Hinduism or Islam?
By dividend
@dividend (119)
6 responses
@android781 (46)
• Philippines
10 Mar 07
that would be hinduism... it is basically a universal worldview, as its sanskrit name (sanatana dharma) suggests, and thus embraces everything. it is altruistic at its very core that's why it's "friendly towards others"... this belief accepts and allows several paths towards the attainment of spiritual and moral truth that's why it does not separate believers from non-believers but acknowledges anything we believe and practice that would make us better human beings....
unfortunately, the reverse is true with islam which is extremely exclusive... the name itself means "submission" -- everything must come under islam. it makes a sharp distinction between believers and non-believers, dividing the world between "dar al islam" and "dar al harb". every muslim is encouraged to show kindness and generosity towards his fellow believer but he may not do so with a non-believer, a kaffir... a muslim would be even required at times to humiliate, subjugate or kill a kaffir... nothing is supreme in this world but islam and nobody is entitled to life and salvation except a muslim...
well, how many mahatma gandhis does islam have? but they have a lot of osamas and saddams....
@gurkha786 (78)
• Fiji
10 Mar 07
Islaam has ONE GOD "ALLAH", Islaam has one "QURAN", Islaam has one "KALIMAH". We do not have a Mahatma Ghandi but we already have Muhammed(saw) and other Prophets(asw) which number more then (+/-) 126,000 and this includes Adam(Aadam),Abraham(Ibrahim),David(Daud),Solomon(Suleiman),Moses (Musa)Lot(Loot),Wood (Hudh),Jesus (Isha), John the Baptist(Yahyiah), Ezra (Aziz)pbut - to name a few.
By the way Mahatma Gandhi was killed by hindu fanatics not muslims.
@gurkha786 (78)
• Fiji
11 Mar 07
I do not know where you get the idea that muslims have to humiliate, subjugate or kill a non muslim. Belive me they are hindu,christian and jewish trademarks. I know becoz I was bourn a hindu(my dad always told me to hate muslims),moved towards christianity(got confused by their everchanging bible) then embraced ISLAM.
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@android781 (46)
• Philippines
11 Mar 07
very typical of islamic apologetics.... where did i get those ideas? well, hmmmmm.... let me see....
"But when the forbidden months are past, then fight and slay the pagans, wherever ye find them, and seize them, beleaguer them, and lie in wait for them in every stratagem of war; but if they repent and establish salat and practice zakat, then open the way for them; for Allah is Oft-forgiving, Merciful" -- Qur'an, surah 9:5
"Fight those who believe not in Allah and His Messenger, nor acknowledge the religion of Truth, even if they are of the People of the Book, until they pay the jizya with willing submission, and feel themselves subdued" -- Qur'an, surah 9:29
...isn't this passage advocating violence against jews and christians (People of the Book)? isn't it also saying that non-muslims should be fought until muslims subdue them and everyone who is not a muslim is paying the jizya. isn't the jizya a per capita tax imposed on non-muslims residing on islamic lands (dhimmis)? what happens if they refuse to pay the jizya?...
... and let's see how the qur'an treats those who go against Islam, Allah and Muhammad (saw)....
"The punishment of those who wage war against Allah and His Messenger, and strive with might and main for mischief through the land is: execution, or crucifixion, or the cutting off of hands and feet from opposite sides, or exile from the land; that is their disgrace in this world, and a heavy punishment is theirs in the Hereafter." -- Qur'an, surah 5:33
....hmmmm... very "friendly towards others" indeed... one question: if islam is really a religion "friendly towards others" and based on peace, why is there a whole surah in the qur'an dedicated to "Spoils of War and Booty"?...
...there a lot more of these from your glorious qur'an and ahadith if you're asking me where i get these ideas from...

@apsara60 (6610)
• Israel
10 Mar 07
I am not a Hindu, but I know Hinduism is very friendly religion. They respect all religions and their preaching teaches only to do good for others.Hinduism does not say that hate and kill those who are not hindus, but Islam directly admits that it is written in thier religion that those who are not muslims and do not follow Islam are all dirty people and they should be hated and killed. I have grown among Muslims, and I never saw any such hatred from them atleast in India. In India, muslims, hindus, chiristains and sikhs, all are neighbuirs and live happily sharing joys and pains of each other.Only Muslims of India are loving people. And they respect all religions, but other than Indian Muslims, I have seen only hatred in their eyes for non muslim people.You can see what is happening in middle east. I wish all Muslims could be like Indian muslims.

@gurkha786 (78)
• Fiji
10 Mar 07
Hi Apsara
You are wrong, very very wrong. What is happening in the Midle East is what was happening in india before indepenance.

@josephperera (2906)
• Sri Lanka
10 Mar 07
From my Hindu friends I have noted a common characteristic. They have a fear of all religion. For instance if I insult their religion they are unable to talk back as they fear my religion as well. Most Hindus does not accept the existence of Gods with Animal faces and several arms and heads. The majority consider them as symbols of life, the purpose being to respect all animals on earth. This is why most of them are vegetarians. But I cannot cast a vote here as all my friends of different religions are equally friendly with me.
@qouniq (1966)
• Malaysia
10 Mar 07
all the religion basically are friendly towards others, it's only the follower who decided not to be friendly to each other since they are thinking that the best religion is their own one. For me this kind of question is not that good to be discussed as it will create more misunderstanding amongst the religions follower.
@dividend (119)
• Netherlands
10 Mar 07
I partially disagree with you because a discussion can take away a lot of misunderstanding. People shouldn`t fear any religion. In a open society all sorts of religion should live friendly with eachother.
Are radical muslims the same as the majority of tolerant muslims in the world?
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@palpalsky (899)
• United States
11 Mar 07
if you are really religious person .i dont think we should ever compare the regligion. we should grow in religion . iam hindu ..however i still like urdu language ...and every religion got its negative and postive points ..i would love to learn the positive part of both religion