or whatever suitable religious instatution fits THAT individual. Hope this helps you out a bit.
@surfincypherz (490)
• United States
10 Mar 07
You didn't say anything that discredits the Mormon faith.
You also don't say anything that can be substantiated with certainty. Like it being simply an extension geared tot he Capitalistic view of the great American continent. What are you basing this comment off of?
Perhaps the Mormon faith is just as valid if not more so than other Christian groups. Or maybe they are all valid in one way or another, and the Mormon faith just carries a part of the message.
@lifeluver (743)
• Canada
13 Mar 07
Thank you for your comment. You're right, I didn't say anything to discredit the Mormon faith as I don't think there is anything wrong with ANY faith, it is the individual life choices that people make that tell what their faith is. Your comment that maybe the Mormon faith "is an extention" is exactly what I trying to get at. I believe that the Mormon Bible was written to the people of that time (same as the New Testament was written for that time and Old Testament is the History). Honestly, I don't have any scholastic evidence to give...all of this comes from me talking to God.
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@silvatungfox (336)
• United States
10 Mar 07
You are forgetting God's choice of Buddah, of course if you meet Buddah on the road you must kill him, as you will be meeting a false prophet... and then there is Mohammad, Personally, I am a follower of the Tao and do not need any of the Myths of God or the chosen. I do not imply that there is anything wrong with is a cornerstone upon which civilizations are born.
You might enjoy Joseph Campbell's works on Myths and religion. His dvd set talks about some of the earlier native american myths. Since Myths and religious stories are all metaphors used to teach a path, a way of life... it sort of does not matter if you cannot believe the literal word... the real question is do you get the message?
One of the interesting things about Mormons is that they teach family values and closeness of family.. they take care of their own far more than most other religions.. so there is something to be said for them .. who cares if they think Smith put his head in a pot and read a cryptic languae that he then had someone write down.. and then could not recreate the same "book" again... The values they are teaching are not bad.
@gloria777 (1674)
• India
10 Mar 07
I too have read about Mormon theory & can't believe God and Jesus instructed him to do something different than the church. Church (congregation of holy people) was establised on the foundation whose Corner stone is Jesus himself. So I think its just some sort of intuition.
@Perry2007 (2229)
• Philippines
11 Mar 07
Great, you should not believe it, Did you know how many wives Smith had, which is contrary to the law of God as statedin the Bible?
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@kathy77 (7486)
• Australia
9 Mar 07
Now Aussies, Do you really believe this story about Joseph Smith this is all false tales that Joseph Smith told to his people so that they would follow him and not really follow the way of our lord. Joseph Smith told a lot of lies as he told his people they could not smoke and yet he smoked, also that his people could not have more than one woman and yet he did have many. I have talked to many mormon missionaries that come around to our homes and they will get off the subject as soon as you ask them the truth about Joseph Smith, and so of course this story in untrue and you say you cannot believe this and you should not believe it as it is all a lot of lies.
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@littlefranciscan (18327)
• United States
26 Jun 07
I do not nor do I believe the mormond beliefs..I believe that God the Father sent His Son and the Son sent the Holy Spirit..and all Three send both you and me;)+
@rogue13xmen13 (14402)
• United States
10 Mar 07
Do not go by those modern day Bibles. They are so full of it. None of those Apocalypse dates are accurate. If you want the real dates and facts, get the very first Bible ever written on Earth, learn the language of it and then translate it. You will find that real truth in that.
@vanities (11395)
• Davao, Philippines
10 Mar 07
really ..havent heared that one..if that what the mormons say then we could expect also other religions say that also regarding their own adays we dont know who to believe and what to ..i jsut stand on my own convictions as a catholic..

@rebeka (364)
• Romania
26 Jun 07
my dear in bible is written that many fake Jesus will appear... if one religion is the will of god that all the people would had that religon. but religion is something invented by men in ancient times to control men. if u read the gnostics and the other gospels that are not in the bible u will make an idea upon Jesus teachings.

@abroji (3247)
• India
10 Mar 07
Once you deside to keep your faith with the Bible, keep it firmly. We can easily understand that the claim of Smith to have seen the Father and the Son is false. After the ressurection Jesus has promised not to appear before people but to send the Holy Spirit among people to guide them in thier journey to eternity. Keep your faith intact. You will be saved.
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@bandu123 (70)
• India
10 Mar 07
dear friend,
let me explain you first that the god is notlike a hopper to hopp from one thing to other. god is the most pure form the basic energy & he is the truth the knowledge.what is changing is the mind of a person,his thinking, his behaviour.god is the ultimate truth.
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@DMDstudent (57)
• United States
17 Mar 07
Instead of believeg some people with grudges or heresay why don't you visit the websites set up by the mormons, otherwise known as The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter Day Saints.
Matthew 7:20
Thessalonians 5:21
Then read Moroni 10:3-5 from this website:
@p3halliwel2005 (3156)
• Philippines
10 Mar 07
I got confused here. Where is this written? I haven't heard of this or read about it..I know mormon is a religion...but what's that got to do with the hebrews.I never even read mormons in the bible as I recall..but this is quite interesting.Thanks for sharing.
@foxyfire33 (10005)
• United States
9 Mar 07
It has nothing to do with changing His mind. He wished to restore the Church to what it was intended to be. The simple explanation is that the early churches distorted Christianity to be what we we see it as today. All of the flaws and contradictions within Christianity are a testament to this distortion. Joseph Smith was a prophet not a second Messiah. However, just like Jesus and His followers 2000 years ago, Smith was doubted and persecuted for his beliefs. He and his followers had to separate themselves from mainstream society. Did you know that part of the requirements for Utah becoming a state was denouncing polygamy?
Was he told to not join any existing church? I wasn't there so I can't say for sure. All I know is that he was told the current churches were corrupt (a problem we still see today) so it would make sense that he would be told not to involve himself with them to prepare himself for the beginning of this new church God wanted established. It is not "new" in the sense of debunking Christianity. It is an extension of Christianity to return the Church to it's true and original form.
@simesc (248)
10 Mar 07
God is always a big one and with mylot being such an international thing, you will find many people on here with many many gods who are followed.
People are willing to believe many things - if I told people that god had come to me and told them to join mylot - a number would. There are always people out there who are willing to believe things and looking for a reason or an explanation for their lives.
All religions are based on god visited someone and told them what to do. Or they have come from god and he has given them instructions.
All religions are based on what a man has decided and what he has told people to follow
@Bytekeeper (372)
• Philippines
10 Mar 07
Religion is truly very confusing, each has its own beliefs and traditions, stories and events. It is for a person to decide if they want to believe it or not, in the fist place, God gave us wisdom for this kind of situations.