Revenge Is Sweet, But Would You Take It?
By Brian
@wolfie34 (26770)
United Kingdom
March 11, 2007 6:54am CST
If you were bullied by someone, for example a teacher at school who humiliated you in front of the class, made your life a misery and was a nasty piece of work.
Years later you saw the same horrible teacher parking up in a brand new mercedes and you had the opportunity to reek revenge on him would you take it out on his car? The street is empty and not many people are around the chance of being caught is minimal.
The temptation is great and to see the look on his face when he came out to find his car had been vandalized, would be satisfaction for all those years of bullying and suffering under his hands.
Could you walk away or would you take revenge? And how....?
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77 responses
@gabs8513 (48686)
• United Kingdom
11 Mar 07
Ok Wolfie I always say payback will come to the Person and I was proven right. 3 Years ago when my Boss retired I was getting bullied out of my Job by 2 Managers that where higher then me. They made me depended on Anti depressents also I got worse with my Illness through the stress and no sleeping or eating, I gave up the Fight in the end I was to sick to keep it up. I got a small Payout and I say small as it was small compared what I was put through and what they would have paid had I the strength to take it to court. Well 12 Months later both of them Managers where gone, one was made to take early retirement and the other one well his Life was made hell so he left. So you see there is no need for revenge, they got their Payback without me having to do anything at all. So I walked away and left it in the Hands of Fate.
@recycledgoth (9894)
11 Mar 07
Although two wrongs don't make a right, I can understand the temptation. It is better to walk away knowing that you are the better person, leaving his car alone. After all, maybe next time he parks his car up, it could well be under a tree full of birds and they can use it as a latrine - lol
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@patootie (3592)
11 Mar 07
Nah .. no point in revenge without the person knows who has done the revenge .. and then you'd only get prosecuted for damaging his car .. !
When I get revenge on someone they know it's me that's done it .. and they know they can't do anything to me as I always find subtle ways to 'spoil' things for them .. heheh !!
Ohh I may seem a sweet and gentle person .. but if provoked beyond all bearing I can be clever, very clever .. and I never ever forget ..
Actually I would be mnore likely to wait until that 'bad' teacher got to where he was going .. and then follow him in and in a clear and loud voice start telling all and sundry what the man had been doing to a 'child' supposedly in his care ..
I did that once .. followed an ex teacher in to where he worked .. I told the facts only .. with no exagerations .. he went absolutely red with anger .. but it did the trick .. he felt too embarrassed to ever go back to work there so it 'mucked up' his life just as he had almost 'mucked up' mine ..
The best revenge .. is to be subtle .. don't lower yourself to their base level .. and be sure to ONLY tell the real facts .. that way you come out on top and smelling of roses !
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@manong05 (5027)
• Philippines
11 Mar 07
A wrong committed can not be corrected by doing another wrong. Whatever people have done to us, they eventually will face the consequences but we should keep our hands clean and avoid doing another mistake that we also will face the consequences ultimately. The principle of revenge or lex talionis has never been an ideal maxim to live by. Some people who have taken revenge into their own hands regret what they have done although there are others who claim they have found satisfaction initially but later were frustrated.
@sechsey (1831)
• Canada
11 Mar 07
There are many times i wanted to take revenge on people who have hurt me, criticized me and have been rude and all. The thought is always there. To give back to them what they have done to me. To make them suffer the way they made me feel as well. But those are thoughts. I cannot ever seem to make it into actions. No matter how angry i am or how hurt and humiliated, they become thoughts and words but never been actually done. It seems that when it is done, you become one of them. You will be their bully, or the person who will make their life miserable. And i think they have done more to you than hurt or humiliate you in the past if you can actually give them the revenge you have been thinking. You dont really want to give them that satisfaction. Id rather go about my day like usual. If i come across them, they're not people i should associate with in the first place. And why waste your time thinking about people who can only make people's lives miserable. You in the otherhand will make a better difference.:)
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@lauriefnp (5109)
• United States
11 Mar 07
I have never been bullied and abused in school, but I have been hurt in other ways and can honestly say that revenge has never been an option. I'm just not that sort of a person. I don't believe in violence or destruction for any reason. If this person can live with him/herself knowing what he/she did, then let them be. I believe in the old saying "what goes around comes around". Sooner or later, this person will get what they deserve, and they won't like it any better than you did back when you were in school. Take satisfaction in knowing that somehow, someday, there will be a "payback" to this person, and you won't have to lift a finger to orchestrate it. Just move on with your own life and be happy.
@rosie_123 (6113)
11 Mar 07
Well I know where you're coming from, but - no - I wouldn't take revenge. Revenge is like jealousy in my opinion, - a very destructive emotion that eats you up inside, and makes you bitter, until you end up more damaged than tne person you hate. I was never bullied at school, or anything like that, and there aree no teachers or former employers that I dislike that much - so I guess it is easy for me to say, but I have had bad relationships in the past (including a bad marriage), and I stil have never felt the need for revenge. I think it would end up hurting me more than them somewhere along the line.
@hikarushidou (843)
• Philippines
12 Mar 07
Hmm...if i turned out miserable because of his bullying, without a doubt i would take revenge. but if im totally happy with my life now at present then i would leave him be. im happy and contented, i dont want another problem and i probably have forgotten about the hatred.
@jammyt (2818)
• Philippines
12 Mar 07
Hahaha! Very tempting... but I dont think I would stoop that low. Maybe if I really still felt bad about how he treated me from years before, I'd go straight up to him an let him know how what he did affected my life. He probably didn't even know that the effect of what he said or did was that bad to me.
@princeworthy (1909)
• United States
12 Mar 07
I have had the chance at revenge. I was very overweight in high school and a lot of people were mean to me. I have since ran into these people, I could have snubbed them like they did me. I didn't though, I talked to them and you know most of them apologized for how they treated me (after I brought it up).
@wilynn (751)
• Singapore
9 Jul 07
I would love to take revenge. I mean I don't have to do it myself. I love to sit back, relax and watch how these bad people can treated in their own medicine. If I have a chance for revenge I will not give it up. I'm not so kind after what they had done to me or my friends. hmfph!!!
@Withoutwings (6992)
• United States
18 Jun 07
I would definately walk away. If it has been YEARS later... I've let it go by then. If it hasn't been so long... I might think about doing something for revenge but I would never carry it out. What goes around comes around - so I'm sure this person will get theirs.... but they won't get it from me... I don't want that kind of karma on my shoulders.
@bananamanuk (835)
24 Jun 07
That is a very interesting question, and probably all the more difficult to answer in teh sense that your example is quite extreme. I think in day to day terms some minor revenge, such as doing something better than someone else who always protests at being the best, can be satisfying and pretty harmless. But, to actively seek revenge in the way you suggest in the example, is pretty much something that I would not do. I just think that no matter what has happened, if you start to bring yourself down to the level of that other person, then you are not being true to your own character. I genuinely believe that it is a stronger and better person to walk away from a physical fight and the same would be true of seeking revenge.
@ydnac22 (802)
• Philippines
19 Jun 07
hi wolfie!I was bullied also many times and yes taking revenge is nice to think but hard to do.The pain is hard really hard to forget.Before What I always have in my mind is to see them suffering and having regrets in what they did but I never think to hurt them physically.Now,I can say that I'm matured enough and I have already moved on from those people who bullied me and for me THE SWEETEST REVENGE IS SUCCESS!,success in fulfilling all my dreams.I want that someday people who do harm to me will admire me for what I will be and they will realise that I'm a strong person with dreams and they cannot put me down!I want to be at their top so that someday if our roads cross again I will be confident to smile on them and say" Hey this is me now!the girl you bullied before."
@lovesfreedom (1245)
• United States
23 Mar 07
There have been times that i was tempted, but decided the person was not worth the effort. I couldn't do anything illegal either, what good would that do? I end up in jail and they walk away triumphant because of my stupidity? No thanks!
I have found the best "revenge" is to never let on that they affected you in anyway. Never let them see you sweat and never let on that you even remember who they are.
@mrrtomatoe (800)
• Canada
24 Jun 07
Its been proven that revenge releases the same hormones as something adults do (equal in pleasure) but just because something feels good doesn't mean you should do it. Personally i feel if given the opportunity to get revenge, only the better and more mature person will be able to pass this opportunity by and forget and forgive any wrong doings that have been done to them.