Seinfeld is a great show, it just has some dirty episodes. You agree?

United States
March 10, 2007 9:54pm CST
Seinfeld is a great show, it just has some dirty episodes. Don't you agree? I just wish they would cut out all the dirty episodes, then it would be the best show of all time.
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5 responses
@Java09 (3075)
• United States
5 Jan 10
I totally agree with you.I'm a christian who loves the show,but I don't watch the inappropriate ones.If there was no dirty ones ,I would love every episode.
@lexxie3 (52)
• Malaysia
24 Mar 07
there was one episode where elaine benes accidentally had a nip slip.. they never cut that part,, it was actually aired... some people never noticed it because it was really quick. the episode btw is "the busboy".. seinfeld is my fav sitcom ever...
@lenywp (1963)
• Australia
13 Mar 07
I don't think that the episodes are too dirty.. they don't go too much into detail which keep it clean and on TV. One dirty one I saw yesterday was the one where Jerry's girlfriend had a name which rhymed with a part of a woman's body.. That was a hillairious episode!
@ironstruck (2298)
• Canada
11 Mar 07
I still think it is one of the best sitcoms of all time. Yes, they do have some episodes that border on x-rated, but many fans like those the best. They are all done in the name of humor anyway and nobody takes them all that serious.
• United States
11 Mar 07
Welcome to the modern world. It is a very funny show and, in my opinion, one of the best comedies ever. I think that even the "dirtiest" of their episodes are tame in comparison to much of the rest of the stuff that is out there. I agree with you that there is too much graphic content on so many shows, and they would all be better if they did not rely on that.