how to attract gals

March 10, 2007 7:24am CST
i just wanted to know that us there any trick to attract gals to u or just it is an art???
1 response
10 Mar 07
i think WANTING to attract girls in general is the silliest thing to do. There are MANY more important things in life to worry about than JUST attracting Girls. Just be yourself is my advice to you. whatever happens, let it come naturally. Dont be anything you're not REALLY are.
• India
16 Mar 07
But being yourself is not everything for gals now a days. The person who have money or has a style gals just follow them. I am a type of guy who is simple but no one has ever talked to me yet. so being just myself didnt worked for me.
16 Mar 07
Then those gals aren't worth it my friend. Why waste your time, effort, breath on something that isn't worth it? What are u looking for in a gal, a sleep over and then when she used you up, she's up to the next one, or someone who will stay and thinks your simplicity is the sexiest thing she had ever seen? And what do you mean by simple? send me a pic of yourself, perhaps I can email is on my profile. ;)